Oxidative stress response (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 20:34, 26 February 2025 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none Reactive oxygen speciesRepressionRepression of ROS-producing systemsTF activationImmediate-earlygene inductionInhibition of oxidasesTF inhibitionAdaptive responseActivationStress-regulated MAP kinaseInduction ofantioxidant genesNFIXNOX1CYP1A1NOX4MT1XGCLCTXNRD2CATTXNRD1TXN2XDHMAOAMGST1SOD2GSTT2SOD3GSRSOD1HMOX1GPX1GPX3UGT1A6NQO1MAPK10MAPK14FOSJUNBSP1NFKB1NFE2L2CYBBNOX3NOX5Name: Oxidative stress responseOrganism: Homo sapiens


Oxidative stress represents an imbalance between the production and manifestation of reactive oxygen species and a biological system's ability to readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage. Disturbances in the normal redox state of tissues can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. Some reactive oxidative species can even act as messengers through a phenomenon called redox signaling.

In humans, oxidative stress is involved in many diseases. Examples include sickle cell disease,[1] atherosclerosis, Parkinson's disease, heart failure, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, fragile X syndrome[2] and chronic fatigue syndrome, but short-term oxidative stress may also be important in prevention of aging by induction of a process named mitohormesis.[3] Reactive oxygen species can be beneficial, as they are used by the immune system as a way to attack and kill pathogens. Source: Wikipedia (wikipedia:Oxidative_stress)

Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal

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  1. Morel Y, Barouki R; ''Repression of gene expression by oxidative stress.''; Biochem J, 1999 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view20:34, 26 February 2025KhanspersModified description
view03:21, 27 February 2024EweitzRemove inaccurate, superseded "Last modified" field
128981view03:20, 27 February 2024EweitzFix layout issue only seen on site, economize layout
128980view03:15, 27 February 2024EweitzModified description
128979view03:11, 27 February 2024EweitzUse same font size and width for gene nodes
128978view03:10, 27 February 2024EweitzEconomize layout, tailor node widths, standardize case
126312view17:31, 20 April 2023EgonwLicense is CCZero
116900view11:31, 15 May 2021EweitzModified title
106567view21:14, 6 September 2019KhanspersModified description
105772view19:39, 15 August 2019KhanspersModified description
102225view21:08, 11 December 2018Khanspersfixed interaction and added missing xrefs
98125view13:53, 24 July 2018HhhwschmidtPolishing
98124view13:48, 24 July 2018HhhwschmidtAdded NOX1, 2, 3, 5.
98123view13:37, 24 July 2018HhhwschmidtMoved NOX4 from being a target of ROS to being a source of ROS
94131view09:25, 23 August 2017Xuyongdeng
78546view10:30, 7 January 2015MaintBotadded missing graphIds
77658view05:20, 3 October 2014EgonwGave 'Reactive Oxygen Species' a ChEBI ID.
69029view17:50, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
59210view19:50, 22 February 2013MaintBotUpdated Ensembl and UniProt data source
45296view19:19, 7 October 2011KhanspersModified description
45295view19:17, 7 October 2011KhanspersModified description
45293view19:15, 7 October 2011Khanspersremoved old comment
45288view19:14, 7 October 2011Khanspersadded lit ref
45283view19:09, 7 October 2011KhanspersOntology Term : 'oxidative stress response pathways' added !
45145view01:15, 7 October 2011AlexanderPicofixed db ref
42904view17:22, 19 May 2011MartijnVanIerselTurn improper complexes into groups
41211view23:44, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
38774view23:47, 23 September 2010AlexanderPico
38772view23:46, 23 September 2010AlexanderPico
38771view23:46, 23 September 2010AlexanderPicoSpecify description
38459view07:32, 15 September 2010KodlipsPeriodical save, work in progress
32425view17:10, 15 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
32084view13:40, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
21540view11:32, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Oxidative Stress]] moved to [[Pathway:WP408]]: Moved to stable identifier
15413view23:17, 27 May 2008Khanspersconnectors fix
14770view00:53, 24 May 2008KhanspersAdded connectors, increased label size
14768view00:51, 24 May 2008Khanspersadded connectors
12959view10:56, 17 May 2008MaintBotSticky edges patch by Sjoerd
8318view13:46, 7 January 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Human:Oxidative Stress]] moved to [[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Oxidative Stress]]: Renaming species
7777view16:17, 18 December 2007MaintBotfixed category names
7482view12:42, 4 November 2007MaintBotAdded categories to GPML
19531view22:18, 22 May 2007I.Reyesgpml file for [[Human:Oxidative_Stress]]
6360view22:18, 22 May 2007N.Reyesgpml file for [[Human:Oxidative_Stress]]

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
CATGeneProduct847 (Entrez Gene)
CYBBGeneProductENSG00000165168 (Ensembl)
CYP1A1GeneProduct1543 (Entrez Gene)
FOSGeneProduct2353 (Entrez Gene)
GCLCGeneProduct2729 (Entrez Gene)
GPX1GeneProduct2876 (Entrez Gene)
GPX3GeneProduct2878 (Entrez Gene)
GSRGeneProduct2936 (Entrez Gene)
GSTT2GeneProduct2953 (Entrez Gene)
HMOX1GeneProduct3162 (Entrez Gene)
JUNBGeneProduct3726 (Entrez Gene)
MAOAGeneProduct4128 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK10GeneProduct5602 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK14GeneProduct1432 (Entrez Gene)
MGST1GeneProduct4257 (Entrez Gene)
MT1XGeneProduct4501 (Entrez Gene)
NFE2L2GeneProductENSG00000116044 (Ensembl)
NFIXGeneProduct4784 (Entrez Gene)
NFKB1GeneProduct4790 (Entrez Gene)
NOX1GeneProductENSG00000007952 (Ensembl)
NOX3GeneProductENSG00000074771 (Ensembl)
NOX4GeneProduct50507 (Entrez Gene)
NOX5GeneProductENSG00000255346 (Ensembl)
NQO1GeneProduct1728 (Entrez Gene)
Reactive oxygen speciesMetaboliteCHEBI:26523 (ChEBI)
SOD1GeneProduct6647 (Entrez Gene)
SOD2GeneProduct6648 (Entrez Gene)
SOD3GeneProduct6649 (Entrez Gene)
SP1GeneProduct6667 (Entrez Gene)
TXN2GeneProduct25828 (Entrez Gene)
TXNRD1GeneProduct7296 (Entrez Gene)
TXNRD2GeneProduct10587 (Entrez Gene)
UGT1A6GeneProduct54578 (Entrez Gene)
XDHGeneProduct7498 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

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