1q21.1 copy number variation syndrome (Homo sapiens)

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1q21.1 copy number variation syndromes are known for a highly variable phenotype especially concerning psychiatric problems.

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  14. Cantù C, Pagella P, Shajiei TD, Zimmerli D, Valenta T, Hausmann G, Basler K, Mitsiadis TA; ''A cytoplasmic role of Wnt/β-catenin transcriptional cofactors Bcl9, Bcl9l, and Pygopus in tooth enamel formation.''; Sci Signal, 2017 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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134627view11:13, 23 July 2024EweitzAdd legend padding
134626view11:13, 23 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'chromosomal duplication syndrome' added !
134625view11:12, 23 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'chromosomal deletion syndrome' added !
134624view11:12, 23 July 2024EweitzMove legend to corner, economize layout
134623view11:11, 23 July 2024EweitzRefine legend
124898view15:24, 29 December 2022EgonwModified description
115772view13:37, 11 March 2021Fehrhartupdate to GRCh37
115766view12:31, 11 March 2021FehrhartModified description
115765view12:28, 11 March 2021Fehrhartcorrected break point positions
113763view15:21, 19 November 2020DeSlUpdated old HMDB IDs (second try)
113762view15:20, 19 November 2020DeSlUpdated old HMDB IDs
113701view08:30, 17 November 2020Fehrhartformat update for pathway node
110320view22:28, 3 May 2020Marvin M2Ontology Term : 'chromosome 1q21.1 duplication syndrome' added !
110319view22:28, 3 May 2020Marvin M2Ontology Term : 'chromosome 1q21.1 deletion syndrome' added !
110318view22:27, 3 May 2020Marvin M2Ontology Term : 'chromosomal disease' added !
110258view15:21, 30 April 2020EgonwReplaced secondary ChEBI identifiers with a primary identifiers.
110216view13:42, 24 April 2020Fehrhartfinalized addition of interactions
110191view15:13, 23 April 2020Fehrhartwork in progress
110190view15:06, 23 April 2020FehrhartOntology Term : 'bipolar disorder' added !
110189view15:05, 23 April 2020FehrhartOntology Term : 'major depressive disorder' added !
110188view15:05, 23 April 2020FehrhartOntology Term : 'schizophrenia' added !
110187view15:04, 23 April 2020FehrhartOntology Term : 'inborn error of metabolism pathway' added !
110186view15:04, 23 April 2020FehrhartOntology Term : 'congenital disease pathway' added !
110183view15:03, 23 April 2020Fehrhartwork in progress
110168view07:46, 23 April 2020FehrhartModified description
110167view07:46, 23 April 2020FehrhartModified description
110166view07:45, 23 April 2020FehrhartModified title
110164view15:46, 22 April 2020Fehrhartwork in progress
110163view15:21, 22 April 2020Fehrhartaddition of downstream known functions
110146view06:14, 21 April 2020FehrhartNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ACP6GeneProductENSG00000162836 (Ensembl)
BCL9GeneProductENSG00000116128 (Ensembl)
CCT8P1GeneProductENSG00000226015 (Ensembl)
CHD1LGeneProductENSG00000131778 (Ensembl)
FMO5GeneProductENSG00000131781 (Ensembl)
GJA5GeneProductENSG00000265107 (Ensembl)
GJA8GeneProductENSG00000121634 (Ensembl)
HYDIN2GeneProductENSG00000276975 (Ensembl)
LINC00624GeneProductENSG00000278811 (Ensembl)
NBPF12GeneProductENSG00000268043 (Ensembl)
NBPF13PGeneProductENSG00000227242 (Ensembl)
NOTCH2NLAGeneProductENSG00000264343 (Ensembl)
OR13Z1PGeneProductENSG00000226653 (Ensembl)
OR13Z2PGeneProductENSG00000272443 (Ensembl)
OR13Z3PGeneProductENSG00000272480 (Ensembl)
PDIA3P1GeneProductENSG00000180867 (Ensembl)
PFN1P8GeneProductENSG00000244371 (Ensembl)
PPIAL4HGeneProductENSG00000270339 (Ensembl)
PRKAB2GeneProductENSG00000131791 (Ensembl)
RN7SL261PGeneProductENSG00000277762 (Ensembl)
RNA5SP536GeneProductENSG00000274408 (Ensembl)
RNU1-151PGeneProductENSG00000201142 (Ensembl)
RNVU1-25GeneProductENSG00000274428 (Ensembl)
RNVU1-29GeneProductENSG00000273768 (Ensembl)
RNVU1-8GeneProductENSG00000286172 (Ensembl)
RPL7AP15GeneProductENSG00000236806 (Ensembl)
SEC22B4PGeneProductENSG00000277406 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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