Angiopoietin-like protein 8 regulatory pathway (Homo sapiens)

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219, 3810, 2515, 344337, 43434234213034404, 11384211, 343131912, 417, 17, 3722, 38422418134422824215, 3428243520, 23, 2631, 3911, 322828220, 23, 266342840936185409, 382421T3Ampk isoformsHepatocyteLegendPI 3-kinase isoformsActivationInsulin receptor substratesInhibitionGlucose uptakePancreaticbeta cellproliferationp70 S6 kinasesErk signaltransductionpathwaymTORC1Triacylglyceride synthesisPIK3C2GSIN1GRB2Cell growthdifferentiationPIK3CAGCKamino acidsTSC2SEST3G-6-PX-5-PGlycogenesisLXRRASmTORPI(4,5)P2Protein synthesis and translation regulationPEPCKInsulin signaling pathway AMPKpathwayGlucosemlst8PIK3R4glycogenCIP42SREBP pathwayIRS2G6PCSOS2Glycolysis-gluconeogenesisINSRCD45+ hematopoietic- derived cell proliferation TSC1PIK3R3SOS1PI(3,4,5)P3Exo70F-2,6-P2Autophagy signalingSREBP1a-cGLUT1RPS6KB1PIK3C2APPARalphaPTPIRS4GSLPLFBPPIK3R1PIK3CGRictorRPS6KB2IRS1PIK3CDSREBP2RAF1RaptorGLUT4PIK3R2PIK3C3PIK3CBPP2ARHEBmTORCHREBPInsulin14635DIO2RXRATHRATHRBSLC16A2SLCO1C1T3T4RXRAANGPTL8T3 and T4 intracelullar uptakeSHC2SHC3SHC1GSK3AGSK3BPDKPKB/Akt isoformsAKT1AKT2pT308pT308EIF4EEIF4EBP1mlst8mTORSIN1Rictorpmlst8mTORC2FOXO1AFOXO3AmTORC2INSRCAP1CBLFLOT1FLOT2CRKRAPGEF1RHOQTransport of GLUT4 transporters toplasma membraneRictorRXRA3, 27ABCG829FASNABCG533CYP3A429CYP7A13333CYP2B633LXR target genes16Drug and steroidmetabolismMulti-drugresistanceLipogenesisSCDTranscriptionfactorsMEK/MAP kinasesp90 Rsk kinasesMAP2K1MAP3K7MAPK14MAPK1MAP2K2RPS6KA5MAP3K2MAP3K6MAPK8MAP4K1MAP3K11MAP4K3MAPK10RPS6KA6MAP2K7MAP3K4MAP3K1MAP3K12MAPK4RPS6KA4MAPK11MAP4K5MAPK6MAP4K4MAPK3MAP3K14MAPK12MAP2K5MAP2K4MAPK13RPS6KA1RPS6KA2MAP3K5RPS6KA3MAPK9MAPK7MAP3K3MAP3K9MAP3K8MAP2K6MAP3K13MAP4K2MAP2K3MAP3K10MINK1PI(3,4,5)P3PKB/Akt isoformsAKT1pT308AKT2pS473pT308pS473CBLCCBLBFOXO1AFOXO3AInsulinINSRLXR target genes16CatalysisInsulin signaling pathway Undefined mechanismT4Activation fromwithin the pathwayAMPKy3AMPKa1AMPKy2AMPKy1AMPKb2AMPKb1AMPKa2Ampk isoforms1212, 41


The hepatic ANGPTL8 (Angiopoietin Like Protein 8) regulatory pathway represents an up-to-date curated interactive pathway for all of the interactions from the known regulators of ANGPTL8 and updated signaling events of insulin signaling in the liver. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal

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134283view05:25, 20 July 2024EgonwRemoved template comments
128129view13:51, 27 January 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'angiopoietin signaling pathway' added !
128128view13:48, 27 January 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'hepatocyte' added !
128127view13:48, 27 January 2024EweitzRefine legend graphics
128126view13:36, 27 January 2024EweitzRefine layout, standardize case
123920view05:59, 31 August 2022Fehrhartremoved one "type your comment here"
123857view06:09, 19 August 2022EgonwRemoved the reference to a retracted article (pmid: 23623304)
123522view05:59, 1 August 2022EgonwMoved another KEGG pathway identifier to the comment as they are not reaction identifiers
123521view05:57, 1 August 2022EgonwMoved another KEGG pathway identifier to the comment as they are not reaction identifiers
123516view17:19, 31 July 2022EgonwMoved two KEGG pathway identifiers to the comment as they are not reaction identifiers
122574view11:00, 16 April 2022EgonwMade multiple pathways clickable (and fixed one data source)
120659view18:51, 22 December 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'PW:0000143' removed !
116786view09:55, 14 May 2021EweitzModified title
112155view17:57, 29 September 2020Khanspersremoved extraneous text from comments
110713view14:55, 28 May 2020Marvin M2changed unknown type to metabolite with chebi ID
106761view13:24, 17 September 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
106297view17:42, 20 August 2019KhanspersModified description
105529view06:01, 9 August 2019KhanspersModified description
94801view23:35, 5 October 2017AlexanderPicoConverted lines, removed nested groups and connected interactions
93137view15:19, 31 July 2017SiddiqaANGPTL8 role in CD45+ hematopoietic-derived cell proliferation
92444view06:37, 6 June 2017SiddiqaInteractions present exclusively in rat/mouse updated.
92359view08:00, 30 May 2017SusanLegend adapted
90629view14:45, 2 December 2016EgonwNo mim-conversion on gene-gene interactions.
90628view14:41, 2 December 2016EgonwRemoved type info from Entrez Gene ID.
90627view14:09, 2 December 2016EgonwUppercased c in KEGG identifier.
90610view22:11, 1 December 2016KhanspersModified description
90604view10:18, 1 December 2016Elisasolved unconnected lines
90499view14:52, 18 November 2016SusanOntology Term : 'insulin signaling pathway' added !
90498view14:51, 18 November 2016SusanModified description
90497view14:48, 18 November 2016SusanOntology Term : 'regulatory pathway' added !
90463view12:44, 17 November 2016SiddiqaModified title
90461view12:40, 17 November 2016SiddiqaAdded AUthor List
90460view11:58, 17 November 2016SiddiqaNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ABCG5GeneProductENSG00000138075 (Ensembl)
ABCG8GeneProductENSG00000143921 (Ensembl)
AKT1GeneProduct207 (Entrez Gene)
AKT2GeneProduct208 (Entrez Gene)
AMPK pathwayPathwayWP1403 (WikiPathways)
AMPKa1GeneProduct5562 (Entrez Gene)
AMPKa2GeneProduct5563 (Entrez Gene)
AMPKb1GeneProduct5564 (Entrez Gene)
AMPKb2GeneProduct5565 (Entrez Gene)
AMPKy1GeneProduct5571 (Entrez Gene)
AMPKy2GeneProduct51422 (Entrez Gene)
AMPKy3GeneProduct53632 (Entrez Gene)
ANGPTL8GeneProduct55908 (Entrez Gene) synonyms: RIFL; TD26; PRO1185; PVPA599; C19orf80
Autophagy signalingPathway
CAP1GeneProduct10487 (Entrez Gene)
CBLGeneProduct867 (Entrez Gene)
CBLBGeneProduct868 (Entrez Gene)
CBLCGeneProduct23624 (Entrez Gene)
CD45+ hematopoietic-
  derived cell 
PathwayWP2849 (WikiPathways)
CHREBPGeneProduct51085 (Entrez Gene)
CIP42GeneProduct9322 (Entrez Gene)
CRKGeneProduct1398 (Entrez Gene)
CYP2B6GeneProductENSG00000197408 (Ensembl)
CYP3A4GeneProductENSG00000160868 (Ensembl)
CYP7A1GeneProductENSG00000167910 (Ensembl) is not affected in human
Cell growth differentiationPathwayWP2029 (WikiPathways)
DIO2GeneProduct1734 (Entrez Gene)
Drug and steroid metabolismPathway
EIF4EGeneProduct1977 (Entrez Gene)
EIF4EBP1GeneProduct1978 (Entrez Gene)
Exo70GeneProduct23265 (Entrez Gene)
F-2,6-P2MetaboliteC00665 (KEGG Compound)
FASNGeneProductENSG00000169710 (Ensembl)
FBPGeneProduct2203 (Entrez Gene)
FLOT1GeneProduct10211 (Entrez Gene)
FLOT2GeneProduct2319 (Entrez Gene)
FOXO1AGeneProduct2308 (Entrez Gene)
FOXO3AGeneProduct2309 (Entrez Gene)
G-6-PMetaboliteC00092 (KEGG Compound)
G6PCGeneProduct2538 (Entrez Gene)
GCKGeneProduct2645 (KEGG Genes)
GLUT1GeneProduct6513 (Entrez Gene)
GLUT4GeneProduct6517 (Entrez Gene)
GSGeneProduct2997 (Entrez Gene)
GSK3AGeneProduct2931 (Entrez Gene)
GSK3BGeneProduct2932 (Entrez Gene)
GlucoseMetaboliteC00031 (KEGG Compound)
Glycolysis-gluconeogenesisPathwayWP534 (WikiPathways)
INSRGeneProduct3643 (Entrez Gene)
IRS1GeneProduct3667 (Entrez Gene)
IRS2GeneProduct8660 (Entrez Gene)
IRS4GeneProduct8471 (Entrez Gene)
Insulin signaling pathway Pathway
Insulin signaling pathway PathwayWP1982 (WikiPathways)
InsulinProteinA6XGL2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
LPLGeneProduct4023 (Entrez Gene)
LXRGeneProduct10062 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K1GeneProduct5604 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K2GeneProduct5605 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K3GeneProduct5606 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K4GeneProduct6416 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K5GeneProduct5607 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K6GeneProduct5608 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K7GeneProduct5609 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K10GeneProduct4294 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K11GeneProduct4296 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K12GeneProduct7786 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K13GeneProduct9175 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K1GeneProduct4214 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K14GeneProduct9020 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K2GeneProduct10746 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K3GeneProduct4215 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K4GeneProduct4216 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K5GeneProduct4217 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K6GeneProduct9064 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K7GeneProduct6885 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K8GeneProduct1326 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K9GeneProduct4293 (Entrez Gene)
MAP4K1GeneProduct11184 (Entrez Gene)
MAP4K2GeneProduct5871 (Entrez Gene)
MAP4K3GeneProduct8491 (Entrez Gene)
MAP4K4GeneProduct9448 (Entrez Gene)
MAP4K5GeneProduct11183 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK10GeneProduct5602 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK11GeneProduct5600 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK12GeneProduct6300 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK13GeneProduct5603 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK14GeneProduct1432 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK1GeneProduct5594 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK3GeneProduct5595 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK4GeneProduct5596 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK6GeneProduct5597 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK7GeneProduct5598 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK8GeneProduct5599 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK9GeneProduct5601 (Entrez Gene)
MINK1GeneProduct50488 (Entrez Gene)
Multi-drug resistancePathway
PDKGeneProduct5170 (Entrez Gene)
PEPCKGeneProduct5105 (Entrez Gene)
PI(3,4,5)P3MetaboliteC05981 (KEGG Compound) Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate(PIP3)
PI(4,5)P2MetaboliteC04637 (KEGG Compound)
PIK3C2AGeneProduct5286 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3C2GGeneProduct5288 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3C3GeneProduct5289 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3CAGeneProduct5290 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3CBGeneProduct5291 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3CDGeneProduct5293 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3CGGeneProduct5294 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3R1GeneProduct5295 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3R2GeneProduct5296 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3R3GeneProduct8503 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3R4GeneProduct30849 (Entrez Gene)
PTPGeneProduct5770 (Entrez Gene) PTPs catalyze the hydrolysis of the phosphate monoesters specifically on tyrosine residues. Members of the PTP family share a highly conserved catalytic motif, which is essential for the catalytic activity. PTPs are known to be signaling molecules that regulate a variety of cellular processes including cell growth, differentiation, mitotic cycle, and oncogenic transformation. This PTP has been shown to act as a negative regulator of insulin signaling by dephosphorylating the phosphotryosine residues of insulin receptor kinase
Protein synthesis and translation regulationPathway
RAF1GeneProduct5894 (Entrez Gene)
RAPGEF1GeneProduct2889 (Entrez Gene)
RASGeneProduct3265 (Entrez Gene)
RHEBGeneProduct6009 (Entrez Gene)
RHOQGeneProduct23433 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KA1GeneProduct6195 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KA2GeneProduct6196 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KA3GeneProduct6197 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KA4GeneProduct8986 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KA5GeneProduct9252 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KA6GeneProduct27330 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KB1GeneProduct6198 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KB2GeneProduct6199 (Entrez Gene)
RXRAGeneProduct6256 (Entrez Gene)
RXRAGeneProductENSG00000186350 (Ensembl)
RaptorGeneProduct57521 (Entrez Gene)
RictorGeneProduct253260 (Entrez Gene)
SCDGeneProductENSG00000099194 (Ensembl)
SEST3GeneProduct143686 (Entrez Gene)
SHC1GeneProduct6464 (Entrez Gene)
SHC2GeneProduct25759 (Entrez Gene)
SHC3GeneProduct53358 (Entrez Gene)
SIN1GeneProduct79109 (Entrez Gene)
SLC16A2GeneProduct6567 (Entrez Gene)
SLCO1C1GeneProduct53919 (Entrez Gene)
SOS1GeneProduct6654 (Entrez Gene)
SOS2GeneProduct6655 (Entrez Gene)
SREBP pathwayPathwayWP1982 (WikiPathways)
SREBP1a-cGeneProductENSG00000072310 (Ensembl)
SREBP2GeneProductENSG00000198911 (Ensembl)
T3Metabolite5707 (Chemspider)
T4MetaboliteHMDB0000248 (HMDB)
THRAGeneProduct7067 (Entrez Gene)
THRBGeneProduct7068 (Entrez Gene)
TSC1GeneProduct7248 (Entrez Gene)
TSC2GeneProduct7249 (Entrez Gene)
Transcription factorsPathway
Triacylglyceride synthesisPathwayWP325 (WikiPathways)
X-5-PMetaboliteC00231 (KEGG Compound)
amino acidsMetaboliteCHEBI:33709 (ChEBI)
glycogenMetaboliteC00369 (KEGG Compound)
mTOR GeneProduct2475 (Entrez Gene)
mTORGeneProduct2475 (Entrez Gene)
mlst8GeneProduct64223 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

SourceTargetTypeDatabase referenceComment
ArrowWP1982 (WikiPathways)
ArrowWP2882 (WikiPathways)
DIO2mim-catalysisR03734 (KEGG Reaction)
GlucoseArrowhsa04911 (KEGG Pathway)
mim-catalysisR04545 (KEGG Reaction)
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