Pyruvate:Fd Oxidoreductase Complex (Clostridium thermocellum)

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4, 7, 8PyruvateAcetylCoAPyruvate:fd Oxioreductase ɤFerrodoxin - RedH2NADH dehydrogenase (ubquinone)2 H+NADP+NADPHPyruvate:fd Oxidoreductase δPyruvate:fd Oxioreductase αPeptide Chain Release Factor 1Pyruvate:fl/fd Oxioreductase-LikePyruvate:fl/fd Oxioreductase-likeIndolepyruvate oxidoreductase subunit ɗC02NADH dehydrogenase (quinone)hydrogenase, Fe-onlyNADH dehydrogenase (quinone)Hydrogenase, Fe-onlyNAD+NADHFerredoxin - OxRnfABCDGE subunit C1RnfABCDGE subunit G1RnfABCDGE subunit B1Hydrogenase, Subunit Fe-onlyHydrogenase, Fe-onlyPyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit γ8Pyruvate ferredoxin/flavodoxin oxidoreductase subunit δ8Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme-like TPP-binding proteinPyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit ɤ88


Pyruvate:Fd Oxidoreductase complex based on KEGG pathways for enzyme EC Pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA


Pyruvate Synthase Complex in Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405.

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50509view19:37, 16 August 2012MaintBotDeleted pathway: request by author; she plans to resubmit after publication
47675view19:16, 2 April 2012BjorklundModified description
47668view19:03, 2 April 2012BjorklundModified description
47487view17:40, 22 March 2012BjorklundModified description
47486view17:36, 22 March 2012BjorklundModified title
47485view17:06, 22 March 2012BjorklundNew pathway

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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
2 H+ Metabolite12408-02-5 (CAS)
AcetylCoAMetabolite72-89-9 (CAS)
C02Metabolite124-38-9 (CAS)
Ferredoxin - OxGeneProduct4808489 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 0340, [2Fe-2S] Ferredoxin (Fd)
Ferrodoxin - RedGeneProduct4808489 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 0340, [2Fe-2S] Ferredoxin (Fd)
H2Metabolite1333-74-0 (CAS)
Hydrogenase, Fe-onlyGeneProduct4808491 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 0342, NADH dehydrogenase/NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 75 kD subunit (chain G)
Hydrogenase, Fe-onlyGeneProduct4811152 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 3004, ferredoxin, FAD-dependent pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase
Hydrogenase, Subunit Fe-onlyGeneProduct4811151 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 3003, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin, iron-sulfur binding; iron hydrogenase, small subunit; hydrogenase large subunit-like
Indolepyruvate oxidoreductase subunit ɗGeneProduct4808216 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 0614, part of EC complex provisional
NAD+Metabolite53-54-9 (CAS)
NADH dehydrogenase (quinone)GeneProduct4808357 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 0429
NADH dehydrogenase (quinone)GeneProduct4808490 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 0341
NADH dehydrogenase (ubquinone)GeneProduct4808431 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 0428, NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone), 24 kDa subunit
NADHMetabolite53-68-4 (CAS)
NADP+Metabolite53-59-8 (CAS)
NADPHMetabolite53-59-8 (CAS)
Peptide Chain Release Factor 1GeneProduct4809015 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2593, part of EC complex provisional
Pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit ɤGeneProduct4810113 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2795, part of EC complex provisional in KEGG, expression not detected.
Pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit γGeneProduct4810111 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2794, part of EC complex provisional in KEGG, expression not detected.
Pyruvate ferredoxin/flavodoxin oxidoreductase subunit δGeneProduct4810113 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2794, part of EC complex provisional in KEGG, expression not detected.
PyruvateMetabolite127-17-3 (CAS)
Pyruvate:fd Oxidoreductase δGeneProduct4811043 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2391, part of EC complex provisional
Pyruvate:fd Oxioreductase ɤGeneProduct4811042 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2390, part of EC complex provisional
Pyruvate:fd Oxioreductase αGeneProduct4811044 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2392, part of EC complex provisional
Pyruvate:fl/fd Oxioreductase-LikeGeneProduct4809683 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 3120, pyruvate flavodoxin/ferredoxin oxidoreductase-like protein, part of EC complex provisional
Pyruvate:fl/fd Oxioreductase-likeGeneProduct4810484 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 0866, pyruvate flavodoxin/ferredoxin oxidoreductase-like protein, part of EC complex provisional
RnfABCDGE subunit BGeneProduct4808151 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2435, RnfABCDGE type electron transport complex subunit B
RnfABCDGE subunit CGeneProduct4808146 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2430, RnfABCDGE type electron transport complex subunit C
RnfABCDGE subunit GGeneProduct4808148 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2432, RnfABCDGE type electron transport complex subunit G
Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme-like TPP-binding proteinGeneProduct4810114 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 2797, part of EC complex provisional in KEGG, expression not detected.
hydrogenase, Fe-onlyGeneProduct4808358 (Entrez Gene) Cthe 0430

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