TCA cycle (Caenorhabditis elegans)

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Revision as of 17:12, 25 July 2023 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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Degradation of Fatty AcidsIsocitrateSuccinateGluconeogenesisAcetyl-CoAMalateSuccinyl-CoAFumarateCitrateFatty Acid SynthesisElectron Transport Chainalpha-KetogluteratePyruvateDegradation of Fatty AcidsContaining an Even Number of CarbonsCytosolOxaloacetateMalateMitochondrionGlycolysisContaining an Odd Number of CarbonsOxaloacetateT22B11.5mev-1pdk-1PDHXW02F12.5pdhk-2C30F12.7PDHA2fum-1C37E2.1LLC1.3F23B12.5sdhd-1pyc-1aco-2cts-1C04C3.3F43G9.1PDP2LLC1.3F47B10.1F23H11.3F35G12.2mdh-1mdh-1sdhb-1sdha-1idh-2C50F7.4phosphataseT05H10.6


The citric acid cycle, also known as the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) or the Krebs cycle, (or rarely, the Szent-Gyorgyi-Krebs cycle) is a series of enzyme-catalysed chemical reactions of central importance in all living cells that use oxygen as part of cellular respiration. In eukaryotes, the citric acid cycle occurs in the matrix of the mitochondrion.

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127037view17:12, 25 July 2023KhanspersReverted to version '17:07, 25 July 2023' by Khanspers
127036view17:09, 25 July 2023Khanspersremoved graphical line
127035view17:07, 25 July 2023Khanspersremoved genmapp comments
118332view13:05, 27 May 2021ZiskaConnected lines
118134view10:35, 25 May 2021EweitzModified title
109357view13:35, 16 March 2020L DupuisConverted cell membrane interaction lines to graphical lines
68493view21:01, 5 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67689view11:49, 26 June 2013DdiglesOntology Term : 'citrate cycle pathway' added !
54007view10:34, 18 November 2012EgonwReplaced multiple general nodes by Metabolite DataNode's.
54006view10:20, 18 November 2012EgonwConnecting dots.
49536view09:29, 20 July 2012AndraCorrected incorrect identifier found in RDF conversion
45972view16:59, 30 November 2011EwormbaserModified description
45969view13:57, 30 November 2011EwormbaserCorrected my indecisiveness
45968view13:30, 30 November 2011EwormbaserUpdate from WormBase and attempted naming of genes in pathway
45967view13:23, 30 November 2011EwormbaserPeriodical save, work in progress
45966view13:13, 30 November 2011EwormbaserPeriodical save, work in progress
45965view13:03, 30 November 2011EwormbaserPeriodical save, work in progress
45964view12:48, 30 November 2011EwormbaserPeriodical save, work in progress
45963view12:25, 30 November 2011EwormbaserPeriodical save, work in progress
45962view12:05, 30 November 2011EwormbaserPeriodical save, work in progress
45961view10:53, 30 November 2011EwormbaserPeriodical save, work in progress
45960view10:43, 30 November 2011EwormbaserPeriodical save, work in progress
45959view10:11, 30 November 2011EwormbaserPeriodical save, work in progress
40646view19:58, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
20839view11:30, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Caenorhabditis elegans:Krebs-TCA Cycle]] moved to [[Pathway:WP76]]: Moved to stable identifier
8570view14:03, 7 January 2008MaintBotAdded to category $category
19498view14:03, 7 January 2008N.FidelmanUploaded new pathway
8568view14:03, 7 January 2008KdahlquistUploaded new pathway

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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
C04C3.3GeneProductWBGene00015413 (WormBase)
C30F12.7GeneProductWBGene00016266 (WormBase)
C37E2.1GeneProductWBGene00007993 (WormBase)
C50F7.4GeneProductWBGene00016844 (WormBase)
F23B12.5GeneProductWBGene00009082 (WormBase)
F23H11.3GeneProductWBGene00017759 (WormBase)
F35G12.2GeneProductWBGene00009440 (WormBase)
F43G9.1GeneProductWBGene00009664 (WormBase)
F47B10.1GeneProductWBGene00009812 (WormBase)
LLC1.3GeneProductWBGene00010794 (WormBase)
PDHXGeneProductThis appears to be missing in C. elegans......cosest orthology suggests LLC1.3 is multi functional in some way?
T05H10.6GeneProductWBGene00011510 (WormBase)
T22B11.5GeneProductWBGene00020679 (WormBase)
W02F12.5GeneProduct179063 (Entrez Gene)
aco-2GeneProductWBGerne00000041 (WormBase)
cts-1GeneProductWBGene00000833 (WormBase)
fum-1GeneProductWBGene00001503 (WormBase)
idh-2GeneProductWBGene00007942 (WormBase)
mdh-1GeneProductWBGene00018491 (WormBase)
mev-1GeneProductWBGene00003225 (WormBase)
pdhk-2GeneProductWBGene00022719 (WormBase)
pdk-1GeneProductWBGene00003965 (WormBase)
phosphataseGeneProduct172035 (Entrez Gene)
pyc-1GeneProductWBGene00004258 (WormBase)
sdha-1GeneProductWBGene00015391 (WormBase)
sdhb-1GeneProductWBGene00006433 (WormBase)
sdhd-1GeneProductWBGene00009353 (WormBase)

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