Network map of SARS-CoV-2 signaling (Homo sapiens)

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152091122022102268821 Viral entry into cellsCytochrome CSARS-CoV-2SACE2K625K7025, 14, 16TMPRSS217SARS-CoV-2OS9MARK2TBKBP1CLCC1FAM98ASIGMAR1ERLEC1TLE1SDF2GTF2F2UGGT2NEK9G3BP2NPTX1ATP6AP1 TLE3ATP13A3MOV10UPF1TLE5ADAM9G3BP1MIB1SRP72SRP54SRP19ATE1GGHLARP1MDN1TOMM70TRIM59nsp614, 19orf7b8, 14, 19orf3ansp108, 19M14, 1914, 19S14, 19nsp2orf67, 14, 1914, 19nsp9N8, 14, 19orf9b8, 14, 1914, 19nsp1314, 19nsp814, 19orf7aorf814, 1914, 19RTN4PITRM1COQ8BPMPCBINTS4CASP3BID11CASP8CASP93BID11ApoptosisSTAT12, 18S727JAK2MYD88IRAK1TRAF6144TLRs14NFKB2S222TGFBR214SMAD5S465SMAD1S463FGBSERPINE1FGGITGA3COL7A1FN1MAPK814T183Y185FOSEGR1PTGS2JUNDUSP1ITCH4MAVSTANKS2221414S129TRAF2K165K27CXCL2TNFIL6TRAF3IRF3ISG56ISREInterferon signalingMX1IFIT1IRF9IFN1IFNB118MAPK114Y187T185MAPK3Y204T202PLA2G4A10ThromboxaneproductionMAPK14T18014Y182IFI27BST2IFI6IFITM1FOSJUNDUSP1IRF27JUNBIFITM3IFI27Interferon-MAPK pathwaymediated adaptive immune responseIFIH1IFNB118ACE2CXCL8 CCL11IL6CXCL9CCR5CXCR1CXCR2TNFIL1RACCL20IL6CXCL6CD226CCR6CXCL16CXCL1IL1ACXCL2CD163CXCL16CXCR7CXCL3CXCL2IL1BCCL8CXCL5CXCL8CCL2Uncontrolled infiltration and activation of neutrophilsIL8NKRFIL68SQSTM1T269S272K435S35514 S361K281K157MAP1LC3BTAX1BP114NBR11414Autophagy receptorsGABARAPL214K46K82K24K74K97HOPS complexVPS16VPS11VPS41VPS18VPS36VPS33AAutophagosome and lysosome fusionRPS6KB1K149S238S240K143MLST8DEPTORRPTORRHEB14LARP114ATG13ULK1S63814S479AKT1S473TSC2S1347EIF4ES209PI3KHIF1A15PRAS40EIF4EBP115AutophagyMTORS2448Autophagosome/Late endosomeNeutrophilactivationMHC class II moleculesImmunoglobulin subunitsT cell receptor(TCR) subunitsTCR signaling kinases T cell surface moleculesTNFCCL8STEAP3PIAS1IL17AFGASELPIFITM3GTSE1MIP1AIL6IL6HSPA8CFPFGBJAK1GMCSFIFI27LCKCCL27IL1AC8ACCL26CAMK4SAA1RPS6IL2RCCL5IGFBP3CCL1TP53I3CRPEIF4A2ITIH4GCSFWDR74CCL4BIRC5AHRTNFSF10IL18CXCL12MIP1BIL22MCP1HRGGSNTROCCL4ACTBCCL21PF4IFNGAPOHIL1BCTSDHBBIL2BPDGFCXCL9HPIL1RAOAS2IL8LRG1C1SAPOMCXCL10FGF2APOA2ACTG1SKAP1C1QBPCTSDCPN1APOA1IL33APOL1DDIT4BTN3A1CARD11IL1R2NFATC3IL5CEBPBPARP2 CCL3CTSZCXCL10CCNB2JUNBFAM83ACXCL13IL10APOC1LCKC1RCASP5CCL2CALC1FGGA1BGFYNIL7CTSBRAC1CFHIL13ITIH3HBDTNFCD14SERPINA10PTPN6LGALS3BPMAPK8IL1BCXCL10CFICDK1CCL22LDHCRPLBPIL16VEGFACCL15PRKCQRRASTNFSAA2IL10IFNAIL9IL18RAPCCL2IL23TFIL21CFBCCL3IL4RRM2CCL2APODCTSBIGLC2APOA1IL1AIGHEHLA-DRASERPINA5CD4CD8AIL10HLA-DRB1ALBIGLL1PRG3CD8ACRPTPOMMP25NLRP3JUNBIFI6IFI44LCCNB16LBPHLA-DRB4IGHG4GP1BANTRK16IGHG2CTSL6CD2CTSL6NLRP1HLA-DRB5IL1BIGHG1CD247CD3GLCKCD3EZAP70TRBC1FYNTRACLung injuryIn PlasmaSevere/critical patientsInflammasome activation and activity InterferonresponseIn Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF)AutophagyIn Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)ApoptosisP53 pathwaySerumIn Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)Common protein-protein interactions identified commonly bytwo or three studies (Stukalov et al, Gordon DE et al and Li et al)Mediated Negative regulation of gene/protein expression Positive regulation of gene/protein expression Phospho (S/T) siteLegend Autophagy receptors Ubiqutination (K) siteSARS-CoV-2 InhibitionThrough ACE2 activationnsp6orf3aMorf7bnsp10orf6nsp2SElevated expression ofcytokines and chemokinesCell invasion, migration, proliferation and innate immunityCommon protein-protein interactions identified commonly bytwo or three studies (Stukalov et al, Gordon DE et al and Li et al)TBK1DDX58IKBKGK285 truncatedSARS-CoV-2 protein and host protein intereactionRAP1GDS1MediatedMediatedMediatedMediatedMediatedMediatedIFNB1 MediatedProteinmRNAIn patientsin ICU TNFAGTIFNAIL17ACXCL5LDHCRPMCP1CXCL10CXCL1IL1BIL10LDHIL1AIL12ACRPIL6ALB


This pathway shows protein-protein interactions and downstream molecular events regulated by SARS-CoV-2 including molecular association, catalysis, and gene regulation. Each event is color-coded as described in the pathway legend. Information on site and residue of post-translational modification are also included.

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134657view10:12, 25 July 2024Ash iyerAdding annotation for datanodes
134648view09:01, 24 July 2024EgonwRemoved labels that were listed as identifier without datasource
129746view01:55, 22 May 2024EweitzModified title
126845view06:56, 27 June 2023Honoremove duplicate "CXCL9"
125317view21:47, 31 January 2023LarsgwFix reference bp:DB
124648view13:07, 18 November 2022JfigueirahasbunUpdated viral protein labels and identifiers
124550view12:12, 8 November 2022EweitzModified description
123443view08:56, 27 July 2022MvdGardeChanged IP10 to CXCL10 in the 'In patients in ICU' column
120811view14:54, 11 January 2022SusanOntology Term : 'respiratory system disease pathway' added !
120597view21:29, 17 December 2021EweitzModified description
120279view13:52, 23 November 2021EgonwRemoved a period from a pubmed identifier
120269view12:05, 23 November 2021EgonwReplaced a DOI with the respective PMID
119638view06:30, 27 July 2021EgonwRemoved NCBI gene annotations where the ID were not numbers
119635view06:20, 27 July 2021Egonwinteraction between NFKB2 and TRAF2
119516view09:23, 8 July 2021EweitzModified title
119501view12:19, 5 July 2021FehrhartOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
119500view12:18, 5 July 2021FehrhartOntology Term : 'severe acute respiratory syndrome' added !
119496view15:10, 4 July 2021Keshav
118993view13:29, 7 June 2021KeshavModified description
118984view05:12, 7 June 2021KeshavNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
A1BGGeneProductENSG00000121410 (Ensembl)
ACE2GeneProductENSG00000130234 (Ensembl)
ACTBGeneProductENSG00000075624 (Ensembl)
ACTG1GeneProductENSG00000184009 (Ensembl)
AGTGeneProductAGT (HGNC)
AHRGeneProductAHR (HGNC)
AKT1ProteinP31749 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ALBGeneProductALB (HGNC)
APOA1GeneProductAPOA1 (HGNC)
APOA2GeneProductAPOA2 (HGNC)
APOC1GeneProductAPOC1 (HGNC)
APOL1GeneProductAPOL1 (HGNC)
ATG13Protein9776 (Entrez Gene)
ATP6AP1 GeneProduct
BIDProtein637 (Entrez Gene)
BIRC5GeneProductBIRC5 (HGNC)
BST2GeneProductBST2 (HGNC)
BTN3A1GeneProductBTN3A1 (HGNC)
C1QBPGeneProductC1QBP (HGNC)
C1RGeneProductENSG00000159403 (Ensembl)
C1SGeneProductENSG00000182326 (Ensembl)
C8AGeneProductENSG00000157131 (Ensembl)
CALC1GeneProductCALC1 (HGNC)
CAMK4GeneProductCAMK4 (HGNC)
CARD11GeneProductCARD11 (HGNC)
CASP3GeneProductENSG00000164305 (Ensembl)
CASP5GeneProductCASP5 (HGNC)
CASP8GeneProductCASP8 (HGNC)
CASP9GeneProductCASP9 (HGNC)
CCL11GeneProductCCL11 (HGNC)
CCL15GeneProductCCL15 (HGNC)
CCL1GeneProductCCL1 (HGNC)
CCL20GeneProductCCL20 (HGNC)
CCL21GeneProductCCL21 (HGNC)
CCL22GeneProductCCL22 (HGNC)
CCL26GeneProductCCL26 (HGNC)
CCL27GeneProductCCL27 (HGNC)
CCL2GeneProductCCL2 (HGNC)
CCL2GeneProductENSG00000108691 (Ensembl)
CCL3GeneProductCCL3 (HGNC)
CCL4GeneProductCCL4 (HGNC)
CCL5GeneProductCCL5 (HGNC)
CCL8GeneProductCCL8 (HGNC)
CCNB1GeneProductCCNB1 (HGNC)
CCNB2GeneProductCCNB2 (HGNC)
CCR5GeneProductCCR5 (HGNC)
CCR6GeneProductCCR6 (HGNC)
CD14GeneProductENSG00000170458 (Ensembl)
CD163GeneProductCD163 (HGNC)
CD226GeneProductCD226 (HGNC)
CD247GeneProduct919 (Entrez Gene)
CD2GeneProduct914 (Entrez Gene)
CD3EGeneProduct916 (Entrez Gene)
CD3G GeneProduct917 (Entrez Gene)
CD4GeneProduct920 (Entrez Gene)
CD8AGeneProduct925 (Entrez Gene)
CD8AGeneProduct926 (Entrez Gene)
CDK1GeneProductCDK1 (HGNC)
CFBGeneProductENSG00000243649 (Ensembl)
CFHGeneProductENSG00000000971 (Ensembl)
CFIGeneProductENSG00000205403 (Ensembl)
CFPGeneProductCFP (HGNC)
COL7A1GeneProductCOL7A1 (HGNC)
CPN1GeneProductCPN1 (HGNC)
CRPGeneProduct1401 (Entrez Gene)
CRPGeneProductCRP (HGNC)
CRPGeneProductENSG00000132693 (Ensembl)
CXCL10GeneProductCXCL10 (HGNC)
CXCL12GeneProductCXCL12 (HGNC)
CXCL13GeneProductCXCL13 (HGNC)
CXCL16GeneProductCXCL16 (HGNC)
CXCL1GeneProductCXCL1 (HGNC)
CXCL2GeneProductCXCL2 (HGNC)
CXCL3GeneProductCXCL3 (HGNC)
CXCL5GeneProductCXCL5 (HGNC)
CXCL6GeneProductCXCL6 (HGNC)
CXCL8 GeneProductCXCL8 (HGNC)
CXCL8GeneProductCXCL8 (HGNC)
CXCL9GeneProductCXCL9 (HGNC)
CXCR1GeneProductCXCR1 (HGNC)
CXCR2GeneProductCXCR2 (HGNC)
CXCR7GeneProductCXCR7 (HGNC)
Cytochrome CMetabolite18070 (ChEBI)
DDIT4GeneProductDDIT4 (HGNC)
DDX58GeneProductDDX58 (HGNC)
DEPTORProtein64798 (Entrez Gene)
DUSP1GeneProductDUSP1 (HGNC)
EGR1GeneProductEGR1 (HGNC)
EIF4A2GeneProductEIF4A2 (HGNC)
EIF4EBP1GeneProduct1978 (Entrez Gene)
FAM83AGeneProductFAM83A (HGNC)
FGAGeneProductENSG00000171560 (Ensembl)
FGBGeneProductENSG00000171564 (Ensembl)
FGBGeneProductFGB (HGNC)
FGF2GeneProductFGF2 (HGNC)
FGGGeneProductENSG00000171557 (Ensembl)
FGGGeneProductFGG (HGNC)
FN1GeneProductFN1 (HGNC)
FOSGeneProductFOS (HGNC)
FYNGeneProduct2534 (Entrez Gene)
FYNGeneProductFYN (HGNC)
GABARAPL2Protein11345 (Entrez Gene)
GP1BAGeneProductGP1BA (HGNC)
GSNGeneProductGSN (HGNC)
GTSE1GeneProductGTSE1 (HGNC)
HBBGeneProductHBB (HGNC)
HBDGeneProductHBD (HGNC)
HIF1AGeneProduct3091 (Entrez Gene)
HLA-DRAGeneProduct3122 (Entrez Gene)
HLA-DRB1GeneProduct3123 (Entrez Gene)
HLA-DRB4GeneProduct3126 (Entrez Gene)
HLA-DRB5GeneProduct3127 (Entrez Gene)
HPGeneProductENSG00000257017 (Ensembl)
HRGGeneProductHRG (HGNC)
HSPA8GeneProductHSPA8 (HGNC)
IFI27GeneProductIFI27 (HGNC)
IFI44LGeneProductIFI44L (HGNC)
IFI6GeneProductIFI6 (HGNC)
IFIH1GeneProductIFIH1 (HGNC)
IFIT1GeneProductIFIT1 (HGNC)
IFITM3GeneProductENSG00000142089 (Ensembl)
IFN1ProteinIFN1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
IFNB1ProteinP01574 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
IGHEGeneProduct3497 (Entrez Gene)
IGHG1GeneProduct3500 (Entrez Gene)
IGHG2GeneProduct3501 (Entrez Gene)
IGHG4GeneProduct3503 (Entrez Gene)
IGLC2GeneProduct3538 (Entrez Gene)
IGLL1GeneProduct3543 (Entrez Gene)
IKBKGProtein8517 (Entrez Gene)
IL10GeneProductIL10 (HGNC)
IL12AGeneProductIL12A (HGNC)
IL13GeneProductIL13 (HGNC)
IL16GeneProductIL16 (HGNC)
IL17AGeneProductIL17A (HGNC)
IL18GeneProductIL18 (HGNC)
IL18RAPGeneProductIL18RAP (HGNC)
IL1AGeneProductIL1A (HGNC)
IL1BGeneProductENSG00000125538 (Ensembl)
IL1BGeneProductIL1B (HGNC)
IL1R2GeneProductIL1R2 (HGNC)
IL1RAGeneProductIL1RA (HGNC)
IL21GeneProductIL21 (HGNC)
IL22GeneProductIL22 (HGNC)
IL23GeneProductIL23 (HGNC)
IL2BGeneProductIL2B (HGNC)
IL2RGeneProductIL2R (HGNC)
IL33GeneProductIL33 (HGNC)
IL4GeneProductIL4 (HGNC)
IL5GeneProductIL5 (HGNC)
IL6GeneProduct3569 (Entrez Gene)
IL6GeneProductENSG00000136244 (Ensembl)
IL6GeneProductIL6 (HGNC)
IL7GeneProductIL7 (HGNC)
IL8GeneProduct3576 (Entrez Gene)
IL8GeneProductIL8 (HGNC)
IL9GeneProductIL9 (HGNC)
IRAK1GeneProduct3654 (Entrez Gene)
IRF27GeneProductIRF27 (HGNC)
IRF3GeneProductIRF3 (HGNC)
IRF9GeneProductIRF9 (HGNC)
ISG56GeneProductISG56 (HGNC)
ITGA3GeneProductITGA3 (HGNC)
ITIH3GeneProductENSG00000162267 (Ensembl)
ITIH4GeneProductENSG00000055955 (Ensembl)
JAK1GeneProductJAK1 (HGNC)
JAK2GeneProductJAK2 (HGNC)
JUNGeneProductJUN (HGNC)
LARP1GeneProduct23367 (Entrez Gene)
LBPGeneProduct3929 (Entrez Gene)
LBPGeneProductENSG00000129988 (Ensembl)
LCKGeneProduct3932 (Entrez Gene)
LCKGeneProductLCK (HGNC)
LDHGeneProductLDH (HGNC)
LGALS3BPGeneProductENSG00000108679 (Ensembl)
LRG1GeneProductENSG00000171236 (Ensembl)
MAP1LC3BGeneProduct81631 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK14ProteinNP_001306.1 (NCBI Protein)
MAPK1ProteinNP_002736.3 (NCBI Protein)
MAPK3ProteinNP_002737.2 (NCBI Protein)
MAPK8GeneProductMAPK8 (HGNC)
MAPK8ProteinNP_001310259.1 (NCBI Protein)
MAVSGeneProductENSG00000088888 (Ensembl)
MCP1GeneProductMCP1 (HGNC)
MIP1AGeneProductMIP1A (HGNC)
MIP1BGeneProductMIP1B (HGNC)
MLST8Protein64223 (Entrez Gene)
MMP25 GeneProduct64386 (Entrez Gene)
MTORProtein2475 (Entrez Gene)
MX1GeneProductMX1 (HGNC)
MYD88GeneProductMYD88 (HGNC)
MProteinYP_009724393.1 (NCBI Protein)
NBR1ProteinNBR1 (NCBI Protein)
NFKB2Protein4791 (Entrez Gene)
NKRFGeneProduct55922 (Entrez Gene)
NLRP1GeneProduct22861 (Entrez Gene)
NLRP3GeneProductNLRP3 (HGNC)
NTRK1GeneProductNTRK1 (HGNC)
NProteinYP_009724397.2 (NCBI Protein)
OAS2GeneProductOAS2 (HGNC)
PARP2 GeneProductPARP2 (HGNC)
PF4GeneProductPF4 (HGNC)
PI3KProteinP31749 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PIAS1GeneProductPIAS1 (HGNC)
PLA2G4AProteinNP_077734.1 (NCBI Protein)
PRAS40GeneProductENSG00000204673 (Ensembl)
PRG3GeneProduct10394 (Entrez Gene)
PTGS2GeneProductPTGS2 (HGNC)
PTPN6GeneProductPTPN6 (HGNC)
RAC1GeneProductRAC1 (HGNC)
RHEBProtein6009 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KB1ProteinNP_003152.1 (NCBI Protein)
RPS6GeneProductRPS6 (HGNC)
RPTORProtein57521 (Entrez Gene)
RRM2GeneProductRRM2 (HGNC)
SAA1GeneProductENSG00000173432 (Ensembl)
SAA2GeneProductENSG00000134339 (Ensembl)
SARS-CoV-2PathwayWP4846 (WikiPathways)
SELPGeneProductENSG00000174175 (Ensembl)
SERPINA10GeneProductENSG00000140093 (Ensembl)
SKAP1GeneProductSKAP1 (HGNC)
SMAD1GeneProduct4086 (Entrez Gene)
SMAD5GeneProduct4090 (Entrez Gene)
SQSTM1ProteinNP_003891.1 (NCBI Protein)
STAT1GeneProductSTAT1 (HGNC)
SProteinYP_009724390.1 (NCBI Protein)
TAX1BP1ProteinTAX1BP1 (NCBI Protein)
TBK1GeneProduct29110 (Entrez Gene)
TFGeneProductTF (HGNC)
TMPRSS2Protein7226 (Entrez Gene)
TNFSF10GeneProductTNFSF10 (HGNC)
TNFGeneProductTNF (HGNC)
TP53I3GeneProductTP53I3 (HGNC)
TPOGeneProductTPO (HGNC)
TRACGeneProduct28755 (Entrez Gene)
TRAF2GeneProductTRAF2 (HGNC)
TRAF3GeneProductENSG00000131323 (Ensembl)
TRAF6GeneProduct7189 (Entrez Gene)
TRBC1 GeneProduct28639 (Entrez Gene)
TROGeneProductTRO (HGNC)
TSC2ProteinP31749 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ULK1GeneProduct8408 (Entrez Gene)
VPS11Protein55823 (Entrez Gene)
VPS16Protein64601 (Entrez Gene)
VPS18GeneProductVPS18 (HGNC)
VPS33AProtein65082 (Entrez Gene)
VPS36Protein51028 (Entrez Gene)
VPS41Protein27072 (Entrez Gene)
WDR74GeneProductWDR74 (HGNC)
ZAP70GeneProduct7535 (Entrez Gene)
nsp10ProteinYP_009725306 (NCBI Protein)
nsp13ProteinYP_009725308 (NCBI Protein)
nsp2ProteinYP_009725298 (NCBI Protein)
nsp6ProteinYP_009725302 (NCBI Protein)
nsp8ProteinYP_009725304 (NCBI Protein)
nsp9ProteinYP_009725305 (NCBI Protein)
orf3aProteinYP_009724391.1 (NCBI Protein)
orf6ProteinYP_009724394.1 (NCBI Protein)
orf7aProteinYP_009724395.1 (NCBI Protein)
orf7bProteinYP_009725318.1 (NCBI Protein)
orf8ProteinYP_009724396.1 (NCBI Protein)
orf9bProteinP0DTD2 (NCBI Protein)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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