Respiratory electron transport, ATP synthesis by chemiosmotic coupling, and heat production by uncoupling proteins. (Homo sapiens)

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12-1410, 113-810, 11991, 210, 1110, 11910, 11mitochondrial intermembrane spacemitochondrial matrixATPubiquinolFatty Acid anion "head-in"Purine nucleotideATPase complexFA anion:UCP dimer "head-in" complexFA anion:UCP dimer "head-out" complexOxygenubiquinoneubiquinoneLong-chain fatty acidubiquinolADPATPase-ATP complexH2OUCP dimerSuccinate dehydrogenase complex (reduced)Complex I - NADH:Ubiquinone oxidoreductaseETF (reduced)Fatty Acid "head-out"Cytochrome c (reduced)Cytochrome c (oxidized)UCP dimerH+Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductaseFatty Acid "head-in"Cytochrome c oxidaseSuccinate dehydrogenase complex (oxidised)NAD+ubiquinolFADH2Fatty Acid anion "head-out"FADETFDHETFOrthophosphateH+H2ONADHATPase-ADP and Pi complex


Oxidation of fatty acids and pyruvate in the mitochondrial matrix yield large amounts of NADH. The respiratory electron transport chain couples the re-oxidation of this NADH to NAD+ to the export of protons from the mitochonrial matrix, generating a chemiosmotic gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This gradient is used to drive the synthesis of ATP; it can also be bypassed by uncoupling proteins to generate heat, a reaction in brown fat that may be important in regulation of body temperature in newborn children.

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  23. Loeffen JL, Triepels RH, van den Heuvel LP, Schuelke M, Buskens CA, Smeets RJ, Trijbels JM, Smeitink JA.; ''cDNA of eight nuclear encoded subunits of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase: human complex I cDNA characterization completed.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  24. Long JZ, Svensson KJ, Bateman LA, Lin H, Kamenecka T, Lokurkar IA, Lou J, Rao RR, Chang MR, Jedrychowski MP, Paulo JA, Gygi SP, Griffin PR, Nomura DK, Spiegelman BM.; ''The Secreted Enzyme PM20D1 Regulates Lipidated Amino Acid Uncouplers of Mitochondria.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  25. Estornell E, Fato R, Castelluccio C, Cavazzoni M, Parenti Castelli G, Lenaz G.; ''Saturation kinetics of coenzyme Q in NADH and succinate oxidation in beef heart mitochondria.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  26. Soto IC, Fontanesi F, Liu J, Barrientos A.; ''Biogenesis and assembly of eukaryotic cytochrome c oxidase catalytic core.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  32. Smeitink J, Sengers R, Trijbels F, van den Heuvel L.; ''Human NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  42. Mitchell P.; ''Possible molecular mechanisms of the protonmotive function of cytochrome systems.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  43. Coates PM, Tanaka K.; ''Molecular basis of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation defects.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  44. Echtay KS, Murphy MP, Smith RA, Talbot DA, Brand MD.; ''Superoxide activates mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 from the matrix side. Studies using targeted antioxidants.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  45. Friedrich T, Böttcher B.; ''The gross structure of the respiratory complex I: a Lego System.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  46. Guzzo G, Sciacovelli M, Bernardi P, Rasola A.; ''Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase by the mitochondrial chaperone TRAP1 has anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic effects on tumor cells.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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114966view16:49, 25 January 2021ReactomeTeamReactome version 75
113410view11:48, 2 November 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 74
112612view15:59, 9 October 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 73
101528view11:39, 1 November 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 66
101063view21:21, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 65
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100143view16:40, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 63
99693view15:09, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 62 (2nd attempt)
99281view12:45, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 62
93907view13:44, 16 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
93481view11:24, 9 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
86578view09:21, 11 July 2016ReactomeTeamreactome version 56
83426view11:11, 18 November 2015ReactomeTeamVersion54
81630view13:10, 21 August 2015ReactomeTeamVersion53
77091view08:38, 17 July 2014ReactomeTeamFixed remaining interactions
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75192view09:40, 9 May 2014AnweshaFixing comment source for displaying WikiPathways description
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74431view07:10, 19 April 2014EgonwRelocated an InfoBox.
68937view17:34, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
45047view19:09, 6 October 2011ThomasOntology Term : 'energy metabolic pathway' added !
42118view21:58, 4 March 2011MaintBotAutomatic update
39928view05:56, 21 January 2011MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ADP Metabolite16761 (ChEBI)
ATP Metabolite15422 (ChEBI)


ComplexREACT_4862 (Reactome)
ATPase-ADP and

Pi complex

ComplexREACT_2435 (Reactome)


ComplexREACT_3945 (Reactome)
Complex I -

NADH: Ubiquinone oxidoreductase

ComplexREACT_6533 (Reactome)

c oxidase

ComplexREACT_6661 (Reactome)
Cytochrome c


ComplexREACT_13953 (Reactome)
Cytochrome c


ComplexREACT_13858 (Reactome)
ETF ComplexREACT_6490 (Reactome)


ComplexREACT_6568 (Reactome)
ETFDH ProteinQ16134 (UniProt)
FA anion:UCP

dimer "head- out" complex

ComplexREACT_6437 (Reactome)
FA anion:UCP

dimer "head-in" complex

ComplexREACT_6679 (Reactome)
FAD Metabolite16238 (ChEBI)
FADH2 Metabolite17877 (ChEBI)
Fatty Acid


UnknownREACT_6592 (Reactome)
Fatty Acid


UnknownREACT_6554 (Reactome)
Fatty Acid

anion "head-out"

UnknownREACT_6652 (Reactome)
Fatty Acid anion


UnknownREACT_6375 (Reactome)
H+ Metabolite15378 (ChEBI)
H2O Metabolite15377 (ChEBI)

fatty acid

Unknown15904 (ChEBI)
NAD+ Metabolite15846 (ChEBI)
NADH Metabolite16908 (ChEBI)


Metabolite18367 (ChEBI)
Oxygen Metabolite15379 (ChEBI)


UnknownREACT_6384 (Reactome)

dehydrogenase complex (oxidised)

ComplexREACT_3127 (Reactome)

dehydrogenase complex (reduced)

ComplexREACT_6402 (Reactome)


ComplexREACT_6463 (Reactome)

cytochrome c reductase

ComplexREACT_6527 (Reactome)
ubiquinol Metabolite17976 (ChEBI)
ubiquinone Metabolite16389 (ChEBI)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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