Thyroid hormone imbalance leading to neurodevelopmental abnormalities (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 17:06, 28 January 2024 by Eweitz (Talk | contribs)
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BrainThyroid hormone production1, 2Thyroid hormone biosynthesis pathwayKE279: Thyroperoxidase inhibition KE1656: Thyroid receptor antagonismKE424: NIS inhibition KE277: Decrease thyroid hormone synthesis KE425: Decrease of thyroidal iodideKE281: Decreased T4 in serumKE381: Reduced levels of BDNF BDNF signaling pathwayKE280: Decreased T4 in neuronal tissue KE756: Altered hippocampal gene expression Hippocampal synaptogenesis and neurogenesisKE851: Decreased GABAergic interneurons GABA receptor signaling pathwayKE757: Altered hippocampal anatomy KE758: Altered hippocampal physiology KE385: Decreased synaptogenesis KE386: Decreased neuronal network functionHippocampal synaptogenesis and neurogenesisKE341: Learning and memory impairment KE42: Decreased cognitive function KE319: loss of cochlear functionThyroid hormone biosynthesis pathwayThyroid hormone biosynthesis pathwayKE2104: Decreased binding TH to thyroid receptorKE2105: Decreased myelin basic protein expression in oligodendrocytesKE2106: Impaired oligodendrocyte maturationKE2107: HypomyelinationOligodendrocyte specification and differentiation, leading to myelin components for CNSOligodendrocyte specification and differentiation, leading to myelin components for CNSOligodendrocyte specification and differentiation, leading to myelin components for CNSKE2108: Altered white brain matter


Adverse outcome pathway for the effect of thyroid hormone disruption. This AOP network is based on the human-relevant AOPs in AOP-Wiki that involve thyroid hormone and neurological adverse outcomes.

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  1. Sauer UG, Asiimwe A, Botham PA, Charlton A, Hallmark N, Jacobi S, Marty S, Melching-Kollmuss S, Palha JA, Strauss V, van Ravenzwaay B, Swaen G; ''Toward a science-based testing strategy to identify maternal thyroid hormone imbalance and neurodevelopmental effects in the progeny - part I: which parameters from human studies are most relevant for toxicological assessments?''; Crit Rev Toxicol, 2020 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Marty S, Beekhuijzen M, Charlton A, Hallmark N, Hannas BR, Jacobi S, Melching-Kollmuss S, Sauer UG, Sheets LP, Strauss V, Urbisch D, Botham PA, van Ravenzwaay B; ''Towards a science-based testing strategy to identify maternal thyroid hormone imbalance and neurodevelopmental effects in the progeny - part II: how can key events of relevant adverse outcome pathways be addressed in toxicological assessments?''; Crit Rev Toxicol, 2021 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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134542view21:16, 22 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'oligodendrocyte' added !
134541view21:16, 22 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'GABAergic interneuron' added !
134540view21:15, 22 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'thyroid hormone biosynthetic pathway' added !
134539view18:35, 22 July 2024EgonwFixed a datasource
128159view17:07, 28 January 2024EweitzModified description
128158view17:06, 28 January 2024EweitzRefine node padding, add space after colons, standardize case
128157view17:02, 28 January 2024EweitzModified title
127806view21:23, 17 December 2023Marvin M2Modified description
127805view21:22, 17 December 2023Marvin M2
127804view21:18, 17 December 2023Marvin M2graphical updates
127291view14:34, 4 September 2023Marvin M2Updated layout, added chain of KEs
126475view17:27, 4 May 2023CMalyarModified title
125574view13:23, 28 February 2023Marvin M2Added references
125573view13:19, 28 February 2023Marvin M2Ontology Term : 'thyroid hormone signaling pathway' added !
124846view21:03, 14 December 2022EweitzModified title
124834view19:38, 13 December 2022Marvin M2
124833view19:36, 13 December 2022Marvin M2alignment changes
122991view13:39, 10 June 2022CMalyarFixed interactions
122990view14:06, 9 June 2022CMalyarPathway interactions fixed
122989view14:04, 9 June 2022CMalyarFixed interaction arrows
122983view08:01, 9 June 2022CMalyarManual identifiers of key events from AOP-Wiki
122980view20:03, 8 June 2022CMalyarFixed pathway identifiers
122979view19:57, 8 June 2022CMalyarStructural changes
122671view07:59, 29 April 2022CMalyar
122655view12:58, 26 April 2022CMalyar
122654view11:03, 26 April 2022CMalyarNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
BDNF signaling pathwayPathwayWP2380 (WikiPathways)
GABA receptor signaling pathwayPathwayWP4159 (WikiPathways)
Hippocampal synaptogenesis and neurogenesisPathwayWP5231 (WikiPathways)
KE1656: Thyroid receptor antagonismKey Event1656 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE2104: Decreased binding TH to thyroid receptorKey Event2104 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE2105: Decreased myelin basic protein expression in oligodendrocytesKey Event2105 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE2106: Impaired oligodendrocyte maturationKey Event2106 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE2107: HypomyelinationKey Event2107 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE2108: Altered white brain matterKey Event2108 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE277: Decrease thyroid hormone synthesis Key Event277 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE279: Thyroperoxidase inhibition Key Event279 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE280: Decreased T4 in neuronal tissue Key Event280 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE281: Decreased T4 in serumKey Event281 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE319: loss of cochlear functionKey Event319 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE341: Learning and memory impairment Key Event341 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE381: Reduced levels of BDNF Key Event381 (AOP-Wiki)
KE385: Decreased synaptogenesis Key Event385 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE386: Decreased neuronal network functionKey Event386 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE424: NIS inhibition Key Event424 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE425: Decrease of thyroidal iodideKey Event425 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE42: Decreased cognitive function Key Event42 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE756: Altered hippocampal gene expression Key Event756 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE757: Altered hippocampal anatomy Key Event757 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE758: Altered hippocampal physiology Key Event758 (AOP-Wiki KE)
KE851: Decreased GABAergic interneurons Key Event851 (AOP-Wiki KE)
Oligodendrocyte specification and differentiation, leading to myelin components for CNSPathwayWP4304 (WikiPathways)
Thyroid hormone biosynthesis pathway PathwayWP1981 (WikiPathways)

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