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Revision as of 21:01, 28 June 2010 by AlexanderPico (Talk | contribs)
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TCA cycle in senescence (Homo sapiens)

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TCA cycle in senescence

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26 September 2024
Fatty acids and lipoproteins transport in hepatocytes (Homo sapiens) by Eric Weitz
23 September 2024
Valine biosynthesis (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by Kristina Hanspers

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    • There are 3177 pathways
    • Number of pathways (and unique genes) per species:
    Acetobacterium woodii: 1 (0)
    Anopheles gambiae: 18 (400)
    Arabidopsis thaliana: 94 (960)
    Bacillus subtilis: 3 (14)
    Beta vulgaris: 1 (25)
    Brassica napus: 2 (162)
    Bos taurus: 273 (3741)
    Caenorhabditis elegans: 65 (846)
    Canis familiaris: 112 (2857)
    Caulobacter vibrioides: 1 (0)
    Danio rerio: 103 (2666)
    Daphnia magna: 2 (0)
    Daphnia pulex: 1 (31)
    Drosophila melanogaster: 34 (541)
    Escherichia coli: 14 (83)
    Equus caballus: 12 (200)
    Gallus gallus: 100 (2106)
    Glycine max: 1 (0)
    Gibberella zeae: 2 (0)
    Homo sapiens: 1504 (9868)
    Hordeum vulgare: 1 (9)
    Mus musculus: 237 (5107)
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis: 16 (141)
    Oryza sativa: 68 (535)
    Ovis aries: 1 (0)
    Pan troglodytes: 115 (2948)
    Populus trichocarpa: 5 (0)
    Rattus norvegicus: 175 (3796)
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae: 137 (805)
    Solanum lycopersicum: 7 (5)
    Sus scrofa: 10 (97)
    Triticum aestivum: 1 (0)
    Vitis vinifera: 1 (0)
    Zea mays: 59 (31)
    Plasmodium falciparum: 1 (0)
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