Phase I biotransformations, non-P450 (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 00:34, 29 January 2024 by Eweitz (Talk | contribs)
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1OHOHHydrolysisOHOHPON3LIPACES1carboxylic acid esterscarboxylic acid estersPhosphoric acid estersCES7PON1thio estersESDamidesPON2CES2Phosphoric acid estersthio estersamides


This pathway lists several phase 1 biotransformations and their related enzymes.

Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal

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  1. Klaassen, C.D., Watkins III, J.B.; ''Casarett & Doull's Essentials of Toxicology''; ISNB 0071389148, 2003


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135337view20:53, 23 August 2024Khanspersupdated lit ref
128192view00:34, 29 January 2024EweitzModified title
118346view13:27, 27 May 2021Marvin M2added ref link
107116view14:19, 17 September 2019MaintBotChEBI identifier normalization
106543view00:08, 6 September 2019KhanspersModified description
105784view19:45, 15 August 2019KhanspersModified description
95126view15:16, 16 November 2017Mkutmonremove nested groups
80005view10:14, 30 April 2015ZariCorrected Ensembl ID for CES1 genes
73509view23:17, 29 January 2014KhanspersModified title
69015view17:47, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
68058view13:18, 29 June 2013EgonwAdded ChEBI identifiers for compound classes.
61693view22:57, 16 April 2013MaintBotModified description
59200view19:14, 22 February 2013MaintBotUpdated Ensembl and UniProt data source
56211view17:55, 4 January 2013EveloOntology Term : 'PW:0000375' removed !
56210view17:55, 4 January 2013EveloOntology Term : 'cytochrome P450-independent phase I biotransformation pathway' added !
45252view18:38, 7 October 2011KhanspersOntology Term : 'phase I biotransformation pathway via cytochrome P450' added !
41188view23:43, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
31942view12:58, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
29886view11:13, 9 June 2009Thomasupdated ensembl references
20967view11:30, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Phase I - non P450 biotransformations]] moved to [[Pathway:WP136]]: Moved to stable identifier
14590view06:31, 23 May 2008Thomasadded metabolite boxes + links
11463view11:12, 1 April 2008ThomasModified categories
11073view14:31, 11 March 2008Thomas[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Phase I, non P450 biotransformations]] moved to [[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Phase I - non P450 biotransformations]]: invalid character
11034view10:20, 4 March 2008Evelo[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Phase I biotransformations]] moved to [[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Phase I, non P450 biotransformations]]: We also have a P450 pathway, which belongs to Phase 1
11033view10:20, 4 March 2008Evelorenamed
11019view12:14, 3 March 2008Thomasadded bibliography
11018view12:12, 3 March 2008ThomasModified description
11014view12:10, 3 March 2008Thomasadded gene annotations, translated labels
11011view11:52, 3 March 2008Thomas[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Phase I]] moved to [[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Phase I biotransformations]]
10971view11:26, 28 February 2008RollieCreated PhaseI pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
CES1GeneProductENSG00000198848 (Ensembl)
CES2GeneProductENSG00000172831 (Ensembl)
CES7GeneProductENSG00000159398 (Ensembl)
ESDGeneProductENSG00000139684 (Ensembl)
LIPAGeneProductENSG00000107798 (Ensembl)
PON1GeneProductENSG00000005421 (Ensembl)
PON2GeneProductENSG00000105854 (Ensembl)
PON3GeneProductENSG00000105852 (Ensembl)
Phosphoric acid estersMetaboliteCHEBI:37734 (ChEBI)
amidesMetaboliteCHEBI:32988 (ChEBI)
carboxylic acid estersMetaboliteCHEBI:33308 (ChEBI)
thio estersMetaboliteCHEBI:51277 (ChEBI)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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