Asparagine degradation (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)

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Like many other amino acids, asparagine may be utilized by S. cerevisiae as a sole source of nitrogen. Catabolism of asparagine for nitrogen involves the action of asparaginases, which hydrolyze the amide group in the side chain of asparagine. This converts asparagine to aspartate and releases an assimilable molecule of ammonia (NH3). Further nitrogen can be derived from the newly generated aspartate molecule via its reversible conversion to glutamate by aspartate aminotransferases. Glutamate, whose amino group can be hydrolyzed to release ammonia, represents one of the major sources of nitrogen for biosynthetic reactions in S. cerevisiae. SOURCE: SGD pathways,

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  1. ter Schure EG, van Riel NA, Verrips CT; ''The role of ammonia metabolism in nitrogen catabolite repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.''; FEMS Microbiol Rev, 2000 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. ''asparagine degradation''; Yeast Pathways,


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135938view02:13, 3 December 2024Khanspersupdated to mim-conversion
135498view16:15, 20 September 2024KhanspersModified description
135497view16:13, 20 September 2024Khanspersremoved GenMAPP comments
135491view00:54, 20 September 2024Khanspersupdated reference
135490view00:53, 20 September 2024Khanspersreference
135489view00:52, 20 September 2024Khanspersconnected interactions, added metabolites
89547view11:33, 16 September 2016Mkutmonremove invalid ontology tag
89546view11:31, 16 September 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'asparagine metabolic pathway' added !
89531view11:05, 16 September 2016Mkutmonontology tag fix
71892view10:04, 22 October 2013Mkutmonchanged unknown datanodes to metabolite datanodes
69638view20:36, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67066view10:01, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'asparagine catabolic process via L-aspartate' added !
45180view09:12, 7 October 2011Mkutmonconnected lines
41876view04:52, 2 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
36646view22:38, 9 April 2010MaintBotDescription and bibliography added from SGD
21590view11:32, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Saccharomyces cerevisiae:Asparagine Degradation]] moved to [[Pathway:WP432]]: Moved to stable identifier
12662view07:56, 17 May 2008MaintBotautomated metabolite conversion
8654view14:05, 7 January 2008MaintBotAdded to category $category
8652view14:05, 7 January 2008J.HeckmanUploaded new pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
2-oxoglutarateMetabolite16810 (ChEBI)
AAT1GeneProductS000001589 (SGD)
AAT2GeneProductS000004017 (SGD)
ASP1GeneProductS000002729 (SGD)
ASP3-1GeneProductS000004145 (SGD)
ASP3-2GeneProductS000004147 (SGD)
ASP3-3GeneProductS000004148 (SGD)
ASP3-4GeneProductS000004150 (SGD)
H2OMetabolite15377 (ChEBI)
L-asparagineMetabolite70-47-3 (CAS)
L-aspartateMetabolite29991 (ChEBI)
L-glutamateMetabolite56-86-0 (CAS)
NH3Metabolite28938 (ChEBI)
oxaloacetic acidMetabolite16452 (ChEBI)

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