Folic acid network (Mus musculus)

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11122513, 1416286, 19158, 182423572019224InterconversionBBBSynthesis of cholineIETBBReactionBBGeneric enzymeBCompetitionNegative effectINTRACELULARBTPositive effectUnspecified interactionTransportBBBNucleotide biosynthesisBBBTBConversionBBBindingTBTransformationTFormation of HemeUnspecified effectBBMain functionsBTTBPLASMABBTInfluence on expressionBTCNFormation of methionineBBMETABOLITETranscobalaminPGE3Leukotriene D4Glutathione disulfideCarnitineTryptophanPGF2aMethionine sulfoxideALA (n-3)CystathioneH2O2iPF2-alphaIronGlutathioneAA (n-6)Vitamin B1215-HETEEPA (n-3)Lipoxin A42-Ketobutyric acidAdipic acid Leukotriene B4GlycineSepx1PGE2KmoTromboxane A2Fads2CNGsrPGF2aa-tocopherolSepw1PnpoAscorbic acid5,10-METHYL-THFLA (n-6)CobalaminPGG2S-Adenosylmethionine Copper1-MethylnicotinamideNiacinSeleniumSerineMthfrTHASFOLIC ACIDL-Glutamic acida TocopherolPGI2GlycineF2-IsoprostaneLeukotrieneE4Leukotriene B4d5 desaturaseLipoxin A4BLeukotriene C45-HPETENADPH2ONADPHPGFSPGG3IronTxnrd1AA (n-6)S-Adenosylhomocysteine CbsSelkUric acidCalciumDHA (n-3)5,10-METHYL-THFPtgdsALA (n-3)FMN1Leukotriene F4Leukotriene D4TRXR 3ManganeseEthanolamineVitamin B12COX1Leukotriene A4S-Adenosylmethionined4 desaturaseHomocysteineAdipic acidHomocysteineLeukotriene C4O2RiboflavinPGE2Ptgis15-HETEPGD2CysteineThioredoxinPyridoxal-5'-phosphateLipoic acidROSPGH3XdhCalciumNADPHMethylmalonic acidLipoxin B4CatPGI2C22:5 (n-6)CholinePyridoxal-5'-phosphateL-MethionineGpx2CopperThromboxane B2EPA (n-3)Uric acidHypoxanthineGpx1Alox5L-Glutamic acidSeleniumC22:5 (n-6)PGH2GlutathioneDHA (n-3)BetaineCobalaminTHypoxanthineZincFADNADPIE2-Ketobutyric acidFOLIC ACIDCysteineGpx3ZincSODGpx41-methylnicotinamideLA (n-6)LeukotrieneE4Gpx6SerineTxnrd2PtgesHemeMethylmalonic acid BNicotinamideAscorbic acidTTXanthineS-Adenosylhomocysteine COX2Thromboxane A2MethionineEndoperoxidasePGD2MtrEthanolamine1721327262, 10


The folic acid-centred micronutrient biological network. The most relevant biochemical processes related to folic acid in the context of metabolism, oxidation and inflammation are represented. Also, the compartmental separation (intracellular vs. plasma) is presented, identifying the folic acid centred plasma metabolome.


This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP176(r30153) with a 58% conversion rate.

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134203view19:08, 16 July 2024EgonwRemoved template comments
125270view14:50, 31 January 2023LarsgwFix references
125269view14:49, 31 January 2023LarsgwFix references
124807view21:39, 11 December 2022AlexanderPicofixed ontology tag
124806view21:39, 11 December 2022AlexanderPicofixed citations
124777view06:26, 11 December 2022AlexanderPicofixed citations
120917view06:29, 31 January 2022EgonwReplaced an old HMDB identifier with the current one
118150view10:40, 25 May 2021EweitzModified title
114089view07:24, 22 December 2020EgonwRemoved duplicate reference info
114033view15:51, 17 December 2020LaurentConnected lines
106851view13:33, 17 September 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
101980view20:31, 21 November 2018EgonwRemoved whitespace in PubMed identifiers.
101976view20:00, 21 November 2018EgonwRemoved whitespace in PubMed identifiers.
85058view10:53, 10 April 2016EgonwReplaced a Wikipedia ID with a ChEBI ID.
82696view18:11, 22 October 2015EgonwFixed a typo.
74467view16:12, 24 April 2014EgonwFixed a PubMed ID.
69126view18:14, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
69056view18:04, 8 July 2013EgonwReplaced an outdated HMDB identifier with the 3.5 one.
68384view09:42, 4 July 2013EgonwMade the link to Wikipedia machine readable.
68383view09:41, 4 July 2013EgonwFixed the DataNode type of two nodes with gene identifiers.
67254view10:27, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'pathway of folate cycle/metabolism' added !
60224view20:01, 14 March 2013EgonwReplaced PubChem-substance with PubChem-compound.
59041view20:43, 21 February 2013MaintBotUpdated Ensembl and UniProt data source
48256view21:44, 17 May 2012KhanspersUpdating PubChem xrefs
48230view05:32, 17 May 2012MaintBotAutomatic update of PubChem xrefs
43782view20:38, 27 July 2011Samuel SklarSpecify description
43781view19:18, 27 July 2011Samuel SklarPeriodical save, work in progress
42731view22:19, 24 April 2011MaintBotfixed blank db refs
42730view22:17, 24 April 2011MaintBotfixed odd db refs
41311view00:24, 2 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
34393view22:53, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
33189view18:05, 5 November 2009KhanspersModified categories
32300view13:16, 15 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31873view12:39, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
31329view20:21, 13 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
30907view00:26, 30 July 2009MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
1-MethylnicotinamideMetaboliteHMDB0000699 (HMDB)
1-methylnicotinamideMetaboliteHMDB0000699 (HMDB)
15-HETEMetaboliteHMDB0011134 (HMDB)
2-Ketobutyric acidMetaboliteHMDB0000005 (HMDB)
5,10-METHYL-THFMetaboliteHMDB0001396 (HMDB)
5-HPETEMetaboliteHMDB0001193 (HMDB)
AA (n-6)MetaboliteHMDB0001043 (HMDB)
ALA (n-3)MetaboliteHMDB0001388 (HMDB)
Adipic acid MetaboliteHMDB0000448 (HMDB)
Adipic acidMetaboliteHMDB0000448 (HMDB)
Alox5Protein11689 (Entrez Gene)
Ascorbic acidMetaboliteHMDB0000044 (HMDB)
BetaineMetaboliteHMDB0000043 (HMDB)
C22:5 (n-6)MetaboliteHMDB0001976 (HMDB)
COX1Protein3337205 (Entrez Gene)
COX2Protein3337209 (Entrez Gene)
CalciumMetaboliteHMDB0000464 (HMDB)
CarnitineMetaboliteHMDB0000062 (HMDB)
CatProtein12359 (Entrez Gene)
CbsProtein12411 (Entrez Gene)
CholineMetaboliteHMDB0000097 (HMDB)
CobalaminMetaboliteHMDB0002174 (HMDB)
CopperMetaboliteHMDB0000657 (HMDB)
CystathioneMetaboliteHMDB0000099 (HMDB)
CysteineMetaboliteHMDB0000574 (HMDB)
DHA (n-3)MetaboliteHMDB0002183 (HMDB)
EPA (n-3)MetaboliteHMDB0001999 (HMDB)
EthanolamineMetaboliteHMDB0000149 (HMDB)
F2-IsoprostaneMetaboliteHMDB0004659 (HMDB)
FADMetabolite703 (PubChem-compound)
FMN1GeneProduct342184 (Entrez Gene)
FOLIC ACIDMetaboliteHMDB0000121 (HMDB)
Fads2Protein56473 (Entrez Gene)
Glutathione disulfideMetabolite65359 (PubChem-compound)
GlutathioneMetaboliteHMDB0000125 (HMDB)
GlycineMetaboliteHMDB0000123 (HMDB)
Gpx1Protein14775 (Entrez Gene)
Gpx2Protein14776 (Entrez Gene)
Gpx3Protein14778 (Entrez Gene)
Gpx4Protein625249 (Entrez Gene)
Gpx6Protein75512 (Entrez Gene)
GsrProteinENSMUSG00000031584 (Ensembl)
H2O2MetaboliteHMDB0003125 (HMDB)
H2OMetaboliteHMDB0002111 (HMDB)
HemeMetaboliteHMDB0003178 (HMDB)
HomocysteineMetaboliteHMDB0000742 (HMDB)
HypoxanthineMetaboliteHMDB0000157 (HMDB)
IronMetaboliteHMDB0000692 (HMDB)
KmoProtein98256 (Entrez Gene)
L-Glutamic acidMetaboliteHMDB0000148 (HMDB)
L-MethionineMetaboliteHMDB0000696 (HMDB)
LA (n-6)MetaboliteHMDB0000673 (HMDB)
Leukotriene A4MetaboliteHMDB0001337 (HMDB)
Leukotriene B4MetaboliteHMDB0001085 (HMDB)
Leukotriene C4MetaboliteHMDB0001198 (HMDB)
Leukotriene D4MetaboliteHMDB0003080 (HMDB)
Leukotriene F4Metabolite
LeukotrieneE4MetaboliteHMDB0002200 (HMDB)
Lipoic acidMetaboliteHMDB0001451 (HMDB)
Lipoxin A4MetaboliteHMDB0004385 (HMDB)
Lipoxin B4MetaboliteHMDB0005082 (HMDB)
ManganeseMetaboliteHMDB0001333 (HMDB)
Methionine sulfoxideMetaboliteHMDB0002005 (HMDB)
MethionineMetaboliteHMDB0000696 (HMDB)
Methylmalonic acid MetaboliteHMDB0000202 (HMDB)
Methylmalonic acidMetaboliteHMDB0000202 (HMDB)
MthfrProtein17769 (Entrez Gene)
MtrProtein238505 (Entrez Gene)
NADPHMetaboliteHMDB0000221 (HMDB)
NADPMetaboliteHMDB0000217 (HMDB)
NiacinMetaboliteHMDB0001406 (HMDB)
NicotinamideMetabolite936 (PubChem-compound)
O2MetaboliteHMDB0001377 (HMDB)
PGD2MetaboliteHMDB0001403 (HMDB)
PGE3MetaboliteHMDB0002664 (HMDB)
PGF2aMetaboliteHMDB0001139 (HMDB)
PGG2MetaboliteHMDB0003235 (HMDB)
PGH2MetaboliteHMDB0001381 (HMDB)
PGI2MetaboliteHMDB0001335 (HMDB)
PnpoProtein103711 (Entrez Gene)
PtgdsProtein19215 (Entrez Gene)
PtgesProtein64292 (Entrez Gene)
PtgisProtein19223 (Entrez Gene)
Pyridoxal-5'-phosphateMetaboliteHMDB0001491 (HMDB)
ROSMetaboliteCHEBI:26523 (ChEBI)
RiboflavinMetaboliteHMDB0000244 (HMDB)
S-Adenosylhomocysteine MetaboliteHMDB0000939 (HMDB)
S-Adenosylmethionine MetaboliteHMDB0001185 (HMDB)
S-AdenosylmethionineMetaboliteHMDB0001185 (HMDB)
SeleniumMetaboliteHMDB0001349 (HMDB)
SelkProtein80795 (Entrez Gene)
Sepw1Protein20364 (Entrez Gene)
Sepx1Protein27361 (Entrez Gene)
SerineMetaboliteHMDB0000187 (HMDB)
TRXR 3Protein
ThioredoxinProtein7295 (Entrez Gene)
Thromboxane A2MetaboliteHMDB0001452 (HMDB)
Thromboxane B2MetaboliteHMDB0003252 (HMDB)
Tromboxane A2MetaboliteHMDB0001452 (HMDB)
TryptophanMetaboliteHMDB0000929 (HMDB)
Txnrd1Protein50493 (Entrez Gene)
Txnrd2Protein26462 (Entrez Gene)
Uric acidMetaboliteHMDB0000289 (HMDB)
Vitamin B12MetaboliteHMDB0000607 (HMDB)
XanthineMetaboliteHMDB0000292 (HMDB)
XdhProtein22436 (Entrez Gene)
ZincMetaboliteHMDB0015532 (HMDB)
a TocopherolMetaboliteHMDB0001893 (HMDB)
a-tocopherolMetaboliteHMDB0001893 (HMDB)
d4 desaturaseProtein
d5 desaturaseProtein
iPF2-alphaMetaboliteHMDB0004659 (HMDB)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions
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