IL-4 signaling pathway (Bos taurus)

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UbiquitinationActivationPMEndosomeDEndoplasmic reticulumAccession Number: NetPath 16DDCytoplasmERMethylationMolecule in the pathwayAutophosphorylationDemethylationCY -> PMPlasma membraneDCY -> PMInhibitionENTranslocationDNucleusECDeubiquitinationGlycosylationPhosphorylationDMitochondrionExtracellularCY -> PMLigandPalmitoylationGO(Protein-protein interaction)Proteins in a complex interactionSumoylationCY -> NUGolgi apparatusControlReaction through unknown mechanisms/moleculesDeacetylationDesumoylationNUEnzyme complexMolecular associationDRecruitmentAcetylationCY -> PMCYDDephosphorylationReceptorProteolytic cleavageMTCY -> NUDSTAT5ASRCIL13RA1STAT6SOCS5SOCS1STAT6BADGRB2IRS2JAK2JAK1IL4RCREBBPNFKB1IL4FESDOK2PRKCZMAPK14ELK1SOS1STAT6NFKB1BCL2L1ATF2JAK1RASA1PRKCDPIK3R1PRKD3SHC1CXCR4IL4RSTAMNCF1SPI1MAPK11JAK3SOCS3PTPN6ADRBK2ETS1PRKCDCBLIRS1INPP5DAKT1LOC532789IL2RGRPS6KB1PIK3CDSTAT1PRKCIPTK2HMGA1PLCG1MAPK1STAT6PTPN11STAT6IL4HIST2H3CMAPK14FYNRELAPRKCIMAPK3TYK2PRKCZJAK2EP300PIK3CAPRKD3Gene SymbolLCKPIK3R2


No description


GenMAPP notes 
NetPath 16 - IL-4 Signaling Pathway

NetPath ( is a collaborative project between PandeyLab at Johns Hopkins University ( and the Institute of Bioinformatics ( If you use this pathway, you must cite the NetPath website until the pathway is published.

GenMAPP remarks
This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP395(r28126) with a 87% conversion rate.

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  1. Kandasamy K, Mohan SS, Raju R, Keerthikumar S, Kumar GS, Venugopal AK, Telikicherla D, Navarro JD, Mathivanan S, Pecquet C, Gollapudi SK, Tattikota SG, Mohan S, Padhukasahasram H, Subbannayya Y, Goel R, Jacob HK, Zhong J, Sekhar R, Nanjappa V, Balakrishnan L, Subbaiah R, Ramachandra YL, Rahiman BA, Prasad TS, Lin JX, Houtman JC, Desiderio S, Renauld JC, Constantinescu SN, Ohara O, Hirano T, Kubo M, Singh S, Khatri P, Draghici S, Bader GD, Sander C, Leonard WJ, Pandey A; ''NetPath: a public resource of curated signal transduction pathways.''; Genome Biol, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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134193view18:22, 16 July 2024EgonwRemoved template comments
117539view11:15, 21 May 2021EweitzModified title
115963view08:31, 22 March 2021EgonwCopied the NetPath paper into the literature list
115953view07:18, 22 March 2021EgonwModified description
89831view12:07, 6 October 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'Interleukin mediated signaling pathway' added !
89830view12:07, 6 October 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'interleukin-4 signaling pathway' added !
89829view12:06, 6 October 2016MkutmonModified description
80839view15:28, 30 June 2015Mkutmonhomology conversion
63474view17:20, 10 May 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
40610view19:34, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
33847view00:34, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
32516view12:54, 17 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31214view19:38, 13 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
30624view22:23, 29 July 2009MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ADRBK2GeneProduct282136 (Entrez Gene)
AKT1GeneProduct280991 (Entrez Gene)
ATF2GeneProduct509827 (Entrez Gene)
BADGeneProduct615013 (Entrez Gene)
BCL2L1GeneProduct282152 (Entrez Gene)
CBLGeneProduct527418 (Entrez Gene)
CREBBPGeneProduct505453 (Entrez Gene)
CXCR4GeneProduct281736 (Entrez Gene)
DOK2GeneProduct514616 (Entrez Gene)
ELK1GeneProduct786886 (Entrez Gene)
ETS1GeneProduct540313 (Entrez Gene)
FESGeneProduct507304 (Entrez Gene)
FYNGeneProduct527263 (Entrez Gene)
GRB2GeneProduct535298 (Entrez Gene)
Gene SymbolGeneProduct
HMGA1GeneProduct618849 (Entrez Gene)
IL13RA1GeneProduct407110 (Entrez Gene)
IL2RGGeneProduct281862 (Entrez Gene)
IL4GeneProduct280824 (Entrez Gene)
IL4RGeneProduct404154 (Entrez Gene)
INPP5DGeneProduct507329 (Entrez Gene)
IRS1GeneProduct538598 (Entrez Gene)
JAK1GeneProduct537201 (Entrez Gene)
JAK2GeneProduct525246 (Entrez Gene)
LCKGeneProduct508890 (Entrez Gene)
LOC532789GeneProduct532789 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK11GeneProduct618906 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK1GeneProduct327672 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK14GeneProduct534492 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK3GeneProduct531391 (Entrez Gene)
NCF1GeneProduct281345 (Entrez Gene)
NFKB1GeneProduct616115 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3CAGeneProduct282306 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3CDGeneProduct504531 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3R1GeneProduct282307 (Entrez Gene)
PIK3R2GeneProduct282308 (Entrez Gene)
PLCG1GeneProduct281987 (Entrez Gene)
PRKCDGeneProduct505708 (Entrez Gene)
PRKCIGeneProduct528478 (Entrez Gene)
PRKCZGeneProduct286877 (Entrez Gene)
PRKD3GeneProduct538447 (Entrez Gene)
PTK2GeneProduct506270 (Entrez Gene)
PTPN11GeneProduct533590 (Entrez Gene)
PTPN6GeneProduct512312 (Entrez Gene)
RASA1GeneProduct282032 (Entrez Gene)
RELAGeneProduct508233 (Entrez Gene)
RPS6KB1GeneProduct404181 (Entrez Gene)
SHC1GeneProduct507196 (Entrez Gene)
SOCS1GeneProduct518795 (Entrez Gene)
SOCS3GeneProduct282081 (Entrez Gene)
SOCS5GeneProduct514773 (Entrez Gene)
SOS1GeneProduct537682 (Entrez Gene)
SPI1GeneProduct507100 (Entrez Gene)
SRCGeneProduct535742 (Entrez Gene)
STAMGeneProduct512734 (Entrez Gene)
STAT1GeneProduct510814 (Entrez Gene)
STAT5AGeneProduct282375 (Entrez Gene)
STAT6GeneProduct353105 (Entrez Gene)
TYK2GeneProduct512484 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions
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