Help:Tutorial:Step 3 v2

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This step explains how to add cellular compartment information, how to illustrate intercellular transport, use of labels, copy and paste, creating and connecting complexes and adding a literature reference. All the steps are visually represented in the below video.

This tutorial starts with a few more entities added to the Demo pathway. You can either add the remaining entities manually, or start with the Demo_part3 pathway. Starting with the Demo_part3 pathway, we have all the intracellular components of the pathway. The next steps include adding a cellular compartment, and illustrating the translocation of Cholesterol out of the cell. First, open the editor and start full-screen mode.

Add a cellular compartment

  • To add a cellular compartment shape to the pathway, select the Cell shape from the right-side Objects panel and place it on the drawing board.
  • Size and position the cell shape to fit all the pathway entities. The cell shape should be a large rectangle.

Adding labels

When using cellular compartments in a pathway, add labels for clarity:

  • In the toolbar, select the Label objects and place it at the bottom right corner of the cell shape.
  • Double-click the label to open the Label properties interface, and type in Liver cell. In this interface you can also change the font style and size of the label.
  • Repeat these steps to add another label just outside the cell shape, for Plasma.

Creating and connecting complexes

Illustrating intercellular transport

Adding a literature reference

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