Glutamate biosynthesis (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)

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Revision as of 13:08, 8 December 2012 by Egonw (Talk | contribs)
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NH3H2ONADPH+NADNH32-oxoglutarateNADP2-oxoglutarateCO2isocitrateH+L-glutamine2 L-glutamateGDH1L-glutamateATPNADPHphosphateIDP2NADPHNADHGLT1IDP3IDP1GLN1ADPGDH3


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135688view22:37, 23 October 2024Khansperstest update
89655view16:31, 23 September 2016EgonwReplace the CAS number of the salt with that of just the metabolite.
89493view13:42, 15 September 2016Mkutmonontology tag fix
89490view13:39, 15 September 2016Mkutmonremove space from ontology term id
71350view18:02, 17 October 2013MaintBotAutomated update of data sources
70050view05:58, 12 July 2013EgonwMarked a few DataNodes with CAS registry numbers as metabolites.
69653view20:38, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67290view10:32, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'glutamic acid/glutamate biosynthetic pathway' added !
54740view13:08, 8 December 2012EgonwReplaced multiple general nodes by Metabolite DataNode's.
54739view13:04, 8 December 2012EgonwConnecting dots
41892view04:53, 2 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
20841view11:30, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Saccharomyces cerevisiae:Glutamate Biosynthesis]] moved to [[Pathway:WP77]]: Moved to stable identifier
12714view07:59, 17 May 2008MaintBotautomated metabolite conversion
8732view14:07, 7 January 2008MaintBotAdded to category $category
8730view14:07, 7 January 2008J.HeckmanUploaded new pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
2 L-glutamate56-86-0 (CAS)
ADP58-64-0 (CAS)
ATP1927-31-7 (CAS)
GDH1GeneProductS000005902 (SGD)
GDH3GeneProductS000000058 (SGD)
GLN1GeneProductS000006239 (SGD)
GLT1GeneProductS000002330 (SGD)
IDP1GeneProductS000002224 (SGD)
IDP2GeneProductS000004164 (SGD)
IDP3GeneProductS000004954 (SGD)
L-glutamate56-86-0 (CAS)
L-glutamine56-85-9 (CAS)
NADH53-84-9 (CAS)
NADPH2646-71-1 (CAS)
phosphate14265-44-2 (CAS)

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