Fatty acid beta-oxidation meta-pathway (Caenorhabditis elegans)

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Beta Oxidation 3 MAPPBeta Oxidation 2 MAPPThis MAPP is only present for statistical purpose,to help evaluate all beta-oxidation MAPPS at once.evaluation to prevent redundancy.Omit the 3 individual sub-mapps from statisticalBeta Oxidation 1 MAPPF54C8.1F54C8.1lipaseLIPCcka-1acs-17kat-1T25G3.4T08B2.7cpt-2CPT1BT08G2.3ACADSC05D11.7tpi-1ech-6F54D5.7dif-1ech-6ACSL6LPLC46C11.1ech-6F37C12.7C36A4.9LLC1.3Y65B4BL.5F54C8.1B0303.3B0395.3B0303.3ACSL5B0303.3T08B2.7GK2ACADLcpt-1T08B2.7E04F6.5ACADSR11F4.1


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GenMAPP notes 
Updated from Charles Redfern and Nathan Salomonis’ original by Magali Jaillard, Marijke Vermeer, Michiel Adrieans, Ron Schormans and Chris Evelo, see website
GenMAPP remarks 

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118916view10:21, 4 June 2021Mkutmonupdate metadata
116478view10:23, 7 May 2021EweitzModified title
78049view12:13, 23 November 2014EgonwRemoved database source when no identifier was given.
73854view00:55, 26 February 2014MaintBotupdated schema
67238view10:25, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'fatty acid beta degradation pathway' added !
40649view19:58, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
29806view22:08, 2 June 2009KhanspersModified name
21119view11:30, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Caenorhabditis elegans:Fatty Acid Beta Oxidation Meta BiGCaT]] moved to [[Pathway:WP209]]: Moved to stable identifier
8561view14:03, 7 January 2008MaintBotAdded to category $category
19451view14:03, 7 January 2008C.RedfernUploaded new pathway
19450view14:03, 7 January 2008EveloUploaded new pathway
8559view14:03, 7 January 2008NsalomonisUploaded new pathway

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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ACADLGeneProduct (Entrez Gene)
ACADSGeneProduct (Entrez Gene)
ACSL5GeneProduct (Entrez Gene)
ACSL6GeneProduct (Entrez Gene)
B0303.3GeneProduct176216 (Entrez Gene)
B0395.3GeneProduct181682 (Entrez Gene)
C05D11.7GeneProduct175910 (Entrez Gene)
C36A4.9GeneProduct175500 (Entrez Gene)
C46C11.1GeneProduct180737 (Entrez Gene)
CPT1BGeneProduct (Entrez Gene)
E04F6.5GeneProduct174180 (Entrez Gene)
F37C12.7GeneProduct176005 (Entrez Gene)
F54C8.1GeneProduct186222 (Entrez Gene)
F54D5.7GeneProduct174768 (Entrez Gene)
GK2GeneProduct (Entrez Gene)
LIPCGeneProduct (Entrez Gene)
LLC1.3GeneProduct178387 (Entrez Gene)
LPLGeneProduct (Entrez Gene)
R11F4.1GeneProduct173747 (Entrez Gene)
T08B2.7GeneProduct172310 (Entrez Gene)
T08G2.3GeneProduct181757 (Entrez Gene)
T25G3.4GeneProduct172509 (Entrez Gene)
Y65B4BL.5GeneProduct171643 (Entrez Gene)
acs-17GeneProduct180859 (Entrez Gene)
cka-1GeneProduct177807 (Entrez Gene)
cpt-1GeneProduct174912 (Entrez Gene)
cpt-2GeneProduct178025 (Entrez Gene)
dif-1GeneProduct177530 (Entrez Gene)
ech-6GeneProduct176376 (Entrez Gene)
kat-1GeneProduct174161 (Entrez Gene)
lipaseGeneProduct179771 (Entrez Gene)
tpi-1GeneProduct174844 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

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