Vitamin A1 and A5/X pathways (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 23:34, 21 July 2024 by Eweitz (Talk | contribs)
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121-31Vitamin A5/XsVitamin A5/X-activitySee also:Vitamin A and carotenoid metabolismATBCDietRXRa9CDHROL-ES19CDHROL9CBC9CDHBC9CDHRA29CDHRA-ES111Vitamin A1-activityATRAATRALATROLATROL-ESVitamin A1RXRbRXRcRARaRARbRARg


Vitamin A5/X pathway which shows how our food results in precursors from which Vitamin A5/X (9CBC, 9CDHBC, 9CDHROL-ES and 9CDKHROL) is metabolized which is converted into Vitamin A5/X acid (9CDHRA) which binds to RXR.

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  1. Krężel W, Rivas A, Szklenar M, Ciancia M, Alvarez R, de Lera AR, Rühl R; ''Vitamin A5/X, a New Food to Lipid Hormone Concept for a Nutritional Ligand to Control RXR-Mediated Signaling.''; Nutrients, 2021 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Rühl R, Krzyżosiak A, Niewiadomska-Cimicka A, Rochel N, Szeles L, Vaz B, Wietrzych-Schindler M, Álvarez S, Szklenar M, Nagy L, de Lera AR, Krężel W; ''9-cis-13,14-Dihydroretinoic Acid Is an Endogenous Retinoid Acting as RXR Ligand in Mice.''; PLoS Genet, 2015 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. de Lera, A.R., Krezel, W., Ruehl, R.; ''An Endogenous Mammalian Retinoid X Receptor Ligand, At Last!''; ChemMedChem, 2016 DOI Scholia


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135005view08:32, 31 July 2024EgonwAdded a missing identifier
134437view23:39, 21 July 2024EweitzMake pathway label human-friendly
134436view23:34, 21 July 2024EweitzEconomize layout, standardize case
127034view06:23, 25 July 2023EgonwModified description
127032view17:15, 24 July 2023EgonwAdded all receptors (see WP716) with identifiers (NCBI Gene)
127031view17:08, 24 July 2023EgonwMore and fixed identifiers
127030view16:20, 24 July 2023EgonwFirst few metabolite identifiers
127003view13:53, 17 July 2023Ash iyerOntology Term : 'metabolic pathway of cofactors, vitamins, nutrients' added !
127002view13:53, 17 July 2023Ash iyerOntology Term : 'retinol metabolic pathway' added !
127001view13:52, 17 July 2023Ash iyerOntology Term : 'vitamin A and metabolites signaling pathway' added !
127000view13:51, 17 July 2023Ash iyerOntology Term : 'PW:0000001' removed !
126999view13:51, 17 July 2023Ash iyerOntology Term : 'Pathway Ontology' added !
126995view18:54, 12 July 2023EgonwFirst identifier and link to the main Vit A pathway
126994view15:13, 12 July 2023EgonwSome prettifying
126991view14:57, 12 July 2023EgonwOne reference is not in PubMed, using the DOI
126990view14:53, 12 July 2023EgonwMore literature references
126988view14:34, 12 July 2023EgonwAdded the first literature reference to various individual steps
126985view14:22, 12 July 2023EgonwNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
9CBCMetaboliteQ27135678 (Wikidata)
9CDHBCMetaboliteQ120868409 (Wikidata)
9CDHRA-ESMetaboliteQ120868227 (Wikidata)
9CDHRAMetaboliteQ120868444 (Wikidata)
  • vitamin A5/X acid
  • Both R and S forms bind, but R better. The R stereoisomer is patented
9CDHROL-ESMetaboliteQ120868159 (Wikidata)
9CDHROLMetaboliteQ120868469 (Wikidata)
ATBCMetaboliteQ306135 (Wikidata) provitamin A1
ATRAMetabolite444795 (PubChem-compound) vitamin A1 acid
ATRALMetabolite638015 (PubChem-compound) vitamin A1 aldehyde
ATROL-ESMetaboliteQ120868257 (Wikidata) vitamin A1
ATROLMetabolite445354 (PubChem-compound) vitamin A1
RARaProtein5914 (Entrez Gene)
RARbProtein5915 (Entrez Gene)
RARgProtein5916 (Entrez Gene)
RXRaProtein6256 (Entrez Gene)
RXRbProtein6257 (Entrez Gene)
RXRcProtein6258 (Entrez Gene)
See also: Vitamin A and carotenoid metabolismPathwayWP716 (WikiPathways)
Vitamin A1-activityPathway
Vitamin A5/X-activityPathway

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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