From WikiPathways
Welcome to the Adverse Outcome Pathway Portal!
This Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) portal for WikiPathways is created to highlight the molecular basis of AOPs or events in AOPS. In general, AOPs start with a Molecular Initiating Event (MIE) caused by a stressor, followed by Key Events (KEs), that lead to an Adverse Outcome (AO). These AOPs are intended specifically for regulatory decision making and are typically stored in the AOP Knowledge Base (AOPKB). Because AOPs are simplified explanations of biological effects after the effect of a stressor they are not useful to describe and understand the molecular basis of the AOPs and not suited to do data analysis. Such analysis is needed especially for in silico risk analysis that is intended to lower animal use in toxicology studies. This portal was created to present the molecular level of the AOPs and getting more into detail on the biological processes involved in them. The development of these molecular AOPS is relevant for the European research projects on toxicology EU-ToxRisk and OpenRiskNet that also fundedn part of the work.