Myometrial Relaxation and Contraction Pathways (Danio rerio)

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1, 2Calcium InfluxGPCR KinaseAP-1 complexPhospholipase-CPredicted Cxn43Pip2PKAMAPKAdenylyl Cyclasesnote: see gene backpages for referencesPKC inhibitor 1Myometrial RelaxationTR = Transcriptional RegulationNOCell GrowthPKCSignalingProtein Kinase AActivation Via CRH and cAMPCalcium MobilizationMlckIP3DAGPredicted OT-RGbgGbgRyanodine Receptor (Ryr)CAM-Kinase 2Pge2CalmodulinAdenylyl CyclasesCRE-Transcription FactorsCamk2Na+NucleusGRKbeta ArrestinPathways of Myometrial RelaxationCa2+TranscriptionalRegulatorsEts complexPi + IGFBPProtein Kinase CRGSSRMyometrial ContractionRegulators of G-proteinLPATRbeta ArrestinCa++/CalmodulinIP3 ReceptorTRMg2+RAMPRyrGbgCa2+Phospholipase-CGRKbeta ArrestinPPKC inhibitor Protein-1RAMPIGFBPPKA InhibitorsPathways of Myometrial ContractionIP3 ReceptorCACNB3RGS14PRKAR2BLOC565706LOC571825gnb5RGS1PRKCQryr3sp1zgc:172124ATF5DKEY-190G11.2gucy1a3LOC557123rgs7Cyclic AMPDGKIOXTRCyclic AMPYWHAZlpar1zgc:110206slc8a1bLOC100000320ywhahprkacbLOC565292rgs5zgc:92704LOC561288gabpaLOC567452RLN1rgs4LOC100003514GUCY2EGSTO1ywhae1LOC100149498cmlc1ADPRAMP2gng12prkczzgc:92106CAMK2Gcamk2args17gngt1RYR1GUCA2ACALCAcamk2d2ADCY9LOC568671LOC568726CH211-220F13.4gpr182junzgc:112145IGFBP6zgc:153624prkceplcg1YWHAGRYR2igfbp3acta1PLCD1prkcb1IGFBP5RGS2atf3IGFBP1RGS3LOC798222LOC568010PKIAADCY4zgc:154083gng2IL1Bgng5CALM1RAMP3ATPLOC570659zgc:73189LOC563892CALM2LOC567940zgc:158799cx43ACTG1CMKOR1prkar2aaADCY6Cyclic GMPrgs6GNB3atf1GRK4CREBL1gnb2ADPCH73-270F14.2PRKCCcnn2GNB1NOS3crcpLOC569499OXTRacta1bNFKB1ADMatp2a2aDKEYP-60A7.2gng3arrb1YWHAQCALM3rgs20LOC795659SFNLOC566888LOC572250ATPfosacta2ACTBcreb1gng7CH1073-76A20.1GNG11IGFBP2PKIBRGS10LOC557353nos1GUCA2BARRB2GNB4MAFFzgc:171922crhIL6oxtlplcb3PRKCDitpr2creb3l3ATF4adcy2bLOC100149388MYLK2atf2lzgc:153888PKIGIGFBP4YWHABplcg2RAMP1MYL2


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This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP289(r21289) with a 58% conversion rate.

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59543view17:16, 1 March 2013MaintBotDeleted pathway: Human pw
47925view22:29, 18 April 2012Khanspersupdated xref
40864view22:20, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
35270view20:26, 11 February 2010Thomasmoved references from comment to bibliography
34244view21:42, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
32318view13:24, 15 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31915view12:51, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
31350view20:30, 13 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31031view01:13, 30 July 2009MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ADCY4GeneProductThere is no SwissProt entry for a full-length sequence in mouse. This EST is from the Affymetrix Murine6500 chip.
ATF4GeneProduct406514 (Entrez Gene)
CALCAGeneProduct436744 (Entrez Gene) CRF HUMAN PMID: 11854458
CH1073-76A20.1GeneProduct559109 (Entrez Gene) MGI:97367
CH211-220F13.4GeneProduct100148976 (Entrez Gene)
CH73-270F14.2GeneProduct570108 (Entrez Gene)
CMKOR1GeneProductPMID: 10614663
Cyclic AMPMetaboliteHMDB00058 (HMDB)
Cyclic GMPMetaboliteHMDB01314 (HMDB)
DGKIGeneProduct553380 (Entrez Gene)
DKEY-190G11.2GeneProduct566998 (Entrez Gene)
DKEYP-60A7.2GeneProduct562619 (Entrez Gene) There is no SwissProt entry for a full-length sequence in mouse. This EST is from the Affymetrix Murine6500 chip.
GNB1GeneProduct322104 (Entrez Gene)
GNB3GeneProduct406483 (Entrez Gene)
GUCY2EGeneProductPMID: 11854458
IL1BGeneProduct405770 (Entrez Gene) Structure, characterization, and expression of the rat oxytocin receptor gene.

Rozen F, Russo C, Banville D, Zingg HH PMID: 7816817 quote: The presence of APREs in the OTR gene promoter suggests that the acute induction of OTR expression at the onset of parturition may be a phenomenon mechanistically similar to the fast induction of acute phase response genes. This notion is strengthened by the observation that the uterus is populated by macrophages and other specific lymphocytes (19,20). Specifically, at term, nearly half of the decidual cells are of bone marrow origin (20). IL-1beta released from macrophages stimulates the production and release of IL-6 by uterine stromal cells (21,22). Moreover, IL- is a central pathophysiological mediator of infection-induced premature delivery (23), and preterm delivery can be prevented by an IL-1 antagonist in mice (24). We speculate that under physiological as well as phathophysiological conditions, inflammatory cytokines are important inducers of labor and that this mechanism involves the cytokine-induced transcriptional activation of the OTR gene. :end quote

19. Hunt, J.S. (1994) Biol. Reprod. 50, 461-466 20. Vince, G.S., et al. (1990) J. Immunol. Methods 132, 181-189. 21. Tabibzadeh, S. (1991) Endocr. Rev, 12, 272-290. 22. Dudley, D.Jl, et. Al. (1992) J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 74, 884-889 23. Romero, R., et. Al, Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 167, 863-872.

IL6GeneProductStructure, characterization, and expression of the rat oxytocin receptor gene.

Rozen F, Russo C, Banville D, Zingg HH PMID: 7816817 quote: The presence of APREs in the OTR gene promoter suggests that the acute induction of OTR expression at the onset of parturition may be a phenomenon mechanistically similar to the fast induction of acute phase response genes. This notion is strengthened by the observation that the uterus is populated by macrophages and other specific lymphocytes (19,20). Specifically, at term, nearly half of the decidual cells are of bone marrow origin (20). IL-1beta released from macrophages stimulates the production and release of IL-6 by uterine stromal cells (21,22). Moreover, IL- is a central pathophysiological mediator of infection-induced premature delivery (23), and preterm delivery can be prevented by an IL-1 antagonist in mice (24). We speculate that under physiological as well as phathophysiological conditions, inflammatory cytokines are important inducers of labor and that this mechanism involves the cytokine-induced transcriptional activation of the OTR gene. :end quote

19. Hunt, J.S. (1994) Biol. Reprod. 50, 461-466 20. Vince, G.S., et al. (1990) J. Immunol. Methods 132, 181-189. 21. Tabibzadeh, S. (1991) Endocr. Rev, 12, 272-290. 22. Dudley, D.Jl, et. Al. (1992) J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 74, 884-889 23. Romero, R., et. Al, Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 167, 863-872.

LOC100000320GeneProduct100000320 (Entrez Gene)
LOC100003514GeneProduct100003514 (Entrez Gene)
LOC100149388GeneProduct100149388 (Entrez Gene)
LOC100149498GeneProduct100149498 (Entrez Gene)
LOC557123GeneProduct557123 (Entrez Gene) KPCM HUMAN
LOC557353GeneProduct557353 (Entrez Gene)
LOC561288GeneProduct561288 (Entrez Gene)
LOC563892GeneProduct563892 (Entrez Gene)
LOC565292GeneProduct565292 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 11809971
LOC565706GeneProduct565706 (Entrez Gene)
LOC566888GeneProduct566888 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 11809971 LGR8 MOUSE
LOC567452GeneProduct567452 (Entrez Gene)
LOC567940GeneProduct567940 (Entrez Gene)
LOC568010GeneProduct568010 (Entrez Gene)
LOC568671GeneProduct568671 (Entrez Gene)
LOC568726GeneProduct568726 (Entrez Gene)
LOC569499GeneProduct569499 (Entrez Gene) CYA1 HUMAN
LOC570659GeneProduct570659 (Entrez Gene)
LOC571825GeneProduct571825 (Entrez Gene)
LOC572250GeneProduct572250 (Entrez Gene)
LOC795659GeneProduct795659 (Entrez Gene)
LOC798222GeneProduct798222 (Entrez Gene)
MAFFGeneProduct393307 (Entrez Gene) OMIM: Inoue et al. (1994) demonstrated that the US-2 element in the promoter of the human oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR; 167055) binds specifically nuclear proteins from human myometrium at parturition. Using the US-2 element in a yeast 1-hybrid system to screen a human myometrium cDNA library, Kimura et al. (1999) isolated a full-length cDNA encoding the homolog of chicken MafF. Human MAFF encodes a deduced 164-amino acid protein with a predicted molecular mass of 17.8 kD. Like other small MAF proteins (e.g., MAFG, 602020), it contains an extended leucine zipper structure and lacks an N-terminal transactivating domain. Northern blot analysis showed a strong 2.6-kb signal in mRNA from term myometrium and from kidney, but not from nonpregnant myometrium. The MAFF protein is also preferentially expressed in term myometrium. The authors concluded that MAFF plays a role in OXTR gene upregulation at term.
MYL2GeneProduct677750 (Entrez Gene)
MYLK2GeneProduct100169950 (Entrez Gene) KML2 MOUSE
NFKB1GeneProduct565756 (Entrez Gene) Localization of regulatory protein binding sites in the proximal region of human myometrial connexin 43 gene. Echetebu CO, Ali M, Izban MG, MacKay L, Garfield RE. PMID: 10421804
NOS3GeneProductPMID: 11854458

Sladek SM, Westerhausen-Larson A, Roberts JM.

PMID: 10377025
PKIBGeneProduct797348 (Entrez Gene)
PKIGGeneProduct503808 (Entrez Gene)
PRKCDGeneProduct334571 (Entrez Gene)
PRKCQGeneProduct555521 (Entrez Gene)
RAMP2GeneProduct566313 (Entrez Gene)
RGS14GeneProduct327368 (Entrez Gene)
RGS2GeneProduct436935 (Entrez Gene)
YWHAZGeneProductPMID: 9861170 PMID: 1317796
acta1GeneProduct58114 (Entrez Gene)
acta1bGeneProduct407658 (Entrez Gene)
acta2GeneProduct322509 (Entrez Gene)
adcy2bGeneProduct557902 (Entrez Gene) There is no SwissProt entry for a full-length sequence in mouse. This EST is from the Affymetrix Murine6500 chip.
arrb1GeneProduct553266 (Entrez Gene)
atf1GeneProduct325609 (Entrez Gene)
atf2lGeneProduct100006516 (Entrez Gene)
atf3GeneProduct393939 (Entrez Gene)
atp2a2aGeneProduct393940 (Entrez Gene)
camk2aGeneProduct550436 (Entrez Gene)
camk2d2GeneProduct436815 (Entrez Gene)
cmlc1GeneProduct64671 (Entrez Gene)
cnn2GeneProduct406658 (Entrez Gene)
crcpGeneProduct751656 (Entrez Gene)
creb1GeneProduct573207 (Entrez Gene)
creb3l3GeneProduct406853 (Entrez Gene)
crhGeneProduct492507 (Entrez Gene) CRF HUMAN PMID: 11854458
cx43GeneProduct30236 (Entrez Gene) Endogenous nitric oxide suppresses rat myometrial connexin 43 gap junction protein expression during pregnancy.

Sladek SM, Westerhausen-Larson A, Roberts JM.

PMID: 10377025
fosGeneProduct394198 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 10218980 PMID: 7628395 [
gabpaGeneProduct58110 (Entrez Gene) Identification of a GABP alpha/beta binding site involved in the induction of oxytocin receptor gene expression in human breast cells, potentiation by c-Fos/c-Jun.

Hoare S, Copland JA, Wood TG, Jeng YJ, Izban MG, Soloff MS.

PMID: 10218980
gnb2GeneProduct541370 (Entrez Gene)
gnb5GeneProduct393719 (Entrez Gene)
gng12GeneProduct406604 (Entrez Gene)
gng2GeneProduct550256 (Entrez Gene)
gng3GeneProduct114462 (Entrez Gene)
gng5GeneProduct337838 (Entrez Gene)
gng7GeneProduct436670 (Entrez Gene)
gngt1GeneProduct335656 (Entrez Gene)
gpr182GeneProduct323641 (Entrez Gene)
gucy1a3GeneProduct550420 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 11854458
igfbp3GeneProduct403079 (Entrez Gene) Relaxin is a member of the Insulin Growth Factor family of proteins. IGFBP-3 binds IGFII preferentially. (SwissProt).
itpr2GeneProduct562585 (Entrez Gene)
junGeneProduct335916 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 10218980
lpar1GeneProduct368461 (Entrez Gene)
nos1GeneProduct60658 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 11854458
oxtlGeneProduct352920 (Entrez Gene) MGI:97453
plcb3GeneProduct100001532 (Entrez Gene)
plcg1GeneProduct373867 (Entrez Gene)
plcg2GeneProduct561747 (Entrez Gene)
prkacbGeneProduct563147 (Entrez Gene)
prkar2aaGeneProduct556042 (Entrez Gene)
prkcb1GeneProduct393953 (Entrez Gene)
prkceGeneProduct100005075 (Entrez Gene) This EST is listed on the Affymetrix Murine6500 chip. The SwissProt entry name is KPCE MOUSE.
prkczGeneProduct555737 (Entrez Gene)
rgs17GeneProduct436796 (Entrez Gene)
rgs20GeneProduct436704 (Entrez Gene)
rgs4GeneProduct569876 (Entrez Gene)
rgs5GeneProduct573765 (Entrez Gene)
rgs6GeneProduct562667 (Entrez Gene)
rgs7GeneProduct436814 (Entrez Gene)
ryr3GeneProduct561350 (Entrez Gene)
slc8a1bGeneProduct797199 (Entrez Gene)
sp1GeneProduct324109 (Entrez Gene) Promoter activity of the rat connexin 43 gene in NRK cells.

Fernandez-Cobo M, Stewart D, Drujan D, De Maio A.

Division of Pediatric Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA.

PMID: 11255234
ywhae1GeneProduct322060 (Entrez Gene)
ywhahGeneProduct406443 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:110206GeneProduct550519 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:112145GeneProduct550427 (Entrez Gene) KAP0 HUMAN
zgc:153624GeneProduct767685 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:153888GeneProduct768164 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:154083GeneProduct768285 (Entrez Gene) Identification of a GABP alpha/beta binding site involved in the induction of oxytocin receptor gene expression in human breast cells, potentiation by c-Fos/c-Jun.

Hoare S, Copland JA, Wood TG, Jeng YJ, Izban MG, Soloff MS.

PMID: 10218980
zgc:158799GeneProduct564064 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:171922GeneProduct559197 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:172124GeneProduct100144561 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:73189GeneProduct793087 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:92106GeneProduct326672 (Entrez Gene)
zgc:92704GeneProduct436673 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions
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