Ketone bodies synthesis and degradation (Danio rerio)

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Revision as of 09:23, 12 February 2010 by Thomas (Talk | contribs)
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(HMG-CoA cycle)GlycolysisSterol biosynthesisFatty acid metabolismAcetyl-CoAAcetoacetateFatty acid beta-oxidationAcetoacetyl-CoAHOMOLOGY MAPP3-Hydroxy-butyrate3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoAAcetyl-CoAPyruvate metabolism* pathway-regulated enzymes: HMG-CoA synthase, mtBDHzgc:86832HMGCS2zgc:56248oxct1


Ketone bodies are three water-soluble compounds that are produced as by-products when fatty acids are broken down for energy in the liver and kidney. They are used as a source of energy in the heart and brain. In the brain, they are a vital source of energy during fasting. Source: Wikipedia


GenMAPP notes 
Ketogenesis (Human)
GenMAPP remarks 
Adapted from KEGG

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  1. Fukao T, Lopaschuk GD, Mitchell GA; ''Pathways and control of ketone body metabolism: on the fringe of lipid biochemistry.''; Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 2004 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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118593view15:36, 28 May 2021EweitzModified title
68670view05:28, 6 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67675view11:47, 26 June 2013DdiglesOntology Term : 'ketone bodies metabolic pathway' added !
40843view22:19, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
35382view09:23, 12 February 2010Thomasadded literature
35375view09:17, 12 February 2010ThomasModified description
21379view11:31, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Danio rerio:Synthesis and Degradation of Ketone Bodies KEGG]] moved to [[Pathway:WP333]]: Moved to stable identifier
12056view08:45, 15 May 2008MaintBotAdded to category $category
12054view08:45, 15 May 2008N.ReyesUploaded new pathway

External references


NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
oxct1GeneProduct442923 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:56248GeneProduct394190 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:86832GeneProduct445290 (Entrez Gene)

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