IL1 signaling (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 15:41, 5 March 2010 by MartijnVanIersel (Talk | contribs)
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EndosomeExtracellularGolgi apparatusDAutophosphorylationPM -> CYNucleusUbiquitinationECNUActivationMolecule in the pathwayDDDeacetylationGOProteolytic cleavageDeubiquitinationPhosphorylationPalmitoylationControlProteins in a complex interactionSumoylationCytoplasmENLigandCY -> NUCY -> NUInhibitionMethylationCY -> NUAccession Number: NetPath 13DTranslocationReceptorDesumoylationCYGlycosylation(Protein-protein interaction)Enzyme complexDephosphorylationReaction through unknown mechanisms/moleculesCY->EXPM -> CYRecruitmentDMitochondriaAcetylationCY->EXPMDPlasma membraneMTDemethylationMolecular associationDMAPK3PELI1MAP3K7IP1MAP3K7IL1R2MAPK8MAPK1TRAF6IL1RAPMAP3K7TRAF6IL1BIRAK1IL1R1IL1AMYD88MAP3K7IP1IRAK4TOLLIPTRAF6IL1RAPIL1R1PRKCZSIRPASQSTM1TOLLIPIRAK3RELAAKT1MAP3K7TRAF6MAP3K7IRAK1IL1R1PELI1NFKBIBIL1AIL1AMAP3K14MAP3K7IP2IL1R2IL1AMAP3K7IP1MAP3K7IP2MAP3K7IP2IRAK4MAP3K14IKBKAPNFKBIAIRAK1IRAK1IRAK1TRAF6IL1BMAP3K7MAP3K7IP2NFKBIAMAP3K7CHUKPLCG1MAP3K7IP2MAPK1IRAK1PTPN11IL1RNMAP3K7IP2SIRPARELAIL1RNCAPN1NFKB1CASP1CHUKPTPN11MAP2K1IRAK4CAPNS1IL1BTRAF6IL1R2Gene SymbolIL1BIRAK21


The interleukin 1 family of cytokines includes interleukin-1 alpha (IL1A), beta (IL1B) and the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN). These bind to the IL-1 receptor (IL1R1) as well as its decoy receptor, IL1R2. Upon binding to the ligands, interleukin-1 alpha or beta, IL1R1 interacts with IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL1RAP) to activate the MAPK/JNK signaling modules. The MAPK pathway leads to activation of NFkB complex. As both IL-1 and TNF alpha stimulate the MAPK signaling module and activate NFkB, they are synergistic and complement each other's activity. Source: NetPath


GenMAPP notes 
NetPath 13: IL-1 Signaling Pathway

NetPath ( is a collaborative project between PandeyLab at Johns Hopkins University ( and the Institute of Bioinformatics ( If you use this pathway, you must cite the NetPath website until the pathway is published.

GenMAPP remarks

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  1. Kandasamy K, Mohan SS, Raju R, Keerthikumar S, Kumar GS, Venugopal AK, Telikicherla D, Navarro JD, Mathivanan S, Pecquet C, Gollapudi SK, Tattikota SG, Mohan S, Padhukasahasram H, Subbannayya Y, Goel R, Jacob HK, Zhong J, Sekhar R, Nanjappa V, Balakrishnan L, Subbaiah R, Ramachandra YL, Rahiman BA, Prasad TS, Lin JX, Houtman JC, Desiderio S, Renauld JC, Constantinescu SN, Ohara O, Hirano T, Kubo M, Singh S, Khatri P, Draghici S, Bader GD, Sander C, Leonard WJ, Pandey A; ''NetPath: a public resource of curated signal transduction pathways.''; Genome Biol, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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135173view01:44, 7 August 2024EweitzRefine legend
135172view01:41, 7 August 2024EweitzEconomize layout
129676view00:45, 22 May 2024EweitzModified title
126269view15:59, 19 April 2023EgonwLicense is CCZero
120702view13:18, 23 December 2021EweitzStandardize font, weight, case
115902view08:50, 20 March 2021EgonwCopied the NetPath paper into the literature list
115900view08:35, 20 March 2021EgonwModified description
108323view20:59, 6 December 2019L DupuisConverted interactions to graphical lines in legend
106163view12:06, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
89932view13:44, 6 October 2016MkutmonModified description
86870view07:37, 14 July 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'oxidative phosphorylation pathway' added !
86869view07:37, 14 July 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'PW:0000034' removed !
79965view14:44, 28 April 2015Zariannotated MAP3K14
78528view10:30, 7 January 2015MaintBotadded missing graphIds
74010view16:10, 19 March 2014Joppe014added connections
74008view15:15, 19 March 2014Joppe014connected lines; added metabolite identifier
74007view15:11, 19 March 2014Joppe014Periodical save, work in progress
67363view10:42, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'interleukin-1 signaling pathway' added !
63208view20:57, 8 May 2013MaintBotUpdating gpml version
61675view21:15, 16 April 2013MaintBotAdded Data Source for Xrefs where missing
47933view14:46, 19 April 2012NetPathModified description
47930view14:44, 19 April 2012NetPathModified description
46616view08:17, 24 February 2012NetPathModified description
46615view08:16, 24 February 2012NetPathModified description
46614view08:11, 24 February 2012NetPathModified description
44844view09:45, 6 October 2011MartijnVanIerselOntology Term : 'Interleukin mediated signaling pathway' added !
44842view09:43, 6 October 2011MartijnVanIerselOntology Term : 'signaling pathway in the adaptive immune response' added !
44621view17:52, 22 September 2011KhanspersUpdating content to NetSlim
44105view20:28, 24 August 2011KhanspersReverted to version '23:45, 1 March 2011' by Khanspers
44031view23:09, 22 August 2011KhanspersModified description
44030view23:07, 22 August 2011KhanspersUpdating pathway from NetSlim
41218view23:45, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
36193view15:41, 5 March 2010MartijnVanIerselConnected some lines in the right and center
36192view15:39, 5 March 2010MartijnVanIerselConnected a few lines in the left and center part
35640view21:26, 12 February 2010KhanspersModified description
21089view11:30, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:IL-1 NetPath 13]] moved to [[Pathway:WP195]]: Moved to stable identifier
17417view15:50, 22 July 2008Thripsitraf6 literature
11539view12:10, 9 April 2008ThripsiPeriodical save, work in progress
8158view13:46, 7 January 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Human:IL-1 NetPath 13]] moved to [[Pathway:Homo sapiens:IL-1 NetPath 13]]: Renaming species
7699view16:10, 18 December 2007MaintBotfixed category names
7238view12:41, 4 November 2007MaintBotAdded categories to GPML
6334view22:17, 22 May 2007A.Pandeygpml file for [[Human:IL-1_NetPath_13]]

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AKT1GeneProductAKT1 (HUGO)
CAPN1GeneProductCAPN1 (HUGO)
CASP1GeneProductCASP1 (HUGO)
Gene SymbolGeneProduct
IL1AGeneProduct3552 (Entrez Gene)
IL1BGeneProduct3553 (Entrez Gene)
IL1R1GeneProduct3554 (Entrez Gene)
IL1R2GeneProduct7850 (Entrez Gene)
IL1RAPGeneProduct3556 (Entrez Gene)
IL1RNGeneProduct3557 (Entrez Gene)
IRAK1GeneProduct3654 (Entrez Gene)
IRAK2GeneProduct3656 (Entrez Gene)
IRAK3GeneProductIRAK3 (HUGO)
IRAK4GeneProduct51135 (Entrez Gene)
IRAK4GeneProductIRAK4 (HUGO)
MAP2K1GeneProductMAP2K1 (HUGO)
MAP3K14GeneProductMAP3K14 (HUGO)
MAP3K7IP1GeneProductMAP3K7IP1 (HUGO)
MAP3K7IP2GeneProductMAP3K7IP2 (HUGO)
MAP3K7GeneProductMAP3K7 (HUGO)
MAPK1GeneProductMAPK1 (HUGO)
MAPK3GeneProductMAPK3 (HUGO)
MAPK8GeneProductMAPK8 (HUGO)
MYD88GeneProduct4615 (Entrez Gene)
NFKB1GeneProductNFKB1 (HUGO)
PELI1GeneProductPELI1 (HUGO)
PLCG1GeneProductPLCG1 (HUGO)
PTPN11GeneProductPTPN11 (HUGO)
SIRPAGeneProduct140885 (Entrez Gene)
TRAF6GeneProduct7189 (Entrez Gene)

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