Wnt signaling pathway and pluripotency (Danio rerio)

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Revision as of 09:36, 9 March 2021 by Egonw (Talk | contribs)
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152DifferentiationWnt ReceptorsTcf/Lef-1TRTRPromotes PluripotencyStabilized beta-cateninNucleusWntLigandsPromotes DifferentiationTcf/Lef-1TRTcf/Lef-1TRIQ1PP2ATR: Transcriptional Regulation+pCytoskeletonRecruitment to UnknownUbiquitin Conjugating EnzymePluripotency+pbeta-cateninTRBIOPhosphorylated beta-cateninUbiquitin Taggedbeta-cateninTRProtein Kinase Cbeta-catenin+p34wnt2bamapk9fzd6fzd2ppp2r2dprkcbbLOC100330801axin1ppp2r2bbTCF7L2FOXD3nkd1apcCCND3prkczApoptosisLOC565849fzd5NFYAPOU5F1wnt1wnt11rldlrccnd1CBPcsnk1dazgc:56064CTNND1prkd1fosl1LOC100333651pafah1b1blef1Prkccprkcilrp5ppp2r5ebsi:ch211-269e2.2prkchadvl2wnt9bzgc:194761PRKCDnkd2bwnt5aprkcafbxw2ppp2r5cprkcqTCF7PPM1JGrouchoP300mapk10prkceaLOC561831zgc:153713zbtb33PPP2R1Awnt10awnt7bbaxin2wnt5bPLAUzgc:136929wnt10bFZD9LOC10014908226S Proteasome DegradationNANOGFRAT1FZD8wnt3gsk3btp53fzd3aESRRBracgap1MMP7map3k7wnt7aaCTBP2gpc4wnt4aFZD10FZD7ccnd2appp2r1bsox2wnt2bbMYCctnnb1dvl1bfoxj1aTCF7L1wnt16ppp2r4wnt3awnt11rLOC100335012ppp2cblrp6NLKjun86


This pathway was adapted from several resources and is designed to provide a theoretical frame-work for examining Wnt signaling and interacting components in the context of embryonic stem-cell pluripotency and self-renewal.

A central organizing theme of this pathway are known drug targets which promote self-renewal or pluripotency (BIO and IQ-1) and implicated upstream regulators of the core pluripotency transcriptional components (e.g. Nanog). It should be noted that it is unclear whether all the depicted components participate in this pathway in human embryonic stem cells. Interactions and object/gene groups for the pathway exist for the majority of components.


This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP399(r45007) with a 72% conversion rate.

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  1. ''Kegg version of this pathway''; http://www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway/hsa/hsa04310.html,
  2. Zhang X, Zhang J, Wang T, Esteban MA, Pei D; ''''; , PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Miyabayashi T, Teo JL, Yamamoto M, McMillan M, Nguyen C, Kahn M; ''Wnt/beta-catenin/CBP signaling maintains long-term murine embryonic stem cell pluripotency.''; Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2007 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Sato N, Brivanlou AH; ''Manipulation of self-renewal in human embryonic stem cells through a novel pharmacological GSK-3 inhibitor.''; Methods Mol Biol, 2006 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Yi F, Pereira L, Merrill BJ; ''Tcf3 functions as a steady-state limiter of transcriptional programs of mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal.''; Stem Cells, 2008 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. Zhu P, Xu X, Lin X; ''Both ciliary and non-ciliary functions of Foxj1a confer Wnt/β-catenin signaling in zebrafish left-right patterning.''; Biol Open, 2015 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  7. Pereira L, Yi F, Merrill BJ; ''Repression of Nanog gene transcription by Tcf3 limits embryonic stem cell self-renewal.''; Mol Cell Biol, 2006 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  8. Strate I, Tessadori F, Bakkers J; ''Glypican4 promotes cardiac specification and differentiation by attenuating canonical Wnt and Bmp signaling.''; Development, 2015 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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122591view10:21, 20 April 2022EweitzModified title
122567view10:34, 16 April 2022EgonwMade two pathways clickable
115731view09:36, 9 March 2021EgonwOops, that was not a cow pathway
115730view09:34, 9 March 2021EgonwReplaced the WP id of a human pathways with the matching cow pathway
96493view21:15, 15 March 2018AlexanderPicoAdded gpc4 and ref
96490view21:09, 15 March 2018AlexanderPicoAdded foxj1a and ref
72085view21:19, 24 October 2013Mkutmonadded datasource for "Apoptosis" and "26S Proteasome Degradation"
68636view04:49, 6 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
47920view22:09, 18 April 2012Khanspersremoved last modified from pathway info
47919view22:09, 18 April 2012KhanspersUpdating from human to fix xref duplication
40803view22:16, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
34192view21:25, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
32326view13:27, 15 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31932view12:55, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
31361view20:34, 13 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31054view01:23, 30 July 2009MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
26S Proteasome DegradationPathwayWP1344 (WikiPathways)
ApoptosisPathwayWP254 (WikiPathways)
LOC100149082GeneProduct100149082 (Entrez Gene)
LOC100330801GeneProduct100330801 (Entrez Gene)
LOC100333651GeneProduct100333651 (Entrez Gene)
LOC100335012GeneProduct100335012 (Entrez Gene)
LOC561831GeneProduct561831 (Entrez Gene)
LOC565849GeneProduct565849 (Entrez Gene)
apcGeneProduct386762 (Entrez Gene)
axin1GeneProduct57931 (Entrez Gene)
axin2GeneProduct58080 (Entrez Gene)
ccnd1GeneProduct30222 (Entrez Gene)
ccnd2aGeneProduct799608 (Entrez Gene)
csnk1daGeneProduct322106 (Entrez Gene)
ctnnb1GeneProduct30265 (Entrez Gene)
dvl1bGeneProduct560032 (Entrez Gene)
dvl2GeneProduct323630 (Entrez Gene)
fbxw2GeneProduct553942 (Entrez Gene)
fosl1GeneProduct564241 (Entrez Gene)
foxj1aGeneProduct767737 (Entrez Gene)
fzd2GeneProduct30370 (Entrez Gene)
fzd3aGeneProduct565921 (Entrez Gene)
fzd5GeneProduct30364 (Entrez Gene)
fzd6GeneProduct393533 (Entrez Gene)
gpc4GeneProduct118437 (Entrez Gene)
gsk3bGeneProduct30654 (Entrez Gene)
junGeneProduct335916 (Entrez Gene)
ldlrGeneProduct387529 (Entrez Gene)
lef1GeneProduct30701 (Entrez Gene)
lrp5GeneProduct568518 (Entrez Gene)
lrp6GeneProduct100003877 (Entrez Gene)
map3k7GeneProduct553788 (Entrez Gene)
mapk10GeneProduct569698 (Entrez Gene)
mapk9GeneProduct100149273 (Entrez Gene)
nkd1GeneProduct751108 (Entrez Gene)
nkd2bGeneProduct794221 (Entrez Gene)
pafah1b1bGeneProduct394247 (Entrez Gene)
ppp2cbGeneProduct406582 (Entrez Gene)
ppp2r1bGeneProduct449548 (Entrez Gene)
ppp2r2bbGeneProduct558810 (Entrez Gene)
ppp2r2dGeneProduct327263 (Entrez Gene)
ppp2r4GeneProduct445031 (Entrez Gene)
ppp2r5cGeneProduct557208 (Entrez Gene)
ppp2r5ebGeneProduct373878 (Entrez Gene)
prkcaGeneProduct497384 (Entrez Gene)
prkcbbGeneProduct393953 (Entrez Gene)
prkceaGeneProduct100005075 (Entrez Gene)
prkchaGeneProduct100144561 (Entrez Gene)
prkciGeneProduct117507 (Entrez Gene)
prkcqGeneProduct555521 (Entrez Gene)
prkczGeneProduct555737 (Entrez Gene)
prkd1GeneProduct557123 (Entrez Gene)
racgap1GeneProduct323197 (Entrez Gene)
si:ch211-269e2.2GeneProduct566032 (Entrez Gene)
sox2GeneProduct378723 (Entrez Gene)
tp53GeneProduct30590 (Entrez Gene)
wnt10aGeneProduct30171 (Entrez Gene)
wnt10bGeneProduct30308 (Entrez Gene)
wnt11rGeneProduct30283 (Entrez Gene) Non-canonical Wnt signaling enhances differentiation of human circulating progenitor cells to cardiomyogenic cells. PMID: 15701629
wnt1GeneProduct30128 (Entrez Gene)
wnt16GeneProduct791563 (Entrez Gene)
wnt2baGeneProduct359837 (Entrez Gene)
wnt2bbGeneProduct556087 (Entrez Gene)
wnt3GeneProduct569420 (Entrez Gene)
wnt3aGeneProduct60632 (Entrez Gene)
wnt4aGeneProduct30123 (Entrez Gene)
wnt5aGeneProduct568191 (Entrez Gene)
wnt5bGeneProduct30105 (Entrez Gene)
wnt7aaGeneProduct565714 (Entrez Gene)
wnt7bbGeneProduct100148840 (Entrez Gene)
wnt9bGeneProduct565677 (Entrez Gene)
zbtb33GeneProduct562507 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:136929GeneProduct678649 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:153713GeneProduct751630 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:194761GeneProduct557384 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:56064GeneProduct393885 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions
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