Processing of Capped Intron-Containing Pre-mRNA (Homo sapiens)

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4, 139, 16121, 8, 102, 73, 43, 47, 114, 134, 13U4 ATACU5U6 ATAC Complex capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex Cap Binding Complex SF3A RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex RNA Polymerase II ATAC C Complex with lariat containing 5'-end cleaved mRNA TFIIF RNA Polymerase II snRNP Sm core complex Magoh-Y14 complex CPSF U6 snRNP U2 snRNP RNA Polymerase II SF3A capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex CstF U4 ATAC snRNPU6 ATAC snRNP snRNP Sm core complex U4 snRNPU6 snRNP complex Cleavage and Polyadenylation Complex CPSF Cap Binding Complex SF3B Spliceosomal active C complex with lariat containing, 5'-end cleaved pre-mRNPCBC complex U4 snRNP snRNP Sm core complex Spliceosomal A Complex SF3B U2 snRNP Spliceosomal B Complex Nuclear Pore Complex RNA polymerase II CstF U12 snRNP CstF RNA Polymerase II Mature mRNP Complex U4 snRNPU6 snRNP complex ATAC B Complex Spliceosomal Active C Complex CPSF U6 ATAC snRNP U5 snRNP TAP3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complex post exon ligation complex capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex capped, methylated pre-mRNPCBC complex snRNP Sm core complex U12 snRNP Spliceosomal A Complex Mature Intronless Transcript Derived Histone mRNATAPAly/Ref Complex Mature intronless derived mRNA complex TFIIF CF I Cap Binding Complex Nup107 Complex U1 snRNP TFIIF Cap Binding Complex SF3A RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex SF3B CF I U11 snRNP SF3A hnRNP proteins SF3B RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex RNA Polymerase II capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex CstF U4 ATAC snRNPU6 ATAC snRNP U1 snRNP snRNP Sm core complex U4 ATACU5U6 ATAC Complex capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex Cleavage and Polyadenylation Complex U12 snRNP U1 snRNP U4 ATAC snRNP Cap Binding Complex snRNP Sm core complex U2 snRNP Cap Binding Complex TFIIF TFIIF Spliceosomal Intermediate C Complex U5 snRNP lariat containing 5'-end cleaved mRNACBC complex RNA Polymerase II SF3B snRNP Sm core complex snRNP Sm core complex Cleavage and Polyadenylation Complex Mature Intronless transcript derived Histone mRNASLBPCBP80CBP20 Magoh-Y14 complex SF3B U4 ATAC snRNP U2 snRNP SF3B Cap Binding Complex RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex CstF Export Receptor bound mature mRNA Complex 3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complex U6 ATAC snRNP TFIIF Cap Binding Complex Magoh-Y14 complex mRNA 3'-end cleavage factor U5 snRNP snRNP Sm core complex CPSF TFIIF U5 snRNP EJC complex Cap Binding Complex RNA polymerase II TFIIF U1 snRNP Cap Binding Complex Spliceosomal E Complex EJC complex Cap Binding Complex 3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complex snRNP Sm core complex U4 snRNP RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex CF II nucleoplasmMature intronless transcript derived Histone pre-mRNACBC complex Cap Binding Complex SF3B CF II CF II Magoh-Y14 complex EJC complex RNA Polymerase II snRNP Sm core complex Mature intronless derived mRNATAPAly/Ref complex snRNP Sm core complex Nup62 Complex SF3B U11 snRNP ATAC A Complex U6 snRNP RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex U5 snRNP intron-containing complex pre-EJC complex U2 snRNP pre-EJC complex capped pre-mRNACBCRNA Pol II TFIIF TFIIF Nucleoplasmic mature intronless derived mRNATAPAly/Ref complex CPSF Cap Binding Complex CPSF Mature SLBP independent Histone mRNAeIF4E complex RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex pre-EJC complex RNA polymerase II U5 snRNP mRNA SF3A Cap Binding Complex snRNP Sm core complex U5 snRNP CF I Cap Binding Complex capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex Nuclear Pore Complex U4 ATAC snRNP U5 snRNP capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex CF II RNA polymerase II Magoh-Y14 complex CF I CF I Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNASLBPeIF4E Complex U11 snRNP RNA Polymerase II Cap Binding Complex Cap Binding Complex Cap Binding Complex TFIIF U1 snRNP SF3B Cap Binding Complex Cap Binding Complex RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex snRNP Sm core complex 3' end cleaved, ligated exon containing complex Spliceosomal active C complex with lariat containing, 5'-end cleaved pre-mRNPCBC complex RNA Polymerase II Cleavage and Polyadenylation Complex cytosolU5 snRNP Cap Binding Complex pre-EJC complex SF3A CstF Nup107 Complex CF II SF3B snRNP Sm core complex CPSF Ligated exon containing complex lariat containing 5'-end cleaved mRNACBC complex SF3B capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex ATAC C Complex pre-EJC complex RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex CF II U6 ATAC snRNP SF3A CstF TFIIF Nup62 Complex Magoh-Y14 complex U2 snRNP RNA Polymerase II capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex U6 ATAC snRNP Magoh-Y14 complex CPSF Spliceosomal E Complex U6 snRNP capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex Cleavage and Polyadenylation Complex CF I U12 snRNP U4 snRNP Cleavage and Polyadenylation Complex U2 snRNP U5 snRNP RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex U5 snRNP RNA Polymerase II TFIIF U4U5U6 trisnRNP complex Magoh-Y14 complex CPSF CF I snRNP Sm core complex CF II TFIIF RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex Cap Binding Complex RNA Polymerase II U6 snRNP CstF Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNASLBPTAPAly/Ref complex U6 snRNP Exon Junction Complex pre-EJC complex U5 snRNP snRNP Sm core complex U12 snRNP CF II U11 snRNP hnRNP proteins CF II U6 snRNP snRNP Sm core complex Cap Binding Complex Magoh-Y14 complex Mature Intronless Transcript Derived Histone mRNATAPAly/Ref complex SF3B snRNP Sm core complex Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNASLBPTAPAly/Ref complex RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex CF I CF I RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex RNA Polymerase II TFIIF ATAC A Complex U6 ATAC snRNP RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex Spliceosomal E Complex EJC complex U6 snRNP CPSF RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex snRNP Sm core complex snRNP Sm core complex U11 snRNP CPSF capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex Cap Binding Complex Mature Intronless Transcript Derived mRNAeIF4E Complex U2 snRNP Export Receptor bound mature mRNA Complex snRNP Sm core complex TFIIF SF3A RNA Polymerase II holoenzyme complex Cap Binding Complex RNPS1 Export Receptor bound mature mRNA ComplexRNPS1 NCBP1 HNRNPK POLR2K CSTF2NUDT21 GTF2F2PABPN1 POLR2G Spliceosomal active C complex with lariat containing, 5'-end cleaved pre-mRNPCBC complexSRRM1 POLR2DHNRNPA2B1 HNRNPR NCBP1NHP2L1 HNRNPM SLBP SRSF2 2xMe-SNRPB RBM52xMe-SNRPD3 POLR2C SRSF6 CLP1 POLR2FCD2BP2 HNRNPA0 NUP107 CCAR1 HNRNPH1SNRPD2 NUP153 CD2BP2 YBX1 SRSF6 Mature mRNP ComplexPCBP2 RNPS1 NCBP1 SRSF7 SNRPE NCBP2 SF3B2 LSM2 SNRPG NUDT21 POLR2B CD2BP2 UPF3B HNRNPUL1 YBX1 CPSF7 DNAJC8PCBP1 POLR2C U2AF1 HNRNPH1POLR2E SF3A2 NXF1GTF2F1RBM8A NCBP1 HNRNPK YBX1 POLR2C RBMXSRRM1 SRSF2 PRPF6 POLR2I CPSF3 U2AF1 SNRPG NUPL2 DDX23 POLR2DNHP2L1 SF3B3 POLR2H NFAR-2 proteinHNRNPU NUDT21 NUP98-5 U5 snRNA SRSF5 NXF1SNRPF SRSF5 HNRNPA1 PCBP2 HNRNPUL1 CSTF1 SMC1A ATAC A ComplexSNRPF CLP1 RNPS1 POLR2E POLR2A SRSF1 PRPF8 TPR NCBP1 SNRNP70 SF3B4 MAGOH HNRNPFHNRNPU SF3B1 POLR2E FUS DHX9 Ligated exon containing complexSNRPG SRSF11SRSF11 SNRPA1 CPSF7 POLR2G U2AF1PCBP2HNRNPL HNRNPA3 Cleavage and Polyadenylation ComplexPOLR2K HNRNPU NUP62 DHX9 YBX1 CPSF7 SRRM1 U2 snRNA SNRPE HNRNPA2B1TPR ATAC B ComplexSF3A3 PRPF8 DNAJC8UBA, Tudor - FLJ21007SNRPD2 SNRPE U2AF1 POLR2G SRSF9 HNRNPFCPSF1 SNRPA1 SNRPD2 SUGP1 POLR2K NHP2L1 POLR2C CSTF2POLR2FSF3B2 U2AF2 GTF2F2PAPOLA2xMe-SNRPB SRRM1 POLR2A TXNL4A PABPN1 POLR2I HNRNPA2B1 POLR2I NCBP2 Mature intronless derived mRNA complexTXNL4A CDC40 SNRPF CDC40NCBP2 SNRNP40 ASR2BGTF2F22xMe-SNRPD1 DDX23 SF3B2 RBM8A POLR2B SNRPE RBM5 SF3B4 SNRPF NUP50 SNRPE SRSF7 SRSF1 2xMe-SNRPB SF3B5 CCAR1 LSM2 hPrp43CPSF3 Mature Intronless Transcript Derived mRNAeIF4E ComplexPOLR2C POLR2G SF3A3 3' end cleaved, ligated exon containing complexSRSF9 FUS PTBP1 DHX38 2xMe-SNRPB POLR2K U2AF2 NUP88 SRSF4 SNRNP200 GTF2F1U2 snRNA POLR2J SNRPD2 2xMe-SNRPD3 PAPOLAHNRNPA1 U2AF1 MAGOH POLR2H SF3B4 HNRNPF2xMe-SNRPB PABPN1 POLR2L HNRNPH2 POLR2H 2xMe-SNRPB SNRPF U6 snRNA HNRNPUL1 2xMe-SNRPD1 PRPF8 ALYREFU1 snRNA SF3B2 SRSF11 POLR2G SNRPE NUP50 NUP214 SNRPE 2xMe-SNRPD3 2xMe-SNRPB SRSF4 NUP35 SNRPD2 SNRPB2 SRSF5 SRSF7 PRPF4 PTBP1 POLR2A SNRPF CSTF1 NUP93 SRSF3 EFTUD2 SF3B2 2xMe-SNRPD1 DHX38 SRSF3 PABPN1SRSF4 SNRPA RNPS1 SF3A2 DDX23 PTBP1 SF3B3 SMC1A 2xMe-SNRPD3 SF3B14 NUP88 SNRPE RBM5 RBM5 POLR2FALYREFSNRPE PABPN1 SRSF7 Nucleoplasmic mature intronless derived mRNATAPAly/Ref complexNUP54 U2AF2 SUGP1 SRSF1 SF3B4 U5 snRNA SRRM1PRPF8 RAE1 NCBP1 NHP2L1 SF3A3 POLR2J CSTF1 MAGOH POLR2K SUGP1 HNRNPA3 CCAR1SRSF7 SRSF5 SRSF6 2xMe-SNRPB NUP85 HNRNPC CLP1 p-S5-POLR2A SNRPD2 2xMe-SNRPD1 PRPF4 HNRNPA0POLR2C SNRPF POLR2B SNRPD2 SF3A1 SRSF1 SF3B4 2xMe-SNRPD3 ALYREF SF3B4 POLR2FCSTF2HNRNPA1 SNRNP40 SRRM1 CPSF2 POLR2E SNRPD2 POLR2G SRSF9U6 snRNA HNRNPL CPSFSRSF2 NCBP2 POLR2K POLR2DCSTF1 SF3A1 CPSF3 POLR2E SNRNP70 NFX.1 SNRPB2 SRSF2SF3B5 SRSF2 CSTF3 POLR2FSNRPE POLR2DSNRPF POLR2L HNRNPR NUDT21 POLR2FPRPF8 U5 snRNA POLR2L SNRPG HNRNPM Spliceosomal E ComplexSF3B2 ALYREF DHX9 DDX23 NXF1PHF5ASRSF5 NUDT21 GTF2F1NUP93 RNPS1 SRSF9 PRPF4 PABPN1DHX9 SRSF6 2xMe-SNRPB PTBP1PAPOLAHNRNPH2 SRSF9 POLR2J POLR2FPRPF8 PRPF6 2xMe-SNRPB U2AF1 SNRNP40 HNRNPKSF3B1 CPSF3 CDC40 POLR2A CCAR1 2xMe-SNRPD1 ALYREF 2xMe-SNRPB TXNL4A SNRNP70 SRSF11 PRPF8 SNRPD2 U6 ATAC snRNPMAGOH DDX23 SRSF1 HNRNPK SRSF2 POLR2L RBM8A 2xMe-SNRPD1 SRSF4SUGP1GTF2F2HNRNPUL1 SRSF4 SF3B5 SRSF7 SNRPA Mature Intronless Transcript Derived Histone mRNATAPAly/Ref complexCSTF1 SRSF4 SUGP1 POLR2G POLR2I NUP107 POLR2H GTF2F1CF IIPOLR2L SF3A1 SF3A1 PTBP1 CSTF2SRSF3 GTF2F2NHP2L1 RBMXSNRNP40 SRSF1 CSTF1 CLP1 HNRNPA2B1 DHX9TXNL4A RANBP2 CD2BP2SMC1A 2xMe-SNRPD1 SRSF11 U6 snRNA 2xMe-SNRPD3 SRSF3 LSM2 U4 ATACU5U6 ATAC ComplexSNRPE ALYREF SNRPE SRSF3 CC1.3 protein /3 RRM, RS2xMe-SNRPD1 SRRM12xMe-SNRPD1 SRSF2 NUP35 U2 snRNA HNRNPH2 SF3B4 CDC40 SF3B2 HNRNPA1 SNRPE NUDT21 hPrp5CSTF2U6 snRNA SF3B1 SRSF7 NHP2L1 SNRPD2 SNRNP200 CDC40 UPF3B U2AF2SNRPB2 HNRNPA0 Nup45 PCBP1 U2AF2 2xMe-SNRPD3 CPSF1 POLR2H POLR2B SF3B14 HNRNPD PHF5APOLR2DNFX.1 SNRPG CSTF3 U2AF2 PRPF6 2xMe-SNRPD1 U5 snRNA CPSFmRNA POLR2G NUDT21 U4 snRNA SF3B14 Mature Intronless transcript derived Histone mRNASLBPCBP80CBP20NXF1SRSF9 POLR2H p-S5-POLR2A DDX23 POLR2G GTF2F1HNRNPC HNRNPL SRRM1 FUS 2xMe-SNRPD1 NCBP2 PRPF8 SF3B4 TXNL4A SRSF3 GTF2F2HNRNPRPCF11 SRSF2 SF3B2 RBM8A POLR2I POLR2I SNRPE SF3A1 POLR2L NFX.1 SF3B3 NCBP2 SNRPD2 DHX38 CF IPOLR2E HNRNPLNUP205Mature intronless transcript derived Histone pre-mRNACBC complexPCBP1 POLR2I 2xMe-SNRPD3 GTF2F2SF3B1 HNRNPA3 SF3B14 POLR2L SNRPB2 capped, methylated pre-mRNACBC Complex2xMe-SNRPD3 SUGP1 HNRNPH2 hSLU7POLR2B SF3B5 NUPL2 PCBP2 SNRNP40 HNRNPUL1 HNRNPA2B1 SNRPD2 CPSF2 2xMe-SNRPD3 SNRPG SRSF11 SRSF2 SRRM1 PCBP2 POLR2B YBX1 HNRNPK Spliceosomal B ComplexSNRNP200 POLR2K POLR2FHNRNPH1SNRPB2 POLR2C POLR2E TXNL4A SRSF2 Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNASLBPTAPAly/Ref complexHNRNPL SRSF6 SNRPF SNRPA POLR2E DNAJC8SRSF3POLR2A POLR2FSRSF5 HNRNPH1SUGP1 SF3A1 RNPS1 SF3B3 DDX23 EIF4ESRSF4 U5 snRNA SRSF9 SRSF1 SNRPG POLR2J EIF4E U2AF2 NCBP2 HNRNPMNCBP1 SRSF2 POLR2H HNRNPA0 U6 snRNA SNRPA1 ALYREF SRSF9 NUP133 PRPF6 SRSF3 POLR2I TAP3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complexSRSF1 NCBP1 SRSF1 CPSF2 DNAJC8POLR2A NFX.1 SNRPG LSM2 HNRNPM 2xMe-SNRPD3 GTF2F1U1 snRNA SF3B3 LSM2 POLR2K 2xMe-SNRPD1 2xMe-SNRPD1 CPSF3 U1 snRNA PCF11 RBM5 post exon ligation complexNHP2L1 EIF4ERNPS1HNRNPK 2xMe-SNRPD1 SNRPG POLR2DHNRNPD POLR2FCSTF1 POLR2DUPF3B hPrp18HNRNPR SRSF11 U5 snRNA HNRNPL POLR2K PRPF6 SNRPD2 CPSF2 NCBP2 U1 snRNA SF3B4 CDC40 Mature intronless derived mRNATAPAly/Ref complexSF3B3 POLR2L NUP205POLR2G TXNL4A POLR2L SNRPE 2xMe-SNRPB RBMXSNRPG PCF11 NCBP2 POLR2K PRPF8 NHP2L1 U1 snRNPEFTUD2 POLR2FMAGOH 2xMe-SNRPD3 SF3A3 SNRPA1 POLR2FSRSF1 SRSF6 PRPF6 2xMe-SNRPD3 CPSF7 SRSF11 CSTF3 PHF5APAPOLAEFTUD2 PCBP1 SNRPF HNRNPK SF3B3 EIF4ECSTF3 SRSF7 2xMe-SNRPB HNRNPU POLR2E CSTF2NCBP2 U1 snRNPALYREF RBMXLSM2 POLR2H RAE1 POLR2C NHP2L1 NCBP1 NCBP2 SNRPE NUPL1-2 U5 snRNA FUS SNRPG POLR2J 2xMe-SNRPD1 NCBP1 Exon Junction ComplexPOLR2C NHP2L1 CPSF2 SF3B14 POLR2B NXF1UPF3B SRSF2 NUP155 SF3B1 CPSF1 SNRPG SNRPF SF3B5 HNRNPA3 NFX.1 U2 snRNA NXF1POLR2J GTF2F1CSTF2POLR2L NXF1SF3A3 SRSF3 ALYREF HNRNPR TXNL4A SF3A2 ALYREF DHX38 HNRNPL NCBP2 2xMe-SNRPD3 PABPN1 SUGP1 ATPPTBP1 RBM8A ALYREF DHX9 HNRNPU EFTUD2 POLR2I SNRPE 2xMe-SNRPB FUS MAGOH U4 snRNA CPSF2 POLR2H POLR2A Spliceosomal Intermediate C ComplexCPSF2 POLR2J RANBP2 SF3B3 GTF2F2NCBP1 2xMe-SNRPB EIF4E capped, methylated pre-mRNPCBC complexSRSF7 U2AF2 CPSF2 POLR2DAAAS RNPS1 NCBP1 HNRNPD HNRNPCPOLR2C 2xMe-SNRPD3 SF3B4 SF3B4 SNRPF EFTUD2 SNRPF PCF11 POLR2J NCBP2 HNRNPM POLR2E SRRM1 HNRNPR SNRPA1 CPSF3 U2 snRNPPCBP2 NXF1CPSF3 PHF5AHNRNPH1POLR2E p68 DEAH proteinU2 snRNA SNRPF RNA polymerase II PRPF4 SRSF4 SNRPD2 SNRPE capped pre-mRNACBCRNA Pol II HNRNPA0 GTF2F2GTF2F1SRSF11 2xMe-SNRPD1 SNRPD2 NUPL1-2 DHX9 POLR2H HNRNPR NCBP1 HNRNPA0 PRPF6 ALYREF NCBP2 POLR2I POLR2K SRSF2 U2AF1 SNRPD2 SNRPD2 CPSF3 EIF4E EFTUD2 RNPS1 HNRNPH2 2xMe-SNRPB HNRNPM PCF11 HNRNPU 2xMe-SNRPD1 2xMe-SNRPD3 CLP1 RNPS1 POLR2C NUP43 PCBP1RNPS1 SRSF4 POLR2DPRPF6 HNRNPD YBX1 POLR2E POLR2I SNRNP40 POLR2B POLR2B SF3A3 SNRNP40 CPSF7 CCAR1 LSM2 SRSF6 U2AF2 SF3B2 DHX38 SRSF6 PTBP1 NFX.1 SF3B14 HNRNPR CD2BP2 POLR2J 2xMe-SNRPB SF3B1 SRSF6 PTBP1 DDX23 DHX38 SRSF1 UPF3B U2 snRNA RBMXEFTUD2 NUDT21 POLR2J UPF3B Nuclear Pore Complex SNRNP40 PAPOLAHNRNPH1SNRNP200 SNRPG SNRPB2 SF3B2 SNRPG PRPF6 SRSF1 POLR2DEFTUD2 CCAR1 POLR2B SF3B3 U5 snRNA ALYREF CCAR1 SRSF9 SF3B5 NCBP2 CPSF1 NXF1SNRPE NCBP1 SRSF1 mRNA 3'-end cleavage factorU1 snRNA HNRNPH2 SF3B5 POLR2A GTF2F2U2AF1 CLP1 SRSF6 POLR2DNCBP2 PRPF4 ALYREF RBM8A SRSF6 CLP1 NHP2L1 NUP210 GTF2F1DNAJC82xMe-SNRPD3 METTL3 SF3A1 SNRPF CSTF3 SF3B1 U4 snRNPGTF2F2YBX1 CSTF3 SUGP1 2xMe-SNRPB YBX1 SRSF9 SF3B5 CPSF1 SNRPG POLR2K DnaJ hom. NP_055602U4 ATAC snRNPCPSFHNRNPUL1 CSTF3 DDX23 PRPF8 ALYREFPAPOLACPSF3 POLR2E RBM5 CD2BP2 SF3B14 ATAC C Complex with lariat containing 5'-end cleaved mRNAPOLR2A SRSF2 SF3B1 NCBP2 DDX23 SF3B14 RNPS1 NFX.1 PCBP1 NXF1POLR2H HNRNPC SNRNP200 POLR2G PCBP2 CLP1 HNRNPUCPSF1 SMC1A SNRPA POLR2DU2 snRNA NXF1POLR2DPOLR2J SF3A3 EFTUD2 SRSF5 HNRNPA3 ALYREF HNRNPFCPSF3 SNRNP40 SRSF1 PCBP1 SF3B1 U2AF1 PRPF4 CSTF3 SNRPF SRSF6 NCBP1 SNRPE HNRNPM SF3A1 Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNASLBPeIF4E ComplexPOLR2C DHX38 HNRNPA2B1 Spliceosomal Active C ComplexSRSF7 POLR2B CCAR1 NCBP2PAPOLAPOLR2B PAPOLAALYREF TXNL4A 2xMe-SNRPD3 2xMe-SNRPD1 NXF1POLR2H SNRPF RBM8A POLR2G HNRNPA3HNRNPD HNRNPUL1 SNRPD2 PCBP1 PHF5AU5 snRNPSRSF7 POLR2A PCBP2 POLR2I CDC40 SRSF11 POLR2C SF3A2 Nuclear Pore Complex U2AF1 UPF3B U12 snRNPLSM2 TXNL4A SF3B14 NFX.1 SRSF7 SRRM1 HNRNPM TXNL4A Nup45 SNRPF RBM8A POLR2L p-S5-POLR2A HNRNPC POLR2K SRSF9 NUP214 MAGOH POLR2H NCBP2 SNRPG SNRPD2 SF3B2 POLR2B GTF2F2NUP153 SNRPG SNRPG POLR2DDHX9 POM121 CSTF2SRSF1GTF2F1SEH1L-2 U6 snRNA Export Receptor bound mature mRNA ComplexSF3B1 HNRNPK SF3A2 SF3A2 HNRNPH1HNRNPA3 CLP1 POLR2G SEH1L-2 GTF2F1HNRNPU SRSF3 SRSF7 HNRNPUL12xMe-SNRPD1 SRSF1 CCAR1 SLBP SNRNP200 CPSF7 SF3B4 POLR2C HNRNPFCD2BP2 HNRNPA1 3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complexDDX23 RBMXPCF11 LSM2 SF3B14 DHX38 HNRNPA1 CPSF3 GTF2F1SNRNP200 POLR2DSF3B3 POLR2J SRSF5 SRSF5 HNRNPH2EFTUD2 HNRNPFNUP37 HNRNPC 2xMe-SNRPD3 SF3A2 DHX38NUP98-5 SRSF7 SRSF7 SNRNP200 POLR2DPAPOLAALYREF PRPF4 GTF2F1NCBP2 2xMe-SNRPD3 NCBP2 HNRNPK HNRNPA0 SNRPD2 SRSF5HNRNPA3 CstFSNRNP40 SNRPA1 POLR2I PRPF6 U5 snRNA POLR2I POLR2L GTF2F1PCBP1 PABPN1 NFX.1 NHP2L1 PHF5ACPSF1 PHF5ANUP188SRSF7 SRSF2 SNRPB2 POLR2J LSM2 CDC40 NFX.1 SNRPA1 PTBP1 PHF5AU2AF1 SF3B2 SF3B1 SRSF6 CD2BP2 TXNL4A HNRNPA0 SNRPF U2AF2 SF3B5 RBM8A NXF1SF3B5 SRSF3 CF ISF3B14 CPSF1 NCBP2 SRSF5 NUP188SF3B5 SF3B3 CPSF7 RBM5 POLR2C HNRNPA2B1 SF3B1 U2AF1 PCF11 SF3B2 HNRNPH2 CPSF1 SLBP RBM5 SRRM1 DNAJC8ALYREF HNRNPL POLR2K SF3B3 PCF11 HNRNPA2B1 EFTUD2 NCBP1 YBX1NCBP1 POLR2G POM121 HNRNPL PCBP2 SNRNP200 POLR2L SNRPG SF3B14 SNRPF LSM2 SRSF6 CDC40 CstFSRSF2 NCBP1 U5 snRNA DHX38 RBMXPOLR2FPOLR2I POLR2I NFX.1 SNRNP200 SRRM1 HuR /3 RRM proteinPOLR2H SNRNP40 SNRPF FUSDHX9 HNRNPH2 POLR2E NCBP2 SF3B1 U5 snRNA Mature Intronless Transcript Derived Histone mRNATAPAly/Ref ComplexNCBP1 SRSF2 FUS NUDT21 NFX.1 Spliceosomal A ComplexPRPF8 NCBP1 NCBP2 POLR2FSNRNP40 SRSF4 SMC1A POLR2A POLR2A DNAJC8NUP62 SNRPD2 SRSF6 SMC2 NCBP2 HNRNPH12xMe-SNRPB PRPF8 SLBP NUP155 SRSF3 U2AF2 HNRNPR POLR2L U4 snRNA SF3B3 Mature SLBP independent Histone mRNAeIF4E complexAAAS NUP210 POLR2L GTF2F2PRPF6 NCBP1 SNRNP200 HNRNPA1DDX23 CPSF7 NXF1SNRPG CD2BP2 POLR2K POLR2B POLR2B HNRNPUL1 POLR2G HNRNPC NUP85 SMC1A SNRNP200 U6 snRNA 2xMe-SNRPD1 SNRNP70 HNRNPA2B1 U2AF2 CF IIHNRNPH1POLR2FHNRNPA0 FUS NUP37 NHP2L1 SMC1APOLR2K HNRNPD RNPS1 NUP160 NCBP2 SRRM1 POLR2FCPSF1 NFX.1 Magoh-Y14 complexHNRNPD UPF3BMAGOH HNRNPA1 RBMXSF3B5 2xMe-SNRPD1 SF3B5 GTF2F2SRSF6SRSF9 SNRPE SF3A2 U2 snRNA POLR2H GTF2F1SRRM1 NCBP1 ALYREF HNRNPC PABPN1 HNRNPM NCBP1 U11 snRNPNUP133 2xMe-SNRPB 2xMe-SNRPB GTF2F1HNRNPDALYREF UPF3B CPSF2 CPSF7 HNRNPU ALYREF CPSF1 POLR2L EFTUD2 NCBP1 SRSF11 NUP54 SNRPA1 HNRNPFPRPF6 2xMe-SNRPD1 LSM2 POLR2G hPrp19PRPF4 SRSF4 SRSF1 RBM5 POLR2B 2xMe-SNRPD3 hTra2SNRPD2 NUP43 POLR2H 2xMe-SNRPB POLR2J POLR2J SF3B14 SRSF6 DNAJC8POLR2J NCBP2 SNRPG NFX.1 U4U5U6 trisnRNP complexGTF2F2RNPS1 SRSF5 FUS NFX.1SF3A3 2xMe-SNRPD3 DHX38 NCBP1 Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNASLBPTAPAly/Ref complexHNRNPFPOLR2E ATAC C ComplexRBMXPCF11 SNRPA Cap Binding Complex SMC1A CDC40 HNRNPD CDC40 CPSF2 hPrp22HNRNPFNCBP1 intron-containing complexHNRNPA1 NCBP1 SNRNP70 POLR2C SMC1A p-S5-POLR2A SF3B4 SNRPE UPF3B HNRNPC SNRPF CSTF1 MAGOH SNRPG SRSF7NUP160 CPSF2 EIF4E U5 snRNA SNRPB2 HNRNPA3 ALYREFPOLR2E GTF2F2NXF1155, 6, 145, 6, 14


Co-transcriptional pre-mRNA splicing is not obligatory. Pre-mRNA splicing begins co-transcriptionally and often continues post-transcriptionally. Human genes contain an average of nine introns per gene, which cannot serve as splicing substrates until both 5' and 3' ends of each intron are synthesized. Thus the time that it takes for pol II to synthesize each intron defines a minimal time and distance along the gene in which splicing factors can be recruited. The time that it takes for pol II to reach the end of the gene defines the maximal time in which splicing could occur co-transcriptionally. Thus, the kinetics of transcription can affect the kinetics of splicing.Any covalent change in a primary (nascent) mRNA transcript is mRNA Processing. For successful gene expression, the primary mRNA transcript needs to be converted to a mature mRNA prior to its translation into polypeptide. Eucaryotic mRNAs undergo a series of complex processing reactions; these begin on nascent transcripts as soon as a few ribonucleotides have been synthesized during transcription by RNA Polymerase II, through the export of the mature mRNA to the cytoplasm, and culminate with mRNA turnover in the cytoplasm. Original Pathway at Reactome:

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  1. Hutten S, Kehlenbach RH.; ''CRM1-mediated nuclear export: to the pore and beyond.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Lévesque L, Guzik B, Guan T, Coyle J, Black BE, Rekosh D, Hammarskjöld ML, Paschal BM.; ''RNA export mediated by tap involves NXT1-dependent interactions with the nuclear pore complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Coltri P, Effenberger K, Chalkley RJ, Burlingame AL, Jurica MS.; ''Breaking up the C complex spliceosome shows stable association of proteins with the lariat intron intermediate.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Zhou Z, Licklider LJ, Gygi SP, Reed R.; ''Comprehensive proteomic analysis of the human spliceosome.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Le Hir H, Izaurralde E, Maquat LE, Moore MJ.; ''The spliceosome deposits multiple proteins 20-24 nucleotides upstream of mRNA exon-exon junctions.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. Ma XM, Yoon SO, Richardson CJ, Jülich K, Blenis J.; ''SKAR links pre-mRNA splicing to mTOR/S6K1-mediated enhanced translation efficiency of spliced mRNAs.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  7. Ajuh P, Sleeman J, Chusainow J, Lamond AI.; ''A direct interaction between the carboxyl-terminal region of CDC5L and the WD40 domain of PLRG1 is essential for pre-mRNA splicing.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  8. Hegele A, Kamburov A, Grossmann A, Sourlis C, Wowro S, Weimann M, Will CL, Pena V, Lührmann R, Stelzl U.; ''Dynamic protein-protein interaction wiring of the human spliceosome.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  9. Pikielny CW, Bindereif A, Green MR.; ''In vitro reconstitution of snRNPs: a reconstituted U4/U6 snRNP participates in splicing complex formation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  10. Kataoka N, Dreyfuss G.; ''A simple whole cell lysate system for in vitro splicing reveals a stepwise assembly of the exon-exon junction complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  11. Hung ML, Hautbergue GM, Snijders AP, Dickman MJ, Wilson SA.; ''Arginine methylation of REF/ALY promotes efficient handover of mRNA to TAP/NXF1.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  12. Cronshaw JM, Krutchinsky AN, Zhang W, Chait BT, Matunis MJ.; ''Proteomic analysis of the mammalian nuclear pore complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  13. Suyama M, Doerks T, Braun IC, Sattler M, Izaurralde E, Bork P.; ''Prediction of structural domains of TAP reveals details of its interaction with p15 and nucleoporins.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  14. Grote M, Wolf E, Will CL, Lemm I, Agafonov DE, Schomburg A, Fischle W, Urlaub H, Lührmann R.; ''Molecular architecture of the human Prp19/CDC5L complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  15. Moore CL, Sharp PA.; ''Accurate cleavage and polyadenylation of exogenous RNA substrate.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  16. Blencowe BJ, Baurén G, Eldridge AG, Issner R, Nickerson JA, Rosonina E, Sharp PA.; ''The SRm160/300 splicing coactivator subunits.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  17. Le Hir H, Gatfield D, Izaurralde E, Moore MJ.; ''The exon-exon junction complex provides a binding platform for factors involved in mRNA export and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  18. Liu J, Yue Y, Han D, Wang X, Fu Y, Zhang L, Jia G, Yu M, Lu Z, Deng X, Dai Q, Chen W, He C.; ''A METTL3-METTL14 complex mediates mammalian nuclear RNA N6-adenosine methylation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  19. Bokar JA, Shambaugh ME, Polayes D, Matera AG, Rottman FM.; ''Purification and cDNA cloning of the AdoMet-binding subunit of the human mRNA (N6-adenosine)-methyltransferase.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  20. Lindtner S, Felber BK, Kjems J.; ''An element in the 3' untranslated region of human LINE-1 retrotransposon mRNA binds NXF1(TAP) and can function as a nuclear export element.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  21. Katahira J, Straesser K, Saiwaki T, Yoneda Y, Hurt E.; ''Complex formation between Tap and p15 affects binding to FG-repeat nucleoporins and nucleocytoplasmic shuttling.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  22. Chi B, Wang Q, Wu G, Tan M, Wang L, Shi M, Chang X, Cheng H.; ''Aly and THO are required for assembly of the human TREX complex and association of TREX components with the spliced mRNA.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  23. Ilagan JO, Chalkley RJ, Burlingame AL, Jurica MS.; ''Rearrangements within human spliceosomes captured after exon ligation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  24. Makarov EM, Owen N, Bottrill A, Makarova OV.; ''Functional mammalian spliceosomal complex E contains SMN complex proteins in addition to U1 and U2 snRNPs.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  25. Suntharalingam M, Wente SR.; ''Peering through the pore: nuclear pore complex structure, assembly, and function.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  26. Ping XL, Sun BF, Wang L, Xiao W, Yang X, Wang WJ, Adhikari S, Shi Y, Lv Y, Chen YS, Zhao X, Li A, Yang Y, Dahal U, Lou XM, Liu X, Huang J, Yuan WP, Zhu XF, Cheng T, Zhao YL, Wang X, Rendtlew Danielsen JM, Liu F, Yang YG.; ''Mammalian WTAP is a regulatory subunit of the RNA N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  27. Zhou Z, Luo MJ, Straesser K, Katahira J, Hurt E, Reed R.; ''The protein Aly links pre-messenger-RNA splicing to nuclear export in metazoans.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  28. Cheng H, Dufu K, Lee CS, Hsu JL, Dias A, Reed R.; ''Human mRNA export machinery recruited to the 5' end of mRNA.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  29. Yamazaki T, Fujiwara N, Yukinaga H, Ebisuya M, Shiki T, Kurihara T, Kioka N, Kambe T, Nagao M, Nishida E, Masuda S.; ''The closely related RNA helicases, UAP56 and URH49, preferentially form distinct mRNA export machineries and coordinately regulate mitotic progression.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  30. Makarov EM, Makarova OV, Urlaub H, Gentzel M, Will CL, Wilm M, Lührmann R.; ''Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein remodeling during catalytic activation of the spliceosome.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  31. Will CL, Urlaub H, Achsel T, Gentzel M, Wilm M, Lührmann R.; ''Characterization of novel SF3b and 17S U2 snRNP proteins, including a human Prp5p homologue and an SF3b DEAD-box protein.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  32. Schwartz S, Mumbach MR, Jovanovic M, Wang T, Maciag K, Bushkin GG, Mertins P, Ter-Ovanesyan D, Habib N, Cacchiarelli D, Sanjana NE, Freinkman E, Pacold ME, Satija R, Mikkelsen TS, Hacohen N, Zhang F, Carr SA, Lander ES, Regev A.; ''Perturbation of m6A writers reveals two distinct classes of mRNA methylation at internal and 5' sites.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  33. Wu Q, Krainer AR.; ''AT-AC pre-mRNA splicing mechanisms and conservation of minor introns in voltage-gated ion channel genes.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  34. Carmody SR, Wente SR.; ''mRNA nuclear export at a glance.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  35. Valadkhan S, Manley JL.; ''Splicing-related catalysis by protein-free snRNAs.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  36. Kabachinski G, Schwartz TU.; ''The nuclear pore complex--structure and function at a glance.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  37. Lévesque L, Bor YC, Matzat LH, Jin L, Berberoglu S, Rekosh D, Hammarskjöld ML, Paschal BM.; ''Mutations in tap uncouple RNA export activity from translocation through the nuclear pore complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  38. Ruskin B, Krainer AR, Maniatis T, Green MR.; ''Excision of an intact intron as a novel lariat structure during pre-mRNA splicing in vitro.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  39. Bessonov S, Anokhina M, Krasauskas A, Golas MM, Sander B, Will CL, Urlaub H, Stark H, Lührmann R.; ''Characterization of purified human Bact spliceosomal complexes reveals compositional and morphological changes during spliceosome activation and first step catalysis.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  40. Lamond AI, Konarska MM, Grabowski PJ, Sharp PA.; ''Spliceosome assembly involves the binding and release of U4 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  41. Teng IF, Wilson SA.; ''Mapping interactions between mRNA export factors in living cells.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  42. Ori A, Banterle N, Iskar M, Iskar M, Andrés-Pons A, Escher C, Khanh Bui H, Sparks L, Solis-Mezarino V, Rinner O, Bork P, Lemke EA, Beck M.; ''Cell type-specific nuclear pores: a case in point for context-dependent stoichiometry of molecular machines.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  43. Culjkovic-Kraljacic B, Borden KL.; ''Aiding and abetting cancer: mRNA export and the nuclear pore.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  44. Shepard J, Reick M, Olson S, Graveley BR.; ''Characterization of U2AF(6), a splicing factor related to U2AF(35).''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  45. Charlesworth A, Meijer HA, de Moor CH.; ''Specificity factors in cytoplasmic polyadenylation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  46. Rappsilber J, Ryder U, Lamond AI, Mann M.; ''Large-scale proteomic analysis of the human spliceosome.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  47. Ajuh P, Kuster B, Panov K, Zomerdijk JC, Mann M, Lamond AI.; ''Functional analysis of the human CDC5L complex and identification of its components by mass spectrometry.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  48. Brahms H, Meheus L, de Brabandere V, Fischer U, Lührmann R.; ''Symmetrical dimethylation of arginine residues in spliceosomal Sm protein B/B' and the Sm-like protein LSm4, and their interaction with the SMN protein.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  49. Wiegand HL, Coburn GA, Zeng Y, Kang Y, Bogerd HP, Cullen BR.; ''Formation of Tap/NXT1 heterodimers activates Tap-dependent nuclear mRNA export by enhancing recruitment to nuclear pore complexes.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  50. Wagner S, Chiosea S, Ivshina M, Nickerson JA.; ''In vitro FRAP reveals the ATP-dependent nuclear mobilization of the exon junction complex protein SRm160.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  51. Rabut G, Doye V, Ellenberg J.; ''Mapping the dynamic organization of the nuclear pore complex inside single living cells.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  52. Erkmann JA, Kutay U.; ''Nuclear export of mRNA: from the site of transcription to the cytoplasm.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  53. Kang Y, Bogerd HP, Yang J, Cullen BR.; ''Analysis of the RNA binding specificity of the human tap protein, a constitutive transport element-specific nuclear RNA export factor.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  54. Watkins JL, Murphy R, Emtage JL, Wente SR.; ''The human homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gle1p is required for poly(A)+ RNA export.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  55. Schönemann L, Kühn U, Martin G, Schäfer P, Gruber AR, Keller W, Zavolan M, Wahle E.; ''Reconstitution of CPSF active in polyadenylation: recognition of the polyadenylation signal by WDR33.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  56. Meinel DM, Burkert-Kautzsch C, Kieser A, O'Duibhir E, Siebert M, Mayer A, Cramer P, Söding J, Holstege FC, Sträßer K.; ''Recruitment of TREX to the transcription machinery by its direct binding to the phospho-CTD of RNA polymerase II.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  57. Lin-Moshier Y, Sebastian PJ, Higgins L, Sampson ND, Hewitt JE, Marchant JS.; ''Re-evaluation of the role of calcium homeostasis endoplasmic reticulum protein (CHERP) in cellular calcium signaling.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  58. Viphakone N, Cumberbatch MG, Livingstone MJ, Heath PR, Dickman MJ, Catto JW, Wilson SA.; ''Luzp4 defines a new mRNA export pathway in cancer cells.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  59. Valadkhan S, Mohammadi A, Wachtel C, Manley JL.; ''Protein-free spliceosomal snRNAs catalyze a reaction that resembles the first step of splicing.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  60. Neubauer G, King A, Rappsilber J, Calvio C, Watson M, Ajuh P, Sleeman J, Lamond A, Mann M.; ''Mass spectrometry and EST-database searching allows characterization of the multi-protein spliceosome complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  61. Kang Y, Cullen BR.; ''The human Tap protein is a nuclear mRNA export factor that contains novel RNA-binding and nucleocytoplasmic transport sequences.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  62. Madan V, Kanojia D, Li J, Okamoto R, Sato-Otsubo A, Kohlmann A, Sanada M, Grossmann V, Sundaresan J, Shiraishi Y, Miyano S, Thol F, Ganser A, Yang H, Haferlach T, Ogawa S, Koeffler HP.; ''Aberrant splicing of U12-type introns is the hallmark of ZRSR2 mutant myelodysplastic syndrome.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  63. Folco EG, Lee CS, Dufu K, Yamazaki T, Reed R.; ''The proteins PDIP3 and ZC11A associate with the human TREX complex in an ATP-dependent manner and function in mRNA export.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  64. Hautbergue GM, Hung ML, Golovanov AP, Lian LY, Wilson SA.; ''Mutually exclusive interactions drive handover of mRNA from export adaptors to TAP.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  65. Hastings ML, Krainer AR.; ''Functions of SR proteins in the U12-dependent AT-AC pre-mRNA splicing pathway.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  66. Golovanov AP, Hautbergue GM, Tintaru AM, Lian LY, Wilson SA.; ''The solution structure of REF2-I reveals interdomain interactions and regions involved in binding mRNA export factors and RNA.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  67. Deckert J, Hartmuth K, Boehringer D, Behzadnia N, Will CL, Kastner B, Stark H, Urlaub H, Lührmann R.; ''Protein composition and electron microscopy structure of affinity-purified human spliceosomal B complexes isolated under physiological conditions.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  68. Yoshimoto R, Kataoka N, Okawa K, Ohno M.; ''Isolation and characterization of post-splicing lariat-intron complexes.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  69. Box JA, Bunch JT, Tang W, Baumann P.; ''Spliceosomal cleavage generates the 3' end of telomerase RNA.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  70. Johnson SA, Kim H, Erickson B, Bentley DL.; ''The export factor Yra1 modulates mRNA 3' end processing.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  71. Bachi A, Braun IC, Rodrigues JP, Panté N, Ribbeck K, von Kobbe C, Kutay U, Wilm M, Görlich D, Carmo-Fonseca M, Izaurralde E.; ''The C-terminal domain of TAP interacts with the nuclear pore complex and promotes export of specific CTE-bearing RNA substrates.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  72. Strässer K, Masuda S, Mason P, Pfannstiel J, Oppizzi M, Rodriguez-Navarro S, Rondón AG, Aguilera A, Struhl K, Reed R, Hurt E.; ''TREX is a conserved complex coupling transcription with messenger RNA export.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  73. Chang CT, Hautbergue GM, Walsh MJ, Viphakone N, van Dijk TB, Philipsen S, Wilson SA.; ''Chtop is a component of the dynamic TREX mRNA export complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  74. Fontoura BM, Blobel G, Matunis MJ.; ''A conserved biogenesis pathway for nucleoporins: proteolytic processing of a 186-kilodalton precursor generates Nup98 and the novel nucleoporin, Nup96.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  75. Jurica MS, Licklider LJ, Gygi SR, Grigorieff N, Moore MJ.; ''Purification and characterization of native spliceosomes suitable for three-dimensional structural analysis.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  76. Crisci A, Raleff F, Bagdiul I, Raabe M, Urlaub H, Rain JC, Krämer A.; ''Mammalian splicing factor SF1 interacts with SURP domains of U2 snRNP-associated proteins.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  77. Shi Y, Di Giammartino DC, Taylor D, Sarkeshik A, Rice WJ, Yates JR, Frank J, Manley JL.; ''Molecular architecture of the human pre-mRNA 3' processing complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  78. Takagaki Y, Manley JL.; ''Complex protein interactions within the human polyadenylation machinery identify a novel component.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  79. Kreivi JP, Lamond AI.; ''RNA splicing: unexpected spliceosome diversity.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  80. Katahira J.; ''Nuclear export of messenger RNA.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  81. Rougemaille M, Dieppois G, Kisseleva-Romanova E, Gudipati RK, Lemoine S, Blugeon C, Boulay J, Jensen TH, Stutz F, Devaux F, Libri D.; ''THO/Sub2p functions to coordinate 3'-end processing with gene-nuclear pore association.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  82. Luna R, Rondón AG, Aguilera A.; ''New clues to understand the role of THO and other functionally related factors in mRNP biogenesis.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  83. Zaric B, Chami M, Rémigy H, Engel A, Ballmer-Hofer K, Winkler FK, Kambach C.; ''Reconstitution of two recombinant LSm protein complexes reveals aspects of their architecture, assembly, and function.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  84. Zhao J, Hyman L, Moore C.; ''Formation of mRNA 3' ends in eukaryotes: mechanism, regulation, and interrelationships with other steps in mRNA synthesis.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  85. Lejeune F, Ishigaki Y, Li X, Maquat LE.; ''The exon junction complex is detected on CBP80-bound but not eIF4E-bound mRNA in mammalian cells: dynamics of mRNP remodeling.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  86. Degot S, Le Hir H, Alpy F, Kedinger V, Stoll I, Wendling C, Seraphin B, Rio MC, Tomasetto C.; ''Association of the breast cancer protein MLN51 with the exon junction complex via its speckle localizer and RNA binding module.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  87. Daguenet E, Baguet A, Degot S, Schmidt U, Alpy F, Wendling C, Spiegelhalter C, Kessler P, Rio MC, Le Hir H, Bertrand E, Tomasetto C.; ''Perispeckles are major assembly sites for the exon junction core complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  88. Braun IC, Herold A, Rode M, Conti E, Izaurralde E.; ''Overexpression of TAP/p15 heterodimers bypasses nuclear retention and stimulates nuclear mRNA export.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  89. Masuda S, Das R, Cheng H, Hurt E, Dorman N, Reed R.; ''Recruitment of the human TREX complex to mRNA during splicing.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  90. Harris ME, Böhni R, Schneiderman MH, Ramamurthy L, Schümperli D, Marzluff WF.; ''Regulation of histone mRNA in the unperturbed cell cycle: evidence suggesting control at two posttranscriptional steps.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  91. Hautbergue GM, Hung ML, Walsh MJ, Snijders AP, Chang CT, Jones R, Ponting CP, Dickman MJ, Wilson SA.; ''UIF, a New mRNA export adaptor that works together with REF/ALY, requires FACT for recruitment to mRNA.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  92. Guzik BW, Levesque L, Prasad S, Bor YC, Black BE, Paschal BM, Rekosh D, Hammarskjöld ML.; ''NXT1 (p15) is a crucial cellular cofactor in TAP-dependent export of intron-containing RNA in mammalian cells.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  93. von Moeller H, Lerner R, Ricciardi A, Basquin C, Marzluff WF, Conti E.; ''Structural and biochemical studies of SLIP1-SLBP identify DBP5 and eIF3g as SLIP1-binding proteins.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  94. Dreyfuss G, Matunis MJ, Piñol-Roma S, Burd CG.; ''hnRNP proteins and the biogenesis of mRNA.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  95. Rondón AG, Jimeno S, García-Rubio M, Aguilera A.; ''Molecular evidence that the eukaryotic THO/TREX complex is required for efficient transcription elongation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  96. Steckelberg AL, Boehm V, Gromadzka AM, Gehring NH.; ''CWC22 connects pre-mRNA splicing and exon junction complex assembly.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  97. Gencheva M, Kato M, Newo AN, Lin RJ.; ''Contribution of DEAH-box protein DHX16 in human pre-mRNA splicing.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  98. Dufu K, Livingstone MJ, Seebacher J, Gygi SP, Wilson SA, Reed R.; ''ATP is required for interactions between UAP56 and two conserved mRNA export proteins, Aly and CIP29, to assemble the TREX complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  99. Lin DH, Stuwe T, Schilbach S, Rundlet EJ, Perriches T, Mobbs G, Fan Y, Thierbach K, Huber FM, Collins LN, Davenport AM, Jeon YE, Hoelz A.; ''Architecture of the symmetric core of the nuclear pore.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  100. Hartmuth K, Urlaub H, Vornlocher HP, Will CL, Gentzel M, Wilm M, Lührmann R.; ''Protein composition of human prespliceosomes isolated by a tobramycin affinity-selection method.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  101. Grzybowska EA.; ''Human intronless genes: functional groups, associated diseases, evolution, and mRNA processing in absence of splicing.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  102. Yao C, Choi EA, Weng L, Xie X, Wan J, Xing Y, Moresco JJ, Tu PG, Yates JR, Shi Y.; ''Overlapping and distinct functions of CstF64 and CstF64τ in mammalian mRNA 3' processing.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  103. Reichert VL, Le Hir H, Jurica MS, Moore MJ.; ''5' exon interactions within the human spliceosome establish a framework for exon junction complex structure and assembly.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  104. Katahira J, Strässer K, Podtelejnikov A, Mann M, Jung JU, Hurt E.; ''The Mex67p-mediated nuclear mRNA export pathway is conserved from yeast to human.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  105. Kaufmann I, Martin G, Friedlein A, Langen H, Keller W.; ''Human Fip1 is a subunit of CPSF that binds to U-rich RNA elements and stimulates poly(A) polymerase.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  106. Wente SR, Rout MP.; ''The nuclear pore complex and nuclear transport.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  107. Viphakone N, Hautbergue GM, Walsh M, Chang CT, Holland A, Folco EG, Reed R, Wilson SA.; ''TREX exposes the RNA-binding domain of Nxf1 to enable mRNA export.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  108. Will CL, Schneider C, Hossbach M, Urlaub H, Rauhut R, Elbashir S, Tuschl T, Lührmann R.; ''The human 18S U11/U12 snRNP contains a set of novel proteins not found in the U2-dependent spliceosome.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  109. Kosinski J, Mosalaganti S, von Appen A, Teimer R, DiGuilio AL, Wan W, Bui KH, Hagen WJ, Briggs JA, Glavy JS, Hurt E, Beck M.; ''Molecular architecture of the inner ring scaffold of the human nuclear pore complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  110. Behzadnia N, Golas MM, Hartmuth K, Sander B, Kastner B, Deckert J, Dube P, Will CL, Urlaub H, Stark H, Lührmann R.; ''Composition and three-dimensional EM structure of double affinity-purified, human prespliceosomal A complexes.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  111. Herold A, Suyama M, Rodrigues JP, Braun IC, Kutay U, Carmo-Fonseca M, Bork P, Izaurralde E.; ''TAP (NXF1) belongs to a multigene family of putative RNA export factors with a conserved modular architecture.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  112. Taniguchi I, Ohno M.; ''ATP-dependent recruitment of export factor Aly/REF onto intronless mRNAs by RNA helicase UAP56.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  113. Kota KP, Wagner SR, Huerta E, Underwood JM, Nickerson JA.; ''Binding of ATP to UAP56 is necessary for mRNA export.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  114. Padgett RA, Konarska MM, Grabowski PJ, Hardy SF, Sharp PA.; ''Lariat RNA's as intermediates and products in the splicing of messenger RNA precursors.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  115. Shen H, Zheng X, Luecke S, Green MR.; ''The U2AF35-related protein Urp contacts the 3' splice site to promote U12-type intron splicing and the second step of U2-type intron splicing.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  116. Wahle E, Rüegsegger U.; ''3'-End processing of pre-mRNA in eukaryotes.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  117. Grüter P, Tabernero C, von Kobbe C, Schmitt C, Saavedra C, Bachi A, Wilm M, Felber BK, Izaurralde E.; ''TAP, the human homolog of Mex67p, mediates CTE-dependent RNA export from the nucleus.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  118. Bessonov S, Anokhina M, Will CL, Urlaub H, Lührmann R.; ''Isolation of an active step I spliceosome and composition of its RNP core.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  119. Singh J, Sikand K, Conrad H, Will CL, Komar AA, Shukla GC.; ''U6atac snRNA stem-loop interacts with U12 p65 RNA binding protein and is functionally interchangeable with the U12 apical stem-loop III.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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115088view17:03, 25 January 2021ReactomeTeamReactome version 75
113530view12:00, 2 November 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 74
112728view16:13, 9 October 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 73
101644view11:51, 1 November 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 66
101180view21:38, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 65
100706view20:10, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 64
100256view16:56, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 63
99809view15:20, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 62 (2nd attempt)
93917view13:44, 16 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
93494view11:25, 9 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
88115view10:05, 26 July 2016RyanmillerOntology Term : 'regulatory pathway' added !
86590view09:21, 11 July 2016ReactomeTeamreactome version 56
83367view11:01, 18 November 2015ReactomeTeamVersion54
81532view13:04, 21 August 2015ReactomeTeamVersion53
77003view08:29, 17 July 2014ReactomeTeamFixed remaining interactions
76708view12:07, 16 July 2014ReactomeTeamFixed remaining interactions
76034view10:09, 11 June 2014ReactomeTeamRe-fixing comment source
75743view11:23, 10 June 2014ReactomeTeamReactome 48 Update
75093view14:04, 8 May 2014AnweshaFixing comment source for displaying WikiPathways description
74829view10:05, 30 April 2014ReactomeTeamReactome46
74740view08:49, 30 April 2014ReactomeTeamReactome46
42105view21:57, 4 March 2011MaintBotAutomatic update
39915view05:56, 21 January 2011MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
2xMe-SNRPB ProteinP14678 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
2xMe-SNRPD1 ProteinP62314 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
2xMe-SNRPD3 ProteinP62318 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
3' end cleaved, ligated exon containing complexComplexREACT_3092 (Reactome)
3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complexComplexREACT_5827 (Reactome)
AAAS ProteinQ9NRG9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ALYREF ProteinQ86V81 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ALYREFProteinQ86V81 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ASR2BREACT_5122 (Reactome)
ATAC A ComplexComplexREACT_4037 (Reactome)
ATAC B ComplexComplexREACT_5095 (Reactome)
ATAC C Complex with lariat containing 5'-end cleaved mRNAComplexREACT_5134 (Reactome)
ATAC C ComplexComplexREACT_4626 (Reactome)
ATPMetaboliteCHEBI:15422 (ChEBI)
CC1.3 protein /3 RRM, RSREACT_4848 (Reactome)
CCAR1 ProteinQ8IX12 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CCAR1ProteinQ8IX12 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CD2BP2 ProteinO95400 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CD2BP2ProteinO95400 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CDC40 ProteinO60508 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CDC40ProteinO60508 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CF IIComplexREACT_3772 (Reactome)
CF IComplexREACT_4896 (Reactome)
CLP1 ProteinQ92989 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CPSF1 ProteinQ10570 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CPSF2 ProteinQ9P2I0 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CPSF3 ProteinQ9UKF6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CPSF7 ProteinQ8N684 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CPSFComplexREACT_4530 (Reactome)
CSTF1 ProteinQ05048 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CSTF2ProteinP33240 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CSTF3 ProteinQ12996 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Cap Binding Complex ComplexREACT_3884 (Reactome)
Cleavage and Polyadenylation ComplexComplexREACT_3144 (Reactome)
CstFComplexREACT_3503 (Reactome)
DDX23 ProteinQ9BUQ8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DHX38 ProteinQ92620 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DHX38ProteinQ92620 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DHX9 ProteinQ08211 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DHX9ProteinQ08211 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DNAJC8ProteinO75937 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DnaJ hom. NP_055602REACT_4415 (Reactome)
EFTUD2 ProteinQ15029 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
EIF4E ProteinP06730 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
EIF4EProteinP06730 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Exon Junction ComplexComplexREACT_2984 (Reactome)
Export Receptor bound mature mRNA ComplexComplexREACT_2455 (Reactome)
Export Receptor bound mature mRNA ComplexComplexREACT_2624 (Reactome)
FUS ProteinP35637 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FUSProteinP35637 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GTF2F1ProteinP35269 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GTF2F2ProteinP13984 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPA0 ProteinQ13151 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPA0ProteinQ13151 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPA1 ProteinP09651 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPA1ProteinP09651 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPA2B1 ProteinP22626 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPA2B1ProteinP22626 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPA3 ProteinP51991 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPA3ProteinP51991 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPC ProteinP07910 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPCProteinP07910 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPD ProteinQ14103 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPDProteinQ14103 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPFProteinP52597 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPH1ProteinP31943 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPH2 ProteinP55795 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPH2ProteinP55795 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPK ProteinP61978 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPKProteinP61978 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPL ProteinP14866 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPLProteinP14866 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPM ProteinP52272 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPMProteinP52272 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPR ProteinO43390 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPRProteinO43390 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPU ProteinQ00839 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPUL1 ProteinQ9BUJ2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPUL1ProteinQ9BUJ2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HNRNPUProteinQ00839 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HuR /3 RRM proteinREACT_5767 (Reactome)
LSM2 ProteinQ9Y333 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Ligated exon containing complexComplexREACT_5472 (Reactome)
MAGOH ProteinP61326 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
METTL3 ProteinQ86U44 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Magoh-Y14 complexComplexREACT_5524 (Reactome)
Mature Intronless Transcript Derived Histone mRNA


Aly/Ref Complex
ComplexREACT_4560 (Reactome)
Mature Intronless Transcript Derived Histone mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
ComplexREACT_5697 (Reactome)
Mature Intronless Transcript Derived mRNA eIF4E ComplexComplexREACT_3252 (Reactome)
Mature Intronless transcript derived Histone mRNA


ComplexREACT_3802 (Reactome)
Mature SLBP independent Histone mRNA eIF4E complexComplexREACT_3452 (Reactome)
Mature intronless derived mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
ComplexREACT_4662 (Reactome)
Mature intronless derived mRNA complexComplexREACT_4047 (Reactome)
Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
ComplexREACT_2791 (Reactome)
Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
ComplexREACT_3824 (Reactome)
Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNA


eIF4E Complex
ComplexREACT_2270 (Reactome)
Mature intronless transcript derived Histone pre-mRNA CBC complexComplexREACT_5592 (Reactome)
Mature mRNP ComplexComplexREACT_4851 (Reactome)
NCBP1 ProteinQ09161 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NCBP1ProteinQ09161 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NCBP2 ProteinP52298 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NCBP2ProteinP52298 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NFAR-2 proteinREACT_4072 (Reactome)
NFX.1 ProteinO43831 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NFX.1ProteinO43831 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NHP2L1 ProteinP55769 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUDT21 ProteinO43809 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP107 ProteinP57740 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP133 ProteinQ8WUM0 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP153 ProteinP49790 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP155 ProteinO75694 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP160 ProteinQ12769 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP188ProteinQ5SRE5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP205ProteinQ92621 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP210 ProteinQ8TEM1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP214 ProteinP35658 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP35 ProteinQ8NFH5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP37 ProteinQ8NFH4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP43 ProteinQ8NFH3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP50 ProteinQ9UKX7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP54 ProteinQ7Z3B4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP62 ProteinP37198 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP85 ProteinQ9BW27 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP88 ProteinQ99567 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP93 ProteinQ8N1F7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUP98-5 ProteinP52948-5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUPL1-2 ProteinQ9BVL2-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NUPL2 ProteinO15504 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NXF1ProteinQ9UBU9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Nuclear Pore Complex ComplexREACT_5542 (Reactome)
Nucleoplasmic mature intronless derived mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
ComplexREACT_4247 (Reactome)
Nup45 ProteinQ9BVL2-2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PABPN1 ProteinQ86U42 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PABPN1ProteinQ86U42 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PAPOLAProteinP51003 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PCBP1 ProteinQ15365 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PCBP1ProteinQ15365 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PCBP2 ProteinQ15366 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PCBP2ProteinQ15366 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PCF11 ProteinO94913 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PHF5AProteinQ7RTV0 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2A ProteinP24928 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2B ProteinP30876 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2C ProteinP19387 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2DProteinO15514 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2E ProteinP19388 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2FProteinP61218 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2G ProteinP62487 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2H ProteinP52434 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2I ProteinP36954 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2J ProteinP52435 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2K ProteinP53803 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POLR2L ProteinP62875 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
POM121 ProteinQ96HA1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PRPF4 ProteinO43172 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PRPF6 ProteinO94906 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PRPF8 ProteinQ6P2Q9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PTBP1 ProteinP26599 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PTBP1ProteinP26599 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RAE1 ProteinP78406 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RANBP2 ProteinP49792 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RBM5 ProteinP52756 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RBM5ProteinP52756 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RBM8A ProteinQ9Y5S9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RBMXProteinP38159 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RNA polymerase II ComplexREACT_4593 (Reactome)
RNPS1 ProteinQ15287 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RNPS1ProteinQ15287 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SEH1L-2 ProteinQ96EE3-2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SF3A1 ProteinQ15459 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SF3A2 ProteinQ15428 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SF3A3 ProteinQ12874 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SF3B1 ProteinO75533 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SF3B14 ProteinQ9Y3B4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SF3B2 ProteinQ13435 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SF3B3 ProteinQ15393 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SF3B4 ProteinQ15427 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SF3B5 ProteinQ9BWJ5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SLBP ProteinQ14493 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SMC1A ProteinQ14683 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SMC1AProteinQ14683 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SMC2 REACT_2529 (Reactome)
SNRNP200 ProteinO75643 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SNRNP40 ProteinQ96DI7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SNRNP70 ProteinP08621 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SNRPA ProteinP09012 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SNRPA1 ProteinP09661 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SNRPB2 ProteinP08579 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SNRPD2 ProteinP62316 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SNRPE ProteinP62304 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SNRPF ProteinP62306 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SNRPG ProteinP62308 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRRM1 ProteinQ8IYB3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRRM1ProteinQ8IYB3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF1 ProteinQ07955 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF11 ProteinQ05519 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF11ProteinQ05519 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF1ProteinQ07955 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF2 ProteinQ01130 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF2ProteinQ01130 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF3 ProteinP84103 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF3ProteinP84103 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF4 ProteinQ08170 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF4ProteinQ08170 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF5 ProteinQ13243 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF5ProteinQ13243 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF6 ProteinQ13247 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF6ProteinQ13247 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF7 ProteinQ16629 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF7ProteinQ16629 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF9 ProteinQ13242 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SRSF9ProteinQ13242 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SUGP1 ProteinQ8IWZ8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SUGP1ProteinQ8IWZ8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Spliceosomal A ComplexComplexREACT_4512 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal Active C ComplexComplexREACT_2680 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal B ComplexComplexREACT_3078 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal E ComplexComplexREACT_4545 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal Intermediate C ComplexComplexREACT_5473 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal active C complex with lariat containing, 5'-end cleaved pre-mRNP CBC complexComplexREACT_5191 (Reactome)
TAP 3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complexComplexREACT_4136 (Reactome)
TPR ProteinP12270 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
TXNL4A ProteinP83876 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
U1 snRNA ProteinV00590 (EMBL)
U1 snRNPComplexREACT_2910 (Reactome) The U1 snRNP is a particle consisting of the U1 snRNA and Sm core plus unique snRNP polypeptides. The U1-specific polypeptides are 70K, A, and C. The Sm core polypeptides are B, B', D1, D2, D3, E, F, G. The Sm core is a heteroheptamer in the shape of a donut, containing either B or B', which are almost identical to each other.
U11 snRNPComplexREACT_5751 (Reactome)
U12 snRNPComplexREACT_3595 (Reactome)
U2 snRNA ProteinX59360 (EMBL)
U2 snRNPComplexREACT_3715 (Reactome)
U2AF1 ProteinQ01081 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
U2AF1ProteinQ01081 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
U2AF2 ProteinP26368 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
U2AF2ProteinP26368 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)


U6 trisnRNP complex
ComplexREACT_5066 (Reactome)


U6 ATAC Complex
ComplexREACT_4539 (Reactome)
U4 ATAC snRNPComplexREACT_5266 (Reactome)
U4 snRNA ProteinX59361 (EMBL)
U4 snRNPComplexREACT_4877 (Reactome)
U5 snRNA ProteinX04293 (EMBL)
U5 snRNPComplexREACT_2482 (Reactome)
U6 ATAC snRNPComplexREACT_3135 (Reactome)
U6 snRNA ProteinX59362 (EMBL)
UBA, Tudor - FLJ21007REACT_3970 (Reactome)
UPF3B ProteinQ9BZI7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UPF3BProteinQ9BZI7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
YBX1 ProteinP67809 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
YBX1ProteinP67809 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
capped pre-mRNA


ComplexREACT_3243 (Reactome)
capped, methylated pre-mRNA CBC ComplexComplexREACT_3634 (Reactome)
capped, methylated pre-mRNP CBC complexComplexREACT_2736 (Reactome)
hPrp18REACT_3085 (Reactome)
hPrp19REACT_3274 (Reactome)
hPrp22REACT_3038 (Reactome)
hPrp43REACT_5171 (Reactome)
hPrp5REACT_3263 (Reactome)
hSLU7REACT_5157 (Reactome)
hTra2REACT_4242 (Reactome)
intron-containing complexComplexREACT_3239 (Reactome)
mRNA 3'-end cleavage factorComplexREACT_2642 (Reactome)
mRNA ComplexREACT_3236 (Reactome)
p-S5-POLR2A ProteinP24928 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p68 DEAH proteinREACT_4900 (Reactome)
post exon ligation complexComplexREACT_5793 (Reactome)

Annotated Interactions

View all...
SourceTargetTypeDatabase referenceComment
3' end cleaved, ligated exon containing complexArrowREACT_1914 (Reactome)
3' end cleaved, ligated exon containing complexREACT_1162 (Reactome)
3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complexArrowREACT_1162 (Reactome)
3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complexREACT_53 (Reactome)
ALYREFArrowREACT_1044 (Reactome)
ALYREFArrowREACT_1228 (Reactome)
ALYREFArrowREACT_1334 (Reactome)
ALYREFArrowREACT_1356 (Reactome)
ALYREFREACT_1604 (Reactome)
ALYREFREACT_1897 (Reactome)
ALYREFREACT_222 (Reactome)
ALYREFREACT_696 (Reactome)
ASR2BREACT_222 (Reactome)
ATAC A ComplexREACT_1253 (Reactome)
ATAC C ComplexArrowREACT_1615 (Reactome)
ATPREACT_1162 (Reactome)
CC1.3 protein /3 RRM, RSREACT_222 (Reactome)
CCAR1REACT_222 (Reactome)
CD2BP2REACT_222 (Reactome)
CDC40ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
CDC40REACT_788 (Reactome)
CF IArrowREACT_1914 (Reactome)
CF IIArrowREACT_1914 (Reactome)
CF IIREACT_1184 (Reactome)
CF IREACT_1184 (Reactome)
CPSFArrowREACT_1162 (Reactome)
CPSFArrowREACT_1897 (Reactome)
CPSFREACT_1184 (Reactome)
Cap Binding Complex ArrowREACT_1897 (Reactome)
Cap Binding Complex ArrowREACT_696 (Reactome)
Cleavage and Polyadenylation ComplexREACT_625 (Reactome)
CstFArrowREACT_1914 (Reactome)
CstFREACT_1184 (Reactome)
DHX38ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
DHX38REACT_788 (Reactome)
DHX9REACT_222 (Reactome)
DNAJC8REACT_788 (Reactome)
DnaJ hom. NP_055602REACT_222 (Reactome)
EIF4EREACT_1044 (Reactome)
EIF4EREACT_1228 (Reactome)
EIF4EREACT_1334 (Reactome)
EIF4EREACT_1356 (Reactome)
Export Receptor bound mature mRNA ComplexArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
Export Receptor bound mature mRNA ComplexREACT_1228 (Reactome)
FUSREACT_222 (Reactome)
HNRNPA0ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPA0REACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPA1ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPA1REACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPA2B1ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPA2B1REACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPA3ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPA3REACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPCArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPCREACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPDArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPDREACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPFArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPFREACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPH1ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPH1REACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPH2ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPH2REACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPKArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPKREACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPLArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPLREACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPMArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPMREACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPRArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPRREACT_1877 (Reactome)
HNRNPUArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
HNRNPUL1REACT_222 (Reactome)
HNRNPUREACT_1877 (Reactome)
HuR /3 RRM proteinREACT_222 (Reactome)
Ligated exon containing complexArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
Magoh-Y14 complexREACT_774 (Reactome)
Mature Intronless Transcript Derived Histone mRNA


Aly/Ref Complex
REACT_1356 (Reactome)
Mature Intronless Transcript Derived Histone mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
ArrowREACT_696 (Reactome)
Mature Intronless Transcript Derived mRNA eIF4E ComplexArrowREACT_1334 (Reactome)
Mature Intronless transcript derived Histone mRNA


REACT_1604 (Reactome)
Mature SLBP independent Histone mRNA eIF4E complexArrowREACT_1356 (Reactome)
Mature intronless derived mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
REACT_1334 (Reactome)
Mature intronless derived mRNA complexREACT_1897 (Reactome)
Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
ArrowREACT_1604 (Reactome)
Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
REACT_1044 (Reactome)
Mature intronless transcript derived Histone mRNA


eIF4E Complex
ArrowREACT_1044 (Reactome)
Mature intronless transcript derived Histone pre-mRNA CBC complexREACT_696 (Reactome)
Mature mRNP ComplexArrowREACT_1228 (Reactome)
NCBP1ArrowREACT_1604 (Reactome)
NCBP2ArrowREACT_1604 (Reactome)
NFAR-2 proteinREACT_222 (Reactome)
NFX.1REACT_222 (Reactome)
NXF1ArrowREACT_1044 (Reactome)
NXF1ArrowREACT_1228 (Reactome)
NXF1ArrowREACT_1334 (Reactome)
NXF1ArrowREACT_1356 (Reactome)
NXF1REACT_1604 (Reactome)
NXF1REACT_1897 (Reactome)
NXF1REACT_53 (Reactome)
NXF1REACT_696 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_1004 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_1044 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_1228 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_1334 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_1356 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_1604 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_1799 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_1897 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_2104 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_696 (Reactome)
Nuclear Pore Complex ArrowREACT_904 (Reactome)
Nucleoplasmic mature intronless derived mRNA


Aly/Ref complex
ArrowREACT_1897 (Reactome)
PABPN1ArrowREACT_1162 (Reactome)
PABPN1REACT_1184 (Reactome)
PAPOLAArrowREACT_1162 (Reactome)
PAPOLAREACT_1184 (Reactome)
PAPOLAmim-catalysisREACT_1162 (Reactome)
PCBP1ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
PCBP1REACT_1877 (Reactome)
PCBP2ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
PCBP2REACT_1877 (Reactome)
PTBP1ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
PTBP1REACT_1877 (Reactome)
RBM5REACT_222 (Reactome)
RBMXArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
RBMXREACT_1877 (Reactome)
REACT_1004 (Reactome) The nucleoplasmic 3' polyadenylated, capped intronless mRNA and TAP are transported through the NPC to the cyotplasmic side of the pore.
REACT_1044 (Reactome) At some point eIF4E binds the mature mRNA. While TAP and Aly/Ref are released and will be reycled back to the nucleoplasm.
REACT_1162 (Reactome) The upstream fragment generated by 3' cleavage of the pre-mRNA receives a poly(A) tail of approximately 250 AMP residues in a reaction depending on the AAUAAA sequence 10 to 30 nucleotides upstream of the 3' end. Polyadenylation is carried out by three proteins: Poly(A) polymerase carries the catalytic activity. The enzyme has no specificity for any particular RNA sequence, and it also has a very low affinity for the RNA.

Under physiological conditions, the activity of poly(A) polymerase thus depends on two auxiliary factors, both of which bind to specific RNA sequences and recruit the enzyme by a direct contact. One of these proteins is the heterotetrameric CPSF, which binds the AAUAAA sequence and is also essential for 3' cleavage. The second is the nuclear poly(A) binding protein (PABPN1), which binds the growing poly(A) tails once this has reached a length of about ten nucleotides. Stimulation of poly(A) polymerase by both proteins is synergistic and results in processive elongation of the RNA, i.e. the polymerase adds AMP residues without dissociating from the RNA. The processive reaction is terminated when the tail has reached a length of about 250 nucleotides.

REACT_1184 (Reactome)
REACT_1228 (Reactome) At the beginning of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'eIF4E', and 1 molecule of 'Export Receptor bound mature mRNA Complex' are present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'THOC4(Aly/Ref)', 1 molecule of 'Mature mRNP Complex', 1 molecule of 'SRm160', and 1 molecule of 'TAP' are present.

This reaction takes place in the 'cytoplasm'.

REACT_1253 (Reactome) The U4atac/U6atac enters the spliceosome and U6atac snRNA forms base pairing interactions with the 5' ss and also forms base pairing interactions with U12 and U4atac is partially displaced. U5 snRNP, the only snRNP common to both the major and minor splicing pathways, also joins the spliceosome to form the B complex and interacts with nucleotides within the 3' end of the exon flanking the 5' ss.
REACT_1331 (Reactome) The second step of the splicing reaction results in cleavage of the transcript at the 3'splice site, and results in ligation of the two exons and excision of the intron.
REACT_1334 (Reactome) The cytoplasmic 3' polyadenylated, capped intronless mRNA and TAP are released from the NPC into the cytosol. Cytosolic TAP will be recycled to the nucleous, while the 3' polyadenylated, capped intronless mRNA is bound by eIF4E and destined for translation.
REACT_1356 (Reactome) At some point eIF4E binds the mature mRNA. While TAP and Aly/Ref are released and will be reycled back to the nucleoplasm.
REACT_138 (Reactome) At the beginning of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'TAP:3'-polyadenylated, capped mRNA complex' is present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'SRp55', 1 molecule of 'U2AF 65 kDa subunit', 1 molecule of 'SR9 / SRp30', 1 molecule of 'hTra2', 1 molecule of 'hPrp16', 1 molecule of 'SR 11/ p54', 1 molecule of 'hPrp22', 1 molecule of 'SRp40', 1 molecule of 'hPrp17', 1 molecule of 'SF2/ASF/SFRS1', 1 molecule of 'hSLU7', 1 molecule of 'Export Receptor bound mature mRNA Complex', 1 molecule of 'U2AF 35 kDa subunit', 1 molecule of 'SR2 / SC35', 1 molecule of 'hPrp43', 1 molecule of 'SRp20', 1 molecule of 'SR7/ 9G8 protein', 1 molecule of 'hPrp18', and 1 molecule of 'SR4 / SRp75' are present.

This reaction takes place in the 'nucleoplasm'.

REACT_1494 (Reactome) At the beginning of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'ATAC C Complex with lariat containing 5'-end cleaved mRNA' is present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'U6 ATAC snRNP', 1 molecule of 'post exon ligation complex', 1 molecule of 'U12 snRNP', 1 molecule of 'U11 snRNP', and 1 molecule of 'U5 snRNP' are present.

This reaction takes place in the 'nucleus'.

REACT_1554 (Reactome) The active C complex is formed due to a conformational change in the intermediate C complex. After formation of the active C complex, the splicing reactions occur very rapidly.
REACT_1604 (Reactome) Histone mRNAs are exported by a mechanism that requires TAP, the key factor requires for transport of polyadenylated mRNAs. How TAP is recruited to the histone mRNAs is not known, but it is clear that transport can occur in the absence of either the stemloop or of SLBP. The stemloop and SLBP enhance the rate of transport of histone mRNAs in Xenopus oocytes, but are not essential for transport
REACT_1615 (Reactome) At the beginning of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'ATAC B Complex' is present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'U4 ATAC snRNP', and 1 molecule of 'ATAC C Complex' are present.

This reaction takes place in the 'nucleus'.

REACT_1720 (Reactome) In addition to the methylation of the 5'-cap, there is methylation of internal nucleotides in the mRNA. This methylation can occur in translated and untranslated regions. One to three methyl groups have been seen per mRNA molecule, but methylation is non-stoichiometric. The most frequent methylation observed is at the N6 position of adenosine. The function of mRNA internal methylation, if any, is unknown.
REACT_1799 (Reactome) Once the transport complex is fully assembled the mature mRNA can be translocated from the nucleoplasm to the cytoplasm. The assembled complex starts at the nucleoplasmic basket, travels through the pore, and ends it journey at the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore complex.
REACT_1877 (Reactome) After the nascent pre-mRNA undergoes the initial capping and methylation reactions, it gets associated with numerous factors, including the various heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPS), the nuclear Cap-Binding Complex, and many splicing factors that make the pre-mRNA a substrate for splicing, 3'-end processing, and in some cases editing.
REACT_1897 (Reactome) The polyadenylated, capped transcript and TAP dock at the nucleoplasmic side of the NPC. The Cap Binding Complex (CBC) and CPSF complexes are released back into the nucleoplasm.
REACT_1914 (Reactome) Endonucleolytic cleavage separates the pre-mRNA into an upstream fragment destined to become the mature mRNA, and a downstream fragment that is rapidly degraded. Cleavage depends on two signals in the RNA, a highly conserved hexanucleotide, AAUAAA, 10 to 30 nucleotides upstream of the cleavage site, and a poorly conserved GU- or U-rich downstream element. Additional sequences, often upstream of AAUAAA, can enhance the efficiency of the reaction. Cleavage occurs most often after a CA dinucleotide. A single gene can have more than one 3' processing site.

Cleavage is preceded by the assembly of a large processing complex, the composition of which is poorly defined. ATP, but not its hydrolysis, is required for assembly. Cleavage at the 3'-end of mRNAs depends on a number of protein factors. CPSF, a heterotetramer, binds specifically to the AAUAAA sequence. The heterotrimer CstF binds the downstream element. CF I, which appears to be composed of two subunits, one of several related larger polypeptides and a common smaller one, also binds RNA, but with unknown specificity. RNA recognition by these proteins is cooperative. Cleavage also requires CF II, composed of at least two subunits, and poly(A) polymerase, the enzyme synthesizing the poly(A) tail in the second step of the reaction. The polypeptide catalyzing the hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bond remains to be identified.

Cleavage produces a 3'-OH on the upstream fragment and a 5'-phosphate on the downstream fragment. At some unknown point after cleavage, the downstream RNA fragment, CstF, CF I and CF II are thought to be released, whereas CPSF and poly(A) polymerase remain to carry out polyadenylation.

REACT_1935 (Reactome) In the first catalytic step of mRNA splicing, the 2' OH group of the bulged A at the branch site performs a nucleophilic attack on the 5' splice site phosphodiester bond, resulting in cleavage of the bond between the 5' exon and the 5' end of the intron, and formation of a new bond between the 5' end of the intron and the branch site A. This results in a lariat-shaped intermediate, with the intron still attached to the 3' exon. The branch site A has a 2'-5' phosphodiester bond with the G at the beginning of the intron, in addition to the usual 5'-3' and 3'-5'phosphodiester bonds.
REACT_2104 (Reactome) In this reaction, 1 molecule of 'Export Receptor bound mature mRNA Complex' is translocated from nucleoplasm to cytosol.

This reaction takes place in the 'nuclear envelope'.

REACT_222 (Reactome) Pre-mRNA transcripts become rapidly associated with many RNA-binding proteins, including hnRNP proteins, cap-binding proteins, SR proteins, etc; in the test tube this binding does not require splice sites or ATP. The E complex, or early complex, is the first detectable functional intermediate in spliceosome assembly in vitro. It is an ATP-independent complex. When a functional 5' splice site is present, it is bound by the U1 snRNP. The splicing factor U2AF (65 and 35 kDa subunits) binds to the polypyrimidine tract (Y)n and the AG dinucleotide at the 3' splice site, respectively. SF1/mBBP binds to the branch site. Binding of many of these factors is cooperative; e.g., SR proteins and U2AF apparently interact with each other, facilitating their binding to the pre-mRNA. In the presence of ATP, the E complex is converted to the first ATP-dependent spliceosomal complex, namely the A complex.
REACT_2241 (Reactome) At the beginning of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'ATAC C Complex' is present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'ATAC C Complex with lariat containing 5'-end cleaved mRNA' is present.

This reaction takes place in the 'nucleus'.

REACT_48 (Reactome) The formation of the B complex is ATP-dependent, and both the 5' and 3' splice sites are essential for B complex assembly. The U4 and U6 snRNPS are extensively base-paired, and this U4:U6 complex associates with the U5 snRNP to form a tri-snRNP particle. This tri-snRNP particle then binds to the spliceosomal A complex, to form the spliceosomal B complex.
REACT_53 (Reactome) Aly/Ref recruits TAP to the Exon Junction Complex. This makes the mRNP complex ready for export to the cytoplasm.
REACT_625 (Reactome) The spliceosomal C complex is a very short-lived intermediate; the splicing intermediates are rapidly converted to splicing products. Also, the spliced products are released very rapidly, and no complex containing both the splicing products has been isolated. Conversion of the spliceosomal B complex to the spliceosomal C complex requires ATP. The extensive base-pairing between the U4 and U6 snRNAs is disrupted during the formation of the C complex, which is thought to require helicase-type activity associated with the DEAD box factors.
REACT_696 (Reactome) Histone mRNAs are exported by a mechanism that requires TAP, the key factor requires for transport of polyadenylated mRNAs. How TAP is recruited to the histone mRNAs is not known, but it is clear that transport can occur in the absence of either the stemloop or of SLBP. The mature transcript docks at the NPC, in the course of transport CBC will be lost from the mRNA cap, and remain in the nucleous.
REACT_774 (Reactome) At the beginning of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'Magoh-Y14 complex', and 1 molecule of 'Spliceosomal active C complex with lariat containing, 5'-end cleaved pre-mRNP:CBC complex' are present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'Exon Junction Complex' is present.

This reaction takes place in the 'nucleoplasm'.

REACT_788 (Reactome) The A complex is the first ATP-dependent complex in spliceosome assembly. U2AF recruits the U2 snRNP to bind to the branch site in the E complex in an ATP-dependent fashion, to form the A complex. The U2 snRNA base-pairs with the branch site, causing the branch-site adenosine to bulge out, which later positions it for nucleophilic attack at the 5' splice site. The A complex serves as a substrate for formation of the B complex.
REACT_864 (Reactome) U12-type AT-AC introns are distinguished from the major U2-type introns by the consensus sequences of their highly conserved splicing signals. U12 introns have the 5' ss consensus sequence (G/A)TATCCTTT, the branchpoint sequence TTTCCTTAACT and the 3' ss (C/T)AG. Initial recognition of AT-AC introns involves interaction of U12 snRNP with the branch-point sequence and U11 with the 5' ss. Unlike the major splicing pathway, U11 and U12 are in a complex and interact with the pre-mRNA simultaneously, binding in an ATP-dependent manner as a di-snRNP complex and likely bridging the 5' ss and 3' ss region.

Twenty proteins have been identified in the U11/U12 di-snRNP complex including the snRNP Sm proteins B’, B, D3, D2, D1, E, F, and G which are identical to the major splicing pathway Sm proteins. A U2 snRNP core protein complex, SF3b is also found in the U11/U12 di-snRNP, including p14, a protein that interacts with the branchpoint adenosine.

SR proteins are required for formation of A complex in AT-AC splicing. The same SR proteins involved in splicing of the major introns are also active in splicing of AT-AC introns, though, as in the major pathway, there is substrate specificity.

REACT_904 (Reactome) The mature SLBP independent intronless histone mRNA is transported through the nucler pore to the cytoplasmic side.
RNA polymerase II ArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
RNPS1REACT_222 (Reactome)
SMC1AREACT_222 (Reactome)
SMC2 REACT_222 (Reactome)
SRRM1ArrowREACT_1228 (Reactome)
SRRM1REACT_222 (Reactome)
SRSF11ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
SRSF11REACT_788 (Reactome)
SRSF1ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
SRSF1REACT_222 (Reactome)
SRSF1REACT_864 (Reactome)
SRSF2ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
SRSF2REACT_222 (Reactome)
SRSF2REACT_864 (Reactome)
SRSF3ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
SRSF3REACT_222 (Reactome)
SRSF4ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
SRSF4REACT_788 (Reactome)
SRSF5ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
SRSF5REACT_222 (Reactome)
SRSF6ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
SRSF6REACT_222 (Reactome)
SRSF6REACT_864 (Reactome)
SRSF7ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
SRSF7REACT_222 (Reactome)
SRSF7REACT_864 (Reactome)
SRSF9ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
SRSF9REACT_222 (Reactome)
SUGP1REACT_222 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal A ComplexREACT_48 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal Active C ComplexREACT_1935 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal B ComplexREACT_625 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal E ComplexREACT_788 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal Intermediate C ComplexArrowREACT_625 (Reactome)
Spliceosomal active C complex with lariat containing, 5'-end cleaved pre-mRNP CBC complexREACT_774 (Reactome)
U1 snRNPArrowREACT_625 (Reactome)
U1 snRNPREACT_222 (Reactome)
U11 snRNPArrowREACT_1494 (Reactome)
U11 snRNPREACT_864 (Reactome)
U12 snRNPArrowREACT_1494 (Reactome)
U12 snRNPREACT_864 (Reactome)
U2 snRNPREACT_788 (Reactome)
U2AF1ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
U2AF1REACT_222 (Reactome)
U2AF2ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
U2AF2REACT_222 (Reactome)


U6 trisnRNP complex
REACT_48 (Reactome)


U6 ATAC Complex
REACT_1253 (Reactome)
U4 ATAC snRNPArrowREACT_1615 (Reactome)
U4 snRNPArrowREACT_625 (Reactome)
U5 snRNPArrowREACT_1494 (Reactome)
U6 ATAC snRNPArrowREACT_1494 (Reactome)
UBA, Tudor - FLJ21007REACT_222 (Reactome)
UPF3BREACT_1935 (Reactome)
YBX1REACT_222 (Reactome)
capped, methylated pre-mRNA CBC ComplexREACT_1877 (Reactome)
capped, methylated pre-mRNA CBC ComplexREACT_864 (Reactome)
capped, methylated pre-mRNP CBC complexREACT_222 (Reactome)
hPrp18ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
hPrp19REACT_222 (Reactome)
hPrp22ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
hPrp43ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
hPrp5REACT_788 (Reactome)
hSLU7ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
hTra2ArrowREACT_138 (Reactome)
hTra2REACT_788 (Reactome)
intron-containing complexArrowREACT_1331 (Reactome)
mRNA 3'-end cleavage factormim-catalysisREACT_1914 (Reactome)
mRNA mim-catalysisREACT_1720 (Reactome)
p68 DEAH proteinREACT_222 (Reactome)
post exon ligation complexArrowREACT_1494 (Reactome)
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