GLP-1 secretion from intestine to portal vein (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 10:01, 15 March 2024 by Egonw (Talk | contribs)
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1Portal veinKATPchannelInsulin secretion in pancreasGLP-1Ca2+Sympathetic nervous systemSGLT1PCSK1Parasympatheticnervous systemAlpha ARmAChRGPCRSLC2A2IntestineGCGGLP-1GNAQG-gammaG-betaNa+channelCa+channelDecrease hungerin hypothalamus


Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a short protein that suppresses feeding and helps manage glucose levels in diabetes. It is encoded by the GCG gene. This pathway depicts factors in GLP-1 secretion from L cells in the intestine into the portal vein, the primary entry port of digestion products into circulation. This diagram is based on Figure 2 of

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  1. Davis EM, Sandoval DA; ''Glucagon-like peptide-1: Actions and influence on pancreatic hormone function''; Comprehensive Physiology, 2020 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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129278view23:59, 17 March 2024EweitzLink downstream pathways
129189view10:01, 15 March 2024EgonwUpdated the Wikidata identifiers
129140view22:23, 12 March 2024EweitzAlign nodes
129139view22:22, 12 March 2024EweitzRefine node label
129138view22:17, 12 March 2024EweitzAdd Ca2+ node
129137view21:55, 12 March 2024EweitzAdd grouped ion channel nodes
129131view03:41, 12 March 2024EweitzEnrich GPCR complex, add stimulation interaction
129130view03:34, 12 March 2024EweitzReduce interaction end overlap, refine intestine top
129129view03:31, 12 March 2024EweitzAdd literature reference
129128view02:17, 12 March 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'diabetes mellitus pathway' added !
129127view02:14, 12 March 2024EweitzModified description
129126view02:13, 12 March 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'enteroendocrine cell' added !
129125view02:12, 12 March 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'type L enteroendocrine cell' added !
129124view02:11, 12 March 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'glucose homeostasis pathway' added !
129123view02:10, 12 March 2024EweitzNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
Alpha ARGeneProductQ66563054 (Wikidata) Alpha-andrenergic receptor
Ca+ channelGeneProductQ15322916 (Wikidata)
Ca2+Metabolite29108 (ChEBI)
Decrease hunger in hypothalamusPathwayWP5445 (WikiPathways)
G-beta GeneProductIPR016346 (InterPro)
G-gammaGeneProductIPR036284 (InterPro)
GCGGeneProductENSG00000115263 (Ensembl)
GLP-1ProteinQ424611 (Wikidata)
GNAQGeneProductENSG00000156052 (Ensembl)
GPCRGeneProductQ38173 (Wikidata) G protein-coupled receptor
Insulin secretion in pancreasPathwayWP5452 (WikiPathways)
KATP channelGeneProductQ4654794 (Wikidata)
Na+ channelGeneProductQ424960 (Wikidata)
PCSK1GeneProductENSG00000175426 (Ensembl) "PC1/3" per main source


SGLT1GeneProductENSG00000100170 (Ensembl)
SLC2A2GeneProductENSG00000163581 (Ensembl) "GLUT2" per main source


mAChRGeneProductQ410959 (Wikidata) Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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