Quercetin and Nf-kB/ AP-1 induced cell apoptosis-delete (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 18:26, 5 January 2013 by Beantha (Talk | contribs)
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774AP-1 transcription factor complexPhosphorylatedE-boxNF-kB1COX2AP-1Quercetinc-FosIkBA_HUMANIKKPhosphorylatedIkBA_HUMANNf-kBiNOSVEGFAngiogenesisCARCINOGENESISNF-kBc-JunMMP1METASTASISGene boxE-boxGene box11171177AREROSApoptosis7induces malformationinhibits dimerizationinhibition of ubiquitination78DNA damageCYP2A6carcinogenic metaboliteNrf2KEAP1Nrf2Nrf2small MAFPhase 2 enzymeCell cycle arrestMalignancy77INFLAMMATION44444444444


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59128view22:32, 21 February 2013MaintBotDeleted pathway: tutorial
57890view19:40, 4 February 2013MaintBotModified title
56310view19:45, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56309view18:26, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56306view18:00, 5 January 2013Beanthaquercetin zonder inflammation
56305view17:57, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56304view17:47, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56301view17:37, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56296view16:20, 5 January 2013BeanthaQuercetin pathway
56294view16:16, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56290view16:06, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56288view15:55, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56282view15:45, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56279view15:35, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
56276view15:24, 5 January 2013BeanthaPeriodical save, work in progress
55527view14:29, 17 December 2012Cboye21fina final�pathway
55526view14:23, 17 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55523view14:13, 17 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55517view14:03, 17 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55516view13:52, 17 December 2012Cboye21final version
55515view13:31, 17 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55351view17:11, 13 December 2012Cboye21final pathway
55350view17:07, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55347view16:47, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55346view16:46, 13 December 2012Cboye21Almost finalized
55344view16:27, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55339view16:18, 13 December 2012Cboye21All pathways included
55337view16:15, 13 December 2012Cboye21extra pathway
55327view15:49, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55317view15:29, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55312view15:19, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55305view15:09, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55296view14:59, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55291view14:48, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55283view14:38, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55267view14:18, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55262view14:08, 13 December 2012Cboye21Periodical save, work in progress
55255view13:57, 13 December 2012Cboye21New pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
COX2GeneProductENSG00000168306 (Ensembl Human)
CYP2A6GeneProductENSG00000255974 (Ensembl Human) one of several possible phase 1 enzymes
DNA damage
IKKGeneProductENSG00000104365 (Ensembl Human)
IkBA_HUMAN ProteinP25963 (Uniprot/TrEMBL)
IkBA_HUMANProteinP25963 (Uniprot/TrEMBL)
KEAP1GeneProductENSG00000079999 (Ensembl Human)
MMP1GeneProductENSG00000196611 (Ensembl Human)
NF-kB1GeneProductENSG00000109320 (Ensembl Human)
NF-kBGeneProductENSG00000109320 (Ensembl Human)
Nrf2GeneProductENSG00000116044 (Ensembl Human)
Phase 2 enzyme Protein
QuercetinMetaboliteHMDB05794 (HMDB)
VEGFGeneProductENSG00000112715 (Ensembl Human)
c-FosGeneProductENSG00000170345 (Ensembl Human)
c-JunGeneProductENSG00000177606 (Ensembl Human)
carcinogenic metaboliteMetabolite
iNOSGeneProductENSG00000089250 (Ensembl Human)
small MAFProtein

Annotated Interactions

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