Curation tags

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This page lists all available curation tags. See the help page for instructions on how to use curation tags.

Name  ↓Template  ↓Description  ↓
Test pathwayCuration:TutorialUse this tag to mark the pathway you create while doing the [[Help:Tutorial|tutorial]]. A tutorial pathway will not be included in the download archives and all tutorial pathways will be periodically deleted.Show pathways
Under constructionCuration:UnderConstructionUse this tag to notify other users that this pathway is still under construction.Show pathways
Approved versionCuration:AnalysisCollectionUse this tag to include the pathway in the curated collectionShow pathways
Featured versionCuration:FeaturedPathwayUse this tag to include the pathway in the featured pathways collectionShow pathways
Current highlightCuration:CurrentHighlightUse this tag to highlight subsets of pathways related to a current topic.Show pathways
Add descriptionCuration:MissingDescriptionUse this tag to mark pathways with a missing or incomplete description fieldShow pathways
Add referencesCuration:NeedsReferenceUse this tag when the pathway requires a literature reference.Show pathways
Annotate nodesCuration:MissingXRefUse this tag when one or more genes/proteins/metabolites are missing a database reference.Show pathways
Fix interactionsCuration:NoInteractionsUse this tag when one or more lines that represent an interaction are not properly linked.Show pathways
Needs workCuration:NeedsWorkUse this tag to mark pathways in need of curation. Try to suggest specific steps that would improve the content.Show pathways
IncompleteCuration:StubThis is a Pathway for an interesting / useful topic, but it's incomplete, needs to be improved, and more details need to be filled out.Show pathways
Annotated listsCuration:NonTypicalPathwayUse this tag to notify the community that the contents do not represent a typical pathway. Please explain what the pathway represents in the tag text.Show pathways
HypotheticalCuration:HypotheticalUse this tag to note a hypothetical pathway.Show pathways
InappropriateCuration:InappropriateContentUse this tag to mark inappropriate content. Please specify in the tag text which part of the pathway is inappropriate.Show pathways
Open access publicationCuration:OpenAccessUse this tag to identify pathways based on figures published in Open Access journals.Show pathways
Community: Adverse Outcome PathwaysCuration:AOPPathways with this tag are relevant for the Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) portal. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tag.Show pathways
Community: Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM)Curation:IEMPathways with this tag are relevant for the Inborn Errors of Metabolism portal. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tag.Show pathways
Community: COVID-19Curation:COVID19Pathways with this tag are relevant for the COVID-19 portal. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tag.Show pathways
Community: PancCanNetCuration:PancCanNetPathways with this tag are relevant for the PancCanNet portal. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tag.Show pathways
Community: CIRM relatedCuration:CIRM_RelatedUse this tag to mark pathways that are related to the research topics of CIRM grantees. CIRM is the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and maintains a WikiPathways portal highlighting CIRM-related pathways.Show pathways
Community: Lipids and LIPID MAPSCuration:LipidsPathways with this tag describe lipids, and several originate from or have been developed together with the LIPID MAPS project. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tag.Show pathways
Community: Rare DiseasesCuration:RareDiseasesPathways with this tag are relevant for the Rare Diseases portal. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tag.Show pathways
Community: ReactomeCuration:Reactome_ApprovedRevisions with this tag are included in the curated Reactome archive. Reactome is a peer-reviewed pathway database and utilizes WikiPathways as part of its community curation and distribution effort.Show pathways
Community: SGDCuration:SGD_ApprovedPathways with this tag will be included in the SGD pathway archive. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tag.Show pathways
Community: WormBaseCuration:WormBase_ApprovedPathways with this tag will be included in the WormBase pathway archive. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tag.Show pathways
Community: Skeletal DysplasiaCuration:SkeletalDysplasiaPathways with this tag are relevant for the Skeletal Dysplasia portal. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tagShow pathways
Community: CPTACCuration:CPTACPathways with this tag are relevant for the CPTAC portal. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tagShow pathways
Community: MicronutrientsCuration:MicronutrientsPathways with this tag are relevant for the Micronutrients portal. This tag applies to the revision you are viewing when adding or editing the tagShow pathways
Homology ConvertedCuration:Homology_ConvertedPathways with this tag have been inferred from another species with the HomologyMapper.Show pathways
Featured in WikipediaCuration:WikipediaUse this tag to indicate pathways that have been integrated into Wikipedia articles as interactive mapsShow pathways
Request deletionCuration:ProposedDeletionUse this tag to notify the author that this pathway is proposed for deletion. Please explain why the pathway should be deleted in the tag text.Show pathways
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