Iron metabolism in placenta (Bos taurus)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none clathrin-coated early endosomemitochondrionFerritinfoetal liversignal ?transporter ?ApicalbasolateralpH 6-7???unknown interactionsstimulateinhibitTFTFRCSTEAP3SLC40A1HEPHL1HAMPHAMPTFRCACO1IREB2FeIIIFeIITFRCTFTFRCTFSTEAP3late endosomeTFRCTFSTEAP3lysosomeTFRCTFpH 5-6H+?SLC11A2MCOLN1H+FeIIMCOLN1SLC11A2?TFTFR2TFmaternal liverTF??FTH1RNAFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIFeIIFeIIFeIIName: Iron metabolism in placentaOrganism: Bos taurus


During pregnancy, iron is transported from mother to fetus across the placenta. Iron is essential for many biological processes, including the transfer of oxygen in blood, but it can also be toxic. Elaborate and elegant mechanisms have evolved to make sure that the potential for oxidative damage is minimized. This description of Iron pathway through the placenta, and its regulation is purposed to understand the effect of Iron deficiency or Iron overload of the mother on the fetus.


This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP2007(69751) with a 96.0% conversion rate.

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80898view15:30, 30 June 2015Mkutmonhomology conversion
79168view05:32, 6 March 2015MaintBotNew pathway

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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
ACO1GeneProductENSBTAG00000000555 (Ensembl) HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000122729
FeIIMetabolite15438-31-0 (CAS)
FeIIIMetabolite20074-52-6 (CAS)
HAMPProteinENSBTAG00000017042 (Ensembl) HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000105697
HEPHL1GeneProductENSBTAG00000022960 (Ensembl) HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000181333
IREB2GeneProductENSBTAG00000002504 (Ensembl) HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000136381
MCOLN1GeneProductENSBTAG00000005592 (Ensembl) HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000090674
SLC11A2GeneProductENSBTAG00000002355 (Ensembl) HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000110911
SLC40A1GeneProductENSBTAG00000010498 (Ensembl) HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000138449
STEAP3GeneProductENSBTAG00000007111 (Ensembl) HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000115107
TFProteinENSBTAG00000007273 (Ensembl)
  • Transferrin
  • HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000091513
TFR2GeneProductENSBTAG00000011738 (Ensembl)
  • Transferrin receptor
  • HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000106327
TFRCProteinENSBTAG00000032719 (Ensembl)
  • Transferrin receptor
  • HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = En:ENSG00000072274

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