Burn wound healing (Rattus norvegicus)

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Igf1JunTgfbr1Tgfb1Timp1CNN2Nfkb1Krt6aCol1a1Pecam1Casp3VegfaEpoMmp9Glb1Cd44Il10Il4Bcl-2TnfIl1bVimLtaActa1Col1a1Acta1BaxCox2Tgfbr2Dll4miR-let-7bPdgfaCol4a15581655165125812910181051818168, 1810111313138, 1218713988Lta18Mir7bCol1a299Mpo1Tnf6, 18Bcl2Hgf66Il1b5, 6, 18Cxcl1214Cxcr414Vim14Fgf215SYCP1ANPEP1717NTRK1BMP717TG1717TSHRKLK817FRK17GPR1217PC17DPEP117CACNA1S1717SRD5A117CCK17GABBR117AKAP117CD8617PDE4BBLVRA1717CCL317CHP1NOS21717HK2CEACAM417TNC17NF217ANKRD117CCNC1717PTGISADORA2B17TNFRSF11B1717IGF1R17NRG1RSAD217MMP917SELL17PTPN717KPNB11717CNP17CCNE1WFDC1817MAP3K1217Car41717GCHFRLOC2490617PIK3R11717FOS17IL1RL1SMN11717ADMRGS191717JAK2DLL117CASP317PSEN11717ROCK2ARFGAP11717SAFBCXCL217SYK17CCR51717PRIM2stk317SYP17TP5317c5ar11717PTGS2GPR1761717ALOX5AP17IL6ASNS1717ACAT1ACVR117EDNRB1717CPA1cdc25b1717IL1BSHC31717Upregulated GenesUp-& Down-regulated GenesDownregulated Genes


This pathway is part of a systematic review on currently known molecular players in burn wound healing in mammalians.

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  1. ''''; , PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  10. Castleberry SA, Golberg A, Sharkh MA, Khan S, Almquist BD, Austen WG Jr, Yarmush ML, Hammond PT; ''Nanolayered siRNA delivery platforms for local silencing of CTGF reduce cutaneous scar contraction in third-degree burns.''; Biomaterials, 2016 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  11. Castleberry SA, Golberg A, Sharkh MA, Khan S, Almquist BD, Austen WG Jr, Yarmush ML, Hammond PT; ''Nanolayered siRNA delivery platforms for local silencing of CTGF reduce cutaneous scar contraction in third-degreeburns.''; Biomaterials, 2016 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  16. Wei D, Ge S, Chen Y, Dai F, Su B; ''Expression of endogenous transforming growth factor-beta and its type I and type II receptors in rat burn wounds.''; Wound Repair Regen, 1997 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  17. Spies M, Dasu MR, Svrakic N, Nesic O, Barrow RE, Perez-Polo JR, Herndon DN; ''Gene expression analysis in burn wounds of rats.''; Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2002 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  18. Spies M, Nesic O, Barrow RE, Perez-Polo JR, Herndon DN; ''Liposomal IGF-1 gene transfer modulates pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine mRNA expression in the burn wound.''; Gene Ther, 2001 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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134366view13:09, 21 July 2024EgonwRemoved template comments
125312view20:44, 31 January 2023LarsgwFix references
119585view07:17, 21 July 2021ExperiMedModified description
119565view11:45, 15 July 2021ExperiMedOntology Term : 'endothelial cell' added !
119564view11:45, 15 July 2021ExperiMedOntology Term : 'myofibroblast cell' added !
119563view11:45, 15 July 2021ExperiMedOntology Term : 'fibroblast' added !
119562view11:44, 15 July 2021ExperiMedOntology Term : 'keratinocyte' added !
119561view11:44, 15 July 2021ExperiMedOntology Term : 'immune response pathway' added !
119560view11:44, 15 July 2021ExperiMedOntology Term : 'cell-extracellular matrix signaling pathway' added !
117965view10:57, 23 May 2021EweitzModified title
116241view17:14, 21 April 2021EgonwUse Uniprot-TrEMBL instead of Uniprot-SwissProt
115636view09:50, 3 March 2021ExperiMededited references
115635view09:45, 3 March 2021ExperiMedadded full references
115634view09:39, 3 March 2021ExperiMedadded full references
115394view16:44, 17 February 2021ExperiMedfixed an interaction
115391view16:40, 17 February 2021ExperiMedremoved some comments
115375view16:30, 16 February 2021ExperiMedNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ACAT1GeneProductENSRNOG00000007862 (Ensembl)
ACVR1RnaENSRNOG00000005033 (Ensembl)
ADMRnaENSRNOG00000027030 (Ensembl)
ADORA2BGeneProductENSRNOG00000002922 (Ensembl)
AKAP1RnaENSRNOG00000002373 (Ensembl)
ALOX5APRnaENSRNOG00000000907 (Ensembl)
ANKRD1GeneProductENSRNOG00000018598 (Ensembl)
ANPEPRnaENSRNOG00000014610 (Ensembl)
ARFGAP1GeneProductENSRNOG00000043150 (Ensembl)
ASNSRnaENSRNOG00000007546 (Ensembl)
Acta1RnaENSRNOG00000017786 (Ensembl)
Acta1ProteinP68136 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BLVRARnaENSRNOG00000011778 (Ensembl)
BMP7RnaENSRNOG00000053384 (Ensembl)
BaxProteinQ63690 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Bcl-2RnaENSRNOG00000002791 (Ensembl)
Bcl2ProteinP10417 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CACNA1SRnaENSRNOG00000046231 (Ensembl)
CASP3RnaENSRNOG00000010475 (Ensembl)
CCKRnaENSRNOG00000019321 (Ensembl)
CCL3RnaENSRNOG00000011205 (Ensembl)
CCNCRnaENSRNOG00000007719 (Ensembl)
CCNE1RnaENSRNOG00000014786 (Ensembl)
CCR5RnaENSRNOG00000049115 (Ensembl)
CD86RnaENSRNOG00000038835 (Ensembl)
CEACAM4RnaENSRNOG00000050105 (Ensembl)
CHP1GeneProductENSRNOG00000004742 (Ensembl)
CNN2ProteinQ9R1E9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CNPRnaENSRNOG00000017496 (Ensembl)
CPA1RnaENSRNOG00000010725 (Ensembl)
CXCL2RnaENSRNOG00000002792 (Ensembl)
Car4RnaENSRNOG00000002916 (Ensembl)
Casp3ProteinP55213 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Cd44ProteinP26051 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Col1a1 RnaENSRNOG00000003897 (Ensembl)
Col1a1ProteinP02454 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Col1a2ProteinP02466 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Col4a1ProteinF1MA59 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Cox2ProteinS5RZM8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Cxcl12ProteinP40224 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Cxcr4ProteinP70658 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) Type your comment here
DLL1RnaENSRNOG00000059984 (Ensembl)
DPEP1RnaENSRNOG00000015880 (Ensembl)
Dll4ProteinD3ZHH1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
EDNRBRnaENSRNOG00000010997 (Ensembl)
EpoProteinP29676 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FOSRnaENSRNOG00000008015 (Ensembl)
FRKRnaENSRNOG00000000543 (Ensembl)
Fgf2ProteinP15655 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GABBR1RnaENSRNOG00000000774 (Ensembl)
GCHFRRnaENSRNOG00000012290 (Ensembl)
GPR12RnaENSRNOG00000039832 (Ensembl)
GPR176GeneProductENSRNOG00000005971 (Ensembl)
Glb1ProteinD3ZUM4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HK2RnaENSRNOG00000006116 (Ensembl)
HgfProteinQ08048 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
IGF1RRnaENSRNOG00000014187 (Ensembl)
IL1BGeneProductENSRNOG00000004649 (Ensembl)
IL1RL1GeneProductENSRNOG00000014835 (Ensembl)
IL6RnaENSRNOG00000010278 (Ensembl)
Igf1ProteinP08025 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Il10ProteinP29456 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Il1bRnaENSRNOG00000004649 (Ensembl)
Il1bProteinP10749 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Il4RnaENSRNOG00000007624 (Ensembl)
JAK2RnaENSRNOG00000059968 (Ensembl)
JunProteinP17325 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) Type your comment here
KLK8RnaENSRNOG00000018580 (Ensembl)
KPNB1RnaENSRNOG00000009275 (Ensembl)
Krt6aProteinQ4FZU2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) Type your comment here
LOC24906RnaENSRNOG00000002820 (Ensembl)
LtaRnaENSRNOG00000000838 (Ensembl) Type your comment here
MAP3K12RnaENSRNOG00000015134 (Ensembl)
MMP9GeneProductENSRNOG00000017539 (Ensembl)
Mir7bRna3619435 (miRBase Sequence)
Mmp9ProteinP50282 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MpoProteinP11247 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) Type your comment here
NF2RnaENSRNOG00000007948 (Ensembl)
NOS2RnaENSRNOG00000057443 (Ensembl)
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NTRK1RnaENSRNOG00000013953 (Ensembl)
Nfkb1ProteinQ63369 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PCRnaENSRNOG00000019372 (Ensembl)
PDE4BRnaENSRNOG00000005905 (Ensembl)
PIK3R1RnaENSRNOG00000018903 (Ensembl)
PRIM2RnaENSRNOG00000012486 (Ensembl)
PSEN1RnaENSRNOG00000009110 (Ensembl)
PTGISGeneProductENSRNOG00000008245 (Ensembl)
PTGS2RnaENSRNOG00000002525 (Ensembl)
PTPN7RnaENSRNOG00000005807 (Ensembl)
PdgfaProteinP28576 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Pecam1ProteinQ3SWT0 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
  • CD31
  • Type your comment here
RGS19RnaENSRNOG00000016547 (Ensembl)
ROCK2RnaENSRNOG00000004496 (Ensembl)
RSAD2RnaENSRNOG00000007539 (Ensembl)
SAFBGeneProductENSRNOG00000050543 (Ensembl)
SELLRnaENSRNOG00000002776 (Ensembl)
SHC3RnaENSRNOG00000014366 (Ensembl)
SMN1RnaENSRNOG00000018067 (Ensembl)
SRD5A1RnaENSRNOG00000017601 (Ensembl)
SYCP1RnaENSRNOG00000016835 (Ensembl)
SYKGeneProductENSRNOG00000012160 (Ensembl)
SYPGeneProductENSRNOG00000059720 (Ensembl)
TGRnaENSRNOG00000006104 (Ensembl)
TNCRnaENSRNOG00000058645 (Ensembl)
TNFRSF11BGeneProductENSRNOG00000008336 (Ensembl)
TP53GeneProductENSRNOG00000010756 (Ensembl)
TSHRRnaENSRNOG00000003972 (Ensembl)
Tgfb1RnaENSRNOG00000020652 (Ensembl)
Tgfbr1RnaENSRNOG00000007036 (Ensembl)
Tgfbr2RnaENSRNOG00000013265 (Ensembl)
Timp1RnaENSRNOG00000010208 (Ensembl)
TnfRnaENSRNOG00000000837 (Ensembl)
TnfProteinP06804 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
VegfaProteinP16612 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
VimProteinP20152 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) Type your comment here
VimProteinP31000 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
WFDC18RnaENSRNOG00000037097 (Ensembl)
c5ar1GeneProductENSRNOG00000047800 (Ensembl)
cdc25bGeneProductENSRNOG00000021248 (Ensembl)
stk3RnaENSRNOG00000011278 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

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