ALA oxylipin metabolism (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 18:01, 31 May 2023 by Lcayer (Talk | contribs)
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213-HpOTrEsEHcytochrome P4509-HOTrE9-OxoOTrEα-Linolenic acid15,16-DiHODE13-OxoOTrEALOX59(10)-EpODE13-HOTrE9(S)-HpOTrEALOX159,16-DiHOTrE12,13-DiHODE15(16)-EpODE9,10-DiHODE112(13)-EpODE


Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) oxylipin metabolism by ALOX5, ALOX15, and cytochrome P450

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  1. Galliard T, Phillips DR; ''Lipoxygenase from potato tubers. Partial purification and properties of an enzyme that specifically oxygenates the 9-position of linoleic acid.''; Biochem J, 1971 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Gabbs M, Leng S, Devassy JG, Monirujjaman M, Aukema HM; ''Advances in Our Understanding of Oxylipins Derived from Dietary PUFAs.''; Adv Nutr, 2015 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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134570view22:59, 22 July 2024EweitzModified description
126553view18:01, 31 May 2023LcayerFixed multiple incorrect changes. The root fatty acid was changed. And the 13-hydroxy metabolite metabolites were each inccorectly changed to linoleic acid metabolites
126552view17:42, 31 May 2023LcayerReverted to version '18:55, 14 April 2023' by Lcayer
126551view17:42, 31 May 2023LcayerReverted to version '19:27, 30 April 2023' by Lcayer
126550view17:36, 31 May 2023LcayerGave ALA alpha symbol
126446view19:27, 30 April 2023AlexanderPicoModified description
126445view19:26, 30 April 2023AlexanderPicoModified title
126203view18:55, 14 April 2023Khanspersupdated 13-HpODE arm
125624view20:03, 5 March 2023AlexanderPicoModified description
120082view15:31, 1 November 2021MkutmonOntology Term : 'lipid metabolic pathway' added !
120067view23:28, 25 October 2021LcayerAdded metabolite 9,16-DiHOTrE
120062view19:51, 25 October 2021Lcayerextraneous information removed
120061view19:33, 25 October 2021LcayerNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
12(13)-EpODEMetabolite16061061 (PubChem-compound)
12,13-DiHODEMetaboliteHMDB10201 (HMDB)
13-HOTrEMetabolite10469728 (PubChem-compound)
13-HpOTrEMetaboliteCHEBI:145300 (ChEBI)
15(16)-EpODEMetaboliteHMDB10206 (HMDB)
15,16-DiHODEMetaboliteHMDB10208 (HMDB)
9(10)-EpODEMetaboliteHMDB10220 (HMDB)
9(S)-HpOTrEMetaboliteCHEBI:60961 (ChEBI)
9,10-DiHODEMetaboliteHMDB10221 (HMDB)
9-HOTrEMetabolite10447175 (PubChem-compound)
9-OxoOTrEMetabolite125559-74-2 (CAS)
ALOX15GeneProductENSG00000161905 (Ensembl)
ALOX5GeneProductENSG00000012779 (Ensembl)
cytochrome P450MetaboliteCHEBI:38559 (ChEBI)
sEHGeneProductENSG00000120915 (Ensembl)
α-Linolenic acidMetabolite27432 (ChEBI)

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