Microtubule cytoskeleton regulation (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 16:14, 26 September 2011 by CarlosBorroto (Talk | contribs)
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  1. Anitei M, Hoflack B; ''Bridging membrane and cytoskeleton dynamics in the secretory and endocytic pathways.''; Nat Cell Biol, 2011 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Etienne-Manneville S; ''From signaling pathways to microtubule dynamics: the key players.''; Curr Opin Cell Biol, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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134122view19:34, 24 June 2024Khanspersimprove layout
134120view23:49, 21 June 2024Khanspersungroup NTRKs from PI3K
134119view23:26, 21 June 2024Khanspersaswitched RTK node for three nodes representing trk family proteins
129877view11:53, 23 May 2024EweitzModified description
129876view11:53, 23 May 2024EweitzModified description
129875view11:53, 23 May 2024EweitzModified description
129874view11:52, 23 May 2024EweitzModified description
129873view11:50, 23 May 2024EweitzModified description
129872view11:48, 23 May 2024EweitzUse official gene symbol
129871view11:46, 23 May 2024EweitzUpgrade PIP3 to identified metabolite node
129870view11:40, 23 May 2024EweitzUse standard gene symbols
129869view11:37, 23 May 2024EweitzFix gene symbol, use Ensembl
129847view03:20, 23 May 2024EweitzUse standard gene symbol
129844view02:52, 23 May 2024EweitzEconomize layout
129843view02:00, 23 May 2024EweitzFix MT end positioning
129842view01:59, 23 May 2024EweitzRefine transmembrane positioning
129841view01:58, 23 May 2024EweitzEconomize layout
129840view01:40, 23 May 2024EweitzUse standard gene symbol
129839view01:36, 23 May 2024EweitzFix interaction path, increase font
129838view01:34, 23 May 2024EweitzEconomize layout
129837view01:26, 23 May 2024EweitzEconomize layout
129836view01:07, 23 May 2024EweitzImprove readability: increase font size, narrow nodes, standardize case
129827view23:29, 22 May 2024EweitzPoint RTK and PI3K to gene families
117173view09:55, 18 May 2021EweitzModified title
106497view21:44, 4 September 2019KhanspersModified description
105803view22:51, 15 August 2019KhanspersModified description
105148view19:54, 11 July 2019AlexanderPicoFixed node labels
105051view23:46, 2 July 2019AlexanderPicoModified description
105050view23:45, 2 July 2019AlexanderPicoModified description
94910view23:58, 12 October 2017Khanspersconnected interactions
94754view15:29, 5 October 2017Mkutmonfix unconnected line
90889view22:33, 15 December 2016Khanspersadded lit refs
90888view22:30, 15 December 2016Khanspersfilled in missing parts, updated unconnected etc
90699view01:24, 13 December 2016KhanspersModified description
87632view08:54, 25 July 2016LindarieswijkOntology Term : 'cell-extracellular matrix signaling pathway' added !
79994view20:37, 29 April 2015ZariAnnotated PAR3, mDIA*
78570view14:50, 7 January 2015MaintBotadded missing graphIds
70100view18:46, 12 July 2013MaintBotupdated to 2013 schema
59187view18:52, 22 February 2013MaintBotUpdated Ensembl data source
47074view00:04, 15 March 2012KhanspersModified categories
45644view14:47, 26 October 2011CarlosBorrotoSpecify description
44788view16:12, 3 October 2011CarlosBorrotoPeriodical save, work in progress
44787view16:02, 3 October 2011CarlosBorrotoPeriodical save, work in progress
44725view19:34, 28 September 2011CarlosBorrotoAdd AGT, AGTR1 and AGTR2
44714view16:14, 26 September 2011CarlosBorrotoPeriodical save, work in progress
44713view16:04, 26 September 2011CarlosBorrotoPeriodical save, work in progress
44712view15:53, 26 September 2011CarlosBorrotoPeriodical save, work in progress
44711view15:43, 26 September 2011CarlosBorrotoPeriodical save, work in progress
44710view15:33, 26 September 2011CarlosBorrotoPeriodical save, work in progress
44709view15:22, 26 September 2011CarlosBorrotoPeriodical save, work in progress

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AKT*GeneProductENSG00000142208 (Ensembl Human)
APCGeneProductENSG00000134982 (Ensembl Human)
AURKBGeneProductENSG00000178999 (Ensembl Human)
CAMK*GeneProductENSG00000152495 (Ensembl Human)
CDC42GeneProductENSG00000070831 (Ensembl Human)
CDK1GeneProductENSG00000170312 (Ensembl Human)
CFL*GeneProductENSG00000165410 (Ensembl Human)
CLASP*GeneProductENSG00000074054 (Ensembl Human)
CLIP*GeneProductENSG00000130779 (Ensembl Human)
CRMP2GeneProductENSG00000092964 (Ensembl Human)
DVL*GeneProductENSG00000107404 (Ensembl Human)
EB1GeneProductENSG00000101367 (Ensembl Human)
ERKGeneProductENSG00000133216 (Ensembl Human)
GSK3BGeneProductENSG00000082701 (Ensembl Human)
Gα*GeneProductENSG00000156052 (Ensembl Human)
Gαq/o*GeneProductENSG00000156052 (Ensembl Human)
LIMK*GeneProductENSG00000106683 (Ensembl Human)
LL5βGeneProductENSG00000144824 (Ensembl Human)
LPRGeneProductENSG00000132670 (Ensembl Human)
MAP1BGeneProductENSG00000131711 (Ensembl Human)
MAPKAPK*GeneProductENSG00000162889 (Ensembl Human)
MARK2GeneProductENSG00000072518 (Ensembl Human)
MARKGeneProductENSG00000116141 (Ensembl Human)
MCAKGeneProductENSG00000142945 (Ensembl Human)
PAK*GeneProductENSG00000149269 (Ensembl Human)
PAR1*GeneProductENSG00000072518 (Ensembl Human)
PAR6*GeneProductENSG00000102981 (Ensembl Human)
PIK3*GeneProductENSG00000121879 (Ensembl Human)
PKC*GeneProductENSG00000154229 (Ensembl Human)
PRKACAGeneProductENSG00000072062 (Ensembl Human)
PTENGeneProductENSG00000171862 (Ensembl Human)
RAC1GeneProductENSG00000136238 (Ensembl Human)
ROCK*GeneProductENSG00000067900 (Ensembl Human)
RhoGeneProductENSG00000163914 (Ensembl Human)
SPRED1GeneProductENSG00000166068 (Ensembl Human)
SRCGeneProductENSG00000197122 (Ensembl Human)
STAT3GeneProductENSG00000168610 (Ensembl Human)
STMN*GeneProductENSG00000117632 (Ensembl Human)
TAOK*GeneProductENSG00000160551 (Ensembl Human)
TAUGeneProductENSG00000186868 (Ensembl Human)
TESK*GeneProductENSG00000070759 (Ensembl Human)
TIAM1GeneProductENSG00000156299 (Ensembl Human)
TPPPGeneProductENSG00000171368 (Ensembl Human)
TRIOGeneProductENSG00000038382 (Ensembl Human)
WNT*GeneProductENSG00000154342 (Ensembl Human)
c-ABLGeneProductENSG00000097007 (Ensembl Human)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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