Wnt signaling - Q neuroblast migration (Caenorhabditis elegans)

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Revision as of 22:32, 9 March 2015 by Cgrove (Talk | contribs)
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936, 7, 93, 43, 53, 91-389NucleusQL neuroblastQR neuroblastPosterior migrationMAB-5/HoxLIN-17/FrizzledMIG-5PRY-1EGL-20/WntMIG-1/Frizzledmab-5/HoxMIG-14/MOM-3Porcupine3Anterior migrationmab-5/HoxMAB-5/HoxPRY-1Signaling cell6-8EGL-20/WntBAR-1/beta-CateninBAR-1/beta-CateninNucleus


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  1. Harris J, Honigberg L, Robinson N, Kenyon C; ''Neuronal cell migration in C. elegans: regulation of Hox gene expression and cell position.''; Development, 1996 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Korswagen HC; ''Canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans: variations on a common signaling theme.''; Bioessays, 2002 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Maloof JN, Whangbo J, Harris JM, Jongeward GD, Kenyon C; ''A Wnt signaling pathway controls hox gene expression and neuroblast migration in C. elegans.''; Development, 1999 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Kenyon C; ''A gene involved in the development of the posterior body region of C. elegans.''; Cell, 1986 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Salser SJ, Kenyon C; ''Activation of a C. elegans Antennapedia homologue in migrating cells controls their direction of migration.''; Nature, 1992 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. Way JC, Run JQ, Wang AY; ''Regulation of anterior cell-specific mec-3 expression during asymmetric cell division in C. elegans.''; Dev Dyn, 1992 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  7. Hedgecock EM, Culotti JG, Hall DH, Stern BD; ''Genetics of cell and axon migrations in Caenorhabditis elegans.''; Development, 1987 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  8. Korswagen HC, Coudreuse DY, Betist MC, van de Water S, Zivkovic D, Clevers HC; ''The Axin-like protein PRY-1 is a negative regulator of a canonical Wnt pathway in C. elegans.''; Genes Dev, 2002 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  9. Oosterveen T, Coudreuse DY, Yang PT, Fraser E, Bergsma J, Dale TC, Korswagen HC; ''Two functionally distinct Axin-like proteins regulate canonical Wnt signaling in C. elegans.''; Dev Biol, 2007 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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135400view16:20, 3 September 2024EgonwConverted to use Ensembl identifiers
118034view11:46, 23 May 2021EweitzModified title
87430view13:22, 22 July 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'Wnt signaling pathway' added !
87261view14:42, 20 July 2016MaintBotmissing graphids
79197view23:47, 9 March 2015CgroveFixed unconnected lines
79196view22:38, 9 March 2015CgroveModified description
79195view22:34, 9 March 2015CgroveAdded references
79194view22:32, 9 March 2015CgroveAdded mig-5
79193view22:27, 9 March 2015CgrovePeriodical save, work in progress
79192view22:15, 9 March 2015CgroveAdding references
79191view22:07, 9 March 2015CgrovePeriodical save, work in progress
78279view02:16, 20 December 2014CgrovePeriodical save, work in progress
78278view02:06, 20 December 2014CgrovePeriodical save, work in progress
78277view01:56, 20 December 2014CgrovePeriodical save, work in progress
78276view01:42, 20 December 2014CgroveSpecify description
78275view01:33, 20 December 2014CgrovePeriodical save, work in progress
78274view01:24, 20 December 2014CgroveSpecify description
78273view01:23, 20 December 2014CgrovePeriodical save, work in progress
78272view01:15, 20 December 2014CgroveSpecify description
78271view01:13, 20 December 2014CgrovePeriodical save, work in progress
78270view01:11, 20 December 2014Cgroveudpate
78269view01:08, 20 December 2014CgroveNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
BAR-1/ beta-CateninGeneProductC54D1.6 (WormBase)
EGL-20/WntProteinW08D2.1 (WormBase)
LIN-17/FrizzledGeneProductY71F9B.5 (WormBase)
MAB-5/HoxGeneProductC08C3.3 (WormBase)
MIG-1/FrizzledGeneProductY34D9B.1 (WormBase)
MIG-14/MOM-3 PorcupineGeneProductR06B9.6 (WormBase)
MIG-5GeneProductWBGene00003241 (WormBase)
PRY-1GeneProductC37A5.9 (WormBase)
mab-5/HoxGeneProductC08C3.3 (WormBase)

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