Cytokines and inflammatory response (Mus musculus)

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Revision as of 00:24, 2 March 2011 by MaintBot (Talk | contribs)
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1antibodiesTcEosTcNeutrophilFibroblastsB CellNK cellMHC IIEosEndothelial CellsClonal expansion of T cellsMacrophageHypothalamus(fever)TCRB CellPlasma CellLymphocyte ActivatedKiller Cells (LAK)T-helperMast CellantigenB CellHematopoietic Stem CellT-helperThThHematopoiesisThB CellEosTcIl10Il2Csf2Il13TnfCd4Tgfb1Ifna1Il6Il1bIl7Il6Il2TnfIl15Il1aIl3Csf1Il12bIl2Il3Il1aIl1bTcraIl15Il6Il10Il13Il4TnfCxcl3Il2Il2Ifnb1Il5TnfIl4PdgfaIl12aIl3Il3Il2Il1aH2-Eb1Il10Il6Il1aIfna1TnfIfng Inflammatory ResponseIl1aIl10Il1bIl4IfngTgfb1Il4Il15IfngCxcl1Csf2TnfIl5Il12bTRBTgfb1Il1bIl4Csf3Il6Il1bIl2TnfIl11H2-Ea



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This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP530(r21794) with a 84% conversion rate.

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  1. Kataoka T; ''Chemical biology of inflammatory cytokine signaling.''; J Antibiot (Tokyo), 2009 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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116835view10:30, 14 May 2021EweitzModified title
113977view06:46, 14 December 2020EgonwOne more clickable pathway
90712view20:14, 13 December 2016KhanspersModified title
89990view19:08, 6 October 2016Mkutmonfixed unconnected lines
86880view07:47, 14 July 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'inflammatory response pathway' added !
86879view07:47, 14 July 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'PW:0000026' removed !
70944view12:14, 17 September 2013YoungwMade box wider
69133view18:15, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67129view10:10, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'inflammatory response pathway' added !
53571view10:16, 9 November 2012AndraRDF Tidy adding Entrez Gene identifier
41319view00:24, 2 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
38654view12:49, 23 September 2010FerryJagersfixed database @ linked pathway
38651view12:40, 23 September 2010FerryJagersLinked Pathway
35248view19:56, 11 February 2010Thomasadded literature
34967view23:51, 8 February 2010KhanspersPeriodical save, work in progress
32844view20:56, 14 September 2009MaintBotAdded xrefs
32363view13:43, 15 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
32002view13:17, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
31409view20:52, 13 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
30837view00:03, 30 July 2009MaintBotConverted from Homo sapiens
21145view11:30, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Mus musculus:Cytokines and Inflammatory Response Biocarta]] moved to [[Pathway:WP222]]: Moved to stable identifier
7980view13:46, 7 January 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Mouse:Cytokines and Inflammatory Response Biocarta]] moved to [[Pathway:Mus musculus:Cytokines and Inflammatory Response Biocarta]]: Renaming species
7614view16:04, 18 December 2007MaintBotfixed category names
7471view12:42, 4 November 2007MaintBotAdded categories to GPML
6429view22:18, 22 May 2007S.Burelgpml file for [[Mouse:Cytokines_and_Inflammatory_Response_Biocarta]]

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
Inflammatory ResponsePathwayWP458 (WikiPathways)
Cd4GeneProduct12504 (Entrez Gene)
Csf1GeneProduct12977 (Entrez Gene)
Csf2GeneProduct12981 (Entrez Gene)
Csf3GeneProduct12985 (Entrez Gene)
Cxcl1GeneProduct14825 (Entrez Gene)
Cxcl3GeneProduct330122 (Entrez Gene)
H2-EaGeneProduct14968 (Entrez Gene)
H2-Eb1GeneProduct14969 (Entrez Gene)
Ifna1GeneProduct15962 (Entrez Gene)
Ifnb1GeneProduct15977 (Entrez Gene)
IfngGeneProduct15978 (Entrez Gene)
Il10GeneProduct16153 (Entrez Gene)
Il11GeneProduct16156 (Entrez Gene)
Il12aGeneProduct16159 (Entrez Gene)
Il12bGeneProduct16160 (Entrez Gene)
Il13GeneProduct16163 (Entrez Gene)
Il15GeneProduct16168 (Entrez Gene)
Il1aGeneProduct16175 (Entrez Gene)
Il1bGeneProduct16176 (Entrez Gene)
Il2GeneProduct16183 (Entrez Gene)
Il3GeneProduct16187 (Entrez Gene)
Il4GeneProduct16189 (Entrez Gene)
Il5GeneProduct16191 (Entrez Gene)
Il6GeneProduct16193 (Entrez Gene)
Il7GeneProduct16196 (Entrez Gene)
PdgfaGeneProduct18590 (Entrez Gene)
TRBGeneProduct6957 (Entrez Gene)
TcraGeneProductMGI:98553 (MGI)
Tgfb1GeneProduct21803 (Entrez Gene)
TnfGeneProduct21926 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions
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