Lycopene biosynthesis (Zea mays)

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EC: (PDS)15,9-cis-phytofluenegeranyl-geranyl diphosphateGRMZM2G300348 (PSY1)GRMZM2G454952 (ZDS)15-cis-phytoeneCarotenoid Biosynthesis9,15,9'-tri-cis-ζ-caroteneEC: (Z-ISO)9,9'-di-cis-ζ-caroteneEC: (ZDS)7,9,9'-cis-neurosporeneEC: (CRITSO)9'-cis-neurosporene7',9'-cis-lycopeneall-trans-lycopeneGRMZM2G149317 (PSY2)prephytoene diphosphateEC: (PSY)GRMZM2G410515 (PDS/VP5)GRMZM2G011746 (Z-ISO)GRMZM2G108457 (CRTISO1)GRMZM2G106531 (CRTISO2-pseudogene)


Maize is one of the essential staple cereal crop plant that has the ability to naturally accumulate nutritionally important carotenoids in the edible seed endosperm. The carotenoid pigments are generally C40 isoprenoids that are hydrophobic and synthesized in the plastids. Amyloplast is the kind of plastid found in seed endosperm. The final product all-trans-lycopene synthesized in the final step in this pathway is the founder precursor for carotenoid biosynthesis in plants.


A series of desaturation processes leads to the formation of lycopene. All trans-lycopene feeds into the carotenoid biosynthesis.

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123061view03:22, 23 June 2022EgonwMade a pathway clickable
107276view14:36, 17 September 2019MaintBotChEBI identifier normalization
92826view20:18, 8 July 2017AlexanderPicoUpdated incorrect PubChem-compound id
92825view20:16, 8 July 2017AlexanderPicoFixed ChEBI to PubChem-compound
92821view19:42, 8 July 2017AlexanderPicoManually reverted incorrect database changes to Affy
92796view21:31, 6 July 2017AlexanderPicoFixed metabolite Xrefs back to ChEBI
92790view15:03, 6 July 2017DeSlQuick edit to datanode annotation or property
85695view22:24, 5 June 2016AlexanderPicoremoved over 100 references to the same ontology tag
70145view21:27, 12 July 2013MaintBotupdated to 2013 schema
68772view16:23, 7 July 2013EgonwFixed "EC number" and a PubChem-compound data sources.
67436view11:01, 26 June 2013DdiglesOntology Term : 'lycopene biosynthetic pathway' added !
48861view19:21, 22 June 2012AlexanderPicoModified categories
48662view19:16, 8 June 2012Pjaiswalmodified positions and added genes
48549view18:37, 4 June 2012PjaiswalModified description
48532view19:42, 1 June 2012PjaiswalOntology Term : 'carotenoid biosynthetic pathway' added !
48531view19:40, 1 June 2012PjaiswalSpecify description
48530view19:36, 1 June 2012Pjaiswalalignments
48529view19:34, 1 June 2012Pjaiswalalignments
48528view19:30, 1 June 2012Pjaiswalbox size changed
48527view19:25, 1 June 2012Pjaiswaladded references
48526view19:20, 1 June 2012PjaiswalPeriodical save, work in progress
48525view19:00, 1 June 2012PjaiswalPeriodical save, work in progress
48524view18:49, 1 June 2012PjaiswalNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
15,9-cis-phytoflueneMetaboliteCHEBI:61990 (ChEBI)
15-cis-phytoeneMetaboliteCHEBI:27787 (ChEBI)
7',9'-cis-lycopeneMetabolite25245411 (PubChem-compound)
7,9,9'-cis-neurosporeneMetaboliteCHEBI:62463 (ChEBI)
9'-cis-neurosporeneMetabolite21606092 (PubChem-compound)
9,15,9'-tri-cis-ζ-caroteneMetaboliteCHEBI:48717 (ChEBI)
9,9'-di-cis-ζ-caroteneMetaboliteCHEBI:48716 (ChEBI)
Carotenoid BiosynthesisPathwayWP2205 (WikiPathways)
EC: (PDS)GeneProduct1.3.5.5 (BRENDA)
EC: (ZDS)GeneProduct1.3.5.6 (BRENDA)
EC: (PSY)GeneProduct2.5.1.32 (BRENDA)
EC: (Z-ISO)GeneProduct5.2.1.12 (BRENDA)
EC: (CRITSO)GeneProduct5.2.1.13 (BRENDA)
GRMZM2G011746 (Z-ISO)GeneProductGRMZM2G011746 (Gramene Maize)
GRMZM2G106531 (CRTISO2-pseudogene)GeneProductGRMZM2G106531 (Gramene Maize)
GRMZM2G108457 (CRTISO1)GeneProductGRMZM2G108457 (Gramene Maize)
GRMZM2G149317 (PSY2)GeneProductGRMZM2G149317 (Gramene Maize)
GRMZM2G300348 (PSY1)GeneProductGRMZM2G300348 (Gramene Maize)
GRMZM2G410515 (PDS/VP5)GeneProductGRMZM2G410515 (Gramene Maize)
GRMZM2G454952 (ZDS)GeneProductGRMZM2G454952 (Gramene Maize)
all-trans-lycopeneMetaboliteCHEBI:15948 (ChEBI)
geranyl-geranyl diphosphateMetaboliteCHEBI:15831 (ChEBI)
prephytoene diphosphateMetabolite24883415 (PubChem-compound)

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