Metastatic brain tumor (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 17:25, 10 October 2019 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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Interaction between microRNAs (miRNAs) and abnormal methylation to control metastasis.

Tumor growth and metastasis formation through down regulation of their oncogenic targets such as MYC, E2F3 and cyclin-dependent kinase(CDK6).

Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal

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  1. Park SY, Lee JH, Ha M, Nam JW, Kim VN; ''miR-29 miRNAs activate p53 by targeting p85 alpha and CDC42.''; Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2009 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Christoffersen NR, Shalgi R, Frankel LB, Leucci E, Lees M, Klausen M, Pilpel Y, Nielsen FC, Oren M, Lund AH; ''p53-independent upregulation of miR-34a during oncogene-induced senescence represses MYC.''; Cell Death Differ, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Hermeking H; ''The miR-34 family in cancer and apoptosis.''; Cell Death Differ, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Hafner M, Landthaler M, Burger L, Khorshid M, Hausser J, Berninger P, Rothballer A, Ascano M Jr, Jungkamp AC, Munschauer M, Ulrich A, Wardle GS, Dewell S, Zavolan M, Tuschl T; ''Transcriptome-wide identification of RNA-binding protein and microRNA target sites by PAR-CLIP.''; Cell, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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107453view17:25, 10 October 2019KhanspersModified description
106644view21:05, 12 September 2019KhanspersModified description
105647view05:11, 10 August 2019KhanspersModified description
102998view14:47, 31 January 2019Mkutmonupdated outdated ensembl ids
89836view12:10, 6 October 2016MkutmonModified description
87807view11:28, 25 July 2016ElisaOntology Term : 'disease of cellular proliferation' added !
87806view11:27, 25 July 2016ElisaOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
84646view21:18, 10 March 2016KhanspersQuick edit to datanode annotation or property
84484view22:57, 25 February 2016KhanspersQuick edit to datanode annotation or property
84483view22:56, 25 February 2016KhanspersQuick edit to datanode annotation or property
80457view21:47, 24 June 2015KhanspersAdded some literature references for miRNA targeting
76471view22:11, 9 July 2014KhanspersAdded data nodes, fixed layout and interactions
73839view00:10, 26 February 2014MaintBotupdated schema
58199view21:39, 9 February 2013EgonwConnected dots.
57902view20:05, 4 February 2013MaintBotModified categories
49794view11:02, 26 July 2012DeviModified description
49677view09:47, 24 July 2012Devimetastatic brain tumor
49671view05:53, 24 July 2012DeviNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
CDC42GeneProductENSG00000070831 (Ensembl)
CDK6GeneProductENSG00000105810 (Ensembl)
E2F3GeneProductENSG00000112242 (Ensembl)
MIR101-1RnaENSG00000199135 (Ensembl)
MIR101-2RnaENSG00000199065 (Ensembl)
MIR148ARnaENSG00000199085 (Ensembl)
MIR148BRnaENSG00000199122 (Ensembl)
MIR29AGeneProductENSG00000284033 (Ensembl)
MIR29B1Rna407024 (Entrez Gene)
MIR29B2Rna407025 (Entrez Gene)
MIR29CGeneProductENSG00000284214 (Ensembl)
MIR34ARnaENSG00000284357 (Ensembl)
MIR34BRnaENSG00000207811 (Ensembl)
MIR34CRnaENSG00000207562 (Ensembl)
MIRLET7A1GeneProductENSG00000199165 (Ensembl)
MIRLET7A2Rna406882 (Entrez Gene)
MIRLET7A3GeneProductENSG00000198986 (Ensembl)
MIRLET7BRna406884 (Entrez Gene)
MIRLET7CGeneProductENSG00000199030 (Ensembl)
MIRLET7DGeneProductENSG00000199133 (Ensembl)
MIRLET7EGeneProductENSG00000198972 (Ensembl)
MIRLET7F1GeneProductENSG00000199072 (Ensembl)
MIRLET7F2Rna406889 (Entrez Gene)
MIRLET7GGeneProductENSG00000199150 (Ensembl)
MYCGeneProductENSG00000136997 (Ensembl)
P85A_HUMANProteinP27986 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
TP53GeneProductENSG00000141510 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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