Cell junction organization (Homo sapiens)

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3273513111733263333122111822, 2318, 1924, 25319333314, 153428-3026, 31271634107206cytosolcytosolNecl-1/Necl-2/Necl-3 trans homodimerNecl-1MIGFILIN:VASPCD151Necl-1/Necl-2/Necl-3 homodimerNectin-1:Nectin-3 trans heterodimerIntegrin alpha 6:beta 4:Plectin complexNecl-1:Nectin-3 trans heterodimerCRB3Nectin-3F-actinParvB/Affixin:Alpha-PixNectin-4 cis homodimerIntegrin alpha6:beta4:Plectin:BP180 complexNectin cis-homodimerNecl-2Migfilin:Filamin A:F-actinPARVA:TESK1Rsu-1Nectin-2 cis homodimerFilaminNecl-5:Nectin-3 trans heterodimerCRB3:PALS1:PATJ complexAlpha-actinin 1Integrin alpha 6:beta 4:Plectin:BP180:Laminin-322 complexNectin-2:Nectin-3 transheterodimerIntegrin beta-1Beta-catenin/gamma cateninNectinJAM-A:PAR-aPKC complexBP180CalciumPINCHNectin:afadin complexAlpha-Pixp120 cateninNectin-1Integrin alpha6beta4Cadherin:Catenin complexMIG-2:MIGFILINPALS1/MPP5Nectin-1 cis homodimerPar3:Par6:aPKC complexAfadinLaminin-332MigfilinPINCH1PINCH-ILK-parvin complexPARVB/AffixinNectin-1:Nectin-4 trans heterodimerBP230Type II hemidesmosomeKeratin 5/14Necl-1:Nectin-1 trans heterodimerPlectin 1Necl-1:Necl-2 trans heterodimerRsu-1:Pinch1 complexJAM-ABP230:BP180:Plectin:integrin alpha 6 beta 4:Laminin 332alpha/beta parvinMIG-2Claudinclaudin trans-homodimerCadherin trans-homodimerPARVASignal regulatory protein (SIRP) family interactionsPATJTESK1Necl-5/PVRILK:Integrin beta-1Nectin-3:Necl-2 trans heterodimerAfadin:F-actinCD151:BP230:BP180:Plectin:Integrin alpha 6 beta 4: LamininNectin trans homodimeralpha-cateninPaxillinNectin-3 cis homodimerVASPPARVB:alpha actininClassic CadherinPARVA:PaxillinILK1-5


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  1. Ebnet K, Aurrand-Lions M, Kuhn A, Kiefer F, Butz S, Zander K, Meyer zu Brickwedde MK, Suzuki A, Imhof BA, Vestweber D.; ''The junctional adhesion molecule (JAM) family members JAM-2 and JAM-3 associate with the cell polarity protein PAR-3: a possible role for JAMs in endothelial cell polarity.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Dantzig AH, Hoskins JA, Tabas LB, Bright S, Shepard RL, Jenkins IL, Duckworth DC, Sportsman JR, Mackensen D, Rosteck PR.; ''Association of intestinal peptide transport with a protein related to the cadherin superfamily.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Zhang Y, Tu Y, Gkretsi V, Wu C.; ''Migfilin interacts with vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) and regulates VASP localization to cell-matrix adhesions and migration.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Pellissier F, Gerber A, Bauer C, Ballivet M, Ossipow V.; ''The adhesion molecule Necl-3/SynCAM-2 localizes to myelinated axons, binds to oligodendrocytes and promotes cell adhesion.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Wang X, Fukuda K, Byeon IJ, Velyvis A, Wu C, Gronenborn A, Qin J.; ''The structure of alpha-parvin CH2-paxillin LD1 complex reveals a novel modular recognition for focal adhesion assembly.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. Padhi AK, Banerjee K, Gomes J, Banerjee M.; ''Computational and functional characterization of Angiogenin mutations, and correlation with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  7. Yamaji S, Suzuki A, Kanamori H, Mishima W, Yoshimi R, Takasaki H, Takabayashi M, Fujimaki K, Fujisawa S, Ohno S, Ishigatsubo Y.; ''Affixin interacts with alpha-actinin and mediates integrin signaling for reorganization of F-actin induced by initial cell-substrate interaction.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  8. Kaufman L, Yang G, Hayashi K, Ashby JR, Huang L, Ross MJ, Klotman ME, Klotman PE.; ''The homophilic adhesion molecule sidekick-1 contributes to augmented podocyte aggregation in HIV-associated nephropathy.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  9. Tu Y, Huang Y, Zhang Y, Hua Y, Wu C.; ''A new focal adhesion protein that interacts with integrin-linked kinase and regulates cell adhesion and spreading.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  10. Lopez M, Aoubala M, Jordier F, Isnardon D, Gomez S, Dubreuil P.; ''The human poliovirus receptor related 2 protein is a new hematopoietic/endothelial homophilic adhesion molecule.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  11. Yamagata M, Weiner JA, Sanes JR.; ''Sidekicks: synaptic adhesion molecules that promote lamina-specific connectivity in the retina.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  12. Dong X, Xu F, Gong Y, Gao J, Lin P, Chen T, Peng Y, Qiang B, Yuan J, Peng X, Rao Z.; ''Crystal structure of the V domain of human Nectin-like molecule-1/Syncam3/Tsll1/Igsf4b, a neural tissue-specific immunoglobulin-like cell-cell adhesion molecule.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  13. Hopkinson SB, Jones JC.; ''The N terminus of the transmembrane protein BP180 interacts with the N-terminal domain of BP230, thereby mediating keratin cytoskeleton anchorage to the cell surface at the site of the hemidesmosome.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  14. de Pereda JM, Lillo MP, Sonnenberg A.; ''Structural basis of the interaction between integrin alpha6beta4 and plectin at the hemidesmosomes.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  15. Mishima W, Suzuki A, Yamaji S, Yoshimi R, Ueda A, Kaneko T, Tanaka J, Miwa Y, Ohno S, Ishigatsubo Y.; ''The first CH domain of affixin activates Cdc42 and Rac1 through alphaPIX, a Cdc42/Rac1-specific guanine nucleotide exchanging factor.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  16. LaLonde DP, Brown MC, Bouverat BP, Turner CE.; ''Actopaxin interacts with TESK1 to regulate cell spreading on fibronectin.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  17. Lorenz S, Vakonakis I, Lowe ED, Campbell ID, Noble ME, Hoellerer MK.; ''Structural analysis of the interactions between paxillin LD motifs and alpha-parvin.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  18. Rosenberger G, Jantke I, Gal A, Kutsche K.; ''Interaction of alphaPIX (ARHGEF6) with beta-parvin (PARVB) suggests an involvement of alphaPIX in integrin-mediated signaling.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  19. Michel D, Arsanto JP, Massey-Harroche D, Béclin C, Wijnholds J, Le Bivic A.; ''PATJ connects and stabilizes apical and lateral components of tight junctions in human intestinal cells.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  20. Masuda M, Yageta M, Fukuhara H, Kuramochi M, Maruyama T, Nomoto A, Murakami Y.; ''The tumor suppressor protein TSLC1 is involved in cell-cell adhesion.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  21. Kakunaga S, Ikeda W, Itoh S, Deguchi-Tawarada M, Ohtsuka T, Mizoguchi A, Takai Y.; ''Nectin-like molecule-1/TSLL1/SynCAM3: a neural tissue-specific immunoglobulin-like cell-cell adhesion molecule localizing at non-junctional contact sites of presynaptic nerve terminals, axons and glia cell processes.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  22. Tu Y, Wu S, Shi X, Chen K, Wu C.; ''Migfilin and Mig-2 link focal adhesions to filamin and the actin cytoskeleton and function in cell shape modulation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  23. Takahashi K, Nakanishi H, Miyahara M, Mandai K, Satoh K, Satoh A, Nishioka H, Aoki J, Nomoto A, Mizoguchi A, Takai Y.; ''Nectin/PRR: an immunoglobulin-like cell adhesion molecule recruited to cadherin-based adherens junctions through interaction with Afadin, a PDZ domain-containing protein.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  24. Hannigan GE, Leung-Hagesteijn C, Fitz-Gibbon L, Coppolino MG, Radeva G, Filmus J, Bell JC, Dedhar S.; ''Regulation of cell adhesion and anchorage-dependent growth by a new beta 1-integrin-linked protein kinase.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  25. Mueller S, Wimmer E.; ''Recruitment of nectin-3 to cell-cell junctions through trans-heterophilic interaction with CD155, a vitronectin and poliovirus receptor that localizes to alpha(v)beta3 integrin-containing membrane microdomains.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  26. Ebnet K, Suzuki A, Horikoshi Y, Hirose T, Meyer Zu Brickwedde MK, Ohno S, Vestweber D.; ''The cell polarity protein ASIP/PAR-3 directly associates with junctional adhesion molecule (JAM).''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  27. Sterk LM, Geuijen CA, Oomen LC, Calafat J, Janssen H, Sonnenberg A.; ''The tetraspan molecule CD151, a novel constituent of hemidesmosomes, associates with the integrin alpha6beta4 and may regulate the spatial organization of hemidesmosomes.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  28. Koster J, Geerts D, Favre B, Borradori L, Sonnenberg A.; ''Analysis of the interactions between BP180, BP230, plectin and the integrin alpha6beta4 important for hemidesmosome assembly.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  29. Dougherty GW, Jose C, Gimona M, Cutler ML.; ''The Rsu-1-PINCH1-ILK complex is regulated by Ras activation in tumor cells.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  30. Lemmers C, Médina E, Delgrossi MH, Michel D, Arsanto JP, Le Bivic A.; ''hINADl/PATJ, a homolog of discs lost, interacts with crumbs and localizes to tight junctions in human epithelial cells.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  31. Reymond N, Fabre S, Lecocq E, Adelaïde J, Dubreuil P, Lopez M.; ''Nectin4/PRR4, a new afadin-associated member of the nectin family that trans-interacts with nectin1/PRR1 through V domain interaction.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  32. Ali J, Liao F, Martens E, Muller WA.; ''Vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin): cloning and role in endothelial cell-cell adhesion.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  33. Fontao L, Favre B, Riou S, Geerts D, Jaunin F, Saurat JH, Green KJ, Sonnenberg A, Borradori L.; ''Interaction of the bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (BP230) and desmoplakin with intermediate filaments is mediated by distinct sequences within their COOH terminus.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  34. Hülsken J, Birchmeier W, Behrens J.; ''E-cadherin and APC compete for the interaction with beta-catenin and the cytoskeleton.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  35. Dickson KA, Kang DK, Kwon YS, Kim JC, Leland PA, Kim BM, Chang SI, Raines RT.; ''Ribonuclease inhibitor regulates neovascularization by human angiogenin.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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114723view16:20, 25 January 2021ReactomeTeamReactome version 75
113167view11:23, 2 November 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 74
112395view15:33, 9 October 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 73
101299view11:18, 1 November 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 66
100836view20:49, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 65
100377view19:24, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 64
99924view16:08, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 63
99479view14:40, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 62 (2nd attempt)
99133view12:40, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 62
94016view13:51, 16 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
93635view11:29, 9 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
86749view09:25, 11 July 2016ReactomeTeamreactome version 56
83402view11:08, 18 November 2015ReactomeTeamVersion54
81600view13:08, 21 August 2015ReactomeTeamVersion53
77057view08:35, 17 July 2014ReactomeTeamFixed remaining interactions
76762view12:12, 16 July 2014ReactomeTeamFixed remaining interactions
75796view11:33, 10 June 2014ReactomeTeamReactome 48 Update
75147view14:09, 8 May 2014AnweshaFixing comment source for displaying WikiPathways description
74794view08:53, 30 April 2014ReactomeTeamReactome46
44989view14:35, 6 October 2011MartijnVanIerselOntology Term : 'cell adhesion signaling pathway' added !
42016view21:50, 4 March 2011MaintBotAutomatic update
39819view05:51, 21 January 2011MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
Afadin ProteinP55196-2 (UniProt)
Afadin:F-actin ComplexREACT_19820 (Reactome)
Alpha-Pix ProteinQ15052 (UniProt)
Alpha-actinin 1 ProteinP12814 (UniProt)
BP180 ProteinQ9UMD9 (UniProt)
BP230 ProteinREACT_25566 (Reactome)

Plectin:integrin alpha 6 beta 4: Laminin 332

ComplexREACT_20979 (Reactome)


ProteinREACT_19976 (Reactome)
CD151 ProteinP48509 (UniProt)

Plectin:Integrin alpha 6 beta 4: Laminin

ComplexREACT_21118 (Reactome)
CRB3 ProteinQ9BUF7 (UniProt)


ComplexREACT_20032 (Reactome)
Cadherin trans-


ComplexREACT_19942 (Reactome)


ComplexREACT_20065 (Reactome)
Calcium Metabolite29108 (ChEBI)


ProteinREACT_20296 (Reactome)
Claudin ProteinREACT_20372 (Reactome)
F-actin UnknownREACT_20433 (Reactome)
Filamin ProteinREACT_20988 (Reactome)
ILK ProteinQ13418 (UniProt)
ILK:Integrin beta-1 ComplexREACT_20766 (Reactome)
Integrin alpha 6:beta

4:Plectin complex

ComplexREACT_21067 (Reactome)
Integrin alpha 6:beta

4:Plectin:BP180: Laminin-322 complex

ComplexREACT_20915 (Reactome)
Integrin alpha6:beta4:

Plectin:BP180 complex

ComplexREACT_21046 (Reactome)
Integrin alpha6beta4 ComplexREACT_14337 (Reactome)
Integrin beta-1 ProteinP05556 (UniProt)
JAM-A ProteinQ9Y624 (UniProt)


ComplexREACT_20246 (Reactome)
Keratin 5/14 UnknownREACT_20869 (Reactome)
Laminin-332 ComplexREACT_20843 (Reactome)
MIG-2 ProteinQ96AC1 (UniProt)


ComplexREACT_21097 (Reactome)
MIGFILIN:VASP ComplexREACT_21228 (Reactome)
Migfilin ProteinQ8WUP2 (UniProt)
Migfilin:Filamin A:


ComplexREACT_20733 (Reactome) Interaction of Filamin with Migfiln mediates the association with the Migfilin with actin filaments (Tu et al., 2002).
Necl-1 ProteinQ8N126 (UniProt)

2/Necl-3 homodimer

ComplexREACT_19578 (Reactome)

2/Necl-3 trans homodimer

ComplexREACT_19789 (Reactome)
Necl-1:Necl-2 trans


ComplexREACT_20182 (Reactome)
Necl-1:Nectin-1 trans


ComplexREACT_19689 (Reactome)

trans heterodimer

ComplexREACT_19782 (Reactome)
Necl-2 ProteinQ9BY67 (UniProt)
Necl-5/PVR ProteinP15151 (UniProt)
Necl-5:Nectin-3 trans


ComplexREACT_19715 (Reactome)
Nectin ProteinREACT_20136 (Reactome)
Nectin cis-


ComplexREACT_19521 (Reactome)
Nectin trans


ComplexREACT_19779 (Reactome)
Nectin-1 ProteinQ15223-1 (UniProt)
Nectin-1 cis


ComplexREACT_19460 (Reactome)

trans heterodimer

ComplexREACT_20025 (Reactome)

trans heterodimer

ComplexREACT_20421 (Reactome)
Nectin-2 cis


ComplexREACT_20053 (Reactome)


ComplexREACT_20370 (Reactome)
Nectin-3 ProteinQ9NQS3-1 (UniProt)
Nectin-3 cis


ComplexREACT_19940 (Reactome)
Nectin-3:Necl-2 trans


ComplexREACT_19977 (Reactome)
Nectin-4 cis


ComplexREACT_20206 (Reactome)
Nectin:afadin complex ComplexREACT_20350 (Reactome)
PALS1/MPP5 ProteinQ8N3R9 (UniProt)
PARVA ProteinQ9NVD7 (UniProt)
PARVA:Paxillin ComplexREACT_21170 (Reactome)
PARVA:TESK1 ComplexREACT_21038 (Reactome)
PARVB/Affixin ProteinQ9HBI1 (UniProt)
PARVB:alpha actinin ComplexREACT_21104 (Reactome)
PATJ ProteinQ8NI35 (UniProt)
PINCH ProteinREACT_20717 (Reactome)

parvin complex

ComplexREACT_20853 (Reactome)
PINCH1 ProteinP48059 (UniProt)


ComplexREACT_19423 (Reactome)


ComplexREACT_20814 (Reactome)
Paxillin ProteinP49023 (UniProt)
Plectin 1 ProteinQ15149 (UniProt)
Rsu-1 ProteinQ15404 (UniProt)


ComplexREACT_20937 (Reactome)
Signal regulatory

protein (SIRP) family interactions

PathwayREACT_23916 (Reactome) Signal regulatory protein (SIRP)alpha, also known as SHPS-1 or SIRPA or CD172a, is a transmembrane protein expressed mostly on myeloid cells. CD47, a widely expressed transmembrane protein, is a ligand for SIRP alpha, with the two proteins constituting a cell-cell communication system. The interaction of SIRP alpha with CD47 is important for the regulation of migration and phagocytosis. SIRP alpha functions as a docking protein to recruit and activate SHP-1 or SHP-2 at the cell membrane in response to extracellular stimuli. SIRP alpha also binds other intracellular proteins including the adaptor molecules Src kinase-associated protein (SKAP2 SKAP55hom/R), Fyn-binding protein/SLP-76-associated phosphoprotein (FYB/SLAP-130) and the tyrosine kinase PYK2. SIRP alpha also binds the extracellular proteins, surfactant-A (SP-A) and surfactant-D (SP-D).
In addition to SIRP alpha there are two closely related proteins in the SIRP family namely SIRP beta and SIRP gamma. These three family proteins show high sequence similarity and similar extracellular structural topology, including three Ig domains, but their ligand binding topology might differ. SIRP beta is expressed on myeloid cells, including monocytes, granulocytes and DCs. A natural ligand for SIRP beta remains unknown; SIRP gamma can bind to CD47 but the binding affinity is lower than that of SIRP alpha.
TESK1 ProteinQ15569 (UniProt)
Type II


ComplexREACT_20848 (Reactome)
VASP ProteinP50552 (UniProt)


ProteinP35221 (UniProt)


ProteinREACT_20989 (Reactome)
claudin trans-


ComplexREACT_20391 (Reactome)


ProteinO60716 (UniProt)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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