Mitochondrial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 (Homo sapiens)

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24154AGTR1ROSAGTR2NADPH oxidaseMAS1126, 718VessicleViral RNACGAS23198215, 223, 101721, 231013S2S1ACAD9HSP90NFKB1DDX58IFIH1NDUFAF1BCS1LECSITNDUFB9SARS-CoV-2 Angiotensin PathwayElectron Transport Chain (OXPHOS) IKBKECTSLIRF3NFKB2TBK1O2-AutophagyMitochondrial CIII assemblyInterleukin-1 Induced Activation of NF-kappa-BNLRX1IRF3Porf9c2121nsp72111, 4SARS-CoV-2angiotensin-(1-9)angiotensin IITMPRSS2angiotensin IACEReninNucleoprotein NSpike Glycoprotein SEnvelope Protein EAGTMembrane Glycoprotein MACE2angiotensin (1-7)3, 20IFN-IEndocytosis1, 191STING1TLR3TICAM1nsp1316, 19orf6nsp6dsRNAORF9b126TRAF66TRAF3MAVSTOMM7011, 219, 14nsp2PHBPHB2FusionInnate Immune ResponsePLproTLR766IRF7P1, 4444415


SARS-CoV-2 mitochondrial immune response

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134348view15:25, 20 July 2024EgonwRemoved template comments
129286view18:45, 19 March 2024EgonwRemoved duplicate XML elements
129285view18:43, 19 March 2024EgonwLinked to two other pathways for fusion and endocytosis
124641view12:51, 18 November 2022NhungPmodify viral proteins shapes and labels
121595view18:00, 21 February 2022KJTLUCUpdated Senescence label
121521view22:38, 20 February 2022KJTLUCAdded Senescence
119236view19:04, 22 June 2021FinterlyAdded DOI to PublicationXref
119097view09:38, 17 June 2021FinterlyAdded PMID
118886view12:11, 3 June 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'immune response pathway' added !
118885view12:11, 3 June 2021EweitzModified title
118882view12:09, 3 June 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'COVID-19' added !
115837view14:43, 18 March 2021FehrhartUpdated S1/S2 identifiers
115236view07:51, 6 February 2021EgonwNot a conversion
115235view07:48, 6 February 2021EgonwFixed three interaction type to binding
115172view16:57, 2 February 2021FehrhartCorrected some graphical standards (metabolite = blue) and IDs
115148view08:11, 29 January 2021EgonwReplaced a DOI with the corresponding PubMed ID.
114614view15:59, 25 January 2021Clairebillingsleyupdated identifyers
114610view14:51, 25 January 2021Fehrhart
114608view14:33, 25 January 2021GabrielCouillaud
114607view14:29, 25 January 2021GabrielCouillaud
114605view13:39, 25 January 2021GabrielCouillaud
114604view13:38, 25 January 2021GabrielCouillaudadded edge from angiotensin II to ROS
114603view13:28, 25 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded orf9c identifer
114602view13:15, 25 January 2021GabrielCouillaudChaged ORF6 interaction to IRF3
114601view12:53, 25 January 2021GabrielCouillaud
114600view12:45, 25 January 2021Clairebillingsleyupdated identifyers
114599view12:31, 25 January 2021GabrielCouillaudChanged IKBKE interaction type
114575view16:26, 22 January 2021ClairebillingsleyangII / ROS link added
114574view15:44, 22 January 2021ClairebillingsleyAdded receptors and interactions in RAS
114569view06:59, 22 January 2021GabrielCouillaud
114568view06:34, 22 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded new refernces to ORF9C/BCS1L interaction and nsp2/PHB/PHB2 interactions
114558view14:11, 21 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded IRF7 protein to pathway
114555view17:47, 20 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded reference to IKBKE interaction
114545view11:02, 20 January 2021GabrielCouillaudChanged TOMM70 ID to ensembl
114544view10:32, 20 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded missing refernces
114543view10:13, 20 January 2021GabrielCouillaudDeleted PLpro interaction with STING1 and added references for its IRF3 repression
114542view09:02, 20 January 2021GabrielCouillaudChanged uncertain interactions of ORF9B with MAVS
114535view18:13, 19 January 2021ClairebillingsleyAdded mitochondiral interactions involving DRP1, MFN2, PHB1/2, Nsp2
114528view15:46, 19 January 2021ClairebillingsleyStructural edits for clarity
114525view14:58, 19 January 2021ClairebillingsleyAdditions to STING and MAVS, and additional Orf's and Nsp interactions
114521view09:36, 19 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded genes related to OXPHOS ETC
114518view06:18, 19 January 2021EgonwOntology Term : 'severe acute respiratory syndrome' added !
114517view06:18, 19 January 2021EgonwOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
114508view17:03, 18 January 2021ClairebillingsleyAdded dsRNA interactions interacting with MAVS
114507view16:14, 18 January 2021GabrielCouillaud
114506view15:17, 18 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded references to orf9b/TOMM70 interaction edge
114503view14:16, 18 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded SARS-CoV-2 protein interactions
114489view10:27, 17 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded annotation for NFKB genes
114486view12:28, 16 January 2021GabrielCouillaud
114485view12:03, 16 January 2021GabrielCouillaudAdded some missing identifiers

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ACAD9GeneProductENSG00000177646 (Ensembl)
ACE2ProteinQ9BYF1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ACEProteinF6X3S4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
AGTMetaboliteCHEBI:2720 (ChEBI)
AGTR1GeneProductENSG00000144891 (Ensembl)
AGTR2GeneProductENSG00000180772 (Ensembl)
BCS1LGeneProductENSG00000074582 (Ensembl)
CGASGeneProductENSG00000164430 (Ensembl)
CTSLGeneProductENSG00000135047 (Ensembl)
DDX58GeneProductENSG00000107201 (Ensembl)
ECSITGeneProductENSG00000130159 (Ensembl)
Electron Transport Chain (OXPHOS) PathwayWP111 (WikiPathways)
Envelope Protein EProteinP0DTC4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HSP90ProteinENSG00000080824.19 (Ensembl)
IFIH1GeneProductIFIH1 (HGNC)
IFN-IGeneProduct3438 (Entrez Gene)
IKBKEGeneProductENSG00000263528 (Ensembl)
IRF3GeneProductENSG00000126456 (Ensembl)
IRF7GeneProductENSG00000185507 (Ensembl)
Innate Immune ResponsePathwayWP5039 (WikiPathways)
Interleukin-1 Induced Activation of NF-kappa-BPathwayWP3656 (WikiPathways)
MAS1GeneProductENSG00000206470 (Ensembl)
MAVSGeneProductENSG00000088888 (Ensembl)
Membrane Glycoprotein MProteinP0DTC5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Mitochondrial CIII assemblyPathwayWP4921 (WikiPathways)
NADPH oxidaseGeneProductQ9Y5S8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NDUFAF1GeneProductENSG00000137806 (Ensembl)
NDUFB9GeneProductENSG00000147684 (Ensembl)
NFKB1GeneProductENSG00000109320 (Ensembl)
NFKB2GeneProductENSG00000077150 (Ensembl)
NLRX1GeneProductENSG00000160703 (Ensembl)
Nucleoprotein NProteinP0DTC9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
O2-MetaboliteCHEBI:18421 (ChEBI)
ORF9bProteinP0DTD2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) promotes mitochondrial fusion
PHB2GeneProduct11331 (Entrez Gene)
PHBGeneProduct5245 (Entrez Gene)
PLproProteinP0DTD2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ROSGeneProduct62764 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ReninProteinA0A1B0GUZ2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SARS-CoV-2 Angiotensin PathwayPathwayWP4883 (WikiPathways)
STING1GeneProductENSG00000184584 (Ensembl)
Spike Glycoprotein SProteinP0DTC2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
TBK1GeneProductENSG00000183735 (Ensembl)
TICAM1GeneProduct148022 (Entrez Gene) TRIF
TLR3GeneProductENSG00000164342 (Ensembl)
TLR7GeneProductENSG00000196664 (Ensembl)
TMPRSS2GeneProductENSG00000184012 (Ensembl)
TOMM70ProteinENSG00000154174 (Ensembl)
TRAF3GeneProductENSG00000131323 (Ensembl)
TRAF6GeneProductENSG00000175104 (Ensembl)
angiotensin (1-7)MetaboliteCHEBI:55438 (ChEBI)
angiotensin IMetaboliteCHEBI:2718 (ChEBI)
angiotensin IIMetaboliteCHEBI:2719 (ChEBI) ang II accumulation
angiotensin-(1-9)MetaboliteCHEBI:80128 (ChEBI)
nsp13GeneProductQ94648377 (Wikidata)
nsp2ProteinP0DTD1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) impairs intra- cellular signaling and mitochondrial biogenesis
nsp6ProteinYP_009725302 (NCBI Protein)
nsp7ProteinP0DTD1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
orf6GeneProductP0DTC6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
orf9cProteinQ104520877 (Wikidata)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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