STING pathway in Kawasaki-like disease and COVID-19 (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 02:08, 11 March 2025 by Eweitz (Talk | contribs)
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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none CytokinesIntravenousimmunoglobulinsCalcium releaseCytosolic DNA(viral DNA and damaged mtDNA)PyroptosisF3IL1BGSDMDIFNB1ITPR1Angiotensin IIFCGR2ANLRP3AspirinVitamin D3IKBKETBK1CHUKPIKBKBIKBKGcGAMPNLRX1STING1PIRF3PIRF3CGASNucleusRELAPNFKBIARELNFKB1PNFKBIERELARELNFKB1NFKBIANFKBIERELANFKBIARELNFKB1NFKBIEName: STING pathway in Kawasaki-like disease and COVID-19Organism: Homo sapiens


Triggering of the STING pathway by foreign DNA or damaged mitochondrial DNA can activate multiple downstream responses.

The STING pathway is relevant to Kawasaki-like disease in COVID-19.

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Image:Wplogo_31.pngCommunity: COVID-19
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Ontology Terms



  1. Berthelot JM, Drouet L, Lioté F; ''Kawasaki-like diseases and thrombotic coagulopathy in COVID-19: delayed over-activation of the STING pathway?''; Emerg Microbes Infect, 2020 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view02:08, 11 March 2025EweitzOntology Term : 'vitamin D signaling pathway' added !
137992view02:08, 11 March 2025EweitzOntology Term : 'acetylsalicylic acid drug pathway' added !
view14:05, 26 March 2024MkutmonOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
123345view09:50, 17 July 2022EgonwAdded two more identifiers
120610view02:18, 18 December 2021EweitzRefine graphics
120609view00:17, 18 December 2021EweitzTighten graphics, refine case
118842view09:21, 2 June 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'COVID-19' added !
118841view09:21, 2 June 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'DOID:934' removed !
115144view18:43, 28 January 2021Khanspersupdated node to label
114103view18:35, 22 December 2020EgonwA class of gene products
114102view18:29, 22 December 2020EgonwConverted Labels to DataNodes
114038view17:53, 17 December 2020EgonwReplaced a ChEBI ID of a dizwitterion with the uncharged alternative with a Wikidata mapping.
113917view03:07, 9 December 2020KhanspersOntology Term : 'viral infectious disease' added !
113916view03:06, 9 December 2020KhanspersOntology Term : 'pattern recognition receptor mediated signaling pathway' added !
113915view22:23, 8 December 2020KhanspersOntology Term : 'Kawasaki disease' added !
113914view22:07, 8 December 2020KhanspersModified description
113913view22:02, 8 December 2020Khanspersadded F3 gene, removed calcium
113825view08:26, 30 November 2020FehrhartModified description
113665view22:48, 10 November 2020KhanspersWork on progress
113664view21:46, 10 November 2020Khansperswork in progress
111341view22:21, 28 July 2020Khansperswork in progress
111340view21:55, 28 July 2020KhanspersNew pathway

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
Angiotensin IIMetaboliteCHEBI:2719 (ChEBI)
AspirinMetaboliteCHEBI:15365 (ChEBI)
CGASGeneProductENSG00000164430 (Ensembl)
CHUKGeneProductENSG00000213341 (Ensembl)
Calcium releasePathway
CytokinesGeneProductQ212354 (Wikidata)
Cytosolic DNA (viral DNA and damaged mtDNA)GeneProductQ7430 (Wikidata)
F3GeneProductENSG00000117525 (Ensembl)
FCGR2AGeneProductENSG00000143226 (Ensembl)
GSDMDGeneProductENSG00000104518 (Ensembl)
IFNB1GeneProductENSG00000171855 (Ensembl)
IKBKBGeneProductENSG00000104365 (Ensembl)
IKBKEGeneProductENSG00000263528 (Ensembl)
IKBKGGeneProductENSG00000269335 (Ensembl) NEMO
IL1BGeneProductENSG00000125538 (Ensembl)
IRF3GeneProductENSG00000126456 (Ensembl)
ITPR1GeneProductENSG00000150995 (Ensembl)
NFKB1GeneProductENSG00000109320 (Ensembl)
NFKBIAGeneProductENSG00000100906 (Ensembl)
NFKBIEGeneProductENSG00000146232 (Ensembl)
NLRP3GeneProductENSG00000162711 (Ensembl)
NLRX1GeneProductENSG00000160703 (Ensembl)
RELAGeneProductENSG00000173039 (Ensembl) RelA
RELGeneProductENSG00000162924 (Ensembl) c-Rel
STING1GeneProductENSG00000184584 (Ensembl)
TBK1GeneProductENSG00000183735 (Ensembl)
Vitamin D3MetaboliteCHEBI:28940 (ChEBI)
cGAMPMetaboliteCHEBI:71580 (ChEBI)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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