Regulation of cytotoxic T cell responses by Malat1 - miR-15/16 circuit (Homo sapiens)

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21Antigen presenting cellAntigenNucleusCytotoxic T cellMHCMemory Cell PersistanceIL2RBCD3EIL2RGCD3GMALAT1CD3DTRACD247BCL2MIR15ACD80IL2IL2RACD28CD27CD43MIR15BMIR16-1MIR16-2IL2TRBCD86Antigen



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  1. Wheeler BD, Gagnon JD, Zhu WS, Muñoz-Sandoval P, Wong SK, Simeonov DS, Li Z, DeBarge R, Spitzer MH, Marson A, Ansel KM; ''The lncRNA Malat1 inhibits miR-15/16 to enhance cytotoxic T cell activation and memory cell formation.''; Elife, 2023 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Shapiro VS, Truitt KE, Imboden JB, Weiss A; ''CD28 mediates transcriptional upregulation of the interleukin-2 (IL-2) promoter through a composite element containing the CD28RE and NF-IL-2B AP-1 sites.''; Mol Cell Biol, 1997 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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135496view16:12, 20 September 2024Khanspersmoved Memory Cell Persistance closer to memory cell marker genes, updated interaction styles
135486view23:55, 19 September 2024EweitzEconomize layout
135485view23:51, 19 September 2024EweitzEconomize layout
135477view00:33, 14 September 2024Khanspersupdate layout
135358view18:11, 28 August 2024Khanspersupdated IL-2 section
135353view21:50, 27 August 2024KhanspersOntology Term : 'memory T cell' added !
135352view21:50, 27 August 2024KhanspersOntology Term : 'cytotoxic T cell' added !
135350view21:47, 27 August 2024KhanspersModified description
135343view01:11, 27 August 2024KhanspersOntology Term : 'adaptive immune response pathway' added !
135342view01:11, 27 August 2024KhanspersModified title
135341view01:08, 27 August 2024KhanspersNew pathway

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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
BCL2GeneProductBCL2 (HGNC)
CD247GeneProductCD247 (HGNC)
CD27GeneProductCD27 (HGNC)
CD28GeneProductCD28 (HGNC)
CD3DGeneProductCD3D (HGNC)
CD3EGeneProductCD3E (HGNC)
CD3GGeneProductCD3G (HGNC)
CD43GeneProductSPN (HGNC)
CD80GeneProductCD80 (HGNC)
CD86GeneProductCD86 (HGNC)
IL2GeneProductIL2 (HGNC)
IL2RAGeneProductIL2RA (HGNC)
IL2RBGeneProductIL2RB (HGNC)
IL2RGGeneProductIL2RG (HGNC)
MALAT1GeneProduct378938 (Entrez Gene)
MIR15ARnaMI0000069 (miRBase mature sequence)
MIR15BRnaMI0000438 (miRBase mature sequence)
MIR16-1RnaMI0000070 (miRBase mature sequence)
MIR16-2RnaMI0000115 (miRBase mature sequence)
TRAGeneProduct12027 (HGNC)
TRBGeneProduct12155 (HGNC)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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