
From WikiPathways

Revision as of 18:36, 1 April 2020 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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Share Your Pathway Knowledge

Over 700 researchers and pathway enthusiasts have shared their time and knowledge here at WikiPathways. We see ~100 new pathways each year along with thousands of edits and updates.

Join the effort to collect pathway knowledge in a format that can be broadly redistributed and made useful to active biomedical research.

Call to Action: COVID-19

We are helping to coordinate an international effort to build and curate pathway models relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. Review the resources below to see how you can get involved.

IMPORTANT: WikiPathways is dedicated to FAIR standards. All content at WikiPathways is freely available for use and reuse by a CC0 waiver.

Getting Started

 1. If you are brand new to pathway modeling, then we recommend starting with our online workshop: Introduction to Pathway Modeling (scroll down to the "Online Learning" section). Also check out this helpful tutorial and set of guidelines for new pathway authors, which includes links to video tutorials as well.

 2. If you want more practice with the pathway drawing tool and WikiPathways, then check out our online learning tool WikiPathways Academy.

 3. When you are ready to start editing at WikiPathways, be sure that you have PathVisio and the WikiPathways plugin installed (see Step 1) and check-in with the community at google discussion forum to confirm your account and ask any questions you might have.

Resources for Pathway Authors and Curators

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