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About the micronutrient portal Essentially, the micronutrient genetics project aims at identifying all relevant genetic variations related to the biological activity on a specific micronutrient. In doing so, we will organize this information in a biological perspective, i.e. pathway and biological network oriented visual browsers. Controversially, for many micronutrients the biological knowledge is still fragmented. Thus, a flexible and editable browser with both a wiki-editable and a permanent interface will be implemented. The genetic variation on specific genes will be derived from the basic databases embedded in the human variome project. A bioinformatics team is established that will construct and maintain these web-based interfaces. Partners

NuGO www.nugo.org

Eurecca www.eurreca.org

NCTR www.FDA.gov

Human variome project www.humanvariomeproject.org

Tufts www.tufts.edu

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