Complement-mediated inflammation of pulmonary alveolus in COVID-19 (hypothetical pathway) (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 06:36, 2 August 2022 by Egonw (Talk | contribs)
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1Alveolar epitheliumCapillary endotheliumTissue lectinAlveolar spaceAEC-IIViral glycansMAC (membrane attack complex)SARS-CoV-2Cytokine stormC3Complement activationC6C7C8ACE2MASP2Coagulaton activationC5bC3AR1C5C5AR1Collectin-11Ficolin-1AEC-IIC9ACE2ECSARS-CoV-2Viral glycansBlood lectinCollectin-11Ficolin-1MASP2Complement activationC3AR1C5AR1C3C5MAC (membrane attack complex)C6C5bC7C8C9C5AR1MCMCInflammatory macrophageC5AR1C3AR1PMNC5AR1


Hypothetical pathway for complement-mediated inflammation of the pulmonary alveolus in COVID-19. AEC‐II=Type II alveolar epithelial cell, EC=endothelial cells and MC=monocytes.

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  1. Polycarpou A, Howard M, Farrar CA, Greenlaw R, Fanelli G, Wallis R, Klavinskis LS, Sacks S; ''Rationale for targeting complement in COVID-19.''; EMBO Mol Med, 2020 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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128306view14:35, 30 January 2024Mkutmonupdated layout
128305view14:34, 30 January 2024Mkutmonupdated layout
128304view14:32, 30 January 2024Mkutmonfix unconnected lines
124629view12:22, 18 November 2022NhungPreverse change from ACE2 (it is not viral protein)
124627view12:12, 18 November 2022NhungPchange viral protein colors
123533view06:36, 2 August 2022EgonwMade three pathways clickable
120376view23:22, 29 November 2021EweitzModified title
120342view21:43, 26 November 2021SusanModified description
120341view21:40, 26 November 2021SusanOntology Term : 'lectin complement pathway' added !
120340view21:40, 26 November 2021SusanOntology Term : 'COVID-19' added !
120339view21:39, 26 November 2021SusanOntology Term : 'epithelial cell of alveolus of lung' added !
120338view21:37, 26 November 2021SusanNew pathway

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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ACE2GeneProductENSG00000130234 (Ensembl)
C3AR1GeneProductENSG00000171860 (Ensembl)
C3GeneProductENSG00000125730 (Ensembl)
C5AR1GeneProductENSG00000197405 (Ensembl)
C5GeneProductENSG00000106804 (Ensembl)
C5bGeneProductENSG00000106804 (Ensembl)
C6GeneProductENSG00000039537 (Ensembl)
C7GeneProductENSG00000112936 (Ensembl)
C8GeneProduct731 (Entrez Gene)
C9GeneProductENSG00000113600 (Ensembl)
Coagulaton activationPathwayWP558 (WikiPathways)
Collectin-11ProteinF8WB29 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Complement activationPathwayWP545 (WikiPathways)
Ficolin-1ProteinO00602 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MASP2GeneProductENSG00000009724 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

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