Programmed cell death and cell engulfment (Caenorhabditis elegans)

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Revision as of 10:57, 24 May 2021 by Eweitz (Talk | contribs)
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A model of apoptotic cell engulfment.

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  1. Gumienny TL, Hengartner MO; ''How the worm removes corpses: the nematode C. elegans as a model system to study engulfment.''; Cell Death Differ, 2001 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Conradt B, Xue D; ''Programmed cell death.''; WormBook, 2005 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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135391view12:16, 3 September 2024EgonwConverted to use Ensembl identifiers
118114view10:57, 24 May 2021EweitzModified title
89459view13:11, 15 September 2016Mkutmonremove space in ontology term id
79244view20:22, 16 March 2015CgroveFixed unconnected lines
76301view22:45, 27 June 2014Kyook
68468view20:29, 5 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67146view10:12, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'phagocytosis pathway' added !
53144view02:08, 30 October 2012MaintBotModified categories
49160view23:16, 6 July 2012Kyookadded remaining lines and question mark
49159view23:11, 6 July 2012KyookModified description
49158view23:09, 6 July 2012KyookOntology Term : 'apoptosis fated cell' added !
49157view23:09, 6 July 2012KyookFig 9C PMID: 22272187
49156view23:00, 6 July 2012KyookNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
Active CED-3 ProteaseGeneProductWBGene00000417 (Ensembl)
CED-1/SREC?GeneProductWBGene00000415 (Ensembl)
CED-10/Rac1GeneProductC09G12.8 (WormBase)
CED-2/CrkIIGeneProductY41D4B.13 (WormBase)
CED-3GeneProductWBGene00000417 (Ensembl)
CED-4GeneProductWBGene00000418 (Ensembl)
CED-5/DOCK180GeneProductWBGene00000419 (Ensembl)
CED-6GeneProductWBGene00000420 (Ensembl)
CED-7/ABC1GeneProductWBGene00000421 (Ensembl)
CED-7GeneProductWBGene00000421 (Ensembl)
CED-9GeneProductWBGene00000423 (Ensembl)
CES-1GeneProductWBGene00000468 (Ensembl)
CES-2GeneProductWBGene00000469 (Ensembl)
EGL-1GeneProductWBGene00001170 (Ensembl)
EOR-1GeneProductWBGene00001324 (Ensembl)
EOR-2GeneProductWBGene00001325 (Ensembl)
HLH-2GeneProductWBGene00001949 (Ensembl)
HLH-3GeneProductWBGene00001950 (Ensembl)
PSR-1?GeneProductWBGene00004205 (Ensembl)
TRA-1GeneProductWBGene00006604 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

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