Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) signaling (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 06:57, 1 June 2012 by NetPath (Talk | contribs)
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MAPK9PMAP2K2PMAPK3PChemotaxis and MYCProteinTSLPCRLF2STAT1PSTAT3PSTAT4PMAPK1PPTPN11JAK2PPJAK1PIL7RMAP2K1PMAPK14PNFKBIAPRELBRELANFKB1NFKB2MAPK8PRELARELBNFKB1NFKB2TECPSTAT5APSTAT5BPPI3KRPS6PEIF4EBP1MTORC1PAKT1PGAB2PSTAT6PPPI dissociation induced activationReceptorEnzyme family/complexmRNAProteinTransportPositive regulation of gene expressionLeads to through unknown mechanismTranslocation Induced catalysisProtein-protein interaction (PPI)LEGENDNucleusCytoplasmCYNUNUCYNUCYNUCYNUCYNUCYNUCYTSLP Signaling PathwaySRCPSTAT5BSTAT5APPLigandNUCYSTAT3TNFSF4IL8CISHIL2RAIL6CCL11survival ofeosinophilsAirway infllamatory responseDentritic cell mediatedProliferation ofTh2 responseCell proliferationAnti-apoptosisDentritic cell migrationInvasion of trophoblastsAirway infllamatory responsepre-ALL cells


Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is a type I cytokine member of interleukin-2 cytokine family. TSLP signals through interleukin-7 receptor a chain (IL-7Ra) and the TSLP receptor subunit (TSLPR), heterodimeric receptor complex. TSLP is expressed by epithelial cells of the lung, skin, gut, Hassall's corpuscles (HCs) in thymic medulla, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues and tonsils. Apart from epithelial cells, TSLP is also expressed by primary skin keratinocytes, smooth muscle cells and lung fibroblasts. It has also been shown that heart, liver, spleen and prostate have higher expression levels of TSLP compared to lung, skeletal muscle, kidney, spleen, ovary, small intestine and colon.

TSLP can activate CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells in mice and induces B-cell proliferation and differentiation in humans. It also enhances maturation and proliferation of dendritic cells and naive T-cells, respectively. It has also been shown to induce the release of T-cell attracting chemokines from monocytes. In combination with interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor, TSLP can stimulate the production of Th2 cytokines by human mast cells. Further, TSLP is also involved in mediating many cell functions invasion of trophobalsts, chemotaxis and survival of eosinophils.

Binding to its receptor complex, TSLP can activate multiple signal transduction pathways. Previously, studies have shown that stimulation of IL7R/TSLPR complex by TSLP induces the phosphorylation and activation of Janus kinases (JAKs). Activated JAKs, in turn, regulates the activity of signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) factors which includes STAT1, STAT3, STAT4, STAT5A, STAT5B and STAT6. Several other proteins such as AKT1, ERK1/2, JNKs, ribosomal protein S6 kinase and 4E-BP1 have also shown to be activated upon TSLP stimulation. Recently, our group carried out SILAC-based quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis to identify molecules that are differentially phosphorylated upon stimulation with TSLP. Our results revealed TSLP regulated phosphorylation of 226 proteins including several members of the SRC and TEC family of kinases.

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134859view20:05, 27 July 2024EweitzRemove detritus shown off-screen in PathVisio, but on-screen in Kaavio / Pvjs
134858view20:04, 27 July 2024EweitzOmit redundant title, economize layout
129713view01:31, 22 May 2024EweitzModified title
126371view17:51, 25 April 2023EgonwLicense is CCZero (more specific)
120724view01:31, 24 December 2021EweitzStandardize font, weight, case
117845view15:15, 22 May 2021EweitzModified title
105841view23:12, 15 August 2019KhanspersModified description
96065view17:58, 15 February 2018KhanspersModified description
86071view07:28, 29 June 2016MirellaKalafatiModified title
85046view09:39, 10 April 2016EgonwReplaced a mim-conversion with mim-stimulation.
78549view10:30, 7 January 2015MaintBotadded missing graphIds
77474view06:24, 15 September 2014NetPathPeriodical save, work in progress
72104view21:49, 24 October 2013AlexanderPicoadded EC number for PI3K complex
71374view18:38, 17 October 2013MaintBotAutomated update of data sources
70626view23:08, 18 August 2013MaintBotupdated gpml from NetPath
68943view17:35, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67728view11:55, 26 June 2013DdiglesOntology Term : 'interleukin-2 family mediated signaling pathway' added !
57845view18:21, 4 February 2013MaintBotModified categories
48521view06:58, 1 June 2012NetPathOntology Term : 'Jak-Stat signaling pathway' added !
48520view06:57, 1 June 2012NetPathOntology Term : 'cytokine mediated signaling pathway' added !
48519view06:54, 1 June 2012NetPathModified description
48518view06:51, 1 June 2012NetPathModified description
48517view06:48, 1 June 2012NetPathNew pathway

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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AKT1Protein207 (Entrez Gene)
CCL11Rna6356 (Entrez Gene)
CISHRna1154 (Entrez Gene)
CRLF2Protein64109 (Entrez Gene)
EIF4EBP1Protein1978 (Entrez Gene)
GAB2Protein9846 (Entrez Gene)
IL2RARna3559 (Entrez Gene)
IL6Rna3569 (Entrez Gene)
IL7RProtein3575 (Entrez Gene)
IL8Rna3576 (Entrez Gene)
JAK1Protein3716 (Entrez Gene)
JAK2Protein3717 (Entrez Gene)
LigandProtein85480 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K1Protein5604 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K2Protein5605 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK14Protein1432 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK1Protein5594 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK3Protein5595 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK8Protein5599 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK9Protein5601 (Entrez Gene)
MTORProtein2475 (Entrez Gene)
MYCRna4609 (Entrez Gene)
NFKB1Protein4790 (Entrez Gene)
NFKB2Protein4791 (Entrez Gene)
NFKBIAProtein4792 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3CAProtein5290 (Entrez Gene)
PIK42AProtein55361 (Entrez Gene)
PTPN11Protein5781 (Entrez Gene)
RELAProtein5970 (Entrez Gene)
RELBProtein5971 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6Protein6194 (Entrez Gene)
STAT1Protein6772 (Entrez Gene)
STAT3Protein6774 (Entrez Gene)
STAT4Protein6775 (Entrez Gene)
STAT5AProtein6776 (Entrez Gene)
STAT5BProtein6777 (Entrez Gene)
STAT6Protein6778 (Entrez Gene)
TNFSF4Rna7292 (Entrez Gene)
TSLPProtein85480 (Entrez Gene)

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