Opioid receptor pathways (Homo sapiens)

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PIK3CG OPRM154RELALong-term redox-sensitive signaling eventsin ratsPLD24ARF6dependent NADH/NADPH oxidasedependent ExtracellularmatrixInflammasomeEndosomeNucleusPMPI3K dependent OPRD1MAP2K1KRAST340RAF1Y340Y341Shift from GPCR toRTK signalingSRCY416OPRK1OPRM1OPRL1Amileorate endothelial dysfunction in hyperlipidemic ratsIncrease in Diacylglyceroland Ca2+AKT1S473NOS2NOS3S1177PLD2ARF-GTPdependent CYPMCYOPRM1OPRD14OPRD1PRKCEOPRK1PPP3CAFKBP1ASLC6A3FOSELK1S3833MAPK1MAPK3Gi/G0, PI3K and SOS dependentReceptordesensitizationand anti-opioideffect OPRD1OPRM1Regulation of dopamine signalingMAPK1T185Y187MAPK3Y204T202OPRM1Synergistic antinociceptive activityOPRL1AKT1S473GRK3-Arrestin2 and Src dependentCYPMMAPK1T185Y187MAPK3T202Y204GRK2 dependentOPRD1OPRM1Gi/Go and PI3K dependentPI3K and FRAP/mTORdependentGSK3BS9RPS6KB1T421S424T389Desensitization and tolerance developmentRegulation of neuronal development, long term memory and synaptic plasticityEIF4EBP1EIF4EBP2Gi/Go,PI3K and FRAP/RAFT dependentRPS6KB1MAPK1MAPK3MitogenesisPI3KindependentTNFReduced apoptosis of cardiomyocyte inI/R model of rat and mouseMTORS2448Normal bone homeostasismice hypothalamic arcuate nucleus neuronsGPX1CASP3ReceptorProtein up-regulationProtein ActivationmRNA up-regulationPhosphorylation site and residueLigandInhibitionTransportPositive regulation of gene expressionLeads to through unknown mechanismNegative regulation of gene expressionTranslocation Protein-protein interactionLEGENDPhosphorylationNucleusCytoplasmPlasma membraneCYPMNUPDNAProtein down-regulationmRNA down-regulationDNA bindingTLR4ADCY5OPRM1ADCY6Gi/G0dependent SRCT416MAPK1Y187T185MAPK3Y204T202MEKdependent PRKCZT410Regulation of glucose homeostasis MAPK8T183MAPK8T183Gi/G0-PI3KdependentSOS mediatedRAC1CDC42OPRD1S363Adenylyl cyclaseCYPMDesensitization and opioid toleranceSOD1Neuroprotection fromhypoxic injuryin I/R rat brainG-alpha16 mediatedG-beta gammadependent PLCB3Desensitization and opioid toleranceAntinociceptionG beta gammadependentPTK2Y397SRCY416PTK2Y397SRCY416MAPK14Y182T180AP1-NFATmediatedIL4PLD2dependent EEA1PDGFRBY716KDRY1212Angiogenesismouse retinalendothelial cellsCDK5R1CDK5STAT3S727Neuroprotection/Neuronal survivalReduced PARP cleavagebeta-arrestindependentMAPK1T185Y187MAPK3T202Y204RPS6KA1T359S363Opiate analgesiaand tolerancePKCdependent CYPMGNAI2S44S144S303PDK1Y373Y376PRKCZPRKCZT410PRKCZCCR5CCR5S349Role in inflammatoryresponseMBPMAPK9Oligodendrocyte differentiationHematopoietic stem cell proliferation and differentiationin cord blood hematopoietic stem cellsCYPMOPRK1ARR3AnalgesiaOPRK1OPRK1RGS9Analgesicresponse inmouse D2-type neuronsMAPK14CYPMARRB2Ca2+/Calmodulinand PKCdependentDesensitization and opioid toleranceCREB1S133SLC9A1PKCdependent G beta gammaand PLC dependent PKC and Rasdependent MAPK1T185Y187MAPK3Y204T202PTK2BMitogenesisFTH1Downregulates CXCR4-based chemotaxis in rat corticalneurons PI3K dependentIGF1RY1136Y1135GSK3BS9AKT1S473T308Neuro-protective effect inrat nuclear accumbensRGS4Opiate tolerance,dependance and withdrawalin rat prefrontal cortex PRKCEdependentSTAT3S727MCL1Survival of mesenchymalstem cells derieved from bone marrow of ratRGS4OPRM1GNAO1Inhibition ofthermal allodyniaOPRM1Src and PKC dependentImmuno-modulationin humanT-lymphocytesBDNFMicroglialactivation inmouse EOC2 cellsBCL2BAXFASFASLGApoptosis inhuman promyelocyticcellsGRK2GRK3CYPMReceptordesensitization GATA4NKX2-5PDYNCardiac differentiationin embryonic stemcellsPKCdependent ARRB2ARRB1CD14ADCY1ADCY8CREB1S133GRIN1S890GRIN2AY1325CAMK2AT286Anti-nociceptive tolerance inmouseOPRM1NISCHSRCY416GRIN2BY1472RAC1BDNFAntidepressantresponse in mouse primary hippocampusOPRK1ARRB2G-alpha-i/0mediatedAKT1S473MAPK1T185Y187MAPK3Y204T202ITGAMNeuroprotection from ischemicinjurySTAT5BY699NCAM1SYPTUBB3Neuronal development through modulation of cytoskeletal dynamicsOPRM1TRPM8OPRM1TRPM8CYPMModulation of thermo-sensationSTAT3Y705Neuro-protection from ischemicinjuryNTRK2CRHR1HTR1ARegulation of Serotonin signalingin rat dorsalraphe nucleusCREB1S133cAMP/PKCalphadependent PRG4XYLT1B4GALT7B3GALT6B3GALNT1GALNT1Protection ofcartilage inporcine articular chondrocytesCASP1Cleavage ofCASP1CASP1CYNUIL1BIL1BIL1BIL1BCYECMMorphine antinociceptivetoleranceOPRM1T372T378S377S358ARRB2CYPMARRB1OPRM1MAPK14T180Y182SLC1A3SLC1A2Regulation of glutamatehomeostasis inmouse astrocytesECE2ECE2OPRM1ReceptorrecyclingECE2OPRM1PKAdependent KDRNRP1Inhibition of vascular developmentin mouse endothelial celsNOS1S1417RGS17NOS1OPRM1Nociceptionmouse PAG synaptosomesTHBS1MEK/ERKdependentHOMER1DLG4SYT1Reduction of neurite growth and synapse formation in rat astrocytesAIF1P2RX4Microglialmigrationin ratMAPK1MAPK3T185Y187T202Y204RPS6KA1ELK1MMP2S383MMP9Wound repairin keratinocytesPTGDSSGK1APODAPQ4RSG4APLNMinimization of addiction rewardin mouse lateral hypothalamusOPRM1WLSOPRM1WLSCYPMWnt2 secretionOpioiddependenceOPRL1CACNA1B CYPMRegulation of calcium in pain pathwayrat DRG neuronsE2F1CYNUE2F1YY1E2F1SP1OPRM1DNAE2F1OPRM1Regulation of Mu-opioid receptor gene expressionin lymphocytesRGS9S475RGS9RGS9RGS9GNAI2GNAZYWHAQDesensitization and tolerance developmentin mouse PAG synaptosomesG beta gamma activation of PI3K-mediatedSRCY416GNAI2RGS12Muscle relaxationrabbit cultured smooth muscle cellsGNAI2NEU2GNA12RPLP2JUPPGM1UBQLN1TUBBHSPA8ALDH9A1Alteration ofcellular morphologyCAMK2AT286PCNA Decreasedprofilerationin rat cholangiocytesPRKCAS657PCNA Increasedprofilerationin rat cholangiocytesPKC/MEKmediatedARCOpiate dependenceand addictionGCKIRS2Glycogenstorage inrat cortex and hypothalamusInsulinsignalingin rat primary neuronal cellsMIR190ANEUROD1Increase in dendritic spinestability inrat hippocampalneuronsADMCALCATolerance andHyperalgesia inrat DRG neuronsGJA1Anti-arrhythmic effect in ratventriclesPTGS2CCND1MYCREG3AMaintainence of intestinal homeostasisupon injury inmouse colonocytesPRKCGS729MAPK8T183MAPK9T185JUNS73GFAPThermalhyperalgesia in mouse spinal glial cellsARR3OPRM1CAP1CBLN1PIK3R1RAMP3HPCANRN1CACNB2PLEKHG1CELF2CCKDrug-induced neural plasticityin mouse central extended amygdalaGNAI3SLC6A4MAPK8Y185MAPK9Y185MAPK9T185NOTCH1PRKCEPRKCGHDAC1DNMT3AOPRM1PRKCEPRKCGS729T512OPRM1CYPMNeuron glia interactionunderlying morphinetolerance in mousespinal cordNFE2L2 HMOX1Alleviation of seizure like neuron injury inrat hippocampal neuronsCYNUMAP1LC3BSQSTM1Increased autophagy in cardiomyocyte protection in ratsExtracellularmatrixMAPK14T180Y182ATF2MBPPhysiological function of the nervous systemECMExtracellular matrixHDAC1Leads to through known mechanismIncrease inintracellularpH in rat heart cAMP accumulationNitric oxideproductionCalciuminfluxUptake of DopamineCalciuminfluxPKAdependentPKCdependentMAPK1T185Y187MAPK3T202Y204cAMPaccumulation2-deoxy-D-glucoseuptakeGlutamate UptakeIP3accumulationEGFRY1173Reduction ofNO and MalondialdehydeproductionHydrogen peroxideproductionG beta-gamma/PLC/PKC mediatedOPRM1Y336OPRM1KRASSRCRAF1Adenylyl cyclasesuperactivationOpioid drugaddictioncAMPaccumulationPhosphatidic acid synthesisDiacylglycerolIL6TNFIL1BIFNGBDNFCYNUCleavedCASP1NLRP1PYCARDOpioidaddictionin mouse brainAcuteantinocipetiveresponsein mouseMOR/DORendocytosisInternalizationof opioidreceptorsCYPMRegulation of inflammatoryresponseJUNNOSdependent Regulation ofproinflammatorymediators in mouse spinal glial cellsJUNS63Modulation ofT-cell functionin mousesplenocytesJNKdependentStimulationU69,593Dynorphin ADAMGOOPRD1OPRL1OPRM1OPRK1SNC80DSLETMorphineDPDPEDADLESalvinorin AU50,488HNociceptin6' GNTIDeltorphinOPRD1-OPRM1heteromerSH-SY5YcellsDALDACHO cellsCHOcellsSKSNHcellsCHOcellsHEK293cellsHEK293cellsHEK293cellsHEK293cellsCEMx174cellsHEK293cellsSH-SY5YcellsHEK293cellsNG108-15cellsCHOcellsCHO and COS-7cellsCHOcellsCHOcellsmousesplenocytesCHOcellsD2cellsCHOcellsCOS-7cellsSH-SY5YcellsHEK293cellsHEK293cellsFentanylHEK293cellsHEK293cellsHEK293cellsSH-SY5YcellsEnkaphelinSH-SY5YcellsNeuro2AcellsNeuro2AcellsSH-SY5YcellsHEK293cellsSH-SY5YcellsM13cellsHEK293cellsCHOcellsCOS-7andTHP1cellsCOS-7cellsHumanchondriocytesCHOcellsHEK293cellsC6 gliomacellsHaCaTcellsNG108-15cellsEM4cellsEM4cellsChronic treatmentof ligandOpioid-induced constipation inrat entericneuronsHEK293cellsCell lineAKT5T308S473Opioid-inducedanalgesia in mousesensory neurons


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  1. Schattauer SS, Bedini A, Summers F, Reilly-Treat A, Andrews MM, Land BB, Chavkin C; ''Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation is stimulated by κ opioid receptor activation through phosphorylated c-Jun N-terminal kinase and inhibited by p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation.''; J Biol Chem, 2019 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Rankovic M, Jacob L, Rankovic V, Brandenburg LO, Schröder H, Höllt V, Koch T; ''ADP-ribosylation factor 6 regulates mu-opioid receptor trafficking and signaling via activation of phospholipase D2.''; Cell Signal, 2009 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Madishetti S, Schneble N, König C, Hirsch E, Schulz S, Müller JP, Wetzker R; ''PI3Kγ integrates cAMP and Akt signalling of the μ-opioid receptor.''; Br J Pharmacol, 2014 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Tanner E; ''[Life expectancy in sarcoidosis].''; Lebensversicher Med, 1977 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Rozenfeld-Granot G, Toren A, Amariglio N, Nagler A, Rosenthal E, Biniaminov M, Brok-Simoni F, Rechavi G; ''MAP kinase activation by mu opioid receptor in cord blood CD34(+)CD38(-) cells.''; Exp Hematol, 2002 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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126328view21:49, 21 April 2023KhanspersModified description
126327view21:44, 21 April 2023Khanspersconnected interactions, changed metabolites to graphical elements where appropriate
121720view15:57, 26 February 2022EweitzModified title
120221view11:37, 14 November 2021EgonwMatched datasource
119924view17:16, 20 September 2021KeshavAddition of ligand and cell-type selectivity
119684view09:45, 29 July 2021EgonwModified description
119683view09:43, 29 July 2021EgonwCorrected the NCBI Protein data source (again)
119566view15:00, 15 July 2021Keshav
119490view17:53, 2 July 2021Keshav
118992view11:08, 7 June 2021EgonwCorrected the NCBI Protein data source
118968view11:06, 5 June 2021EweitzModified description
118967view11:05, 5 June 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'signaling pathway pertinent to the brain and nervous system' added !
116374view19:30, 4 May 2021KeshavModified title
116373view19:28, 4 May 2021KeshavNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment


ADCY1Protein107 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 23682813] have shown that DAMGO treatment stimulates OPRM1 and induces upregulation of ADCY1 in mice striatum and prefrontal cortex
ADCY5ProteinNP_000792.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24061856] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of OPRM1 and ADCY5 in HEK293 cells
ADCY6 ProteinNP_000792.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24061856] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of OPRM1 and ADCY6 in HEK293 cells
ADCY8 Protein114 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 23682813] have shown that DAMGO treatment stimulates OPRM1 and induces upregulation of ADCY8 in mice striatum and prefrontal cortex
ADMProtein133 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:20844145] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of ADM in a PKC mediated manner in rat DRG neurons.
AIF1Protein199 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:19176808] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of AIF1 in rat microglia.
AKT1GeneProductNP_005154.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23775075] have shown that U-69,593 stimulates KOR and induces the phosphorylation of AKT1 at S473 in a G alpha i/0 mediated manner in CHO-KOR cells and mice striatal neurons
AKTGeneProductNP_005154.2 (RefSeq) [Pubmed:24654606] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of AKT1 at Ser473 and Thr308 in µ-SK-N-LO cells and mouse sensory DRG neurons.
ALDH9A1Protein223 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces up regulation of ALDH9A1 in CHO cells.
APLNRna8862 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:18591478] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of APLN in mouse lateral hypothalamus.
APODRna347 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:18591478] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of APOD in mouse lateral hypothalamus.
APQ4Rna361 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:18591478] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of AQP4 in mouse lateral hypothalamus.
ARCProtein23237 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:16211563] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of ARC in a PKC/MEK dependent manner in mouse striatum and Neuro2A cells.
ARR3ProteinNP_004303.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:22553358] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces OPRM1 and ARR3 association in HEK293 cells
ARRB1ProteinNP_004032.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:22375000] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces association of OPRM1 and ARRB1 in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells
ARRB2ProteinNP_001244257.1 (NCBI Protein)
  • [Pubmed:22375000] have hown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces translocation of ARRB2 from cytosol to plasma membrane in SH-SY5Y cells.
  • [Pubmed: 22079772] have shown that co-administration of morphine and fentanyl stimulates OPRM1 and induces activation of ARRB2 in rat brain locus coeruleus and periaqueductal gray section
ATF2ProteinNP_001871.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:10501195] have shown that DPDPE and N/OFQ stimulate DOR and ORL1 respectively and induce phosphorylation of ATF2 downstream of MAPK14 in NG108-15 cells.
Adenylyl cyclaseGeneProduct
B3GALNT1Rna8706 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:28097228] have shown that dynorphinA/U-50,488H stimulates KOR and induces upregulation of B3GALNT1 in human chondrocytes.
B3GALT6Rna126792 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:28097228] have shown that dynorphinA/U-50,488H stimulates KOR and induces upregulation of B3GALT6 in human chondrocytes.
B4GALT7Rna11285 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:28097228] have shown that dynorphinA/U-50,488H stimulates KOR and induces upregulation of B4GALT7 in human chondrocytes.
BAXProtein581 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 15644942] have shown that endomorphins EM1 and EM2 stimulates MOR induces upregulation of BAX in HL60 cells
BCL2Protein596 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 15644942] have shown that endomorphins EM1 and EM2 stimulates MOR induces downregulation of BCL2 in HL60 cells
BDNFGeneProduct627 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 27634008] have shown that U50488 stimulates KOR and induces the downregulation of BDNF in mouse Hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and primart cortical neurons
BDNFProtein627 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24055683] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of BDNF in rat dorsal raphe nucleus.
CACNA1B GeneProduct774 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:16311589] have shown that nociceptin stimulates ORL1 and induces translocation of OPRL1-CACNA1B complex from cell membrane to cytosol in CHO cells and rat DRG neurons.
CACNB2Rna783 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of CACNB2 in mouse central extended amygdala
CALCAProtein796 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:20844145] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of CALCA in a PKC mediated manner in rat DRG neurons.
CAMK2AProteinNP_057065.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:16697745] have shown that DPDPE stimulates DOR and induces CAMK2A phosphorylation at Thr286 in rat BDL cholangiocytes
CAP1Rna10487 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of CAP1 in mouse central extended amygdala
CASP1GeneProductNP_150634.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:26162710] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces cleavage induced activation of CASP1 in a PI3K/AKT mediated manner in rat spinal cord tissue.
CASP3Protein836 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:19709398] have shown that DADLE stimulates OPRD1 and induces downregulation of CASP3 in cerebral ischemia and reperfusion brain model of rat.
CBLN1Rna869 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of CBLN1 in mouse central extended amygdala
CCKRna885 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of CCK in mouse central extended amygdala
CCND1Rna155 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21801866] have shown that DALDA stimulates MOR and induced upregulation of CCND1 in CMT-93 cells
CCR5GeneProductNP_000570.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21454526] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of CCR5 at S349 in a PRKCZ dependent manner in M13 cells
CD14Protein929 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 17583593] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR induces downregulation of CD14 expression on the surface of human neutrophils
CDC42ProteinNP_001034891.1 (NCBI Protein)
  • [Pubmed:15056283] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces activation of CDC42 in SHSY5Y and COS7 cells.
  • [Pubmed:14996948] have shown that U-50,488H stimulates OPRK1 and induces activation of CDC42 in a Gbetagamma/SRC-FAK dependent manner in THP1 cells.
CDK5 GeneProductNP_004926.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:16879821] have shown that DAMGO stimulates OPRM1 and induces activation of CDK5 in SH-SY5Y cells.
CDK5R1Protein8851 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:16879821] have shown that DAMGO stimulates OPRM1 and induces upregulation of CDK5R1 in SH-SY5Y cells and rat embryonic hippocampal neurons.
CELF2Rna10659 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of CELF2 in mouse central extended amygdala
CREB1GeneProductNP_604391.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:28097228] have shown that U-50,488H stimulates KOR and induces phosphorylation of CREB1 at S133 in porcine articular chondrocytes.
CRHR1Protein1394 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24055683] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of CRHR1 in rat dorsal raphe nucleus.
Calcium influxMetabolite
DLG4Rna1742 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:20889977] have shown that buprenorphine stimulates MOR induces upregulation of DLG4 mRNA in rat astrocytic cultures from accumbens.
DNMT3AProtein1788 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:31347026] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of DNMT3A in mouse spinal cord.
E2F1Protein1869 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:19765550] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of E2F1 in CEMx174 cells.
E2F1ProteinNP_005216.1 (RefSeq) [Pubmed:19765550] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces the DNA binding of E2F1 to MOR promoter in CEMx174 cells.
ECE2Protein9718 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24990314] have shown that DAMGO/dynorphin B stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of ECE2 in CHO cells.
EEA1GeneProductNP_003557.3 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:20354103] have shown that DAMGO stimulateS OPRM1 and incudes activation of EEA1 in SH-SY5Y cells.
EGFRGeneProductNP_005219.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:17545478] have shown that DADLE stimulates DOR and induces phosphorylation of EGFR at Tyr 1173 in isolated rabbit heart
EIF4EBP1GeneProductNP_004086.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:9722592] have shown that DAMGO stimulates OPRM1 and induces phosphorylation of EIF4EBP1 in a PI3K and FRAP/mTOR dependent manner in HEK293 cells.
EIF4EBP2GeneProductNP_004087.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:9722592] have shown that DAMGO stimulates OPRM1 and induces phosphorylation of EIF4EBP2 in a PI3K and FRAP/mTOR dependent manner in HEK293 cells.
ELK1ProteinNP_001107595.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 26763532] have shown that leucine-enkephalin stimulates DOR and induces phosphorylation of ELK1 in HaCaT cells.
FASProtein355 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 15644942] have shown that endomorphins EM1 and EM2 stimulates MOR induces upregulation of FAS in HL60 cells
FASLGProtein356 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 15644942] have shown that endomorphins EM1 and EM2 stimulates MOR induces upregulation of FASLG in HL60 cells
FKBP1AProteinNP_000792.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24113748] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of FKBP1A to OPRM1 in HEK293 cells
FOSProteinNP_005243.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23062312] have shown that U50,488 stimulates OPRK1 and induces activation of FOS in mice hypothalamic arcuate nucleus neurons.
FTH1Protein2498 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 19244528] have shown that Morphine and DAMGO stimulates OPRM1 and induces upregulation of FTH1 in rat cortical neurons and brain homogenates.
GALNT1Rna2589 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:28097228] have shown that dynorphinA/U-50,488H stimulates KOR and induces upregulation of GALNT1 in human chondrocytes.
GATA4Protein2626 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 12623878] have shown that Dynorphin stimulatesKOR induces upregulation of GATA4 gene in a PKC dependent manner in nuclei isolated from undifferentiated ES cells
GCKProtein2645 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:16140165] have shown that tramadol stimulates OPRM1 and induces upregulation of GCK in rat cortex and hypothalamus.
GFAPProtein2670 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 25806604] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces the upregulation of GFAP in mouse spinal cord.
GJA1Protein2697 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23011166] have shown that U50,488H stimulates KOR and induces upregulation of GJA1 mRNA in rat ventricles.
GNA12Protein2768 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of GNA12 in CHO cells.
GNAI2Protein2771 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of GNAI2 in CHO cells.
GNAI2ProteinNP_002061.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24578342] have shown that DPDPE stimulates DOR and induces association of GNAI2 and RGS12 in a Gbeta/gamma-PI2K-cSRC mediated manner in rabbit cultured smooth muscle cells.
GNAI2ProteinNP_002061.1 (RefSeq) [Pubmed:15632124] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of RGS9 and GNAI2 in mouse PAG synaptosomes
GNAI3ProteinNP_006487.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24976397] have shown that DAMGO, deltorphinII and DPDPE stimulates MOR, MOR-DOR heteromer and DOR respectively and induces activation of GNAI3 in rat striatum and hippocampi
GNAO1ProteinNP_620073.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:26119705] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces the assciation of OPRM1 and GNAO1 in rat brain membrane.
GNAZProteinNP_002064.1 (RefSeq) [Pubmed:15632124] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of RGS9 and GNAZ in mouse PAG synaptosomes
GPX1ProteinNP_000572.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:19709398] have shown that DADLE stimulates OPRD1 and induces increased activation of GPX1 in ischemia and reperfusion brain model of rats.
GRIN1GeneProductNP_001172020.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:25445489] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of GRIN1 at S890 in male albino CD1 mice.
GRIN2AGeneProductNP_000824.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:25445489] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of GRIN2A at Y1325 in male albino CD1 mice.
GRIN2BProteinNP_000825.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 27634008] have shown that U50488 and Dynorphin stimulates KOR and induces phosphorylation of GRIN2B at Y1472 in mouse primary hippocampus
GRK2ProteinNP_001610.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 12750434] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and ORL1 receptor induces translocation of GRK2 from cytosol to plasma membrane in BE(2)-C cells
GRK3ProteinNP_005151.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 12750434] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and ORL1 receptor induces translocation of GRK3 from cytosol to plasma membrane in BE(2)-C cells
GSK3BGeneProductNP_002084.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 21515255] have shown that NDMC stimulates DOR and induces phosphorylation of GSK3B at Ser9 in rat nuclear accumbens.
Glutamate UptakeMetabolite
HDAC1Protein3065 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:31347026] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces molecular association of OPRM1 and HDAC1 in mouse spinal cord.
HMOX1Protein3162 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:30595095] have shown that dynorphin A stimulates KOR and induces upregulation of HMOX1 in rat hippocampal neurons.
HOMER1Rna9456 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:20889977] have shown that buprenorphine stimulates MOR induces upregulation of HOMER1 mRNA in rat astrocytic cultures from accumbens.
HPCARna3208 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of HPCA in mouse central extended amygdala
HSPA8Protein3312 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces up regulation of HSPA8 in CHO cells.
HTR1AProtein3350 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24055683] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of HTR1A in rat dorsal raphe nucleus.


IFNGRna3458 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21801866] have shown that DALDA stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of IFNG in mice colonocytes.
IGF1RGeneProductNP_000866.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 21515255] have shown that NDMC stimulates DOR and induces phosphorylation of IGF1R at Tyr1135/ Tyr1136 in chinese hamster cells.
IL1BRna3553 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21801866] have shown that DALDA stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of IL1B in mouse colonocytes.
IL4Rna3565 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23965172] have shown that morphine/methadone stimulate OPRM1 and induces up regulation of IL4 in a AP1 and NFAT dependent manner in human T-lymphocytes.
IL6Rna3569 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21801866] have shown that DALDA stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of IL6 in mouse colonocytes.
IP3 accumulationMetabolite
IRS2Protein8660 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:16140165] have shown that tramadol stimulates OPRM1 and induces upregulation of IRS2 in rat primary neuronal cells.
ITGAMProtein3684 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23844255] have shown that TAN-67 stimulates DOR and induces downregulation of ITGAM in rat cortex.
Increase in


and Ca2+
JUNGeneProductNP_002219.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:16249373] have shown that DADLE stimulates DOR and induces phosphorylation of JUN at Ser63 in an AKT dependent manner in mouse splenocytes.
JUPProtein3728 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces up regulation of JUP in CHO cells.
KDRProtein3791 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21460241] have shown that U-50,488H/TRK820 stimulates KOR and induces Gi/cAMP/PKA mediated downregulation of KDR in mouse endothelial cels.
KDRGeneProductNP_002244.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:16918381] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of KDR at Y1212 in mouse retinal endothelial cells.
KRASProteinNP_004976.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24061856] have shown that morphine stimulates OPRM1 and induces activation of KRAS in HEK293 cells
MAP1LC3BProtein81631 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:32955950] have shown that BW373U86 stimulates DOR and induces upregulation of MAP1LC3B in hypoxic rat cardiomyocytes.
MAP2K1ProteinNP_002746.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24061856] have shown that morphine stimulates OPRM1 and induces phosphorylation of MAP2K1 in a RAF1 dependent manner in HEK293 cells
MAPK14ProteinNP_001306.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:10501195] have shown that DPDPE or N/OFQ stimulate DOR and ORL1 respectively and induce phosphorylation of MAPK14 at Thr 180 /Tyr 182 in a PKA dependent manner in NG108-15 cells.
MAPK1ProteinNP_002736.3 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:10501195] have shown that DPDPE and N/OFQ stimulate DOR and ORL1 respectively and induce phosphorylation of MAPK1 at Thr185 and Tyr187 in a PKC dependent manner in NG108-15 cells.
MAPK3ProteinNP_002736.3 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:10501195] have shown that DPDPE and N/OFQ stimulate DOR and ORL1 respectively and induce phosphorylation of MAPK3 at Thr202 and Tyr204 in a PKC dependent manner in NG108-15 cells
MAPK8ProteinNP_001265476.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:31347026] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of MAPK8 at Tyr 185 in mouse spinal cord.
MAPK9ProteinNP_002743.3 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:26056051] have shown that morphine and fentanyl stimulate OPRM1 and induce activation of MAPK9 in a Src-PKC dependent and GRK3-ARBB2, Src dependent manner respectively in C57Bl/6 mice
MAPK9GeneProductNP_620709.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 25806604] have shown that moprhine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of MAPK9 at Y185 in mosue spinal glial cells
MBPProtein4155 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:10501195] have shown that DPDPE and N/OFQ stimulate DOR and ORL1 respectively and induce upregulation of MBP downstream of MAPK14 in NG108-15 cells.
MBPProtein4155 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:22002899] have shown that methadone/Buprenorphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of MBP in rat oligodendrocytes.
MCL1Protein4170 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:22033345] have shown that methadone/Buprenorphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of MCL1 in rat oligodendrocytes.
MIR190ARna460965 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:19854889] have shown that fentanyl stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of MIR190A in rat hippocampal neurons.
MMP2Protein4313 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:26763532] have shown that leucin enkephalin stimulates DOR and induces upregulation of MMP2 in HaCaT cells.
MMP9Protein4318 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:26763532] have shown that leucin enkephalin stimulates DOR and induces upregulation of MMP9 in HaCaT cells.
MTORProteinNP_004949.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:26096047] have shown that morphine stimulates OPRM1 and induces phosphorylation of MTOR at Ser2448 in HEK293 cells ina PI3K-AKT1 dependent manner.
MYCRna4609 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21801866] have shown that DALSA stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of MYC in CMT-93 cells
NCAM1Protein4684 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23906478] have shown that DSLET stimulates DOR and induces upregulation of NCAM1 in a STAT5B mediated manner in Neuro 2A cells.
NEU2Protein4759 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of NEU2 in CHO cells.
NEUROD1Protein4790 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:20554861] have shown that fentanyl stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of NEUROD1 in rat hippocampal neurons.
NFE2L2 GeneProductNP_006155.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:30595095] have shown that dynorphin A stimulates OPRK1 and induces translocation of NFE2L2 from cytosol to nucleus in rat hippocampal neurons.
NISCHProteinNP_009115.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 26363797] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces molecular association of OPRM1 and NISCH in CHO cells
NKX2-5Protein1482 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 12623878] have shown that Dynorphin stimulates OPRM1 induces upregulation of NKX2-5 gene in a PKC dependent manner in nuclei isolated from undifferentiated ES cells
NLRP1ComplexNP_127497.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:26162710] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces molecular association of cleaved CASP1-PYCARD-NLRP1 in a PI3K/AKT dependent manner leading to the formation of an inflammasome complex in rat primary spinal neurons.
NOS1GeneProductNP_001191147.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21348811] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR induces association of OPRM1 and NOS1 in mouse PAG synaptosomes.
NOS2GeneProduct4843 (Entrez Gene)
  • [Pubmed: 27226238] have shown that U50,488H stimulates OPRK1 and induces downregulation of NOS2 in aorta of hyperlipidemic rats.
  • [Pubmed: 27226238] have shown that U50,488H stimulates OPRK1 and induces inhibition of NOS2 activity in aorta of hyperlipidemic rats.
NOS3ProteinNP_000594.2 (NCBI Protein)
  • [Pubmed:27226238] has shown that U50,488H stimulates OPRK1 and induces phosphorylation of NOS3 at Ser1177 in human umbilical vein endothelial cell lines (HUVECs) and aorta of hyperlipidemic rat.
  • [Pubmed: 27226238] have shown that U50,488H stimulates OPRK1 and induces activation of NOS3 in aorta of hyperlipidemic rats.
NOTCH1Protein4851 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:31347026] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of NOTCH1 in mouse spinal cord
NRN1Rna51299 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of NRN1 in mouse central extended amygdala
NRP1Protein8829 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21460241] have shown that U-50,488H/TRK820 stimulates KOR and induces Gi/cAMP/PKA mediated downregulation of NRP1 in mouse endothelial cels.
NTRK2Protein4915 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24055683] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of NTRK2 in rat dorsal raphe nucleus.
Nitric oxide productionMetabolite
OPRD1ProteinNP_000902.3 (NCBI Protein)
  • [Pubmed:10334841] have shown that DPDPE stimulates OPRD1 and induces activation of OPRD1 in CHO-K1 cells
  • [Pubmed:10893226] have shown that deltorphinII stimulates OPRD1 and induces phosphorylation at Ser363 in OPRD1 in HEK293 cells.
  • [Pubmed:10884553] have shown that DTLET stimulates OPRD1 and induces transport of OPRD1 from cell membrane to cytosol in CHO delta OR cells.
  • [Pubmed:18463167] have shown that DPDPE stimulates OPRD1 and induces transport of OPRD1 from plasma membrane to cytosol in HEK293 cells
  • [Pubmed:21422164] have shown that DPDPE stimulates OPRD1 induces transport from plasma membrane to cytosol in HEK293 cells.
OPRK1ProteinNP_001305426.1 (NCBI Protein)
  • [Pubmed:23775075] have shown that U-69,593 stimulates KOR and induces translocation of OPRK1 from plasma membrane to endosomein CHHO-KOR cells and mice striatal neurons.
  • [Pubmed:23775075] have shown that U-69,593 stimulates KOR and induces molecular association of OPRK1 and ARRB2 in CHO-KOR cells and mice striatal neurons.
OPRL1Protein4987 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:16311589] have shown that nociceptin stimulates ORL1 and induces translocation of OPRL1-CACNA1B complex from cell membrane to cytosol in CHO cells and rat DRG neurons.
OPRL1ProteinNP_001305782.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 10334841] have shown that Nociceptin stimulates OPRL1 and induces activation of OPRL1 in CHO-K1 cells
OPRM1GeneProduct[Pubmed:31347026] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces translocation of OPRM1 from plasma membrane to cytosol in mouse spinal cord.
OPRM1ProteinNP_001138751.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24061856] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of OPRM1 at Tyr336 in HEK293 cells.
P2RX4Protein5025 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:19176808] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of P2RX4 in rat microglia.
PCNA Protein511 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:16697745] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of PCNA in BDL rat cholangiocytes.
PDGFRBGeneProductNP_002600.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:16918381] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of PDGFRB at Y716 in mouse retinal endothelial cells.
PDK1GeneProductNP_001265478.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21454526] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of PDK1 at Y373/Y376 in M13 cells
PDYNProtein5173 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 12623878] have shown that Dynorphin stimulates KOR induces upregulation of PDYN gene in a PKC dependent manner in nuclei isolated from undifferentiated ES cells
PGM1Protein5236 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces up regulation of PGM1 in CHO cells.
PIK3CG GeneProduct5294 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:24654606] have hown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces activation of PIK3CG in SK-N-LO cells and mouse sensory neurons
PIK3R1Protein5295 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of PIK3R1 in mouse central extended amygdala
PLCB3GeneProductNP_000923.1 (NCBI Protein)
  • [Pubmed:9572309] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces activation of PLCB3 in a Gbetagamma mediated PLCB3 activation in CHO cells.
  • [Pubmed:19020012] have shown that morphine/DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces Gbetagamma mediated PLCB3 activation in CHO cells.
  • [Pubmed:9572309] have shown that DPDPE, U-50,488H and DAMGO stimulate DOR, KOR, MOR respectively, and induce activation of PLCB3 in a Galpha16 dependent manner in COS-7 cells.
PLD2GeneProductNP_002654.3 (NCBI Protein) Pubmed:16539674] have shown that DAMGO and DPDPE stimulate OPRM1 and OPRD1 respectively and induces activation of PLD2 in an ARF-GTP dependent manner in HEK293 cells
PLEKHG1Rna57480 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of PLEKHG1 in mouse central extended amygdala
PPP3CAProteinNP_000935.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24113748] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of FKBP1A to OPRM1 in HEK293 cells
PRG4Protein10216 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:28097228] have shown that dynorphinA/U-50,488H stimulates KOR and induces upregulation of PRG4 in a cAMP/PKA alpha/CREB dependent manner in human chondrocytes.
PRKCAProteinNP_002728.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:16697745] have shown that DPDPE stimulates DOR and induces PRKCA phosphorylation at Ser 657 in rat BDL cholangiocytes
PRKCEProtein5581 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:31347026] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of PRKCE in mouse spinal cord.
PRKCEProteinNP_005391.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:31347026] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of PRKCE at Ser 729 in mouse spinal cord.
PRKCGProtein5582 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:31347026] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of PRKCG in mouse spinal cord.
PRKCGProteinNP_001303258.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:31347026] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of PRKCG at Thr 512 in mouse spinal cord.
PRKCZGeneProductNP_002735.3 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21454526] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of PDK1 at Y373/Y376 in M13 cells
PRKCZGeneProductNP_005154.2 (NCBI Protein)
  • [Pubmed:21250979] have shown that SNC80 and DPDPE stimulates DOR and induces phosphorylatio of PRKCZ at T410 in a PI3K dependent manner in CHO cells.
  • [Pubmed: 19682542] have shown that Loperamide stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of PRKCZ at Thr 410 in myoblasts C2C12 cells.
PTGDSRna5730 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:18591478] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of PTGDS in mouse lateral hypothalamus.
PTGS2Rna5743 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21801866] have shown that DALDA stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of PTGS2 in CMT-93 cells
PTK2BProteinNP_775266.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:10646507] have shown that stimulation of OPRK1 with U69,593 induces Tyr phosphorylation of PTK2B in C6 glioma cell line
PTK2ProteinNP_001339623.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:14996948] have shown that U-50,488H stimulates OPRK1 and induces phosphorylation of PTK2 at Y397 in THP1 and COS7 cells.
PYCARDComplexNP_037390.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:26162710] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces molecular association of cleaved CASP1-PYCARD-NLRP1 in a PI3K/AKT dependent manner leading to the formation of an inflammasome complex in rat primary spinal neurons.
Phosphatidic acid synthesisMetabolite
RAC1GeneProduct5879 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 27634008] have shown that U50488 stimulate KOR and induces the downregulation of RAC1 in mouse hippocampus
RAC1ProteinNP_061485.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:15056283] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces activation of RAC1 in SHSY5Y and COS7 cells.
RAF1ProteinNP_001341618.1 (NCBI Protein)
  • [Pubmed:24061856] have shown that morphine stimulates OPRM1 and induces activation of RAF1 in HEK293 cells.
  • [Pubmed:24061856] have shown that morphine stimulates OPRM1 and induces phosphorylation of RAF1 at Tyr340/341 in HEK293 cells
RAMP3Rna10268 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 18588537] have shown that chronic morphine treatment stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of RAMP3 in mouse central extended amygdala
REG3ARna5068 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21801866] have shown that DALDA stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of REG3A in CMT-93 cells
RELAProtein5970 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:23402995] have shown that U50,488H stimulates OPRK1 and induces downregulation of RELA in Male Sprague Dawley rat myocardial infarction and reperfusion heart model.
RGS12ProteinNP_937872.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:24578342] have shown that DPDPE stimulates DOR and induces association of GNAI2 and RGS12 in a Gbeta/gamma-PI2K-cSRC mediated manner in rabbit cultured smooth muscle cells.
RGS17GeneProductNP_036551.3 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21348811] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR induces association of activated NOS1 and RGS17 in mouse PAG synaptosomes.
RGS4Protein5999 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 22056472] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of RGS4 in rat prefrontal cortex.
RGS4ProteinNP_001095915.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:26119705] have shown that DAMGO stimulates MOR and induces the assciation of RGS4 and OPRM1 in rat brain membrane.
RGS9Protein8787 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:24561386] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of RGS9 in mouse D2-type neurons.
RGS9ProteinNP_001075424.1 (RefSeq) [Pubmed:15632124] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces phosphorylation of RGS9 at S475 in mouse PAG synaptosomes
RPLP2Protein6181 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of RPLP2 in CHO cells.
RPS6KA1ProteinNP_002944.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 26763532] have shown that leucine-enkephalin stimulates DOR and induces phosphorylation of RPS6KA1 in HaCaT cells.
RPS6KB1GeneProductNP_003152.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed: 9224649] have shown that DADLE stimulates OPRD1 and induces activation of RPS6KB1 in a Gi/G0, PI3K and FRAP/RAFT dependent manner in D2 cells.
RSG4Rna5999 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:18591478] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of RGS4 in mouse lateral hypothalamus.
Reduction of

NO and Malondialdehyde

SGK1Rna6446 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:18591478] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of SGK1 in mice lateral hypothalamus.
SLC1A2Protein6506 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:25052197] have shown that UFP-512 stimulates DOR and induces upregulation of SLC1A2 protein in mouse astrocyte cultures
SLC1A3Protein6507 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:25052197] have shown that UFP-512 stimulates DOR and induces upregulation of SLC1A3 protein in mouse astrocyte cultures
SLC6A3ProteinNP_001035.1 (NCBI Protein)
  • [Pubmed:25107591] have shown that SalA, U69,593 and U50,488 stimulates OPRK1 and induces activation of SLC6A3 in a Gi/Go and ERK1/2 dependent manner in EM4 cells
  • [Pubmed:25107591] have shown that SalA stimulates KOR and induces upregulation of SLC6A3 protein in human EM4 cells and rat striatal synaptosomes.
SLC6A4ProteinNP_001036.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:25107591] have shown that SalA stimulates KOR and induces activation of SLC6A4 in EM4 cells
SLC9A1Rna6548 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed: 10665987] have shown that U50,488H stimulates KOR induces the upregulation of SLC9A1 in a PKC dependent manner in heart from Male Sprague Dawley rat
SOD1ProteinNP_000445.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:19709398] have shown that DADLE stimulates OPRD1 and induces increased activation of SOD1 in ischemia and reperfusion brain model of rats.
SP1ProteinNP_612482.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:19765550] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of E2F1 and SP1 in CEMx174 cells.
SQSTM1Protein8878 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:32955950] have shown that BW373U86 stimulates DOR and induces downregulation of SQSTM1 in hypoxic rat cardiomyocytes.
SRCProteinNP_005408.1 (NCBI Protein) Pubmed:24061856] have shown that morphine stimulates OPRM1 and induces phosphorylation of SRC at Tyr416 in HEK293 cells.
STAT3GeneProductNP_003141.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23996400] have shown that BRL52537 stimulates KOR and induces phosphorylation of STAT3 at Y705 in ischemia reperfused rat hippocampal CA1 region.
STAT5BGeneProductNP_036580.2 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23906478] have shown that DSLET stimulates DOR and induces phosphorylation of STAT5B at Y699 in a G alpha i/0 dependent manner in Neuro 2A cells
SYPProtein6855 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23906478] have shown that DSLET stimulates DOR and induces upregulation of SYP in a STAT5B mediated manner in Neuro 2A cells.
SYT1Rna6857 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:20889977] have shown that buprenorphine stimulates MOR induces upregulation of SYT1 mRNA in rat astrocytic cultures from accumbens.
THBS1Rna7057 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:20889977] have shown that buprenorphine/morphine stimulates MOR induces downregulation of THBS1 mRNA in rat astrocytic cultures from accumbens.
TLR4Protein7099 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:23402995] have shown that U50,488H stimulates OPRK1 and induces downregulation of TLR4 in Male Sprague Dawley rat's myocardial infarction and reperfusion heart model.
TNFProtein7124 (Entrez Gene)
  • [Pubmed:23402995] have shown taht U50,488H stimulates OPRK1 and induces downregulation of TNF in Male Sprague Dawley rat myocardial infarction and reperfusion heart model.
  • [Pubmed:22806643] have shown that DAMGO stimulates OPRM1 and induces downregulation of TNF in ischemia and reperfusion heart model of mice.
TNFRna7124 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:21801866] have shown that DALDA stimulates MOR and induces downregulation of TNF in mouse colonocytes.
TRPM8ProteinNP_076985.4 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23911290] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of OPRM1 and TRPM8 in HEK293 cells.
TUBBProtein203068 (Entrez Gene) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces upregulation of TUBB in CHO cells.
TUBB3Protein10381 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:23906478] have shown that DSLET stimulates DOR and induces upregulation of NCAM1 in a STAT5B mediated manner in Neuro 2A cells.
UBQLN1Protein29979 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:15987828] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces up regulation of UBQLN1 in CHO cells.
Uptake of DopamineMetabolite
WLSProteinNP_001002292.3 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:20214800] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of OPRM1 and WLS in HEK293 cells.
XYLT1Rna64131 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:28097228] have shown that dynorphinA/U-50,488H stimulates KOR and induces upregulation of XYLT1 in human chondrocytes.
YWHAQProteinNP_006817.1 (RefSeq) [Pubmed:15632124] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of RGS9 and YWHAQ in mouse PAG synaptosomes
YY1ProteinNP_003394.1 (NCBI Protein) [Pubmed:19765550] have shown that morphine stimulates MOR and induces association of E2F1 and YY1 in CEMx174 cells.
cAMP accumulationMetabolite
cAMP accumulationMetabolite

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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