DON mycotoxin biosynthesis (Gibberella zeae)

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Revision as of 16:32, 16 August 2012 by Martin Urban (Talk | contribs)
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?CatalystTri1Farnesyl pyrophosphateCatalystTri3CatalystCatalystTri52-HydroxytrichodieneTri4CatalystCatalystCatalystTri11CatalystCatalystTri8CatalystTrichodieneCatalystTri101Catalyst1, 5, 612,13-Epoxy-9,10-trichoene-2-olIsotrichotriolIsotrichodiolGeneProductGeneProductTrichotriolIsotrichodermolIsotrichodermin15-decalonectrinCalonectrinTriacetoxyscirpenol8-Hydroxy-triacetoxyscirpenol7,8-Hydroxy-triacetoxyscirpenol3,15-Diacetylnivalenol8-Hydroxycalonectrin7,8-Dihydroxycalonectrin3,15-Diacetyldeoxynivalenol?DeoxynivlenolDONNivalenol


Gibberella zeae (Fusarium graminearum) is a fungal pathogen of major staple food crops including wheat, maize and rice. The fungus produces a range of mycotoxins including the dexoynivalenol (DON) trichothecene mycotoxin. DON contamination of food crops is a major thread to human and animal health. In wheat, but not in maize, DON was proven to be a virulence factor.

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  1. Desjardins AE, Bai G, Plattner RD, Proctor RH; ''Analysis of aberrant virulence of Gibberella zeae following transformation-mediated complementation of a trichothecene-deficient (Tri5) mutant.''; Microbiology, 2000 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Proctor RH, Hohn TM, McCormick SP; ''Restoration of wild-type virulence to Tri5 disruption mutants of Gibberella zeae via gene reversion and mutant complementation.''; Microbiology, 1997 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Proctor RH, Hohn TM, McCormick SP; ''Restoration of wild-type virulence to Tri5 disruption mutants of Gibberella zeae via gene reversion and mutant complementation.''; Microbiology, 1997 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Proctor RH, Hohn TM, McCormick SP; ''Reduced virulence of Gibberella zeae caused by disruption of a trichothecene toxin biosynthetic gene.''; Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 1995 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. ''''; , PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. Desjardins AE, Bai G, Plattner RD, Proctor RH; ''Analysis of aberrant virulence of Gibberella zeae following transformation-mediated complementation of a trichothecene-deficient (Tri5) mutant.''; Microbiology, 2000 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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106133view12:03, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
84222view13:15, 31 January 2016Martin UrbanModified title
79762view07:05, 10 April 2015EgonwFixed a typo in the case-sensitive "Chemspider" data source name.
74449view05:34, 21 April 2014EgonwFixed PubMed IDs.
72150view10:23, 25 October 2013Mkutmonadded datasource for Tri13 B
71932view20:57, 23 October 2013EgonwAdded missing metabolite identifiers.
70241view21:29, 15 July 2013MaintBotupdated to 2013 schema
67168view10:15, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'deoxynivalenol biosynthetic pathway' added !
52866view19:42, 23 October 2012MaintBotModified categories
52865view19:38, 23 October 2012MaintBotModified description
50698view14:33, 19 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50697view14:13, 19 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50696view14:03, 19 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50581view14:19, 17 August 2012Martin UrbanModified title
50492view17:42, 16 August 2012Martin Urbanupdate02
50491view17:41, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50490view17:31, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50489view17:20, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50488view16:32, 16 August 2012Martin Urbanupdate01
50487view16:28, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50486view16:18, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50485view16:08, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50484view15:57, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50483view15:47, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50482view15:36, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50481view15:26, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50480view15:16, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50479view15:05, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50478view14:54, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50477view14:44, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50476view14:34, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanPeriodical save, work in progress
50475view14:06, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanModified description
50474view13:58, 16 August 2012Martin UrbanOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
49855view22:14, 28 July 2012MaintBotadded reaction
49852view12:46, 28 July 2012Martin UrbanNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
Deoxynivlenol DONMetabolite
Farnesyl pyrophosphateMetaboliteHMDB00961 (HMDB)
Tri101GeneProductTRI101 encodes a C3 transacetylase (a self-protection factor)
Tri11GeneProductFGSG_03540 (Ensembl)
Tri1GeneProductFGSG_00071 (Ensembl)
Tri3GeneProductFGSG_03534 (Ensembl) trichothecene 15-O-acetyltransferase
Tri4GeneProductFGSG_03535 (Ensembl) cytochrome P450
Tri5GeneProductFGSG_03537 (Ensembl)
Tri8GeneProductFGSG_03532 (Ensembl)
TrichodieneMetaboliteCHEBI:15861 (ChEBI)

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