mRNA processing (Danio rerio)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none Note: New participating members shown at each stepRNA helicase AAGAGiPoU2 snRNPSR-proteinsexon 23splicing factor SF3BPolr2amRNA polyadenylationHOMOLOGY MAPPAdditional FactorsPutative Alternative SplicingSF3b14b3U2 snRNPCF IIP53Formation of the Spliceosomal E complexCleavage at the 3'-Splice-Site and Exon LigationSR protein phosphatasesPrimary RNA transcriptFormation of the Spliceosomal B complexSR-phosphatasesYYYYKinases Phosphorylating RS domains?(2c)U4 snRNPYYYYU1exon 25exon 1(2a)5U4:U5:U6 tri-snRNP complexFormation of the Spliceosomal A complex5exon 2Rnmt (methyltransferase)YYYY5Spt5mRNA 3'-end processingU4/U6SR-proteinsmRNA splice site selectionU2AF3mRNA CappingFormation of the Spliceosomal B complexsnRNP Sm core complex3hnRNP regulators35P-YYYY5Cleavage of mRNA at the 3'-endGMPCF Ipre-mRNA(2)Formation of pre-mRNPsSR-repressor proteinsAexon 13intronARngtt (capping enzyme)AGMisc.exon 2PiFormation of the Spliceosomal C complexsnRNP Sm core complexmRNA cappingU4ATPAlternative Splicing3Internal methylation of mRNARNA helicaseU2 snRNPsexon 1Regulation ofAUGU1 snRNPSR-proteinsCPSFCstFUGexon 2exon 23Additional SR proteinsInternal methylation of mRNAexon 1U6 snRNPRegulatorsU5Poly(A)-binding protein IIU5Formation of pre-mRNPsAGSR-binding sitesheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteinsPoly(A)pb IILariat Formation and 5'-Splice Site Cleavage(3)A3U1 snRNP5CF IIU6SR-kinases5 G capCap Bindingright click on blue text for detailed informationAGAAUAAAU5 snRNP65degradedCA3mRNA splicing (major pathway)(1)GUYYYYhnRNPsAGFormation of the Spliceosomal E complexAAsnRNP Sm core complexAAAAAAA5Poly(A) polSR-binding sitesAccessory ProteinsCstFMethylation of mRNAFormation of the Spliceosomal A complexexon 1Additional Factorsexon 1YYYYCFISerine/Argenine Rich Proteins(SR)5(2b)U2Additional FactorsSR protein kinasesCPSFProcessing of Intron-Containing Pre-mRNAU2AF35Poly(A) polymerase alphasplicesome associated helicasesFormation of the active Spliceosomal C complex5RNAi pathwaysplicing factor SF3Ac20orf14HNRPA2B1RBMXrbm17ssfa1snrpbU5 snRNAhnrpusf3b1prpf3ptbp2asupt5hsmx5snrpflsrek1SNRPBSRPK2sugp1DHX38HNRPH2SNRPD3rbm5CLK1ddx20srsf10asmx5clk4acstf3txnl4aphf5aRNU2zgc:77804dicer1prpf18hnrnph1lDHX9cstf1sf3a2ptbp1aSFRS4clk2ahnrnpkHEABssfa1ncbp2hnrplprpf4CLK3smc1alsrsf7ahnrnpmcpsf5sfrs16mettl3pcbp2snrpasfpqcd2bp2tmed10wdr57sfrs5assfa1srpk1rnpc2dhx16sf3b2sfrs3hnrnpcEFTUD2hnrnpa3NCBP1spopsnrpb2Rnu6sfrs10zgc:55440U1 snRNAsrsf9celf4hnrnprrngttpapolau2af1pabn1POLR2AU4 snRNAsnrpd2hnrnpdprpf40adhx8CSTF2Tsnrpd1RNMTsnrpesfrs6acstf2sf3b4SF3A3PSKH1srrm1cpsf3SFRS14xrn2lsm7hnrpabPRPF8ybx1prpf4prmt2snrpgsf3a1cpsf1dhx15cugbp2snrp70cdc40sf3b5PRPF8ddx1hnrpa1nxf1srsf2bprpf4bbcugbp1narppm1gDNAJC8prmt1srp54snrpbcpsf2sfswapnonosfrs1rnps1snrpa1fusclk2bclk4bptbp2bsrsf10bsrsf10asrsf10bsfrs5bsfrs6bName: mRNA processingOrganism: Danio rerio


This process describes the conversion of precursor messenger RNA into mature messenger RNA (mRNA). The pre-mRNA molecule undergoes three main modifications. These modifications are 5' capping, 3' polyadenylation, and RNA splicing, which occur in the cell nucleus before the RNA is translated.

5' Capping: Capping of the pre-mRNA involves the addition of 7-methylguanosine (m7G) to the 5' end. The cap protects the 5' end of the primary RNA transcript from attack by ribonucleases that have specificity to the 3'5' phosphodiester bonds.

3' Processing: The pre-mRNA processing at the 3' end of the RNA molecule involves cleavage of its 3' end and then the addition of about 200 adenine residues to form a poly(A) tail. As the poly(A) tails is synthesised, it binds multiple copies of poly(A) binding protein, which protects the 3'end from ribonuclease digestion.

Splicing: RNA splicing is the process by which introns, regions of RNA that do not code for protein, are removed from the pre-mRNA and the remaining exons connected to re-form a single continuous molecule.

Description adapted from Wikipedia:


GenMAPP notes 
Gene lists from obtained from InterPro 9-23-2003: Mm_RNA-binding region RNP-1 (RNA recognition motif)
GenMAPP remarks 
Adapted from

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Ontology Terms

Pathway Ontology : spliceosome pathway


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view02:12, 18 May 2022AlexanderPicocleaning up broken comments
91976view14:37, 10 April 2017LWackersUpdated human annotations to zebrafish orthologues.
91952view13:04, 6 April 2017LWackersUpdated annotations and added missing ones.
71979view00:30, 24 October 2013MaintBotremoved data source from nodes without identifier
69959view20:55, 11 July 2013MaintBotupdated to 2013 schema
67499view11:09, 26 June 2013DdiglesOntology Term : 'spliceosome pathway' added !
40828view22:18, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
35245view19:53, 11 February 2010KhanspersModified description
34214view21:32, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
21662view11:32, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Danio rerio:mRNA processing Reactome]] moved to [[Pathway:WP467]]: Moved to stable identifier
12032view08:44, 15 May 2008MaintBotAdded to category $category
12030view08:44, 15 May 2008NsalomonisUploaded new pathway

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DHX38GeneProduct393850 (Entrez Gene)
DHX9GeneProductENSDARG00000079725 (Ensembl)
DNAJC8GeneProductENSDARG00000059373 (Ensembl)
EFTUD2GeneProduct393480 (Entrez Gene)
HEABGeneProductENSDARG00000063663 (Ensembl)
NCBP1GeneProduct101885456 (Entrez Gene)
POLR2AGeneProduct553347 (Entrez Gene)
PRPF8GeneProduct393951 (Entrez Gene)
PSKH1GeneProduct554840 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12466556
RBMXGeneProduct321860 (Entrez Gene)
RNMTGeneProductENSDARG00000070553 (Ensembl)
RNU2GeneProductGenBank sequence: K00027
Rnu6GeneProductGenBank sequence: M10329
SF3A3GeneProduct446168 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS14GeneProductNo zebrafish ortholog for this gene on NCBI, maybe remove?
SFRS4GeneProduct321872 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPBGeneProduct402966 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPD3GeneProduct415171 (Entrez Gene)
SRPK2GeneProduct100333293 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12773558
U1 snRNAGeneProductGenBank sequence: J00645
U4 snRNAGeneProductGenBank sequence: M10328, M18004
U5 snRNAGeneProductGenBank sequence: AB021173
c20orf14GeneProduct323855 (Entrez Gene)
cd2bp2GeneProduct393936 (Entrez Gene)
cdc40GeneProduct494534 (Entrez Gene)
celf4GeneProductENSDARG00000070045 (Ensembl) Alias for BRUNOL4
clk2aGeneProductENSDARG00000062954 (Ensembl)
clk2bGeneProductENSDARG00000059870 (Ensembl)
clk4aGeneProductENSDARG00000089372 (Ensembl)
clk4bGeneProductENSDARG00000005908 (Ensembl)
cpsf1GeneProduct432372 (Entrez Gene)
cpsf2GeneProduct436657 (Entrez Gene)
cpsf3GeneProduct324554 (Entrez Gene)
cpsf5GeneProduct394092 (Entrez Gene)
cstf1GeneProduct324238 (Entrez Gene)
cstf2GeneProduct386806 (Entrez Gene)
cstf3GeneProduct406326 (Entrez Gene)
cugbp1GeneProduct58137 (Entrez Gene)
cugbp2GeneProduct373117 (Entrez Gene)
ddx1GeneProductENSDARG00000032117 (Ensembl)
ddx20GeneProduct556273 (Entrez Gene)
dhx15GeneProduct321931 (Entrez Gene)
dhx16GeneProduct336645 (Entrez Gene)
dhx8GeneProductENSDARG00000054707 (Ensembl)
dicer1GeneProduct324724 (Entrez Gene)
fusGeneProduct394058 (Entrez Gene)
hnrnpa3GeneProductENSDARG00000059351 (Ensembl) HNRPA3 is old identifier for HNRNPA3
hnrnpcGeneProductENSDARG00000053810 (Ensembl) HNRPC is old identifier for hnrnpc
hnrnpdGeneProductENSDARG00000059246 (Ensembl)
hnrnph1lGeneProduct321556 (Entrez Gene)
hnrnpkGeneProduct406267 (Entrez Gene)
hnrnpmGeneProductENSDARG00000061735 (Ensembl)
hnrnprGeneProductENSDARG00000014569 (Ensembl)
hnrpa1GeneProduct378453 (Entrez Gene)
hnrpabGeneProduct321466 (Entrez Gene)
hnrplGeneProduct394074 (Entrez Gene)
hnrpuGeneProduct334490 (Entrez Gene)
lsm7GeneProduct573047 (Entrez Gene)
mettl3 GeneProduct100004398 (Entrez Gene)
narGeneProduct30203 (Entrez Gene)
ncbp2GeneProduct192325 (Entrez Gene)
nonoGeneProduct321994 (Entrez Gene)
nxf1GeneProduct323865 (Entrez Gene)
pabn1GeneProduct406543 (Entrez Gene)
papolaGeneProduct404041 (Entrez Gene)
pcbp2GeneProduct321844 (Entrez Gene)
phf5aGeneProduct286774 (Entrez Gene)
ppm1gGeneProduct368275 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12773558
prmt1GeneProduct321974 (Entrez Gene)
prmt2GeneProduct558841 (Entrez Gene)
prpf18GeneProduct431751 (Entrez Gene)
prpf3GeneProduct403072 (Entrez Gene)
prpf40aGeneProduct321555 (Entrez Gene) Alias for FNBP3
prpf4GeneProduct326944 (Entrez Gene)
prpf4bbGeneProduct406758 (Entrez Gene)
ptbp1aGeneProduct323490 (Entrez Gene)
ptbp2aGeneProductENSDARG00000101947 (Ensembl)
ptbp2bGeneProductENSDARG00000015901 (Ensembl)
rbm17GeneProduct393889 (Entrez Gene)
rbm5GeneProductENSDARG00000098280 (Ensembl)
rngttGeneProduct405803 (Entrez Gene)
rnpc2GeneProduct406251 (Entrez Gene)
rnps1GeneProduct327020 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 14729963
sf3a1GeneProductENSDARG00000041887 (Ensembl)
sf3a2GeneProduct394018 (Entrez Gene)
sf3b1GeneProduct446117 (Entrez Gene)
sf3b2GeneProductENSDARG00000018049 (Ensembl)
sf3b4GeneProduct192318 (Entrez Gene)
sf3b5GeneProduct436751 (Entrez Gene)
sfpqGeneProduct406564 (Entrez Gene)
sfrs10GeneProduct394172 (Entrez Gene)
sfrs16GeneProduct555304 (Entrez Gene)
sfrs1GeneProductENSDARG00000017843 (Ensembl) Antagonist splicing factor
sfrs3GeneProduct368925 (Entrez Gene)
sfrs5aGeneProductENSDARG00000029818 (Ensembl)
sfrs5bGeneProductENSDARG00000027734 (Ensembl)
sfrs6aGeneProductENSDARG00000013729 (Ensembl)
sfrs6bGeneProductENSDARG00000016783 (Ensembl)
sfswapGeneProduct394143 (Entrez Gene)
smc1alGeneProductENSDARG00000058203 (Ensembl)
smx5GeneProduct57924 (Entrez Gene)
snrp70GeneProduct445398 (Entrez Gene)
snrpa1GeneProduct492511 (Entrez Gene)
snrpaGeneProduct324121 (Entrez Gene)
snrpb2GeneProduct402896 (Entrez Gene)
snrpbGeneProduct402966 (Entrez Gene) snrpb is the zebrafish homolog of human SNRPN
snrpd1GeneProduct192331 (Entrez Gene)
snrpd2GeneProduct550244 (Entrez Gene)
snrpeGeneProduct393979 (Entrez Gene)
snrpflGeneProduct445404 (Entrez Gene)
snrpgGeneProduct447922 (Entrez Gene)
spopGeneProduct100005514 (Entrez Gene)
srek1GeneProduct445219 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 14559993. SRrp86 is a unique member of the SR protein superfamily containing one RNA recognition motif and two serine-arginine (SR)-rich domains separated by an unusual glutamic acid-lysine (EK)-rich region. Previously, we showed that SRrp86 could regulate alternative splicing by both positively and negatively modulating the activity of other SR proteins and that the unique EK domain could inhibit both constitutive and alternative splicing. These functions were most consistent with the model in which SRrp86 functions by interacting with and thereby modulating the activity of target proteins. To identify the specific proteins that interact with SRrp86, we used a yeast two-hybrid library screen and immunoprecipitation coupled to mass spectrometry. We show that SRrp86 interacts with all of the core SR proteins, as well as a subset of other splicing regulatory proteins, including SAF-B, hnRNP G, YB-1, and p72. In contrast to previous results that showed activation of SRp20 by SRrp86, we now show that SAF-B, hnRNP G, and 9G8 all antagonize the activity of SRrp86. Overall, we conclude that not only does SRrp86 regulate SR protein activity but that it is, in turn, regulated by other splicing factors to control alternative splice site selection.
srp54GeneProduct393963 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 14729963
srpk1GeneProduct323679 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12773558
srrm1GeneProduct406751 (Entrez Gene)
srsf10aGeneProductENSDARG00000022415 (Ensembl)
srsf10bGeneProductENSDARG00000086411 (Ensembl)
srsf2bGeneProduct323700 (Entrez Gene)
srsf7aGeneProduct402972 (Entrez Gene)
srsf9GeneProduct405835 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12738786, PMID: 12024014 (associated with hnRNP A1 splicing)
ssfa1GeneProductENSDARG00000023299 (Ensembl) Alias of snu13b
sugp1GeneProductENSDARG00000075936 (Ensembl)
  • inferred from: SURP 2, G patch protein, UniProt:O60378
  • SF4 is alias for sugp1; added annotation
supt5hGeneProduct64275 (Entrez Gene)
tmed10GeneProduct326716 (Entrez Gene)
txnl4aGeneProduct449780 (Entrez Gene)
u2af1GeneProduct192328 (Entrez Gene)
wdr57GeneProduct393292 (Entrez Gene)
xrn2GeneProduct321940 (Entrez Gene)
ybx1GeneProductENSDARG00000004757 (Ensembl)
zgc:55440GeneProduct406824 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:77804GeneProduct402989 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

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