Pathways affected in adenoid cystic carcinoma (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 19:43, 15 August 2019 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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1DNA DamageDNA Damage/Checkpoint SignalingHistone Demethylase ActivitySWI/SNF Complex ActivityHistone Acetyltransferase ActivityHistone Deacetylase ActivityMYB DepressionNotch SignalEpigenetic ModificationPathway ActivationMYB/MYC SignalingHistone Methyltransferase ActivityFGF/IGF/PI3K SignalingMYCBPERBB2BRD1FGF16KANSL1PIK3CAKDM6BSRCAPNSD1HIST1H2ALKMT2CCNTN6ARID5BSMARCA2BCORL1Chromatin RemodelingATRXFGFR4KAT6AMORF4L1HRASGrowth/ProliferationCell Growth/MigrationATMSETD2MAGI2TLK1MYCGrowth Control/HomeostasisBRCA1CREBBPARID4BFOXP2UHRF1CDC2KDM6AINSRRNCOR1MAGI1BCORJMJD1CNFIBMAXAKT1SMC1ACEBPAPTENSMARCE1TP53S-Phase ProgressionNOTCH1ApoptosisCMTR2CREBBPMYBL1MGASMARCA2MYBERBB2IPPRKDCDNA RepairIL17RDChk2RAF1CTBP1ARID1AMAML3G2/M ProgressionDTX4MYCNEP300HIST1H1EFBXW7MAP2K2Chk1CREBBPMYCNFOXO3DNA RepairGrowth/ProliferationApoptosisNICD


Protein pathways altered by mutations in adenoid cystic carcinoma. Pathways include epigentic modification, DNA damage checkpoint signals, MYB/MYC signalling pathway, FGF/IGF/PI3K signalling, and notch signalling. In the epigenetic modification pathway, several complexes promote the activity of HIST1H1E/HIST1H2AL which regulate chromatin remodeling. In the DNA damage pathway DNA damage in the nucleus signals to ATM and PRKDC to induce DNA repair and suspend the cell cycle. ATM further activates proteins that induce either apoptosis or DNA repair and leads to the activation of proteins that inhibit progression in the cell cycle. The MYB/MYC pathway involves the activation of protein complexes involved in inducing cell growth and proliferation by CREBBP and MYCBP. However this pathway has feedback inhibition by the binding of the MYBL1/MYB complex to NFIB which depresses MYB activity. The FGF/IGF/PI3K signalling pathway involves the activation of the FGFR4/INSRR complex by FGF16 and ERBB2 activation by ERBB2IP which leads to a signalling cascade that inhibits apoptosis and promotes cell growth and migration. The notch pathway is activated by the biding of CNTN6 to Notch leading to pathway activation. This pathway is regulated by RoxP2, CTBP1, and DTX4/FBXW7. These pathways are from figure 4 from Ho et al.

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  1. Ho AS, Kannan K, Roy DM, Morris LG, Ganly I, Katabi N, Ramaswami D, Walsh LA, Eng S, Huse JT, Zhang J, Dolgalev I, Huberman K, Heguy A, Viale A, Drobnjak M, Leversha MA, Rice CE, Singh B, Iyer NG, Leemans CR, Bloemena E, Ferris RL, Seethala RR, Gross BE, Liang Y, Sinha R, Peng L, Raphael BJ, Turcan S, Gong Y, Schultz N, Kim S, Chiosea S, Shah JP, Sander C, Lee W, Chan TA; ''The mutational landscape of adenoid cystic carcinoma.''; Nat Genet, 2013 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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134972view12:55, 30 July 2024EweitzEconomize layout
134971view12:49, 30 July 2024EweitzEconomize layout
134970view12:43, 30 July 2024EweitzEconomize layout
134969view12:37, 30 July 2024EweitzEconomize layout
134968view12:31, 30 July 2024EweitzIncrease font size
134967view12:27, 30 July 2024EweitzEconomize layout
134966view12:25, 30 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'adenoid cystic carcinoma' added !
134965view12:25, 30 July 2024EweitzUse gene symbols, refine positioning
134964view12:19, 30 July 2024EweitzEconomize layout, standardize case
134963view12:11, 30 July 2024EweitzEconomize layout
134271view06:47, 19 July 2024EgonwRemoved a template comment
122573view10:57, 16 April 2022EgonwMade multiple pathways clickable
116547view12:46, 7 May 2021EweitzModified title
106546view00:09, 6 September 2019KhanspersModified description
105781view19:43, 15 August 2019KhanspersModified description
89271view23:23, 28 August 2016Khanspersadded xref for NICD (using id for NOTCH)
88845view19:04, 15 August 2016AAR&CoSpecify description
88844view18:06, 15 August 2016AAR&CoEdited Complexes and Interactions
88454view15:43, 8 August 2016AAR&CoOntology Term : 'S phase pathway' added !
88210view14:22, 31 July 2016AAR&CoAdded Labels
88209view14:19, 31 July 2016AAR&CoAdded Pathway Data Nodes
88208view14:13, 31 July 2016AAR&CoWork in Progress
88207view14:05, 31 July 2016AAR&CoWork in Progress
87300view19:22, 20 July 2016AAR&CoFixed Interactions and Labels
87299view19:19, 20 July 2016AAR&CoWork in Progress
87298view19:16, 20 July 2016AAR&CoPeriodical save, work in progress
87297view19:14, 20 July 2016AAR&CoWork in Process
87296view19:12, 20 July 2016AAR&CoWork in Progress
87295view19:10, 20 July 2016AAR&CoWork in Progress
87294view18:54, 20 July 2016AAR&CoOntology Term : 'chromatin remodeling pathway' added !
87291view18:53, 20 July 2016AAR&CoOntology Term : 'DNA damage response pathway' added !
87290view18:53, 20 July 2016AAR&CoOntology Term : 'breast adenoid cystic carcinoma' added !
87289view18:51, 20 July 2016AAR&CoModified description
85926view18:23, 21 June 2016AAR&CoUnconnected Lines Fixed
85915view18:04, 21 June 2016AAR&CoModified description
85765view18:10, 12 June 2016AAR&CoModified description
85764view17:54, 12 June 2016AAR&CoNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AKT1GeneProductENSG00000142208 (Ensembl) AKT Not Specified
ARID1AGeneProductENSG00000117713 (Ensembl)
ARID4BGeneProductENSG00000054267 (Ensembl)
ARID5BGeneProductENSG00000150347 (Ensembl)
ATMGeneProductENSG00000149311 (Ensembl)
ATRXGeneProductENSG00000085224 (Ensembl)
ApoptosisPathwayWP254 (WikiPathways) Apoptosis (Homo sapiens)
BCORGeneProductENSG00000183337 (Ensembl)
BCORL1GeneProductENSG00000085185 (Ensembl)
BRCA1GeneProductENSG00000012048 (Ensembl)
BRD1GeneProductENSG00000100425 (Ensembl)
CDC2GeneProduct78070384 (NCBI Protein)
CEBPAGeneProductENSG00000245848 (Ensembl) CEBP Not Specified
CMTR2GeneProductENSG00000180917 (Ensembl)
CNTN6GeneProductENSG00000134115 (Ensembl)
CREBBPGeneProductENSG00000005339 (Ensembl)
CTBP1GeneProductENSG00000159692 (Ensembl) CTBP Not Specified
Cell Growth/MigrationPathwayPathway Identifier Not Found
Chk1ProteinE7EPP6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Chk2ProteinC9JFD7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Chromatin RemodelingPathwayWP3362 (WikiPathways) Chromatin modifying enzymes (Homo sapiens)
DNA RepairPathwayWP3381 (WikiPathways) Mismatch Repair (Homo sapiens)
DTX4GeneProductENSG00000110042 (Ensembl)
EP300GeneProductENSG00000100393 (Ensembl)
ERBB2GeneProductENSG00000141736 (Ensembl) ERBB Not Specified
ERBB2IPGeneProductENSG00000112851 (Ensembl)
FBXW7GeneProductENSG00000109670 (Ensembl)
FGF16GeneProductENSG00000196468 (Ensembl)
FGFR4GeneProductENSG00000160867 (Ensembl)
FOXO3GeneProductENSG00000118689 (Ensembl)
FOXP2GeneProductENSG00000128573 (Ensembl)
G2/M ProgressionPathwayWP179 (WikiPathways)
Growth Control/HomeostasisPathwayWP179 (WikiPathways) Cell Cycle (Homo sapiens)
Growth/ProliferationPathwayWP179 (WikiPathways) Cell Cycle (Homo sapiens)
HIST1H1EGeneProductENSG00000168298 (Ensembl)
HIST1H2ALGeneProductENSG00000276903 (Ensembl)
HRASGeneProductENSG00000174775 (Ensembl)
IL17RDGeneProductENSG00000144730 (Ensembl)
INSRRGeneProductENSG00000027644 (Ensembl)
JMJD1CGeneProductENSG00000171988 (Ensembl)
KANSL1GeneProductENSG00000120071 (Ensembl)
KAT6AGeneProductENSG00000083168 (Ensembl)
KDM6AGeneProductENSG00000147050 (Ensembl)
KDM6BGeneProductENSG00000132510 (Ensembl)
KMT2CGeneProductENSG00000055609 (Ensembl)
MAGI1GeneProductENSG00000151276 (Ensembl)
MAGI2GeneProductENSG00000187391 (Ensembl)
MAML3GeneProductENSG00000196782 (Ensembl)
MAP2K2GeneProductENSG00000126934 (Ensembl)
MAXGeneProductENSG00000125952 (Ensembl)
MGAGeneProductENSG00000174197 (Ensembl)
MORF4L1GeneProductENSG00000185787 (Ensembl)
MYBGeneProductENSG00000118513 (Ensembl)
MYBL1GeneProductENSG00000185697 (Ensembl)
MYCBPGeneProductENSG00000214114 (Ensembl)
MYCGeneProductMYC (HGNC)
MYCNGeneProductENSG00000134323 (Ensembl)
NCOR1GeneProductENSG00000141027 (Ensembl) Which NCOR not specified
NFIBGeneProductENSG00000147862 (Ensembl)
NICDGeneProductENSG00000148400 (Ensembl)
  • Using NOTCH identifier for NICD (Notch Intercellular Domain)
  • Type your comment here
NOTCH1GeneProductENSG00000148400 (Ensembl)
NSD1GeneProductENSG00000165671 (Ensembl)
PIK3CAGeneProductENSG00000121879 (Ensembl)
PRKDCGeneProductENSG00000253729 (Ensembl)
PTENGeneProductENSG00000171862 (Ensembl)
RAF1GeneProductENSG00000132155 (Ensembl) RAF Not Specified
S-Phase ProgressionPathwayWP2772 (WikiPathways) S Phase (Homo sapiens)
SETD2GeneProductENSG00000181555 (Ensembl)
SMARCA2GeneProductENSG00000080503 (Ensembl)
SMARCE1GeneProductENSG00000073584 (Ensembl)
SMC1AGeneProductENSG00000072501 (Ensembl)
SRCAPGeneProductENSG00000080603 (Ensembl)
TLK1GeneProductENSG00000198586 (Ensembl)
TP53GeneProductENSG00000141510 (Ensembl)
UHRF1GeneProductENSG00000276043 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

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