Selenium micronutrient network (Mus musculus)

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Revision as of 22:46, 9 December 2009 by MaintBot (Talk | contribs)
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Unspecified interactions TransportBindingPositive effect Negative effect Influence on expression METABOLITEGENERIC ENZYMEGENERIC BINDING PROTEINTransformation INORGANIC IONREACTIONPLASMAINTRACELULARPtgdsGpx4AA (n-6)O2C22:5 (n-6)BTAscorbic acidEPA (n-3)TNIEPGE2Methionine sulfoxideLeukotriene C4ThioredoxinTLeukotriene C4Lipoxin A4C22:5 (n-6)iPF2-alphaHomocysteineIronUric acidHypoxanthineBPGG3Thromboxane B2Hypoxanthine RiboflavinAA (n-6)Sepp1Leukotriene B4BSODBTZincTromboxane A2d4 desaturaseNADPHEPA (n-3)EndoperoxidaseBLeukotriene B4NADPHLA (n-6)BGsrALA (n-3)IESeleniumH2O2ManganeseMtrBROSCOX1KmoPGH2TBTNa-tocopherolGpx2Selenium15-HETEBDHA (n-3)Leukotriene A4BPGH3TRXR 3PGD2Folic acidTRXR 1BGpx1XdhPGF2aBLeukotriene D4CopperTRXR 2glutathione disulfideNADPTa-TocopherolLeukotriene E4PnpoBBVitamin B12TCatMethionineFMNLeukotriene F4ALA (n-3)CysteineCopperTryptophanCOX2PGE3Pyrodoxal 5'-phosphateBBFads2LeukotrieneE4SelkPGD2Ascorbic acidTFads1Gpx3Methionine MthfrLipoxin A4FADLipoic acidPyridoxal 5'-phosphateHomocysteineBB5-HPETEBGpx6Xanthine15-HETETThromboxane A2BDHA (n-3)Vitamin B12PGI2PGE2SelRSelWPtgisPtgesGlutathioneNADPLipoxin B4PGG2Uric AcidCysteineNiacinPGFSAlox5H20F2-IsoprostaneBBTIronFolic acidBPGF2aBBLA (n-6)HemeBGlutathioneTbxas1ZincPGI2RNSLeukotriene D412


The selenium-centred micronutrient biological network. The most relevant biochemical processes related to selenium in the context of metabolism, oxidation and inflammation are represented. Also, the compartmental separation (intracellular vs. plasma) is presented, identifying the selenium centred plasma metabolome. A selenoprotein database exists at:


This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP15(r29615) with a 55% conversion rate.

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  1. Guzik TJ, Korbut R, Adamek-Guzik T.; ''Nitric oxide and superoxide in inflammation and immune regulation.''; J Physiol Pharmacol., 2003 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Denis D, Charleson S, Rackham A, Jones TR, Ford-Hutchinson AW, Lord A, Cirino M, Girard Y, Larue M, Rokach J.; ''Synthesis and biological activities of leukotriene F4 and leukotriene F4 sulfone.''; Prostaglandins., 1982 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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120916view06:28, 31 January 2022EgonwReplaced an old HMDB identifier with the current one
117941view10:44, 23 May 2021EweitzModified title
114037view16:00, 17 December 2020Finterlyconnect lines
106850view13:33, 17 September 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
95973view10:21, 11 February 2018EgonwROS is not a protein.
87651view08:54, 25 July 2016LindarieswijkOntology Term : 'selenoamino acid metabolic pathway' added !
85064view11:29, 10 April 2016EgonwReplaced a Wikipedia ID with a ChEBI ID.
82692view18:05, 22 October 2015EgonwFixed a typo.
73551view18:26, 30 January 2014EgonwH2O not H20....
73506view23:16, 29 January 2014KhanspersModified title
73497view23:06, 29 January 2014KhanspersModified title
73495view23:05, 29 January 2014KhanspersModified title
69459view19:10, 8 July 2013EgonwReplaced an outdated HMDB identifier with the 3.5 one.
69087view18:10, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
69055view18:04, 8 July 2013EgonwReplaced an outdated HMDB identifier with the 3.5 one.
68382view09:37, 4 July 2013EgonwUnmarked more "T"s and "B"s as metabolite.
68381view09:32, 4 July 2013EgonwMore clean up: unmarked things without identifier which do not look like a metabolite (like "T" and "B"), and added an ID for lopoic acid.
68380view09:27, 4 July 2013EgonwMarked a few things with gene identifiers as Protein (rather than GeneProduct, following custom in this pathway).
59028view20:41, 21 February 2013MaintBotUpdated Ensembl and UniProt data source
58514view19:52, 14 February 2013MaintBotModified title
56486view08:50, 8 January 2013EgonwConverted the Type of three DataNodes with an entrez gene ID into "Protein".
43804view22:24, 28 July 2011Samuel SklarSpecify description
43803view18:58, 28 July 2011Samuel SklarSpecify description
43802view18:34, 28 July 2011Samuel SklarPeriodical save, work in progress
43801view18:13, 28 July 2011Samuel SklarPeriodical save, work in progress
43800view18:03, 28 July 2011Samuel SklarPeriodical save, work in progress
41274view00:21, 2 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
34380view22:46, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
33050view22:24, 7 October 2009MaintBotadded xrefs
31872view12:38, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
30905view00:25, 30 July 2009MaintBotNew pathway

External references


View all...
NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
15-HETEMetaboliteHMDB02218 (HMDB)
5-HPETEMetaboliteHMDB01193 (HMDB)
AA (n-6)MetaboliteHMDB01043 (HMDB)
ALA (n-3)MetaboliteHMDB01388 (HMDB)
Alox5Protein11689 (Entrez Gene)
Ascorbic acidMetaboliteHMDB00044 (HMDB)
C22:5 (n-6)MetaboliteHMDB01976 (HMDB)
COX1Protein17708 (Entrez Gene)
COX2Protein17709 (Entrez Gene)
CatProtein12359 (Entrez Gene)
CopperMetaboliteHMDB00657 (HMDB)
CysteineMetaboliteHMDB00574 (HMDB)
DHA (n-3)MetaboliteHMDB02183 (HMDB)
EPA (n-3)MetaboliteHMDB01999 (HMDB)
F2-IsoprostaneMetaboliteHMDB04659 (HMDB)
FADMetaboliteHMDB01248 (HMDB)
FMNMetabolite342184 (Entrez Gene)
Fads1Protein76267 (Entrez Gene)
Fads2Protein56473 (Entrez Gene)
Folic acidMetaboliteHMDB00121 (HMDB)
GlutathioneMetaboliteHMDB00125 (HMDB)
Gpx1Protein14775 (Entrez Gene)
Gpx2Protein14776 (Entrez Gene)
Gpx3Protein14778 (Entrez Gene)
Gpx4Protein625249 (Entrez Gene)
Gpx6Protein75512 (Entrez Gene)
GsrProteinENSMUSG00000031584 (Ensembl Mouse)
H20MetaboliteHMDB02111 (HMDB)
H2O2MetaboliteHMDB03125 (HMDB)
HemeMetaboliteHMDB03178 (HMDB)
HomocysteineMetaboliteHMDB00742 (HMDB)
Hypoxanthine MetaboliteHMDB00157 (HMDB)
HypoxanthineMetaboliteHMDB00157 (HMDB)
IronMetaboliteHMDB00692 (HMDB)
KmoProtein98256 (Entrez Gene)
LA (n-6)MetaboliteHMDB00673 (HMDB)
Leukotriene A4MetaboliteHMDB01337 (HMDB)
Leukotriene B4MetaboliteHMDB01085 (HMDB)
Leukotriene C4MetaboliteHMDB01198 (HMDB)
Leukotriene D4MetaboliteHMDB03080 (HMDB)
Leukotriene E4MetaboliteHMDB02200 (HMDB)
Leukotriene F4MetaboliteHMDB06465 (HMDB)
LeukotrieneE4MetaboliteHMDB02200 (HMDB)
Lipoic acidMetabolite
Lipoic acidMetaboliteHMDB01451 (HMDB)
Lipoxin A4MetaboliteHMDB04385 (HMDB)
Lipoxin B4MetaboliteHMDB05082 (HMDB)
ManganeseMetaboliteHMDB01333 (HMDB)
Methionine MetaboliteHMDB00696 (HMDB)
Methionine sulfoxideMetaboliteHMDB02005 (HMDB)
MethionineMetaboliteHMDB00696 (HMDB)
MthfrProtein17769 (Entrez Gene)
MtrProtein238505 (Entrez Gene)
NADPHMetaboliteHMDB00221 (HMDB)
NADPMetaboliteHMDB00217 (HMDB)
NiacinMetaboliteHMDB01406 (HMDB)
O2MetaboliteHMDB01377 (HMDB)
PGD2MetaboliteHMDB01403 (HMDB)
PGE2MetaboliteHMDB10225 (HMDB)
PGE3MetaboliteHMDB02664 (HMDB)
PGF2aMetaboliteHMDB01139 (HMDB)
PGG2MetaboliteHMDB03235 (HMDB)
PGH2MetaboliteHMDB01381 (HMDB)
PGI2MetaboliteHMDB01335 (HMDB)
PnpoProtein103711 (Entrez Gene)
PtgdsProtein19215 (Entrez Gene)
PtgesProtein64292 (Entrez Gene)
PtgisProtein19223 (Entrez Gene)
Pyridoxal 5'-phosphateMetaboliteHMDB01491 (HMDB)
Pyrodoxal 5'-phosphateMetaboliteHMDB01491 (HMDB)
  • Type your comment here
RiboflavinMetaboliteHMDB00244 (HMDB)
SelRMetabolite51734 (Entrez Gene)
SelWMetabolite6415 (Entrez Gene)
SeleniumMetaboliteHMDB01349 (HMDB)
SelkProtein80795 (Entrez Gene)
Sepp1Protein20363 (Entrez Gene)
TRXR 1Metabolite7296 (Entrez Gene)
TRXR 2Metabolite10587 (Entrez Gene)
TRXR 3Metabolite114112 (Entrez Gene)
Tbxas1Protein21391 (Entrez Gene)
ThioredoxinMetabolite7295 (Entrez Gene)
Thromboxane A2MetaboliteHMDB01452 (HMDB)
Thromboxane B2MetaboliteHMDB03252 (HMDB)
Tromboxane A2MetaboliteHMDB01452 (HMDB)
TryptophanMetaboliteHMDB00929 (HMDB)
Uric AcidMetaboliteHMDB00289 (HMDB)
Uric acidMetaboliteHMDB00289 (HMDB)
Vitamin B12MetaboliteHMDB02174 (HMDB)
XanthineMetaboliteHMDB00292 (HMDB)
XdhProtein22436 (Entrez Gene)
ZincMetaboliteHMDB01303 (HMDB)
a-TocopherolMetaboliteHMDB01893 (HMDB)
a-tocopherolMetaboliteHMDB01893 (HMDB)
d4 desaturaseProtein
glutathione disulfideMetaboliteHMDB00656 (HMDB)
iPF2-alphaMetaboliteHMDB04659 (HMDB)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions
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