Retinoblastoma gene in cancer (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 22:39, 15 September 2013 by JYoungren (Talk | contribs)
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132RPA1CDC25BRRM1CDC25AE2F1CDK2POLEDNA replicationMCM7regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activityMYCmitotic cell cycleCKS1Bpositive regulation of transcription involved in G1/S phase of mitotic cell cycleRFC5MAPK13H2AFZRPA1MSH6GeneProductFANCGRFC3MCM3DNA replication checkpointRBBP4CDKN1BTOP2ASMC1AMCM7HLTFJUNRB1CCDC6CDK1CCNE1LY6ECDK1CDKN1AMDM2CCNE1WEE1CHEK1RAF1BRCA1DNA repairMCM4ORC1CDT1CCND3SKP2CCNA2ANLNHDAC1MASP1TFDP2DNMT1ABL1CDC45M/G1 transition of mitotic cell cycleCCNA2DHFRCCNE2FAF1E2F1MCM6POLA1CBX5POLE2PRIM1cell cycle checkpointSMC2CCND1CCNA1TFAMTP53CDK1HMGB2POLD3RABIFRRM2G1/S transition of mitotic cell cyclePRMT2BARD1PLK4DNA damage response, signal transduction resulting in induction of apoptosisCCNB2KIF4ATYMSRPA2GTPBP1DCKRFC4RAF1HMGB1SUV39H1SMC3RBP1NPATRPA3CCNE1PCNATLX2histone H3-K9 methylationCDK1TTKCDC7MDM2JNK cascadeABL1TFDP1G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycleSMARCA2G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycleCCNB1SP1CDKN1BPRKDCSTMN1RB1RB1TFDP1E2F1RB1SKP2RB1TFDP1E2F1TFDP1E2F2TFDP1E2F3RB1RB1ZNF655RB1RB1MDM2TFDP1E2F1MDM2RBP1HDAC1TFDP1E2F1RB1RB1TFDP1E2F1RB1RB1RB1RB1SP1RB1RB1JUNTP53E2F1E2F3E2F2SKP2E2F3TFDP1G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycleG1/S transition of mitotic cell cycleHDAC1TFDP1E2F1TFDP1E2F1Rb-E2F complexTFDP1E2F2TFDP1E2F3regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activityDNA replication


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  1. Welch PJ, Wang JY; ''A C-terminal protein-binding domain in the retinoblastoma protein regulates nuclear c-Abl tyrosine kinase in the cell cycle.''; Cell, 1993 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Gabriely G, Wurdinger T, Kesari S, Esau CC, Burchard J, Linsley PS, Krichevsky AM; ''MicroRNA 21 promotes glioma invasion by targeting matrix metalloproteinase regulators.''; Mol Cell Biol, 2008 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Garzon R, Heaphy CE, Havelange V, Fabbri M, Volinia S, Tsao T, Zanesi N, Kornblau SM, Marcucci G, Calin GA, Andreeff M, Croce CM; ''MicroRNA 29b functions in acute myeloid leukemia.''; Blood, 2009 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Ji P, Jiang H, Rekhtman K, Bloom J, Ichetovkin M, Pagano M, Zhu L; ''An Rb-Skp2-p27 pathway mediates acute cell cycle inhibition by Rb and is retained in a partial-penetrance Rb mutant.''; Mol Cell, 2004 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Welch PJ, Wang JY; ''Abrogation of retinoblastoma protein function by c-Abl through tyrosine kinase-dependent and -independent mechanisms.''; Mol Cell Biol, 1995 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. Domínguez R, Famulari A, Vila J; ''[Leukoencephalopathy: the frontier between what is reversible and what is persistent].''; Rev Neurol, 1997 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  7. Valeri N, Gasparini P, Braconi C, Paone A, Lovat F, Fabbri M, Sumani KM, Alder H, Amadori D, Patel T, Nuovo GJ, Fishel R, Croce CM; ''MicroRNA-21 induces resistance to 5-fluorouracil by down-regulating human DNA MutS homolog 2 (hMSH2).''; Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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116593view16:31, 8 May 2021EweitzModified title
113796view11:10, 24 November 2020Finterlysmall graphical update
108145view10:34, 29 November 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'cancer' added !
108144view10:34, 29 November 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'cancer pathway' added !
106493view21:43, 4 September 2019KhanspersModified description
105447view04:57, 8 August 2019KhanspersModified description
102997view14:43, 31 January 2019Mkutmonupdated outdated ensembl ids
98748view01:20, 4 October 2018AlexanderPicoModified title
98747view01:20, 4 October 2018AlexanderPicoModified title
98354view05:35, 24 August 2018EgonwUpdated the MIR21 identifier.
87639view08:54, 25 July 2016LindarieswijkOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
84651view22:24, 10 March 2016KhanspersQuick edit to datanode annotation or property
80443view05:49, 23 June 2015KhanspersAdded mir29b targeting of CDK6
80434view20:26, 22 June 2015KhanspersAdded mir21 targeting of MSH6
80433view20:17, 22 June 2015KhanspersAdded mir21 targetinf of E2F1
80430view20:00, 22 June 2015KhanspersAdded mir21 targeting of CDC25A
80174view11:06, 16 May 2015EveloModified title
80173view11:01, 16 May 2015EveloModified description
80172view10:44, 16 May 2015EveloModified description
80171view10:40, 16 May 2015EveloModified description
78573view14:50, 7 January 2015MaintBotadded missing graphIds
76353view18:32, 3 July 2014EgonwRemoved database names when no identifier was given.
76335view22:48, 2 July 2014MaintBotchanged pathway node Xrefs
72248view22:23, 29 October 2013MaintBotchanged xrefs from Gene Ontology to WikiPathways
71096view14:30, 4 October 2013Mkutmonconnected lines
70977view04:49, 19 September 2013JYoungrenSpecify description
70976view04:40, 19 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70975view04:30, 19 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70974view04:18, 19 September 2013JYoungrenSpecify description
70973view00:58, 19 September 2013JYoungrenSpecify description
70972view00:56, 19 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70971view00:32, 19 September 2013JYoungrenSpecify description
70970view00:25, 19 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70969view00:15, 19 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70968view23:23, 18 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70967view21:49, 18 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70966view21:39, 18 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70965view21:29, 18 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70964view21:19, 18 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70963view18:46, 18 September 2013JYoungrenSpecify description
70962view18:34, 18 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70961view18:23, 18 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70954view20:11, 17 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70953view20:00, 17 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70952view19:30, 17 September 2013JYoungrenSpecify description
70934view23:18, 15 September 2013JYoungrenSpecify description
70933view22:39, 15 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70932view22:28, 15 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70931view22:18, 15 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress
70930view22:08, 15 September 2013JYoungrenPeriodical save, work in progress

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ABL1GeneProduct25 (Entrez Gene)
ANLNGeneProduct54443 (Entrez Gene)
BARD1GeneProduct580 (Entrez Gene)
BRCA1GeneProduct672 (Entrez Gene)
CBX5GeneProduct23468 (Entrez Gene)
CCDC6GeneProduct8030 (Entrez Gene)
CCNA1GeneProduct8900 (Entrez Gene)
CCNA2GeneProduct890 (Entrez Gene)
CCNB1GeneProduct891 (Entrez Gene)
CCNB2GeneProduct9133 (Entrez Gene)
CCND1GeneProduct595 (Entrez Gene)
CCND3GeneProduct896 (Entrez Gene)
CCNE1GeneProduct898 (Entrez Gene)
CCNE2GeneProduct9134 (Entrez Gene)
CDC25AGeneProduct993 (Entrez Gene)
CDC25BGeneProduct994 (Entrez Gene)
CDC45GeneProduct8318 (Entrez Gene)
CDC7GeneProduct8317 (Entrez Gene)
CDK1GeneProduct983 (Entrez Gene)
CDK2GeneProduct1017 (Entrez Gene)
CDKN1AGeneProduct1026 (Entrez Gene)
CDKN1BGeneProduct1027 (Entrez Gene)
CDT1GeneProduct81620 (Entrez Gene)
CHEK1GeneProduct1111 (Entrez Gene)
CKS1BGeneProduct1163 (Entrez Gene)
DCKGeneProduct1633 (Entrez Gene)
DHFRGeneProduct1719 (Entrez Gene)
DNA damage response, signal transduction resulting in induction of apoptosisPathwayGO:0008630 (GeneOntology)
DNA repairPathwayGO:0006281 (GeneOntology)
DNA replication checkpointPathwayGO:0000076 (GeneOntology)
DNA replicationPathwayGO:0006260 (GeneOntology)
DNMT1GeneProduct1786 (Entrez Gene)
E2F1GeneProduct1869 (Entrez Gene)
E2F2GeneProduct1870 (Entrez Gene)
E2F3GeneProduct1869 (Entrez Gene)
E2F3GeneProduct1871 (Entrez Gene)
FAF1GeneProduct11124 (Entrez Gene)
FANCGGeneProduct2189 (Entrez Gene)
G1/S transition of mitotic cell cyclePathwayGO:0000082 (GeneOntology)
G2/M transition of mitotic cell cyclePathwayGO:0000086 (GeneOntology)
GTPBP1GeneProduct9567 (Entrez Gene)
H2AFZGeneProduct3015 (Entrez Gene)
HDAC1GeneProduct3065 (Entrez Gene)
HLTFGeneProduct6596 (Entrez Gene)
HMGB1GeneProduct3146 (Entrez Gene)
HMGB2GeneProduct3148 (Entrez Gene)
JNK cascadePathwayGO:0007254 (GeneOntology)
JUNGeneProduct3725 (Entrez Gene)
KIF4AGeneProduct24137 (Entrez Gene)
LY6EGeneProduct4061 (Entrez Gene)
M/G1 transition of mitotic cell cyclePathwayGO:0000216 (GeneOntology)
MAPK13GeneProduct5603 (Entrez Gene)
MASP1GeneProduct5648 (Entrez Gene)
MCM3GeneProduct4172 (Entrez Gene)
MCM4GeneProduct4173 (Entrez Gene)
MCM6GeneProduct4175 (Entrez Gene)
MCM7GeneProduct4176 (Entrez Gene)
MDM2GeneProduct4193 (Entrez Gene)
MSH6GeneProduct2956 (Entrez Gene)
MYCGeneProduct4609 (Entrez Gene)
NPATGeneProduct4863 (Entrez Gene)
ORC1GeneProduct4998 (Entrez Gene)
PCNAGeneProduct5111 (Entrez Gene)
PLK4GeneProduct10733 (Entrez Gene)
POLA1GeneProduct5422 (Entrez Gene)
POLD3GeneProduct10714 (Entrez Gene)
POLE2GeneProduct5427 (Entrez Gene)
POLEGeneProduct5426 (Entrez Gene)
PRIM1GeneProduct5557 (Entrez Gene)
PRKDCGeneProduct5591 (Entrez Gene)
PRMT2GeneProduct3275 (Entrez Gene)
RABIFGeneProduct5877 (Entrez Gene)
RAF1GeneProduct5894 (Entrez Gene)
RB1GeneProduct5925 (Entrez Gene)
RBBP4GeneProduct5928 (Entrez Gene)
RBP1GeneProduct5947 (Entrez Gene)
RFC3GeneProduct5983 (Entrez Gene)
RFC4GeneProduct5984 (Entrez Gene)
RFC5GeneProduct5985 (Entrez Gene)
RPA1GeneProduct6117 (Entrez Gene)
RPA2Protein6118 (Entrez Gene)
RPA3Protein6119 (Entrez Gene)
RRM1GeneProduct6240 (Entrez Gene)
RRM2GeneProduct6241 (Entrez Gene)
Rb-E2F complexPathwayGO:0035189 (GeneOntology)
SKP2GeneProduct6502 (Entrez Gene)
SMARCA2GeneProduct6595 (Entrez Gene)
SMC1AGeneProduct8243 (Entrez Gene)
SMC2GeneProduct10592 (Entrez Gene)
SMC3GeneProduct9126 (Entrez Gene)
SP1GeneProduct6667 (Entrez Gene)
STMN1GeneProduct3925 (Entrez Gene)
SUV39H1GeneProduct6839 (Entrez Gene)
TFAMGeneProduct7019 (Entrez Gene)
TFDP1GeneProduct7027 (Entrez Gene)
TFDP2GeneProduct7029 (Entrez Gene)
TLX2GeneProduct3196 (Entrez Gene)
TOP2AGeneProduct7153 (Entrez Gene)
TP53GeneProduct7157 (Entrez Gene)
TTKGeneProduct7272 (Entrez Gene)
TYMSGeneProduct7298 (Entrez Gene)
WEE1GeneProduct7465 (Entrez Gene)
ZNF655Protein79027 (Entrez Gene)
cell cycle checkpointPathwayGO:0000075 (GeneOntology)
histone H3-K9 methylationPathwayGO:0051567 (GeneOntology)
mitotic cell cyclePathwayGO:0000278 (GeneOntology)
positive regulation of transcription involved in G1/S phase of mitotic cell cyclePathwayGO:0071931 (GeneOntology)
regulation of cyclin-dependent protein kinase activityPathwayGO:0000079 (GeneOntology)

Annotated Interactions

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