
From WikiPathways

Revision as of 23:07, 20 January 2017 by AlexanderPico (Talk | contribs)
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Welcome to WikiPathways BETA

WikiPathways is an open, public platform dedicated to the curation of biological pathways by and for the scientific community. More about WikiPathways...

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  • Pathway name (Apoptosis)
  • Gene or protein name (p53)
  • Any page content (cancer)

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Today's Featured Pathway

Effect of L-carnitine on metabolism (Danio rerio)

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Effect of L-carnitine on metabolism


  • January 2017 Update: 25 new human pathways with 181 new genes. Download
  • December 22: Blog post about our translation of mouse pathways.
  • December 2016 Update: 201 edits by 15 contributors this month.
  • November 2016 Update: 143 new human genes added to pathways this month.
  • October 2016 Update: 12 new human pathways contributed this month.
  • June 2016: Our Resource Description Framework API is described in PLOS Comp Bio.
  • May 2016: Read about the Reactome pathways on this site in PLOS Comp Bio.
  • Check our TissueAnalyzer page to study pathway activity in different tissues.
  • Want to add your ORCID id to your WikiPathways account? Find out how to do it!
  • Include an interactive pathway image on your own blog/website


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